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[OT] I must be the only one who...


First Post
...knows the track titles and exact track numbers to every CD I've ever owned, and some I've only heard once.

...goes about my morning routine in the same exact sequence every morning.

...finds "Strange Brew" to be the funniest damned movie. EVER.

...has seen, let alone thoroughly enjoyed "Secretary".


#47: the interrobang deserves its own key on a keyboard. there are times when a mere question mark or exclamation point just won't do

Bloodstone Mage: "Magnolia" was a GREAT film, and Mr. Bungle certainly has a style and charm all their own. Good stuff, there!

Sorry guys...had to chime in!


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...*loved* Shakes the Clown?

...must make a *conscious* effort not to veer into oncoming traffic at least once a week.

...reflexively tabulates the FASERIP stats of every superhero I see in film or television?

...fervently prays for armageddon within my lifetime because I resent the idea that some of you may outlive me?

...thinks the internet is really just a colossal waste of time and effort?

...is over 30 years old and *still* thinks fart and poop jokes are hilarious?

...held back some very, very dark stuff in this thread?


...is excited when he hears Mike Oldfield stuff playing in a hotel lobby?

...knows that Mike Oldfield kept making music after Tubular Bells?

...can rigorously prove that someone is as dumb as a bag of hammers?

...had a choice between constructing a trebuchet or a superconducting coilgun for work, and went with the trebuchet?


Bloodstone Mage

First Post
Impeesa said:
...is excited when he hears Mike Oldfield stuff playing in a hotel lobby?

They play his music in hotel lobbies? Cool.

Originally posted by boxstop7
Bloodstone Mage: "Magnolia" was a GREAT film, and Mr. Bungle certainly has a style and charm all their own. Good stuff, there!

Cool. I feel less alone now. :) I still wonder if they'll ever be another Bungle album...

By the way, Strange Brew is hilarious!!!

Last edited:


First Post
... likes Creed. (Its purely because my voice has the exact same pitch and tone as the lead singer's voice, so I can sing along like nobody's buisness)


...who still used a 75Mhz computer three years ago and wasn't actively planning on updating

...who watched Kirikou and the Sorceress twice in the same day

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