The Longbowman is an archer of exceptional skill and
mastery over his weapon of choice, the longbow. Longbowmen
have taken the advantages of their chosen weapon and have
trained to exceed the logistical envelope of their chosen role. They
live and breathe longbow, eat longbow, drink longbow and dream
longbow. They measure distances in flights , being the distance an
arrow will fly from a standard longbow at an optimal angle of launch
(approximately one thousand feet), but also being significantly less
than the range a Longbowman can eke out of his finely tuned
While some longbowmen are in large organized armies,
many more have military training but work in skirmishing units or
independently of military units completely. They are also relied upon
in the defence of fortifications, and some with the inclination
become Snipers.
Most Longbowmen are drawn from the ranks of Fighters
(more often than from the Warriors), with others drawn from
Rangers and even Rogues. Few Barbarians or Paladins find the role
satisfying as it doesn t involve any melee combat except as a lastditch
defence while retreating. Most equip themselves with the best
mighty composite long bows they can obtain, and carry extra
bowstrings and the very straightest arrows.
Hit Dice: d8
To qualify to become a Longbowman (Bow), a character must
fulfill all the following criteria.
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Martial Weapon
Profici ency (any bow)
Special: Training from another Longbowman (any level) or Military
Archer of level 5 or greater
Base Attack Bonus: 4+
Class Skills
The Longbowman s class skills (and the key ability for
each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate
(Cha), Jump (Str), Spot (Wis) and Swim (Str). See Chapter 4: Skills
in Core RuleBook 1 for skill descriptions.
Skill Points Per Level: 2 + Int Modifier
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Longbowman
prestige class.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The Longbowman
gains no new weapon or armour proficiencies.
Primary Weapon: At level 1, the Longbowman selects
the longbow as his primary weapon. At 1st level the character
receives a +2 competence bonus to all attacks made with his
primary weapon. This bonus increases by one every three levels: at
4th level the bonus increases to +3, at 7th level the bonus increases
to +4 and at 10th level the bonus increases to +5. This bonus stacks
with the Weapon Focus feat. (The primary weapon bonus balances
out the slower BAB progression for the Military Archer, making him
a better shot than an equivalent-level Fighter, but a worse melee
Range Increase: At 2nd level, the Longbowman can eke
extra range out of his longbow. This increases the base range
increment of the weapon by 50% of it s base value. When combined
with the Far Shot feat, this increases the range increment to double
it s base range increment.
Pinpoint Accuracy: At 3rd level and higher, the
Longbowman can spend a full round action doing nothing else but
aiming at a target, and then gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the
attack roll against that target. (Aiming can last up to one round per
point of Wisdom Bonus, with a minimum of one round and a
maximum of 4 rounds, adding +2 to the bonus for each additional
full round of aiming). The Longbowman must use a full-attack action
to make one attack that receives this bonus and he cannot be in an
area threatened by an enemy while aiming. (If an enemy moves and
threatens the Longbowman while he is using Pinpoint Accuracy, he
does not gain any bonuses to his attack.)
Distance Shot: At 5th level, the Longbowman can shoot
at targets as if they were one range increment closer than they are,
thus eliminating the -2 penalty for shooting at targets in the second
range increment, and reducing the penalties for shooting at more
distance targets by 2. This does not allow the Longbowman to fire
beyond the standard 10 range increments. At level 8 this power
allows the Longbowman to shoot at targets as if they were two
range increments closer than they are.
Extreme Range: At 6th level, the Longowman has the
ability to shoot targets (with his primary weapon) who are at
fantastic range. He may now shoot up to 2 range increments further
than normal (or a max of 12 range increments). Standard range
modifiers still apply. At 9th level this increases by a further 2 range
increments to 4 additional range increments (or a max of 14 range
Table 1-1 : Longbowman
Class Level Base Attack Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1 +0 +0 +2 +0 Primary Weapon +2
2 +1 +0 +3 +0 Range Increase
3 +2 +1 +3 +1 Pinpoint Accuracy
4 +3 +1 +4 +1 Primary Weapon +3
5 +3 +1 +4 +1 Distance Shot +1
6 +4 +2 +5 +2 Extreme Range +2
7 +5 +2 +5 +2 Primary Weapon +4
8 +6 +2 +6 +2 Distance Shot +2
9 +6 +3 +6 +3 Massive Range +4
10 +7 +3 +7 +3 Primary Weapon +5
The extremists of the Archer set, Snipers are guerrilla and
tactical archery experts. Instead of working with teams of other
archers and longbowmen, Snipers often set up independently and
shoot for particular targets, usually officers, spellcasters and unit
leaders. Often they will set-up positions before a battle high in trees
or in other camouflage locations in preparation for an upcoming
battle. They are generally serious people, considered to be dry of
wit and they often seem to have little interest in anything besides
their single-minded focus on the perfect shot.
Snipers are recruited from expert archers and
longbowmen, and always have several levels of those prestige
classes before becoming snipers.
Hit Dice: d8
To qualify to become a Sniper (Sni), a character must fulfill all the
following criteria.
Feats: Point B lank Shot , Precis e Shot, W eapon Focus (any bow)
Base Attack Bonus: 6+
Special: Pinpoint Accuracy special ability
Class Skills
The Sniper s class skills (and the key ability for each skill)
are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int),
Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis) and Swim
(Str). See Chapter 4: Skills in Core RuleBook 1 for skill descriptions.
Skill Points Per Level: 2 + Int Modifier
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Sniper
prestige class.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The Sniper s training
gains no additional weapon or armour proficiencies.
Primary Weapon: At level 1, the Sniper selects one of
the following ranged weapons to be his primary weapon: heavy
crossbow, light crossbow, longbow, shortbow. At 1st level the
character receives a +2 competence bonus to all attacks made with
his primary weapon. This bonus increases by one at level 5. This
bonus stacks with the Weapon Focus feat. (The primary weapon
bonus balances out the slower BAB progression for the Sniper,
making him a better shot than an equivalent-level Fighter, but a
worse melee combatant.) A sniper who already has the Primary
Weapon ability from another class m ust select the same primary
Extended Sneak Attack: Beginning at level 1, the Sniper
gains the ability to perform a sneak attack (as per the rogue ability,
Core Rulebook 1) using his primary weapon exclusively. In addition,
unlike a normal sneak attack, this sneak attack an be done at
ranges of up to 5 range increments from the Sniper. If used within a
range of 30 feet, (and within the other normal restrictions of a sneak
attack) then this extraordinary ability stacks with any other sneak
attack the character may have from levels of Rogue or Blackguard,
Improved Pinpoint Accuracy: At 2rd level and higher, the
Sniper improves his Pinpoint Accuracy ability, able to maintain it for
one additional round (for an additional +2 circumstance bonus to his
attack roll).
Eagle s Eye: At fourth level, the Sniper gains a +4
competence bonus on all spot rolls.
Table 1-1 : Sniper
Class Level Base Attack Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Primary Weapon +2, Extended Sneak Attack +1d6
2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Improved Pinpoint Accuracy
3 +2 +1 +3 +3 Extended Sneak Attack +2d6
4 +3 +1 +4 +4 Eagle s Eye
5 +3 +1 +4 +4 Primary Weapon +3, Extended Sneak Attack +3d6