"Out of the Frying Pan" Story Hour Portal Thread (compiled PDFs updated for 2024)

Do You Read the "Out of the Frying Pan" Story Hour?

The link for the zipped .doc copy of Book III doesn't work (either in the opening post or in your signature). :-S

As I'm prepping a story-hour for my new campaign, I thought I'd find out how a good'un went (and am surprised to see just how long OOtFP actually is! :eek:).

The link has been fixed in my sig and in the this thread. Thanks for the heads up!

As for its length, well, the campaign went basically every two weeks for one month shy of five years - so yeah, there's a lot! ;)

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Was thinking of it, actually, but the links to the compiled stories seem to be broken. :)

Ok, I have attached the compiled first two "books" (Gathering Wood and Catching the Spark) to the first post in this thread. I am still trying to find which is the most up to date version of Book III and then I will post that as well. Book IV has never been edited and compiled, but if the threads are still there, so if you get through the three books of the word docs, you can always switch to reading online.


I finally got around to fixing the links for the zipped versions of the Story Hours in the first post on this thread. They are hosted on the Aquerra wiki so they won't be going anywhere any time soon.

Please let me know if there are any problems.

And if you are a new reader feel free to bump this or the original threads with comments and questions. I'd love to hear from you!

Hey all, just bumping this eight years later to say I have updated the download links for the zipped word doc versions of the first three books. Not sure when Book IV will be available in that format. . . but maybe there are some folks who want to re-read this or try it for the first time!

I'd love to hear from anyone who has given it a try in the last decade. o_O

Hey all! Finally! Fifteen years after the "Out of the Frying Pan" campaign ended (and 14 after the story hour was completed) you can download all of Book IV - Into the Fire in PDF format. Check out the first post of this thread to download it or any of the previous books. I will be going through to clean up the early installments as well, getting rid of all the broken links and converting to a PDF for easier reading in a kindle or other tablet/e-reader.

Parts one and two of Book Four weigh in at over 400 pages and 244,812 words!

Just a quick bump to say that a revised and cleaned up PDF version of "Book I - Gathering Wood" is now available for download in the first post of this thread, but will link it here as well.

Out of the Frying Pan - Book One: Gather Wood (complete)

I am slowly making my way back through the story hour and doing this for all of it, so stay tuned for a zip file of parts one and two of book two (and have already done Book Four).

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