"Out of the Frying Pan" Story Hour Portal Thread (compiled PDFs updated for 2024)

Do You Read the "Out of the Frying Pan" Story Hour?

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HEY! HEY! Just another (final?) bump to say that if you look at the first post in this thread you will find download links to newly compiled, corrected, edited, cleaned up PDFs of all four books of the "Out of the Frying Pan" story hour. I also hope to soon include an additional "supplemental materials" file including maps, stat blocks, and a handful of handouts from the time of the game.

I will include the download links here as well:
Or you can download all four books + supplemental files in a zipped up folder holding all the files by clicking here!

792,862 WORDS TOTAL!


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Is there any place where the former wiki resides, or is that lost?

While I have all the wiki files saved in an archive on my home machine, the wiki that hosted it is now defunct and I found that transferring it to another wiki is too onerous.

One thing that the newly cleaned up PDFs do, is get rid of all the links (99% of which were broken) and replace them when possible with a detailed footnote.

Thanks for asking!

I do have a wiki for my current 5E "newbie" Ghosts of Saltmarsh game (though I know that does not help).

The complete story hour zip now includes a supplemental folder full of various campaign materials, from PC backgrounds to maps to stat blocks, to handouts, and more. While this is all just a small percentage of all the Out of the Frying Pan game material, there is a lot there.

The supplemental folder includes the following (warning this material contains spoilers for the "Out of the Frying Pan" Story hour).

1. An early version of the player guide for the Out of the Frying Pan Campaign (pre-3E)
2. Kazrack's Family Background Info (provided by player)
3. Beorth's Background Info (provided by player)
4. Jeremy Northrop Character Background (provided by player)
5. Sample Dragon-Hunter's Contract (Beorth's)
6. Map of Derome-Delem
7. Player Character Portraits by C. Flanagan
8. The Story of Ratchis (character background)
9. "Auld Lang Syne" (an early version of the adventure south of Stonebridge)
10. DM Commentaries on First 10 Sessions (written in 2006)
11. Beléar’s Band of Dwarves from Abarrane-Abaruch (stat blocks)
12. Zedarias's Books (found in the Necropolis of Doom)
13. Broken Lands Map (and first fight with Tanweil) - part of The "Pit of Bones" adventure
14. Pit of Bones Level Maps (+ Notes)
15. Magical Items Found in the Pit of Bones
16. Shadrach's Orc Tunnel Map (w/ player notes)
17. Info on Bast & Religion for Roland's player
18. Death's Hand (the psuedo-undead fought in Nikar's Garden of Stones stat blocks)
19. Info for Logan Naismith (information provided replacement player for new character)
20. The Company of the Impervious Ward (stat blocks)
21. Info for Bastian (information provided replacement player for new character)
22. Sebastian Senuhe - An Autobiograph (a character background by Jesse Pynigar)
23. Richard the Red & Companions (stat blocks)
24. DM Commentaries on Sessions #74 through #88 (written in 2005-06)
25. Forward Orcish Scouting Party of Tribe Gu’tarsh (stat blocks)
26. Mozek Steamwind & Purplespite (stat blocks)
27. Hurgun's Maze - Outer Fortress Defenses (stat blocks)
28. Hurgun's Maze - Entrance Room (stat blocks for para-elementals)
29. Hurgun's Maze - Hell Room (stat blocks - including Ora-Amira-El)
30. Sergio Fontaine (stat block)
31. Adder (stat block)
32. Hand-Outs for Scenes Through Time
33. Scartesh & His Raiders (stat blocks)
34. Glamorgana's Lair Map
35. Glamorgana's stat block + combat notes
36. The Fearless Manticore Killers player cast photo
37. The Keepers of the Gate player cast photo

If you have any questions about this material, or want it sans the rest of the story hour, let me know!


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I keep futzing with these files, but I think I think the final futz is finished. All the download links on this thread should now be up to date.

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