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Origins of the "New" Races


Those both seem rather overpowered for racial abilities available at 1st level, don't you think?

Or perhaps you're being facetious. It's so hard to tell sometimes.

An entire race of people with short range teleportation is so world-changing I can't even begin to imagine the consequences. Yet to some people, it's no big deal. I don't think there's anything inherently unplayable about turning straw to gold, but it would turn the traditional campaign on its head.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Or maybe it's simply that the majority of gamers would follow the D&D brand under a bus. For now. And just because five million people believe in a bad idea doesn't mean it's still not a bad idea.

"There's a sucker born every minute." - PT Barnum

Or maybe they simply have different tastes than you guys.

You two are being highly insulting. Stop it. This should require no further explanation.


I dunno in a weird kinda way, Arcadia could work. In that WoTC seems to be going for the, "let your own creativity and imagination feel it in", so if they were to just blatantly rip off Arcadia it could work. Since... Well, each True Fae realm would be completely up to the imagination of the DM, given that it alters on a True Fae's whim. It would really be the Hedge that be most fleshed out.

But now... I am just daydreaming :p In reality, I am hoping for perhaps them sliding some of the folklore and mythology of Fey into that part of the book. I have been tempted if I started a Fey-oriented one for example for it to be polite to give a Eladrin a glass of milk and biscuits/or bread if he enters his home. Since in folklore (especially Ireland) you leave bread and milk out for the Fey.

Overall I hope it deals with less the Feywild and more how the Feywild and Fey interact with the world. Lets find out what 4e versions of grooves, fey mounds, fey rings, etc. be like.

I don't want to keep sidetracking the thread, but if you get a chance and want some really good inspiration (especially for D&D) I would say grab a copy of Fae: The Dark Ages... now that is what Fey in a fantasy world should be.

An entire race of people with short range teleportation is so world-changing I can't even begin to imagine the consequences.
Humans in this fantasy world can walk farther than an eladrin can teleport in the same amount of time. And the eladrin can only do it every five minutes. I can't see how that would be so incredible world-changing, considering that in previous editions, medium-level wizards can teleport vast distances several times a day, and medium distances several more times per day.

Also, there's nothing that says (as far as I know) it has to be the entire race that can do it. The core rules do strongly imply it, since for all PC races that have a racial power, that power is present is the stat blocks for all MM stat blocks for that race. But PCs can do many things that normal, everyday members of their races cannot do. I don't see why this couldn't just be one more.

And yes, sometimes "make up your own fluff" is a legitimate reponse to a criticism about 4E. Fluff your eladrin so that only exceptional members of the race can use fey step. Problem solved.

Fallen Seraph

First Post
I don't want to keep sidetracking the thread, but if you get a chance and want some really good inspiration (especially for D&D) I would say grab a copy of Fae: The Dark Ages... now that is what Fey in a fantasy world should be.
Who says I don't already ;) I got enough Fey stuff to fill a pool, but always nice to have more, lol.

Right! Back on track, 4e Races are fun! :p


The Dragon article detailing the eladrin city of Mithrendain does take into consideration how fey step effects their city and culturally specifically.


Humans in this fantasy world can walk farther than an eladrin can teleport in the same amount of time. And the eladrin can only do it every five minutes.
You could rule that Eldarin in the mortal realms are reluctant to enter the Feywild --perhaps they're exiles from the Unseelie Court or some such-- and thus enter it only during moments of extreme duress --say like combat, or at a critical point in the adventure-- thus neatly solving the potential problems that frivolous and frequent telelportation might produce.

Like I've said before, it takes more thought and effort to make some things not work, than it does to simply make them work...


I know, and as I said I don't expect you and your 4E cohorts to "get it"...
Hey, I still have my membership in the 3e cohort, at least until I finish running my long-running Tales of CITY game. In fact, I may still belong to the 2e cohort, my court martial ended in a hung jury. And for the record, I understand your preferences, I just don't share them.

If the designers can't see a problem or a distinction, then how can your average gamer?
Why should they? It's not a problem for them, apparently.

But then, this has been going on for a while with WOTC's take on D&D (see Eberron and it's wacko PC races).
You mean like the magic robots? I likes me some magic robots... though for my World of CITY game they weren't quite outre enough, so we gave them, well, at least the major NPC part member, a little more pizazz...


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
I deleted a post that was challenging a moderator call, plus some posts replying to it.

Please e-mail or PM the moderator in question if you feel the need to comment on a moderator post; discussing it on the boards is not allowed. Thanks.


Humans in this fantasy world can walk farther than an eladrin can teleport in the same amount of time. And the eladrin can only do it every five minutes. I can't see how that would be so incredible world-changing, considering that in previous editions, medium-level wizards can teleport vast distances several times a day, and medium distances several more times per day.

Wizards are rare, and a high level character has better things to do with his time than teleporting around harassing people. But imagine a community of 5000 people who could all teleport a short distance.

What do their jails look like? Is prison even a realistic concept?
What do their town defenses look like? Do they have ladderless towers?
And how do you defend against them? Traditional murder holes won't work, and imagine what they could do in a siege situation. Forget about moats.
What would a riot look like? For that matter, could you blockade an alley in a town like that?
Do they build bridges? Do they use ferries?

Also, there's nothing that says (as far as I know) it has to be the entire race that can do it. The core rules do strongly imply it, since for all PC races that have a racial power, that power is present is the stat blocks for all MM stat blocks for that race. But PCs can do many things that normal, everyday members of their races cannot do. I don't see why this couldn't just be one more.

Actually, it seems to be more often the case that NPCs have better powers than PCs, such as darkvision, wielding large weapons...

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