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[OOC] Master of Jade, Mistress of Iron - a World of Conclave adventure


@Falkus , @slobster , both look good character ideas, I like it! As for fox form, I'm happy with the anthropic version as written. As I said, there are lots of variants on shapeshifters so it would fit okay.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to this. I'll get started on her mechanics and filling out the rest of her details shortly. Question, since she's a Tlaxu, should I use the Catfolk from the ARG, or do you have the updated details for Tlaxu for Pathfinder?

I had a thought for our characters to have a link in their past, if you are interested.

Ooooh, I like this idea, and I'm very much interested! I'm not familiar with the film (but I'll add it to my list), but I am familiar with the con from Brothers Grimm and a couple of fantasy novels I've read. And it's definitely something I can see my character doing; it's something she'll have the skills for. And it is very much how she'd rationalize it.

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Ooooh, I like this idea, and I'm very much interested! I'm not familiar with the film (but I'll add it to my list), but I am familiar with the con from Brothers Grimm and a couple of fantasy novels I've read. And it's definitely something I can see my character doing; it's something she'll have the skills for. And it is very much how she'd rationalize it.

I'd forgotten about that movie, but that's basically it! We fake a spirit infestation, get the mark to pay with a lot of fast-talk and mumbo jumbo, then I fake the symptoms of an angry spirit while you put on the banishing spirits performance. We get paid, the rich and gullible get duped, and nobody talks about it because it's embarrassing.

What could possibly go wrong? ;)


Sorry I've been so slow in posting up a fleshed out character. A coworker was transferred to another office and I've been doing her work and mine since last week. Darn work, cutting into my posting time!

I've been reading a lot on the creative conclave site; lots of info there. So much that's it's a bit overwhelming (just a bit ;)). I like the shaman; would it be possible to Pathfinder-ize it a little bit? There are a couple of issues I have with it and I'd like to know if we could change it some (notably hit dice, orisons, skill list, animal companion (?); there might be another but I'm writing from memory...) Plus I want to make sure subdomains, animal, and terrain domains are valid choices.

Dr Simon

[MENTION=22634]Falkus[/MENTION] - use Tlaxu with the following Pathfinder-modifications: add +2 Dex to starting ability scores and change skill bonuses to +2 Acrobatics, +2 Perception, +2 Sense Motive and +2 Survival for tracking purposes (also +2 Climb from claws). I think that the racial levels can stay the same, with equivalent skill changes. Catfolk options are open to use, though.
[MENTION=40413]GlassEye[/MENTION] - I'm all for PF-izing the shaman. No probs with sub-domains etc..


[size=+1]Blue Eye Bellows[/size]
Human Shaman 1
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init: +1; Senses Perception +8
[sblock=Mechanics (Incomplete)]
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 22 (1d6+16)
Fort +2 (0 (base) +2 (Con))
Ref +2 (0 (base) +1 (Dex) +1 (trait))
Will +4 (2 (base) +2 (Wis))

Speed 30 ft.
Boar Spear +3 (1d8+4 /x2; brace, special)
Ritual Knife (Obsidion Dagger) +3 (1d4+3 19-20/x2; 10 ft. range, fragile)
Unarmed +3 (1d3+3 /x2; nonlethal, provokes AoO)

Str: 16 +3 (+2 race)
Dex: 13 +1
Con: 14 +2
Int: 10 +0
Wis: 15 +2
Cha: 10 +0

Base Atk. +0; CMB +3; CMD 14
Traits Deft Dodger (+1 Ref save); Magical Talent (Prestidigitation 1/day)
H - Cosmopolitan (+2 languages; +2 class skills (Sense Motive & UMD)
1 - Alertness (+2 Perception & Sense Motive)
Skill Points: 6 = [Base (4) + human (1) + favored class (1)/Level]
Craft (Blacksmith) +4 (1 rank, +3 (CS) +0 (Int))
Knowledge (Spirits) +4 (1 rank, +3 (CS) +0 (Int))
Perception +8 (1 rank, +3 (CS) +2 (Wis) +2 (feat))
Sense Motive +8 (1 rank, +3 (CS) +2 (Wis) +2 (feat))
Survival +6 (1 rank, +3 (CS) +2 (Wis))
Use Magic Device +4 (1 rank, +3 (CS) +0 (Cha))

[Human], Spirit Speech, Themnassic, Shromic

Favored Class: Shaman

Armor/Weapons: Light & hide armors; Simple weapons.
Spirit Domain
Granted Power: You gain the aid of a spirit companion and talk to spirits in their tongue. Free proficiency in Spirit Speech.

Spirit's Advice (Sp): You can communicate with your spirit companion as a swift action, getting a sacred bonus on Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (spirits), Perception, and Survival checks equal to half your shaman level (minimum 1) for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. (5/day)

Spirit Warrior (Su): Starting 8th level, any weapon you hold gains ‘Ghost Touch’. Also incorporeal creatures attempting to make a Touch Attack on you must hit your normal AC instead (i.e., all your bonuses to AC are ‘Ghost Touch’ too). You can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to your shaman level. The rounds don't need to be consecutive.

1st - Detect Spirits

Spirit Allies:
Iron Ancestor (Artifice - Construct) (Spirit Bonded)

Bonded Power:
Artificer's Touch (Sp): You can cast mending at will, using your cleric level as the caster level to repair damaged objects. In addition, you can cause damage to objects and construct creatures by striking them with a melee touch attack. Objects and constructs take 1d6 points of damage +1 for every two cleric levels you possess. This attack bypasses an amount of damage reduction and hardness equal to your cleric level. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. (5/day)

1st - Animate Rope

White Matoo (Plant - Growth)
1st - Enlarge Person

Wild Jade Wolf (Wolf)
1st - Hunter's Howl

1st level (DC 13): 2/day
0th level (DC 12): ?

PP: 0 GP: 0 SP: 0 YP: 00

Boar Spear 5 gp / 8 lb.
Ritual Knife (Obsidion Dagger) 1 gp / .75 lb.
Traveler's Outfit -- / -- lbs. (currently worn)
Belt pouch 1 gp / .5 lbs.
Studded leather armor 25 gp / 20 lbs.

Total Weight: 00 lb

Max Weight: 0-76 (light); 77-153 (medium); 154-230 (heavy)

[size=+1]Blue Eye Bellows[/size] was born into a house full of voices: parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and numerous siblings and cousins. His name was earned for the color of his eyes, one brown and one blue, and the fact that, as the youngest male among many his job in the family smithy was to operate the bellows. There was also his unfortunate tendency to speak at a loud volume every place he went, as necessary in a smithy and in a household overfull of people, and to point out and talk to people and things that weren’t physically present.

It didn’t take Blue long to discover that no one else could see or hear Iron Ancestor, his great grandfather and a master smith who had died many years before he was born and who now gave Blue advice and taught him small tricks of crafting at the forge. When the rest of the family discovered Blue’s ability as a seer of spirits he was apprenticed to a salsham’ai shaman in Little Thalsa.

Iron Ancestor muttered constantly about the ‘dirty salsham’ai’ and their tree-house district but Blue was wide-eyed with fascination over the small people, their braashak trees and their culture, particularly the Skill of Raindrops. At the feet of his master Blue learned the value of silence, or at least speaking quietly, and gained the protection of White Matoo, a large guardian spirit that resembles an ape-like matoo carved from bleached wood of the braashak tree.

One day Blue’s mentor informed him they were going on a journey. The two of them packed and headed north. Eventually Blue was able to pry from his salsham’ai mentor their destination: Ashoyin, by way of Blue Jays and circling the swamp around to the north of the city. They never reached the city. In the hill country north of Blue Jays they were ambushed and Blue’s mentor killed. Blue barely escaped but injured and without supplies would probably have died if not for the intercession of Wild Jade Wolf, a powerful wolf spirit. Bargains were made against the advice of both Iron Ancestor and White Matoo who typically disagreed about everything and Wild Jade Wolf took possession of Blue Eye Bellows.

When Blue regained control he found himself just outside of Llaza with vague bloody memories, the satisfied, wolfish grin of Wild Jade Wolf, the silent disapproval of Iron Ancestor, and the sorrowful gazes of White Matoo. Shortly after reentering the city Blue heard tell of a yellow jade artifact and at Wild Jade Wolf’s urgings has decided to enquire about the object.

A note on domains: Iron Ancestor provides access to Artifice (Construct), White Matoo to Plant (Growth), and Wild Jade Wolf to the Wolf domain. The rest of Blue's character sheet yet to come.
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Malachite the Unfettered

Malachite's been moved over to the RG. Woot!


  • Malachite.pdf
    531.8 KB · Views: 122
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Hmmm. The link doesn't seem to be working . . .

Dr. Simon, may I change the second granted language for Mal from Terran to Thell? Terran is an automatic for Oreads, but as he was raised in a Thell tribe that would make more sense.

And another "Plot-Hook Note:" Mal's never sure how much - or even if - the Witches are monitoring his activities to make sure he's working to complete his task.

Voda Vosa

First Post
I'm interested in oriental adventures like this; I'm kinda new in the system, but if you are willing to take a well disposed noob, I'm your man (in a non-sexual nor legally binding way).
Crunch ready:

Hang Shemin




 [B]Name[/B]: Hang Shemin
[B]Class[/B]: Fighter 1
[B]Race[/B]: Human
[B]Size[/B]: Medium
[B]Gender[/B]: Male

Str: 14/16 +3		Level: 1        XP: 0
Dex: 14 +2		BAB: +1		HP: 26
Con: 14 +2		CM bonus: +4	CM defense: 16
Int: 14 +2		Speed: 20'	
Wis: 12 +1		Init: +2	
Cha: 08 -1		ACP: -2		

               Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:          10    +6    +0    +2    +0    +0    +0    18
Touch: 12              Flatfooted: 16

                           Base   Mod  Misc    Total
Fort:                      2      +2           +4
Ref:                       0      +2           +2
Will:                      0      +1           +1

[b]Weapon		Attack		Damage	Critical[/b]
MW Falichon		+6		2d4+4	18-20x2
Guisarme		+4		2d4+4	x2
Longbow 		+3		1d8	x3

Languages: Common,

Human: +2 Str, bonus feat, bonus skill.

Feats and traits: 
Fighter feats ( Profs + (F))
Quick draw (F)
Godless healing
Rich parents
Weapon focus (Falichon)

Special abilities: 
Godless healing: heals 1d8 as a move action once per day.

Skills               Ranks	Mod	Misc	Total
Climb			1	+3	-2      +4
Intimidate		1	-1              +3
Ride			1	+2	-2	+3
Survival		1	+1		+5
Swim			1	+3	-2	+4


Masterwork Breastplate				(30lb, 350gp)
Masterwork Falichon				(8lb, 375gp)
Guisarme					(12lb, 9gp)
Crowbar						(5lb, 2gp)
Flint and steel					(--lb, 1gp)
Blanket for winter				(3lb, 5sp)
Backpack					(2lb, 2gp)
Grappling hook					(4lb, 1gp)
Rope						(10lb, 1gp)
Longbow						(3lb, 75gp)
Torch x10					(1lb, 1sp)
Waterskin					(4lb, 1gp)
Quin the Dog	25gp
HP: 23		Init: +1
AC: 13		Speed: 40'
Bite: +2, 1d4+1 dmgx2
+4 Fort, +3 Ref, +1 Will
Traits: Low light vision, +4 to survival (tracking), Scent, Acrobatic jump.
Tricks: Nrmal tricks plus Track and Come
Perception +8, Stealth +5, Survival +1

Money: 57 gp
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