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(OT) Maul of America vs. ZOMBIES!


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I am torn.

I seek only one of two board games. The games I have decided to choose from are Maul of America ($30.00) from Jolly Roger games and Zombies! ($19.95) from Steve Jackson games.

The economics between the two are obvious. However, I would like to hear from you gentleman regarding the impressions these games made upon you.

Thank you,

The Grifter
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If the zombies! is the game with over 100 plastic miniatures: Great fun but needs some tweaking/houserules. And you get 100 plastic zombies for your next DnD undead encounter!

The other game I dont know.


I found Zombies to be a boring game with great zombie miniatures! If I was to recommend a game, it would unquestionably be Pagan Publishing's the Hills Rise Wild!. Best game I own, I think, and fun every time I play. You try to track down a copy of the "Nekke'nomikon" an git it back to yer summonin' circle afore yer enemies do... I find you end up shouting "dang" a lot. It's an inbred blood-red corpse fed hillbilly bonanza!
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Mystic Eye

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Grifter86 said:
I am torn.

I seek only one of two board games. The games I have decided to choose from are Maul of America ($30.00) from Jolly Roger games and Zombies! ($19.95) from Steve Jackson games.

The economics between the two are obvious. However, I would like to hear from you gentleman regarding the impressions these games made upon you.

Thank you,

The Grifter

I have not played Maul of America but I have played Zombies! many times. The game is great. With the Zombies 2 expansion and the bag 'o' zombies (100 glow in the dark zombie figs) how can you go wrong? The expansion seems to address the issue of an extremely long game with the addition of a second Helopad.

Also, just to let you know The original box game of Zombies! was not created by Steve Jackson. It was done by Journeyman Press. Zombies! and the expansions have changed hands and are now owned by Twilight Creations Inc.

Zombies is a fun and silly game but the one thing I really noticed is that non-gamers enjoy it as well.


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Yeah, Hills Rise Wild sounds good. Thanks PCat.

I'm kind of shocked that no one has played Maul of America. It's set in a mall... with zombies. That was almost enough to sway me before my friendy neighborhood game store owner pointed me towards ZOMBIES!

Well, thank you all for the feedback. Now, wheres that d3?

Tar Markvar

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I and a friend played Maul of America on the counter of a gaming store in Berkeley, CA.

I remember it being fun, with a certain amount of both tension and comedy, and it was also easy to play. Basically, you're in a mall when zombies erupt forth, and you have to be the first person to collect certain things (I believe you had to find Food, a Weapon, and Ammo) and escape from the mall. It was mindless, but it was fun. Every turn, two new zombies would enter the board, so there was never a lack of stuff to kill.



First Post
I've played Maul of America and I was pretty torn about it.

First off you get this huge box, but the pieces for the game are pretty cheap, especially the map (which is semi-modular).

The game itself was fun with one of the players becoming a zombie (didn't like him anyway) and everyone else scrambling to find the necessary equipment to escape the mall.

One rule I particularly liked was that the game had a hard 2 hour limit, like a movie. If you didn't escape in 2 hours, you lose.

I seriously debated picking the game up but in the end I didn't for two reasons:

1. There is no way the components were worth $30. It just looked very cheap, especially in the huge box.

2. I wasn't sure if the game was fun because it was a good game or because the people I played with made it a fun game.

I really want to play Zombies, it looks like a blast.


Tar identified my beef with Zombies! (mmmm, zombie beef.) It's mindless. Not mindless in the "eeeeeat brrraiiiiinnnnsss" way, but mindless in the "repetitive gameplay and frustratingly little strategy" way. But who knows, everyone else seems to love it, so maybe it's just our group. *shrug*
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