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OOC: Tales From The Old Bald One-Eyed Salty Red Dog Tavern!

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To the GM :)

My new character and some notes:
[sblock]Magic Chainshirt +1 (1000+250) 1250
Magic Long Sword +1 (2000+315) 2315
Hewards Handy Haversack (2000) 2000
Total 5565

I would be 165Gp over…Hmmm

Change to
Mithral Chainshirt (1100)
Magic Long Sword +1 (2315)
Handy Haversack (2000)
Total 5415

Now it is Over by 15Gp


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First Post
[sblock] allright, I'm going for the 'djeez-why-are-all-the-other-palladins-such-a-bunch-of-goody-shoe-morons-who-were-at-the-back-of-the-line-when-brains-were-handed-out', chain-smoking, grumbling, sarcastic half-orc palladin. He'll be lawfull-good in the sense that Sam Vimes is lawful good. He just doesn't have to like it. In fact, he hates it. But, you know, that's life for you.So at times he'll drink a bit. A bit much, actually. A bit too much. Only one big problem : it doesn't affect him in the way it does those puny humans Will you allow the "carouser" feat from 7'th sea, wich is that the character can basically drink anyone under the table, without getting senseless. This gives a +2 to intimidate for those who could be impressed by it (sailors, wagonneers, dwarves...)

Also, I'll create a character tonight, but I don't have acces to excell. I'll put it in sblocks and later transfer it to heroforge when I have the time.

Cheers [/sblock]


First Post

Gruuaamsh Skullcleaver,
Half-Orc Lvl 4 Paladin

Str 18 (+4)
Dex 11 (+0)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 12 (+1)

BAB +4
HP 39

Longsword +10 dmg 1d8+4 (19-20/*2)

Saving throws:
Fort 7=4+2+1
Ref 2=1+0+1
Will 4=1+2+1

Race abilities:

  • +2 Strength, –2 Intelligence, –2 Charisma.
    A half-orc’s starting Intelligence score is always at least 3. If this adjustment would lower the character’s score to 1 or 2, his score is nevertheless 3.
  • Medium: As Medium creatures, half-orcs have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Half-orc base land speed is 30 feet.
  • Darkvision: Half-orcs (and orcs) can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and half-orcs can function just fine with no light at all.
  • Orc Blood: For all effects related to race, a half-orc is considered an orc.
  • Automatic Languages: Common and Orc. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, and Abyssal.
  • Favored Class: Barbarian. A multiclass half-orc’s barbarian class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty.
Class abilities:
Aura of good, detect evil smite evil 1/day
Divine grace, lay on hands
Aura of resolve, divine health
Turn undead

Weapon Focus:Longsword.

Cure light wounds.

Skills: total=ranks+ability+special
Concentration 4=2+2
Bluff 3=2+1
Handle Animal 3=2+1
Heal 6=4+2
Knowledge (nobility and other pretentious basterds) 2=1+1
Knowledge (religion and misguided zealots) 3=2+1
Ride 3=3+0
Sense Motive 5=3+2
Spot 3=1+2


Worn heavy steel shield (15 lbs, 20 gp)
Battered Full Plate Armor (50 lbs, 1500 gp)
Plain Masterwork Longsword (4 lbs,15 gp)
Lance (10 lbs, 10 gp(strapped on the diet warhorse))
Warhammer (5lbs, 12 gp)
Dagger *2 (4 gp, 2 lbs)
Heavy Warhorse (400 gp, not planning on carying it)
Diet Warhorse (150 gp, less calories, but still not planning on lifting it, not even to impress women)
Military saddle (20 gp, horse will carry it)
Pack Saddle (5 gp, for the diet warhorse)
Chainmail Barding (600 gp, might wear it if really desperate, but meant for the heavy warhorse 160 lbs)
Camping gear (I'm not gonna disturb you with a long list of every single fishing hook, silk rope, hemp rope, small tent, horse blankets, shovel, lantern, trail rations(5 days), waterskin (2) wineskin (3), whetstone, oil, smal portable dwarf for making camp and latrine-digging, travel-refrigerator, lantern (bullseye), lantern oil (2 pints) ,horse fodder, flint and steel, belt, hooded cloak, adventurers clothing, boots, fresh underwear for two days, soap, shampoo, anti-dandruff ointment, whistle, skinning knife, small nuclear detonator, car alarm for the horses, healers kit, etcetera.... (lets call it 20 gp, and the light horse will carry it)

Special items:
Silver hip flask with the finest dwarven brandy a man can buy.
Silver case with foul-smelling, evil looking undead (or almost undead) cigars.
Small ornamental garden dragon for lighting cigars is out of the question i assume.

Skullcleaver is a good man. He often wishes he wasn't, but once you know the difference between good and evil there isn't a choice really. That still doesn't mean he has to like it. As a matter of fact, he hates it. But there you go. He has an amazing repertoire of vile curses, wich he often uses.
He is clearly a half-orc, but nature cursed him with fairly good looks, if you don't mind tusks. He is strong, and tall, and, much to his emberrasment has curly blond hair, wich he shaves very short for that very reason.
His soft, healthy skin makes him the laughing stock of orc-barbarians wherever he goes, so he only shaves every five days, resulting in a rather fashionable stubby beard, a fact he vehemently denies (the fashionable, not the beard).
No wonder he's driven to alcohol and vile cigars.

Usually he only wears the breastplate of his armor, wearing the rest only when he suspects trouble is afoot, or when trying to impress someone.
He is a impressive sight in his full-plate armor. The only embellishment is his helmet, wich is shaped like the head of a wolf. His enemies often suspect that it is magical, since sometimes a vile-smelling smoke kan be seen to emerge from the snout, and a red glow seems to smolder in its depths.

Gruuuaamsh is a palladin of tritherion, god of justice (and brandy, love and vile cigars, according to a small sect after the schism that occured last tuesday at five am after an incident that involved copious amounts of brandy, a cigar, two ladies of negotiable virtue and a priestess formerly of StCuthbert the now a bit less pure then before) who roams the world trying to get away from people he feels he is obliged to help. However, no matter how much trouble he takes to be as repugnant as possible, someone somewhere always tells him their problems, wich he then tries to solve as quickly as possible so he can continue to drink in peace.....

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Gray Shade

First Post
Hey Lazlow (or anyone else who is sure): Any word on our starting gold. You said Max for 4th level, but I can't find that in my books.

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Ranger Rick

First Post
Here is a more fleshed out character. I will submit his background later on Monday.

Name: Desert Sump
Human LE
1.9 meters Tall
Bald with bushy Yellow eyebrows.
Roman nose that leans to the left

str 16
dex 16
con 12
int 8
wis 17
cha 9
Monk 4

Fort 5
Reflex 7
Will 7
Speed 40 feet

Flurry of Blows Attack Bonus: +1/+1
HP 30
AC 17 (10+3dex, +3 wis+1magic)
init +3

Fists +4/+4 1d8+3
Silver dagger +6 1d4+3
Block of wood
Sling +6 1d6

Listen 7 3 10
Move silently 7 3 10
Sense Motive 7 3 10
Spot 7 3 10

Unarmed Strike
Deflect arrows
Stunning Fist
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot

Evasion, flurry of blows unarmed strike, Ki strike (magic), slow fall 20 ft, Still mind

Wearing worn robe
Ring of sustenance
Bracers of armor +1
Brooch of Shielding
Deputy pack
10 Sunrods
GP 581

Desert is not one of the brightest of his monestary. He is easily distracted and why he has only learned to defend himself using his fists. He is very obdient and will follow all instructions to the letter. His inititive is not the best and many times he will wait for someone to give him instruction.

He ended up in the tavern after following a shiny siver chain that dangled from a traveler.

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First Post
Lazlow said:
Great, thanks for reminding me of something:

Since you're starting out 4th level, take the max level of gold for 4th level (I don't have my books with me right now, so I'm not sure what it is, exactly). Also, you can take any non-magical weapons and/or equipment you want for free, as long as the original cost (in the book) is less than 100 gp. (This is to help represent your previous years of adventuring - don't know if this is an actual rule or a house rule, but we'll use it.)

Does this include transportation, ie mules, wagons, etc? What about hirelings? I figured I'd leave it unspoilered since it's a general question :)

Also, I don't have UA, how do action points work?

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