Oriental Adventures Pronunciation Guide

Since Oriental Adventures draws from several different Asian cultures, it includes a variety of unusual words. Because of the blend of languages, pronunciation is problematic. For your convenience, the harder-to-pronounce words are listed here, along with a brief definition. For a list of D&D pronunciations, see the article D&D Pronunciation Guide.Notes “eh” is used instead of “ay” for the...

Since Oriental Adventures draws from several different Asian cultures, it includes a variety of unusual words. Because of the blend of languages, pronunciation is problematic. For your convenience, the harder-to-pronounce words are listed here, along with a brief definition.

For a list of D&D pronunciations, see the article D&D Pronunciation Guide.[h=4]Notes[/h]
  • “eh” is used instead of “ay” for the ease of English speakers
  • “igh” is a long i sound, as in the English words “high” or “my”
  • “ow” resembles the sound in “how” or “now”
  • adya katti (add-yah- kah-tee) – sword, short
  • Agasha (ah-ga-sha) school – Phoenix clan fire magic specialists
  • aiguchi (igh-goo-chee) – dagger
  • akuma no oni (ah-koo-mah no oh-nee) – Shadowlands creatures of fire and hate
  • akutsukai (ah-koo-tsoo-kigh) – a human who has been transformed into an onilike minion of evil
  • apsara (ap-sa-rah) – nymph
  • Asahina (ah-sah-hee-na) school – Crane clan air magic specialists
  • ashi no oni (ah-she no oh-nee) – thorny wormlike Shadowlands creature
  • ashigaru (ah-shi-gah-roo) armor – light armor
  • badik (bah-deek)—kama
  • bajang (bah-jang) – evil fey tree nature spirit
  • bakemono (bah-keh-mo-no) – Shadowlands “goblins”
  • bang (bahng)—quarterstaff
  • bhuj (buzh) – handaxe
  • bi shou (bee shoh)—dagger
  • bich’wa (bee-chwah) – dagger
  • bisan (bee-san) – neutral fey tree nature spirit
  • bisento (bee-sen-toe) – halberd
  • biwa (bee-wah) – plucked lute
  • bonang (boh-nahng) – percussion instrument
  • brahmin (brah-min) – shaman
  • budoka (boo-doh-kah) – monk
  • bushido (boo-shee-do) – samurai code of honor, loyalty, and obedience
  • buso, tigbanua (boo-so, tig-ban-oo-ah) – bony, one-eyed ghouls
  • byoki no oni (bigh-oh-kee no oh-nee) – disease-ridden Shadowlands humanoids
  • ch’i chi (chee-shee) – halberd
  • ch’i fu (chee-foo) – battleaxe
  • ch’iang (chee-ang) – battleaxe
  • chahar-aina (chah-hahr igh-nah) – armor addition
  • chanshi (chan-shee) – fighter
  • chi (shee) – battleaxe
  • chiang lung (chee-ang lung) – river dragon
  • chien (shee-yen) – battleaxe
  • chijiriki (chee-jee-ree-kee) – double weapon (spear and chain)
  • chin (cheen) – battleaxe
  • choora (choo-rah) – sword, short
  • chui (choo-ee)—warhammer
  • da dao (dah dow)—glaive
  • da huan dao (dah hwahn dow)—scimitar
  • dai tsuchi (digh tsoo-chee) – warhammer
  • Daidoji (digh-doh-jee) – Crane clan military
  • dai-kyu (digh kyoo) – longbow, composite
  • daisho (digh-show) – katana and wakizashi
  • dalwel (dah-wel) – greatsword
  • dan sang gum (dahn sahng goom)—short sword
  • dan tinh (dahn tin) – two-stringed plucked lute
  • dang-ki (dahng-kee) – shaman
  • dastana (dah-stah-nah) – armor addition
  • devapala (deh-va-pa-la)—sohei
  • dhaw (dhaw) – dagger
  • dhenuka (deh-nuk-ah) – medium armor
  • dhuka (doo-kah)—rogue
  • dizi (dee-zee) – bamboo flute
  • doc cu’o’c (dok koo-awk) – guardian spirit that appears like a human split down the middle
  • dokufu (doh-koo-foo) – shapechanging Shadowlands mountain spider
  • do-su (doh-soo) – dagger
  • duan jian (doo-ahn jee-ahn)—short sword
  • einsaung nat (en-song nat) – common household spirit protector
  • ekitai kemuri (eh-kee-tigh keh-moo-ree) – liquid smoke
  • er-hu (er-hoo) – two-stringed bowed lute covered with snakeskin
  • fu (foo) – battleaxe
  • fukimi-bari (foo-kee-mee bah-ree) – mouth darts
  • gaki (gah-kee) – undead spirit of wicked mortals
  • gambang (gahm-bahng) – percussion instrument
  • gandharva (gahn-dar-vah) – celestial avoral
  • garegosu no bakemono (gar-ee-go-soo) – fiendish giant octopus
  • gong jian (gong jee-ahn)—composite shortbow
  • go-zu oni (go-zoo oh-nee) – bull-headed spirit warriors
  • guan dao (gwahn dow)—guisarme
  • gum (goom)—longsword
  • gun (goon) – quarterstaff
  • hai nu (high noo) – locathah
  • haino no oni (high-no no o-nee) – human-looking Shadowlands creature with long tongue
  • hakama (hah-kah-mah) – knee-length trousers
  • hannya (hah-nya) – haglike monstrous humanoid
  • haori (hah-oh-ree) – sleeved jacket
  • happi (ha-pee) – thigh-length cotton robe
  • hebi-no-onna (heh-bee no oh-na) – vain, snake-loving spirit appearing as human woman
  • heimin (heh-min) – villager or peasant
  • hengeyokai (hen-geh-yo-kigh) – shapechanging humanoid
  • henshin (hen-sheen) – transformation
  • hinemuri (hee-neh-moo-ree) – sleeping fire
  • hinin (hee-neen) – outcasts
  • Hitomi (hee-to-mee) – moon deity
  • hkum yeng nat (hkoom yeng nat) – human village spirit protector
  • i huang (ee hwahng) – battleaxe
  • iaijutsu (ee-igh-joo-tsoo) – speed draw
  • inori (ee-no-ree) – 0-level shaman and shugenja spells
  • Isawa (ee-sah-wah) – Phoenix clan generalists or Void magic specialists
  • Itako (ee-tah-koh) – shaman
  • Iuchi (ee-oo-chee) school – Unicorn clan Water magic specialists
  • jian (jee-ahn)—longsword
  • jiki-ketsu-gaki (jee-kee keh-tsoo gah-kee) – vampiric undead spirit
  • jikiniki (jee-kee-nee-kee) – ghoul of shugenja who died while Tainted
  • jiki-niku-gaki (jee-kee nee-koo gah-kee) – ghoulish undead spirit
  • jingasa (jeen-gah-sah) – round, straw hat
  • jitte (jit-teh) – disarming weapon
  • kaen (kah-en) – bamboo reed instrument
  • Kaiu (kigh-oo) Wall – wall at edge of Shadowlands
  • Kakita (kah-kee-tah) school – Crane clan school
  • kamayari (kah-mah-yah-ree) – guisarme
  • kamu no oni (kah-moo no oh-nee) – powerfully musceled, headless humanoids
  • kannushi (kahn-noo-shee) – shaman
  • kapak (kah-pahk) – handaxe
  • kappa (kah-pah) – turtlelike humanoid
  • kataginu (kah-tah-gee-noo) – sleeveless outer jacket
  • katana (kah-tah-nah) – masterwork bastard sword
  • katar (kah-tar) – dagger, punching
  • kawanaga (kah-wah-nah-gah) – chain with weight and sharp grappling hook
  • kenbau (ken-bah-oo) – double reed
  • kenong (keh-nong) – percussion instrument
  • kensei (ken-seh) – weapon master
  • khandar (khahn-dahr) – sword, bastard
  • khanjar (khahn-jahr) – dagger
  • khanjarli (khahn-jahr-lee) – dagger
  • khenthai (khen-tigh) – wooden flute
  • ki (kee) – internal energy
  • kimono (kee-moh-noh) – robe
  • kiri no oni (kee-ree no oh-nee) – bebilith demon
  • ki-rin (kee-reen) – unicornlike, noble magical beast
  • Kitsu (kee-tsoo) school – Lion clan water magic specialists
  • ko (koh) – halberd
  • kokyu (koh-kyoo) – bowed lute
  • kora (koh-rah) – sword, short
  • korobokuru (koh-roh-boh-koo-roo) – a xenophobic race of dwarves
  • korobokuru lajatang (koh-roh-boh-koo-roo lah-zha-tahng) – double weapon
  • kote (koh-teh) – gauntlet
  • koto (koh-toh) – zither
  • kozuka (koh-zoo-kah) – dagger
  • kshatriya (kshah-tree-yah) – samurai
  • kumo (koo-moh) – aranea
  • Kuni (koo-nee) school – Crab clan earth magic specialists
  • kusari-gama (koo-sah-ree-gah-mah) – double weapon or reach weapon
  • kyoso no oni (kee-oh-soh no oh-nee) – burrowing Shadowlands oni
  • lajatang (lah-zhah-tahng) – double weapon
  • lathi (lah-tee) – quarterstaff
  • lembing (lem-bing) – longspear
  • li lung (lee lung) – earth dragon
  • lian (lee-ahn) – kama
  • liu (lee-you) – battleaxe
  • lu nat (loo nat) – malicious spirits who lurk in graveyards
  • magari yari (mah-gah-ree yah-ree) – trident
  • maho-tsukai (mah-ho tsoo-kigh) – blood sorcerers
  • mantrika (mahn-tree-ka)—sorcerer
  • masakari (mah-sah-kah-ree) – battleaxe
  • me-zu oni (mee-zoo oh-nee) – horse-headed commanders of the spirit armies
  • michizure (mee-chu-zoo-ree) – wandering henshin mystics or traveling companions
  • moeragaru (moh-eh-rah-gah-roo) – flash paper
  • muni (moo-nee)—monk
  • muton (moo-tan) – club
  • myin-kawei (migh-inn-kah-weh) – werehorse lycanthrope
  • naga, Shinomen (nah-gah, shee-noh-men) – ancient race of snakelike humanoids
  • nage-yari (nah-geh-yah-ree) – javelin
  • naginata (nah-gee-nah-tah) – reach weapon
  • nekode (neh-koe-deh) – straps or gloves fitted with spikes in the palm
  • nezumi (neh-zoo-mee) – bipedal ratlike humanoids
  • ningyo (neen-gyo) – merfolk
  • ninja-to (neen-jah toh) – short, straight sword
  • no-dachi (noh-dah-chee) – greatsword
  • no-sheng (noh-sheng) – sohei
  • nunchaku (nun-chah-koo) – weapon with two hardwood sticks joined by a chain
  • nusubito (noo-soo-bee-toh) – rogue
  • ofuda (oh-foo-dah) – shugenja’s spell focus
  • oni (oh-nee) – ferocious lesser spirits
  • onikage (oh-nee-kah-geh) – scaly, horselike undead
  • ono (oh-noh) – battleaxe
  • parang (pah-rahng)—scimitar
  • pennaggolan (pen-nag-oh-lawn) – vampiric undead
  • peshkabz (pesh-kabz) – dagger
  • phii khamot (pee kah-mot) – will-o’-wisp
  • pi bian (pee bee-ahn)—whip
  • pi chi (pee-chee) – halberd
  • pih-kaetta (pih-kah-eh-tah) – dagger
  • pipa (pee-pah) – large plucked lute
  • piso tonkeng (pee-soh ton-keng) – handaxe
  • qiang (shee-ang) – longspear
  • ram dao (rahm dow) – sword, bastard
  • rishi (ree-shee) – aasimar planetouched
  • Rokugan (roh-koo-gahn) – featured campaign setting
  • rokuro-kubi (row-cur-oh-coo-bee)
  • rokushakubo (roh-koo-shah-koo-boh) – quarterstaff
  • ronin (roh-neen) – samurai with no family and no clan
  • sai (sigh) – disarming weapon
  • salaw (sah-law) – a bowed lute made from a coconut shell
  • samisen (sah-mee-sen) – plucked lute
  • sang kauw (song-cow) – double weapon
  • sanru no oni (san-roo no oh-nee) – four-armed, bat-winged Shadowlands oni
  • sarod (sah-rohd) – large plucked or bowed lute
  • saron (sah-rohn) – percussion instrument
  • sasumata (sah-soo-mah-tah) – pole arm
  • sekkou (sek-koh)—ranger
  • seppuku (seh-poo-koo) – suicide
  • shakuhachi (sha-koo-hah-chi) – bamboo flute
  • shamshir (shahm-sheer) – scimitar
  • shen lung (shen lung) – spirit dragon
  • shikari (shee-kah-ree) – ranger
  • shikibu no oni (she-kee-boo no oh-nee) – dwarflike Shadowlands oni
  • shikki-gaki (shee-kee gah-kee) – disease-ridden undead spirit
  • shikomi-zue (shee-koh-mee-zoo-eh) – stout staff with hidden spear head
  • shinen-gaki (shee-nen gah-kee) – fiery undead spirit
  • Shintao (sheen-tau) – Rokugan monk prestige class
  • shirokinukatsukami (shee-roh-kee-noo-kah-tsoo-kah-mee) – kind spirit also known as “eater of dreams”
  • shugenja (shoo-gen-jah) – elemental divine spellcaster
  • siangham (sigh-ang-ham) – small, piercing monk weapon
  • singh (sing) – fighter
  • sitar (see-tar) – large plucked lute
  • slenthem (slehn-them) – percussion instrument
  • sodegarami (soh-deh-gah-rah-mee) – grapple-initiating weapon
  • sohei (soh-heh) – religious soldiers
  • soong (soong) – lute
  • Soshi (soh-she) school – Scorpion clan air magic specialists
  • suan tao fung (swan tau fung) – mace, light or heavy
  • suling (soo-ling) – flute
  • swami (swah-mee) – wu jen
  • t’ien lung (tee-en lung) – celestial dragon
  • t’rung (trung) – bamboo xylophone
  • tabi (tah-bee) – footwear
  • tagamaling buso (tah-gah-mah-ling boo-soh) – cursed tigbanua buso victim
  • tako (tah-koh) – octopus aberration
  • tambura (tahm-boo-rah) – large bowed lute used to provide a drone
  • Tamori (tah-moh-ree) school – Dragon clan earth magic specialists
  • tanto (tahn-toh) – dagger
  • tasloi (tas-loy) – long-legged, flat-headed jungle-dwelling humanoids
  • tau-kien (tau-kee-en) – longsword
  • tetsubo (teh-tsoo-boh) – greatclub
  • thamàn kyà (thah-man kee-ah) – weretiger lycanthrope
  • tong shu (tong shoo) – rogue
  • tonfa (tohn-fah) – monk weapon
  • toya (toe-yah)—quarterstaff
  • tsuburu no oni (tsoo-boo-roh no oh-nee)
  • tsuno (tsoo-noh) – horned Shadowlands humanoid
  • tulwar (tull-wahr) – scimitar
  • tun mi lung (tuhn mee lung) – typhoon dragon
  • tungi (toon-jee) – battleaxe
  • ugulu no oni (oo-goo-loo no oh-nee) – horned and clawed Shadowlands oni
  • uma-yari (oo-mah-yah-ree) – lance, heavy
  • vanara (vah-nah-rah) – a race of monkeylike humanoids

  • wakizashi (wah-kih-zah-shee) – masterwork short sword
  • wang-liang (wang-lee-ahng)
  • wo dau (woh dow)—bastard sword
  • wu jen (woo jen) – a potent arcane spellcaster
  • Yakamo (yah-kah-moh) – sun deity
  • yakuza (yah-koo-zah) – roguelike character
  • yamabushi (yah-mah-boo-shee) – shugenja
  • yang chin (yahng cheen) – hammer dulcimer
  • yao ren (yow ren)—sorcerer
  • yari (yah-ree) – shortspear
  • yattoko no oni (yah-toh-ko no oh-nee) – insectile Shadowlands creature
  • yavana (yah-va-na)—barbarian
  • Yogo (yoh-goh) school - Scorpion clan earth magic specialists
  • yue (yoo-eh)—halberd
  • yuki-on-na (yoo-kee-oh-nah) – beautiful fey cold spirit
  • yumi (yoo-mee) – shortbow, composite
  • zafar takieh (zah-far tah-kee-eh) – sword, short
  • zaghnal (zahg-nahl) – pick, light
  • zheng (zheng) – zither

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