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D&D 5E (OOC) Adventures in Middle Earth: Over the Edge of the Wild


Alright! One of my buddies and possibly his gf will be joining in. He's playing a Dunedain Warrior and I believe she expressed interest in a Hobbit Treasure Hunter.

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Alright! One of my buddies and possibly his gf will be joining in. He's playing a Dunedain Warrior and I believe she expressed interest in a Hobbit Treasure Hunter.
Awesome! That makes 3 or 4.

And Grassy Gnoll, are you one of Jago's friends or would you be our 5th? We'd love to have you!

(Swapped a double skill of lore for shadow lore)

Name: Ceodric (The Dreamer)
Class & Level: Scholar 3
Culture: Woodman of Mirkwood
Background: The Harrowed
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets

[sblock=Stats Etc]Strength 10 (+0)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 12 (+1)
Wisdom 16 [17] (+3)
Charisma 9 (-1)

AC: 13
HP: 24

Skills: Medicine (+7*), Lore (+5*), Nature (+3), Survival (+5), Investigation (+3/+5 with Adv**), Shadow Lore (+3)
*From PoW **From Hound

Saves: Wisdom (+5), Intelligence (+3)

Class Abilities:
Hands of a Healer - Master Healer (2d8 x3)
News from Afar
Tongues of Many Peoples
Healer’s Staunching Song
Path of Wisdom: marked with asterisk

Virtue: Hound of Mirkwood
Hound name: Hilda
AC: 14
HP: 12
Bite: +5, 1d6+3
Support: Investigation

Background Feature: Foreknowledge
Quality: Hardened
Speciality: Dark Secrets
Hope: Not everything is pre-ordained
Despair: Badly misinterpreted dreams

Proficiencies: Light armour, simple weapons
Tools: Medicine kit, a pipe
Languages: Westron, Vale of Anduin

Leather jerkin
Travelling gear
Belt dagger
12 silver pennies
Hand carved game set
Medicine kit

Dagger +4, 1d4+2
Staff +2, 1d6+0/1d8+0 [/sblock]

Basic Background
Not the fastest or the strongest, Ceodric is a 20-year old from Rhosgobel, where he learned the arts of lore and healing, and embraced the animal husbandry of his people. For the past year, though, Ceodric has been plagued by terrible dreams. The dreams began as snatches - brief vivid images showing various misfortunes befalling those he knew, and those he did not. As time has gone on the dreams have got longer, stranger, and harder to decipher. But they showed glimpses of other places and as his family and friends grew more wary of his warnings and questions, so his need to travel to the places he saw in his dreams became stronger. Taking his pet hound with him for companionship and safety, he set out into Middle-earth to discover more about his dreams, and the Shadow he feels increasingly is to blame for them. He hopes against hope that his path is not set out in its entirety for him, but fears that he knows too little and has misjudged his interpretations badly. He has seen dreams come to pass, and come to pass because he has tried to stop them. For a young man, he is hardened beyond his years but always tries to use his lore and knowledge to heal those who, unlike him, the Dreamer, he believes can be healed.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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