Orcs on the Rampage - Tales from the Broken Lands(Updated 25-May-06)


NarlethDrider said:
I'll give these guys a shot (though my 'style' is somewhat different than bobacus's---some old stuff in a link in my sig)---Greywolf, u should run a PbP game of this!!!Please!:)

I've seen the two Orcs in your old art thread, I posted there as well. Your style is different, a little harder edge with lots of detail from what I saw. I like it too. As for a Pbp game of this, I'm running a pirates Pbp, (just got it back off the ground from hiatus) and playing in another. Another Pbp game might be beyond by organizational skills and time available.

Pausing work on the story hour update, to get the Broken Voice 5 up and posted for this weeks session. I'll post the link in the filler post up above some time tomorrow if the boards are up.


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Return to In Search of the Unknown part 6 “No hurting the Kobold.”

Iirkh and Gorga move into the cloud of noxious fumes to find the Goblin and meet the threat with weapons drawn. Both are able to shrug off the effects of the stinking vapors. Coming to the end of the cloud, Gorga attacks the four-knuck** tall demon, which begins communicating directly into his head.

“Come to me.”

Gorga shakes his head in disbelief. Gorga begins calling to his warband.

“Come join the fight, the cloud stinks less than Scrag’s feet.”

Scrag and Tyco begin to move down the 2 shin wide hallway, with Hobna, Shglsnor, and Gilnak bringing up the rear. Sharraxtharkul moves off to the side, to allow them to pass. Just as the Orcs are about to enter the cloud, one of the demonic creatures activates a magic ability, and puts fear into the mind of the warband leader, while Iirkh manages to resist the effect. Stumbling through the obscuring cloud of noxious fog, the Half-Ogre nearly steps on the whimpering Goblin, a creature reaches into the stinking cloud and rakes a claw across Iirkh’s arm. He reaches down, grabs the Goblin, and tosses him out of the way of combat. He feels Gorga brush past him as he heads through the cloud back towards the warband.

“Retreat, Retreat.”Calls Gorga, as he comes running back out of the cloud.

Sharraxtharkul has had enough, he moves into the cloud to see what is causing so much trouble, as the cloud begins to dissipate. The goblin has heard of these wretched creatures, Dretches. They have some magical powers and resist damage, but they can be killed. Hobna moves up behind the Goblin and lets an arrow fly at one of the creatures.

It simply sticks and falls to the ground offering no real damage to the outsider. Iirkh begins pounding one with his Great club, and the other sees this as an opportunity to retreat.

Stay Away, Stay Away. Iirkh can hear in his head, as the Dretch runs leaving the other to the tender mercies of his club.

The Orcs look at each other and begin to wonder at the conflicting commands by the warband leader and his retreat past them. The look of fear was evident on his face, and the Orcs looked about with trepidation. Within two ***spits Gorga comes right back past them, the look of fear gone from his face.

“Come help me kill them. Two small creatures will die at our blades.”

A door slams around the corner North.
Sharraxtharkul tells Gorga. “We must follow quickly, before it can summon allies.”

Little does he know that it is too late. Upon entering the room, he begins summoning a demonic replacement for the Dretch killed by the Orcs. The Dretch has already warned its’ master of the approaching Orc warband, and Buimbu begins casting spells.

“Let’s see, Fly, Seeming of the Dragon’s Blood, Mage Armor.”

Buimbu looks over at the Dretch and its’ newly summoned companion.

“Two of you should be able to handle a few Orcs.” He thinks at them, with disdain laced through his thoughts. “Now pour that Oil on the floor by the door. I will make it hot for them.”


The warband finishes off the Dretch, and moves up to the door. Scrag is ahead, with Shglsnor, Iirkh, and Gorga right behind. He braces himself and heaves against a door that will not budge. The warband looks at him, with a few smiles cracking, and Iirkh steps forward.

“I will open door.”

With a push of one mighty hand, the door is flung open. Iirkh sees two Dretches about 4 shins away, across a pool of something on the floor. Flying in the air some 8 shins away to the right, is a kobold, tinged red, with horns beginning to form on its’ head, and down its’ back and tail. He draws up with arms spread out wide, with a cape draped across its’ arms.

“Hello Orcs, You are becoming quite the problem for me now. Keep back, the floor is covered with Oil, and I’ll set it afire with my flaming breath."

Gorga is anxious in the hallway. “What do you see?”

Iirkh snickers a little and says back over his shoulder. “Tiny kobold that flies. More Demons.” As Iirkh begins to step into the room, the kobold intones a spell. Iirkh stops cold in his tracks while the spell seeps into his mind convincing him that this kobold is one of his best buddies.

“Please my good friend, keep them from harming me, they want to see me dead.”

Iirkh nods. “Ok.” Turning around he speaks again. “No hurting the kobold. You go back now.” Iirkh does not need to move to block the hallway, which is a dead end off of the nearest hallway 4 knucks back south.

No one else enters the section of hallway, and Scrag and Shiglsnor try to force their way past the Half-Ogre.

Not wanting to hurt the warband much, Iirkh braces himself, and keeps the two Orcs from pushing past him. For a short time, there is a standoff where the Half-Ogre refuses to move, or let anyone past.

Tyco takes it upon himself to begin taunting Iirkh. “Come on you big dummy, get out of the way.”

With the calming words of Buimbu in his ear, Iirkh doesn’t rise to the challenge, and stays put, to the consternation of the warband. If they anger him enough, some Orcs will die trying to fight past him. After some time of futilely trying to push past Iirkh, and Tyco trying to taunt the Half-Ogre, Scrag decides to play dead, and falls to the ground peaking through half-closed eyes.

Even Iirkh can see that he is faking it, and reaches down, picks up the prone Orc, and tosses him down the hallway to land in a heap.

Buimbu begins coaching the Half-Ogre to get the Orcs to move back the way they came. Having heard many of their names now, the Sorcerer puts them to good use.

“Iirkh, convince the Orcs to move away, and keep them away down the hallway you just came through. This will make me feel safer. That Gorga is very dangerous, and Tyco wants to hurt me.”

“You move away. You gonna hurt the kobold. He is my friend.” Iirkh continues to block the doorway, and pushes Shglsnor back two shins.

Buimbu casts a spell on himself and can no longer be seen. He communicates with the Dretches to await his command. He doesn’t want them to get too close to Iirkh.

With the argument continuing, and Tyco trying to anger Iirkh, Gorga steps up to try taking control of the situation. With that move, Buimbu knows who the leader is. Chanting is heard in the air behind Iirkh, and a dog with flame for breath appears next to Gorga and Scrag. Buimbu meanwhile entreats Iirkh to remain and keep defending him.

“Iirkh, please stay here and defend me. If you go to fight that Hound from Hell, Tyco will run past you and hurt me.”

Convinced, Iirkh holds his ground, blocking the way for anyone to get past him.

Tyco just won’t leave him alone however. “Iirkh, that little kobold is controlling you. Come fight me now, I think I am stronger. Step away from the little runt, and prove you are Ogre and Orc enough to fight me.”

With some convincing from the kobold, Iirkh does not take the Orc up on his challenge.

The Hellhound breathes fire injuring Gorga, Scrag and Gilnak, but at a final cost as all three carve it up in retaliation, sending it back to where it was summoned. Buimbu, seeing Tyco as a threat for taunting his new bodyguard, invokes a Dragon Bolt, blasting the Orc with four streaking Red Dragon shaped bolts of energy.

Gorga begins arguing with Iirkh.

“Move Iirkh, I order it. This is the slime we have been ordered to kill.” He spits to the side in disgust. “Kobolds, vermin, we must destroy this nest of them.”

“No hurting the kobold, he Iirkh’s friend.”

With more argument going this way, little is accomplished, and Gorga decided to try a new tactic.

“Iirkh, we will go back then, and rest from our battle here. You come along, when it is safe for your friend.”

Scrag starts inching over to the hallway to the left, as the rest of the warband is gathered to head back the direction they came. Buimbu is flying behind the Half-Ogre, pointing out those that do not leave.

Gorga calls out. "Get over here Scrag." But the Orc will not listen, and has his own plans.

Rhgl and Tyco pass by Iirkh and move along with the rest of the warband. Scrag runs off into the darkness, and Iirkh is satisfied. Making sure that none can sneak around him, Iirkh heads off after the warband. As soon as Iirkh moves off to the south, Buimbu directs the Dretches who are able to communicate in his mind, “Chase down that Orc, the one they call Scrag, and kill him.”

Realizing that he is being chased by the demons, Scrag begins running, and soon finds himself at the entrance to the stronghold. He runs outside into the sun, hoping that they will not follow him.

Next Up: Return to In Search of the Unknown part 7 “A Kobold can Breathe Fire?”

* Shins are equivalent to 5 Knucks, or about the length of an Ogre’s Shinbone<br />
** Knucks are equivalent to feet, Ogre Knuckles as a unit of measure<br />
*** Boar – Measure of time it takes to skin a boar, about one hour. Spits are also used as a measure of time. A boar on a spit is turned over a fire 6 times in about a minute. So a spit is ten seconds.


Slight Spoiler here

Slight Spoiler here Don't read and look at the link to the map, if that matters to you.

A map of the area that Combat is taking place in. The Orcs came from the South, the two Dretches were waiting in the hallway, where it comes North, and splits West and East to the Dire Weasels(that they have not met up with yet). Scrag followed the Dretch around the little jog to the West and then North, to the Sorcerers room. This is where Iirkh moved up to open the door, and was charmed, blocking the hallway for the rest of the warband. Combat occured in the hallway, where it is labeled "Hallway Battle". See the Map here if you are interested. Uploads don't seem to be working for me. Let me know if you have any questions or comments. I am already working on the second half of this encounter for the next update.



Return to In Search of the Unknown part 7 “A Kobold can Breathe Fire?”

Tyco and the remaining Orcs begin grumbling about the recent leadership decisions Gorga has made. When will he make up his mind? Attack, run away, attack, now we leave to rest. This is not good. Rhgl hears the grumbling, and rocks tumbling over each other in his brain can almost be seen as he starts plotting again. He has not made his feelings known about the warband leadership for some time now. Through the magic of his earring, Gorga can tell that the Orcs are dissatisfied with him. "Why did he run? Those demons did something to his mind, and he did not like losing control like that." The warband makes it back to the recently used rest area, in the old throne room, where the two dire weasels were killed.

Gorga and Sharraxtharkul get any wounds bandaged, while Shglsnor and Hobna watch the hallways. Iirkh is standing in the doorway, making sure no one tries to get past him.


“That did not go too badly.” Buimbu congratulates himself. The largest and most effective warrior has been neutralized, and the rest of the Orcs are wary of taking his measure. “I must have that one back.” A message spell should do the trick nicely, first however, the Dretches must be recalled. “Come back to me my demonic friends, let us regroup.” The answer is not long in coming.

“Yes, we come.”

That taken care of, Buimbu casts his spell. “Iirkh, return to me, your friend Scrag has attacked me, return to defend me.” The kobold begins to smile, and smoke wafts up from the edges of his mouth. He moves to the mouth of the hallway to his room, and lies on the floor, as if he dropped there after being attacked.


Rhgl and Gorga see Iirkh turn his head as if listening to something, and watch him turn and run back down the hallway. He is heard to say. “Iirkh coming little kobold. Will stop Scrag from hurting you.”

Gorga turns to the warband. “Wait here, I will get Iirkh to come back.”

Rhgl makes his way over by Tyco, and begins talking to the wild eyed Orc.
“Poor little Rhgl feels as though the leadership in this band is not what it seems to be. While, Gorga looks out for us, he does not show the leadership needed. Another should take his place.” Tyco begins nodding his head.

In the hallway, running after Iirkh, Gorga hears ‘Gorga cares for us, he does not show the leadership needed. Another’, and the voice trails off. Still unable to discern voices, he is not sure who made the comment. It will have to wait; Iirkh can not be allowed to run off and get killed or worse; used against the warband.

Iirkh runs up quickly, to find the kobold lying on the floor in disarray, as if he was beaten up. “You Ok kobold? Scrag hurt you?”

“Yes Iirkh, yes but I will recover. I will go into my cave and get some healing magic. Please stay here and make sure that Scrag does not come back.”

Iirkh helps Buimbu to his feet, and the sly kobold feigns a limp as he walks back to his room. He flies over the oil pooled on the floor, as it may still be useful.

Seeing the kobold safely in his room, the Half-Ogre turns to guard the passage. Soon, the two Dretches come up the hallway, skulking as they go. Thinking the Half-Ogre under the control of the sorcerer, they attempt to bypass him and head to the kobolds room. This is where the sorcerer was not thinking. Iirkh, does not consider the Dretches allies, and did combat with one of them earlier, and Buimbu did not tell him not to attack the demon spawn. Within moments, the two Dretches are splatters on his club, and fizzle out of existence. Buimbu realizes his mistake as he hears the sounds of battle, and in his head hears the death scream of both creatures.

The heat of battle has cleared Iirkh’s mind, and he turns to gain vengeance upon the kobold that controlled his actions with magic so recently. Rushing down the short hall, he bursts through the door. Gorga rounds the corner and catches sight of Iirkh smashing the door. Scrag is also making his way back carefully, to avoid confronting the Dretches alone.

Seeing the focus of his anger, Iirkh begins to feel a rage building within him, which he has not released in battle yet. So far none have challenged or angered him so much. With a roar of rage, he begins a rush at the kobold, and promptly slips in the oil he is standing in enraging him further.

Seeing Iirkh slip to the floor in the oil, Gorga rushes up to aid the Half-Ogre in the combat he knows will soon follow. Scrag sees Gorga rush up the hallway and begins to rush forward as well. While wary of single combat with demons, the Orc is no coward.

Grinning wickedly, Buimbu recalls the required components for Slurm’s Smoking Spittle. Incanting the proper phrases, and hawking some saliva in an exaggerated manner, Buimbu spits forth a mouth full of saliva, which transforms into a burning ball of ectoplasm.. The little glob of fire flies from his mouth, and lands in the pool of oil, exploding with a sharp crack and a cloud of smoke. The smoke is mostly obscured by the blazing oil, but the smoky shape of a red dragon can barely be seen circling over the impact area.

Rolling out of the fire, Iirkh rights himself, and moves toward the kobold as the initial burn of the oil begins to die down. Gorga jumps through the edges of the fire to stand near the half-ogre, which is right where Buimbu wants them.

For months now, the kobold has been feeling the growth of his ancestral powers within. He has already used the culmination of this power to slay the tribe chieftain and take control of the tribe. He will use it again now. Sucking in a deep breath a smoldering furnace is kindled within, Buimbu breaths forth a super-heated gout of flame at the two dumbfounded Orcs. Both are burned badly, and Iirkh rushes into battle while Gorga sends arrows flying from a distance. The arrows have a beneficial side-effect of keeping the sorcerer from casting spells. The Half-Ogre stands up to the flying kobold, swinging away with his greatclub, while the kobold uses his ancestrally enhanced claws and bite to tear at Iirkh.

Scrag comes running into the room, and risking an attack by the flying kobold, manages to flank the creature, allowing Iirkh to land the killing strike. A wicked smash with the club sends the kobold to the floor, where he remains still, leaking fluids from ears and mouth.

With the object of his rage now gone, Iirkh slows and drops to his knees. The extent of his burns, claw and bite wounds become apparent. Turning a little pale, the Half-Ogre falls forward on his face.

Seeing his most powerful warrior fall, Gorga takes quick stock of his surroundings. The kobolds bed of coins and gems is nearby, and what looks like a small cache of potions. Rushing over, Gorga grabs what looks to be a powerful healing draught. Rushing back over to the fallen compatriot, Gorga rolls Iirkh onto his back, and begins pouring the potion down the half-ogre’s throat.

Iirkh begins to sputter and cough, and sputter, but Gorga directs him to continue drinking.

“It is healing you Iirkh, drink it.”

With Iirkh back on his feet, the three begin searching through the treasure of a Kobold tribe. Iirkh rips the bracers from the dead kobold, spitting on the body.

“These mine now.”

How he intends to use them, neither Gorga nor Scrag asks him.

With some effort, Gorga sends Scrag back to gather the rest of the warband.

“Tell them, Buimbu and the Dretches are dead. We have treasure to claim.”

Scrag runs off into the passageway, wondering what will be left when he returns.

Next Up: Return to In Search of the Unknown part 8 “Gorga gains an ally.”


That Gorga, I bet he has run off to kill the foe all by himself. It would be like him. Take all the good things first. At let us poor lowly ones get the scraps....

I've been reading this when I've had time over the last week or so, and am now caught up. It's definitely one of the most enjoyable stories on the Boards - after reading, I just want to talk in monosyllables and smashm something puny :D !!

Well done Graywolf and crew; keep those updates coming!


HalfOrc-HalfBiscuit -Thanks for the note. I am enjoying playing this game VERY much. It is a blast to play a character in this type of environment, really enjoyable. Last I heard, GW has the next update 1/2 way written. I hope he posts it soon..

*Poke Graywolf*


Return to In Search of the Unknown part 8 “Gorga gains an ally.”

Gorga and Iirkh begin pawing through the treasure, to see what is here, and what can be used. Gorga soon has Iirkh pawing all the coins in one place, and shoving them into a sack for transport. There are many coins of gold, silver and copper, minted in countries all around the Known World. To a coin collector, some might be worth more than their mint. To the Orcs, it is all just coins. The treasure of a small tribe is all piled here having been hoarded by the kobold with dragon’s blood. Gems of Azurite, Emerald, Rose Quartz, Alexandrite, Hematite, Jasper, and Aquamarine were scattered in the bed of coins. Iirkh claims the pretty piece of Hematite as his own. The corpse of the kobold sorcerer is searched, and the remainder of his weapons and magic added to the treasure.

When Scrag reaches the rest of the warband, he makes his message quick.

“We kill little dragon, Gorga and Iirkh take treasure.”

Never have his words caused so much quick movement within the warband. Scrag stands around proudly as everyone races off down the hallway to find Gorga and Iirkh and is soon alone. Noticing this, the simple Orc runs off after his companions.

Rhgl is the first to come into the scorched room, and sees Gorga slipping on a set of Bracers while Iirkh is still scooping up coins, and having trouble picking up individual coins with his large fingers.

“Gorga, you take the glory, and pick the treasure? What of the goblins, and the other Orcs? Did we not fight too? Where is our share of treasure?”

Gorga turns on the goblin, as the rest of the warband enters.

“I will share the treasure as I see fit, goblin. You would do well to see to your place in this warband.”

Iirkh puts in his two coppers as well. “Gorga good, Gorga give Iirkh magic to bring him alive.”

Seeing the situation about to come to a result that might have one fewer goblin in the warband, Sharraxtharkul steps in to mediate.

“Great Gorga let me council you to ensure the growth of the warband.”

Sharraxtharkul pulls the warband leader aside, and gives him the status of the warband. They have been fighting with no reward. This makes for unhappy Orcs. Reward them well now, and they will cease their griping for now. If Gorga would allow Sharraxtharkul to inspect the treasure, some magic may be found, and will increase the loyalty of the warband greatly if given freely. With Sharraxtharkul acting as spiritual advisor to Gorga, the warband can only be stronger.

Seeing the wisdom of the goblin spell caster, Gorga gives his assent to examine the treasure and help give it out to the warband.

Rhgl backs down now that he has had some time helping Iirkh pick up coins. Looking back to Gorga and Sharraxtharkul, the goblin curses to see the shaman toadying up to the warband leader. He will gain favor for sure, and leave Rhgl to languish in the warband without support from the only other goblin.
Sharraxtharkul begins waving his arms, and barking out words of power. “Spirits of the Earth and Sky, make clear magic’s power nigh.” As the magic takes hold, he begins to see auras around some items the warband is carrying and most of the items from the small hoard. Turning to Gorga, Sharraxtharkul speaks.

“These bracers you claimed have magic to them; they are a fit claim for the warband leader.”

Rhgl rolls his eyes as Sharraxtharkul continues.

“This armor of plates is magic, and will serve One-eye well.” Gorga takes the armor, and presents it to the grizzled Orc Gilnak, who quickly strips down to try on the armor. Sharraxtharkul searches through the rest of the items, a spear for Rhgl, Chainmail, a heavy steel shield, and the gems giving them to Gorga with a suggestion as to who could use them the best. The scrolls and the wand, of course, are reserved for the goblin with magic knowledge to “study”. Most everyone is pleased, and much to Rhgl’s shock, Gorga comes off as a hero saving Iirkh and sharing the treasure so well.

With all the treasure gathered up for tribute to the tribe, or given out to the Orcs in the warband, it is time to heal again. These short brutal battles are taking their toll on the warband, and there was little healing in the short time before Iirkh ran off to the defense of the kobold sorcerer.

Sharraxtharkul makes the best of his healing knowledge, and is able to bring Tyco, Scrag, and Iirkh back up to fighting strength in the span of a night cycle. Everyone else who has been injured gains some benefit from his healing as well.

Gorga calls for the warband to gather after a meal of rations.

“We continue our cause. All kobolds must be killed here." Using some of the Druid’s charcoal, Gorga sketches out the remaining door and hallway to be explored, and taps the location of a door.

“Here is where we will go. Near the Kobold Sorcerer’s room.”

Soon the Eagles are ready for battle, and Scrag is at the door listening.

“There is a sound like a bird here.”

Gorga looks at him.

“A bird will not kill you Orc, open the door.”

Scrag returns to his task, and opens the door to the sound of wind whistling through the doorway. There are two kobolds mounted upon dire weasels in battle gear. Not being one to show fear where others can see it, Scrag rushes in to attack, and is promptly bitten and savaged by one of the creatures. Gorga follows Scrag into the room, and is flanked by another dire weasel who rushes in and bites deeply into the Orc’s shoulder. This one does not let go either. Iirkh squeezed in through the door, and strikes one weasel so hard, that his club continues on into the weasel holding onto Scrag. The rest of the warband piles in, and in moments there are three dire weasels and two kobolds lying dead on the carved rock floor.

The Orcs begin searching the room for anything of value, and any other doors out of the room. None are found, but Tyco and Rhgl investigate a wall made from scrap wood up at one end of the room. With a creaking sound as prelude, the wall suddenly slams down. Both the Orc and goblin are able to avoid being flattened. Two more kobolds on dire weasels rush to attack. The first bites into Tyco’s upper arm, and latches on shaking a bloody wound in the arm. Rhgl somehow manages to get out of the way, while Scrag and the others move up to take on this smaller challenge.

Tyco pulls his arm free, and attempts to staunch the flow of blood. Between Scrag and Iirkh attacking by hand, considerable damage is done to the weasel and kobold

Suddenly, a whistling noise is heard, and the door the warband just entered through, slams shut.

The second rider, seeing his chance, turns his mount to run for a door at the far end of what seems to be a wide hallway. The dire weasel bites into Tyco again, but for only moments, as Gorga and Hobna plant arrows deep into the creature finishing it off. The kobold rides his mount to the floor, and begins growling and yipping at the warband. Sharraxtharkul, with considerable backup, steps forward and screeches out the words to a spell, while holding his hands spread out before him. The kobold turns as if to run, but does not make it anywhere, as a sheet of flames engulfs the hapless creature, and sets his dead mounts’ body aflame.

The kobold reaches the door, and slides off the side of his dire weasel mount. Rushing to the door, he begins to fling it open, and quickly rebounds off the door. Yipping and growling, he calls out to someone on the other side of the door.

“Let me in. Orcs come. They kill us.”

Sharraxtharkul rushes forward and dons the mask he found in the trophy room. He has suspicion that it is a mask of fangs. His thoughts prove to be true, as he is suddenly able to control the weasel, and for the first real time, can communicate mind to mind with his wolf companion.

Siezing control of the newfound power, Sharraxtharkul jumps up on the smouldering dire weasel corpse, and throws his arms out wide. Although the words are unnecessary for commanding the creature, he must show his power to the rest of the warband.

“Kill that kobold, he must not escape.”

With the words said aloud, Sharraxtharkul uses the mask, to make the same command. The dire weasel plays his part well. With a squeal, it turns on the kobold. The result is a bloody mess, as the kobold is flailed around with sharp teeth.

Gilnak, not having seen any combat here, has gone back to the door, to open it, and see if anyone was there to close it. Opening it is somewhat difficult, but there is no one in the hallway.

Sharraxtharkul feels his control waning, and calls for Iirkh to kill off the beast. Scrag also helps, with Gorga putting an arrow into the weasel as well. Within a spit***, the creature is dead. With the death of the last enemy, the warband turns to look at the door that would not open for the kobold.

Next Up: Return to In Search of the Unknown part 9 “Battle Frenzy, Orcs, naww?”

* Shins are equivalent to 5 Knucks, or about the length of an Ogre’s Shinbone
** Knucks are equivalent to feet, Ogre Knuckles as a unit of measure
*** Boar – Measure of time it takes to skin a boar, about one hour. Spits are also used as a measure of time. A boar on a spit is turned over a fire 6 times in about a minute. So a spit is ten seconds


That Gorga!! I tell you. He has no feelings for the rest of the Orcs.. all he wants is power , and to be the most powerful. He does not care about the warband. that is why he needs to be replaced. Rhgl had the Tribe all worked up. Yes, little Rhgl did. As Gorga was out to kill the bad guy.. then Scrag comes back.. Oh, good Scrag. Seems to not like Gorga as much as little ol' Rhgl. Perfect, They kill baddie and take treasure for themselves..

Yes.. that is what they do! Cought them red handed we did. Just as, poor little Rhgl, was facing Gorga.. with the tribe behind Rhgl.. What does Shar do! Oh, that toadie! Making Gorga look good. Little Rhgl did not know what to do.. These Orcs sway at the hint of silver and gold. So easy thay are.. Scrag is easy too...

Rhgl should have seen that coming.. Shar is one not to be crossed.. Rhgl though Shar was on Rhgl's side.. Rhgl thinks Shar wants to lead the tribe..

Need to talk to Scrag again, Rhgl thinks Scrag will help... Hmm..

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