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[OOC] Aundair's Sorrow (Closed)

Nonlethal Force

First Post
As far as where to start -

We could always do the cliche: Meet in tavern, find out about bad guy, and go get 'em. Given Tullia's background and alignment, that would easily work for her as far as not needing an IC excuse to adventure. I'm guessing that would work for Boarhide and Shei as well. As for the rest, it might work it might not.

If we discussed it OOC first, we could do the reversal of the cliche beginning and be the hunted. Of course there are people out there who wouldn't mind seeing Tullia captured - especially friends as families of marks she ahs already caught. Perhaps someone is trying to capture her (and Boarhide) and Shei gets caught up by association. As for the others, perhaps this some pursuer has something against them as well.

There is always the "damsel in distress" opener. And most characters will undertake any reasonable task as long as there is a promise of compensation or at the least loyalty.

I realize we are kinda low-level to really make this realistic, but there is always the "hunt down the animal ravaging the countryside" beginning, too.

I guess in reality any of these ideas could be for one or two levels and get the party bonded. They could also serve as ways to get the party a minor reputation, leading to further employment - or at least inquiries - later on.

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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
The Hunters: Non-Lethal, AmorFati, and Fenris
[sblock]I am thinking that we will start the three of you together seeming as your backgrounds are intertwined. We will flesh out a little bit about the capture of Sheilika's attempted murder. Once we get that done we will move on from there to in-character.

What you knew prior his capture
The murders all happened in a large community outside of Marketplace in the southern end of Aundair. He marked each of his prey by leaving a small gift of a Blood Lotus and a small golden bell. He would sneak into their rooms in the darkness of the night and cut their heads off with an axe. Sheilika was the seventh marked for death. At the time she was staying in an Inn that had no doors or windows. I do not want to go into to much detail just enough to get us started. Her room is a standard 10x10 room with a bed and small dresser with a lock and the door locks. What you would have done to prepare to capture him?

The Blood Lotus is a rare subterranean Lotus that is only found on the Border of Cyre and Breland prior to the day of Mourning. [/sblock]

Nonlethal Force

First Post
The Hunters:
[Sblock]When you say flesh out, you mean write it up as part of the background or actually RP it out with the actual combat/capture? Either way is fine for me, just curious.

As far as to prepare, Tullia would have done her research on the Blood Lotus, noting that it may be one from Breland or Cyre as a main suspect. Of course, this doesn't rule anyone else out, just allows Tullia to begin to think about the perpetrator. The fact that the Inn had neither doors nor windows concerns me. How does one get in at all? Magic? If known ahead of time, Tullia would have most likely sent Boarhide in to hide under the bed if possible, and if Tullia knew of Shei's mental gifts she would have suggested Shei remain in bed until the perpetrator arrived. Tullia herself would have taken up a position in the next closest room, able to hear Boarhide's battlecry when the assassin presents himself/herself. If Shei would be unwilling to stay in the bed as a trap, Tullia would have taken her place in the bed with Boarhide underneath, waiting in trap herself - trusting in Boarhide's ability to keep her safe.[/Sblock]


[sblock]Or Boarhide could be in the bed as an even bigger surprise! "My, what big teeth you have" :) [/sblock] ;)
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Lets sblock responses to sblocked material pretty, pretty please! ;)

The Hunters
[sblock]We do not necessarily have to role play it, but we can have a good idea as to what has happened. There just might be pertinent backgroud material. :uhoh: [/sblock]
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Nonlethal Force

First Post
The Hunters:
FX said:
We do not necessarily have to role play it, but we can have a good idea as to what has happened. There just might be pertinent backgroud material. :uhoh:

That's cool with me. Any help with the how one gets in or out with no doors or windows into the place?


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
The Hunters:
Nonlethal Force said:
Any help with the how one gets in or out with no doors or windows into the place?
As you suspect there is most likely going to be magic involved. I am pretty sure that you would have searched and searched for secret doors - and you found none! ;)

Another note about the killer:
After talking with Aundairan authorities they tell you that they believe that this string of murders is associated with the famous Moon Dragon Murders four years ago in Breland. Similar MO: Last time the serial killer marked his prey 3 days prior with small hand carved soarwood statues of a dragon. All murders happened on a full moon as have these. Three men were slain in their sleep by having their heads cut off by an small axe it is believed that it is a hand or throwing axe. The soarwood statues were found on their chests.

In all 9 (6 +3) cases their eyes were found wide open as if they were staring at something intently when the stroke happened. :uhoh:


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
This will give me a little more time to work on the plot and so on. I am still here and still working!

We are still waiting on Ferrix as well. ;)

It looks like it is going to take a little while longer for us to start!

Nonlethal Force

First Post
So, are we going anywhere with this game? I realize by looking at when people last logged on that AmorFati is still apparently having computer difficulties. But is there anything the rest of us should be looking at and/or working on while we are waiting for AF to resolve the issues? Are all the characters in order?

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