OotS 574


Celia is not a celestial. She's a Sylph, an Outsider (Air). Remember that we first met her guarding the Air Sigil in the Dungeon of Dorukan.

That doesn't really excuse her stupidity in this comic though - sylphs have an average Int 15 and Wis 16.

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First Post
While she is an outsider (air), I was under the impression that she became a lawyer in the celestial realm and had thus spent time predominantly with outsiders (air) and (good).


First Post
Well we know Rich allows 3rd party material in the strip (see Elans prestige class.) Does anybody know where he got Celia's 'Dodge Clue' feat?

Celia just has Wisdom as her dump stat. I liked this strip and I'm guessing the Cleric just casts Animate Dead or something similar on the dead bodies.

Olaf the Stout


With a name like "Grubwigler" I'm not thinking Cleric, I'm thinking "Necromancer." :)

He'll probably be taken aback when she offers to pay him top dollar for the corpse, instead of him paying her to take it off her hands. :)

Roy as a skeleton - oh, he's gonna love this... :D

Yes, for my thousandth post, sadly, I have to call shenanigans on OotS. A lawyer, even a celestial lawyer, could not be this unobservant and ill-educated. What, they don't inform celestials about undead and necromancy? She can't detect evil?

When did she go from being a sensible and forward woman interested in dating one of the few adults in the OotS party to being such a ninny?

You've obviously never dealt with 'court appointed' attorneys before.... :confused:


I do wonder, however, how Belkar will die, as I expect he will finally meet his end somewhere in this city.

An appropriate place for him to get knifed too. I like this town, it's got flavor. Three knifings and a bribe and just in the first panel alone!

With a name like "Grubwigler" I'm not thinking Cleric, I'm thinking "Necromancer." :)

He'll probably be taken aback when she offers to pay him top dollar for the corpse, instead of him paying her to take it off her hands. :)

Roy as a skeleton - oh, he's gonna love this... :D

That sounds cool...he won't be happy watching this up on his cloud.

Voidrunner's Codex

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