OotS 585

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Well we know V can't get killed yet, but she sure seems to be trying. Or who knows, perhaps this is leading to the four words prediction.


I forget, what was the prediction about V?

something like he will discover the 4 words of ultimate arc arcane power and then die. (or something to that effect -- it's been a long time :) but the 4 words of ultimate arcane power was a definite... so he has to live long enough to be able to do that).


Inventor of Super-Toast
Belkar would contribute to V's death.
Or to Roy's death, or to Miko's death, or that of Miko's "stupid horse".

It is entirely within the realm of possibility that this prophecy has already been fulfilled (if we take Belkar giving Roy the ring of jumping as integral to Roy's death).


LEW Judge
Or to Roy's death, or to Miko's death, or that of Miko's "stupid horse".

It is entirely within the realm of possibility that this prophecy has already been fulfilled (if we take Belkar giving Roy the ring of jumping as integral to Roy's death).

Even by the strictest construction of responsibility, Belkar has already been responsible for the death of one of the creatures listed in his question, namely the oracle. So, I don't seen any interpretation by which the prediction has *not* been fulfilled.

But that's Belkar's prophecy. fba827 referred to Vaarsuvius' prophecy, which was that he would achieve complete and total ultimate arcane power "by saying the right four words to the right being at the right time for all the wrong reasons". Nothing in there about dying. Durkon is the one whose prophecy involved his own death.


Then why does V look like hell? Is all that reseach wearing him out?

He has been researching without sleep for over a 100 strips now. :D

The research he's doing, however, is to (I believe) find a way to break through the wards around Azure City and contact Haley and others. But my point is, he's not specifically researching his ultimate arcane power at the moment (though he may find it as a side effect of the research he's doing). But he's researching at the expense of his personal health/sleep none the less.


something like he will discover the 4 words of ultimate arc arcane power and then die. (or something to that effect -- it's been a long time but the 4 words of ultimate arcane power was a definite... so he has to live long enough to be able to do that).
Belkar would contribute to V's death.
It is entirely within the realm of possibility that this prophecy has already been fulfilled (if we take Belkar giving Roy the ring of jumping as integral to Roy's death).
You know, this is exactly how Players remember stuff in my games.

Total Bullgrit

Voidrunner's Codex

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