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Monster Junkie
Thanks! Not as cool as the name implied. :\

If you've got the time, how about any of these you think sound interesting (i.e., not plot devices)? ;)

From Gargoyle (WG9):
Gargoyle (of the Tors) - Monstrous Humanoid

From Vale of the Mage (WG12):
Grist (True Gargoyle) - Construct
Griveling - Outsider
Jakar - Unique Magical Beast
Jaleeda Bird - Magical Beast

From Falcon's Revenge (WGA1):
Grythok - Vermin
Scryxull - Undead

From Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad:
Carnivorous Wall - Ooze
Fiery Face - Elemental

From Scarlet Brotherhood:
Thousandtooth - Aberration


Shirokinukatsukami fan

FREQUENCY: very rare
DIET: omnivore
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil

THAC0: 15
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 + up to 8
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Petrification, poison
SIZE: M (4' diameter)
MORALE: Elite (14)
XP VALUE: 4000

The thousand tooth is a monstrosity made by mutating a medusa. It looks like an oversized human head with large sharp teeth and solid gray eyes. Rather than a body, it has a roundish lump of flesh behind the head from which sprout 8+1d4 thick reptilian limbs, each ending in the head of a venomous snake. It moves by using three or more of its lower reptilian limbs as primitive legs. Some also have a pair of spindly arms growing from the sides of their fleshy bodies.
Combat: The thousand tooth retains the medusa's ability to petrify flesh, although its power is much weaker than a medusa's. Any creature that comes within 30' of the thousand tooth must make a saving throw vs. petrification at +2 or slowly change into stone. On the first round after the attack, the victim is slowed (as per the spell) but gains a +1 bonus to his armor class due to the stony consistency of his skin. On the third round, the victim is completely petrified. At close range, the thousandtooth attacks with its humanhead bite and up to eight bites from its snake-limbs. Anyone struck by a snake-head must save vs. poison or die (type F poison). The thousand tooth must make a saving throw vs. petrification +2 if it sees its reflection.
Habitat/Society: A thousandtooth is a solitary predator, claiming a few square miles as its turf. As it cannot outrun its prey, it must wait for creatures to approach it, so it prefers terrain with places to hide. It reproduces by budding - once a year, one of the snaky limbs drops off and crawls away as an independent creature; after a year of living like a snake it begins to consume massive amounts of food to prepare for its metamorphosis. The snake changes into an adult thousandtooth after a week of hibernation; it can use all its powers and is particularly hungry after the change.
Ecology: The thousand tooth is a destructive predator, attacking anything in its territory that it sees as a threat or competition. This results in a number of statues in its territory as well as an increase in the number of predators in neighboring regions.
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Shirokinukatsukami fan

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any subterranean
DIET: Omnivore

THAC0: 19
SPECIAL ATTACKS: 10% cause disease
SIZE: T (6")
MORALE: Unreliable

Grythok range in size from 2" to 6" long. Their soft bodies are oval-shaped and covered by a tough, leathery shell. All organs and exposed areas are completely covered by the hemispherical shell.
Beneath the shell are the grythok's mouth, legs, and sensory organs. The mouth is circular and completely surrounded by sharp teeth. The 12 legs are short and sharp, barely functional for movement, but effective for digging in and holding on to any material softer than leather. These legs have adapted to allow the grythok to hold on to its food or prey in order for the mouth to successfully attach. The legs function as barbs and cause no damage ifthe grythok releases them willingly, as when it is finished with a food source and chooses to move on. However, the legs cause 1-4 hp if the grythok is forcefully removed from its victim.

Combat: These creatures generally cling to the walls, floor, and ceiling of underground caverns. When a creature approaches, the grythok is aroused by any aura other than evil that comes within 60'. It immediately takes flight and attacks with all the vigor of an animal in a feeding frenzy. As it does so, it emits a high-pitched shriek that is inaudible to humanoid ears but is a clarion call to other grythok. Its cousins will respond to this "dinner bell" immediately, arriving at a rate of two per round. The shriek is audible to other grythok only within 60', but as farther grythok respond, they emit their own shrieks and the call carries through tunnels and caverns in a ripple effect.
The grythok is able to smell flesh, whether warm or cold, and attempts to attach itselfto any exposed flesh. It immediately digs in with its barbed legs and then attempts to sink its bite into its victim. A successful "to hit" roll by a grythok means that both its legs and mouth have dug into its victim's flesh. It will remain attached until it has finished feeding or has been forcefully dislodged.
The grythok then begins to take circular bites out of its victim, and slowly moves itself along to fresh areas of skin. Its many legs allow it to reposition itself without realeasing its iron grip. A single grythok will inflict a maximum of 30 hp before it is "full" and drops off its victim. If anyone makes successful THAC0 and Dexterity rolls, the grythok is dislodged at a cost of 1-4 hp to the victim.
One in ten grythok carry a disease due to their scavenging-habits. This is not a result of a spell, but simply due to the filthy conditions in which they live. No saving throw is applicable.
Grythok may be destoyed by any normal means, but attacking a grythok attached to a character also presents a risk of injuring the victim. A successful attack on an attached grythok indicates equal damage to the victim; a miss on an attached grythok requires a "to hit" roll against the victim.

Habitat/Society: The grythok are underground scavengers that inhabit dark, musty, dirty places. They are found mainly in sewers, garbage dumps, latrines, and cesspools, but rarely anywhere else, since they require conditions of filth to survive. They will eat almost anything, but prefer meat and meat-like substances, including rodents, insects, worms, and snakes. They would make ideal garbage disposals if it were not for their vicious and frequent attacks.

Ecology: Lengthy evolution has rendered these creatures immune to most diseases, although they are carriers and transmitters of many forms of plague and disease. They reproduce via egg-laying twice per year, but their population growth rate is slow since they often accidentally devour their own eggs.


Monster Junkie
Thanks! I really like the thousandtooth. I was looking for something for the Greyhawk conversions thread, and think I found it. :cool:


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Gargoyle (Of The Tors)

FREQUENCY: Uncommon-Very Rare
NO. APPEARING: 1-2 (2-185)
ARMOR CLASS: 5 (body: AC 0 wings)
MOVE: 9" /15" (MC: C; F without wings)
% IN LAIR: 20%
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-3/1-3/1-6/1-4
SPECIAL DEFENSES: + 1 to hit (body only)
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

A tor gargoyle is almost identical in appearance to a common gargoyle, but its primary physical difference is highly unusual-detachable wings. Sages have theorized that artwork and recorded sightings of wingless gargoyles, previously unexplainable, refer to this subspecies. Indeed, some have proposed that detachable wings may be the norm among gargoyles, but the evil and vicious nature of the common gargoyle makes this hypothesis unverifiable.
A tor gargoyle's wings are attached to its body by a special joint. Ligaments hold the wings in place until they are fully grown, at which time the ligaments decay, making the wings easily detachable. Detachability makes it easier for the tor gargoyle to move around in its favorite locales (ruins and underground caverns) and allows the tor gargoyle to lie on its back, solving many vexing problems regarding sleeping and mating.
A tor gargoyle grows several pairs of wings during its lifetime, but upon reaching adulthood will do so only to replace wings that have been lost. Growing a pair of wings is a long process for an adult tor gargoyle, requiring years.
Without its wings, a tor gargoyle flies with maneuverability class F. This means that the gargoyle takes four rounds to reach full speed, and that its flight path is utterly uncontrollable. A wingless tor gargoyle cartwheels through the skies, ricocheting like a pinball off all objects in its path. Such flights are short and almost inevitably end with the tor gargoyle plowing face-first into the ground.
The non-magical wings of a tor gargoyle can be attacked separately from its magical body. The wings are hit on a successful roll to hit AC 0 when the attacker is specifically targeting the wings. The wings can suffer 7-12 hit points of damage before being destroyed. Such damage does not count against the tor gargoyle's normal hit points (and vice versa).
The tor gargoyle differs from its more common relative in other ways, as well. Tor gargoyles are peaceful gargoylesnot ferocious predators at all. They are vegetarians, living on a diet of potatoes and turnips. They have been known to eat small, inoffensive animals when very hungry but they never attack anything more formidable than a sheep.
It is possible for tor gargoyles to coexist with humans and demi-humans. A tor gargoyle typically extorts its food from human communities, although the extortion is usually polite and good-natured. Those who do not cooperate are stuck with a clumsy, stupid, whining beggar until they give the wretch some food.
A tor gargoyle will never deliberately attack a human unless provoked; since no one can be sure what will provoke a tor gargoyle, wise humans avoid the creatures.
Possession of a set of tor gargoyle wings is of no benefit to land-bound creatures (such as humans), as they cannot fly in the first place. The wings are in fact useless to non-gargoyles except as curiosities.
Note: An article, authored by David A. Collins, appeared in POLYHEDRON(tm) Newszine #23 (the April 1985 issue), speculating about why the gargoyle and the margoyle are pictured in the Monster Manual sans wings, even though able to fly. The article suggested that the most plausible explanation is that gargoyles have the innate ability to fly without wings, but that they use non-magical detachable wings for maneuvering. This is the basis for the tor gargoyle in this adventure.
The DM must decide whether or not to make the tor gargoyle the prevalent type of its species. If this is done, a thriving monster species will be threatened with terminal wimphood. Given the behavior of the gargoyles in this adventure, it seems likely that the tor gargoyle is either the product of yet another mad wizard's experiment or else the product of a shocking combination of recessive mutant genes. The tor gargoyle seems fated for extinction. However, for those really bothered by artistic representations of wingless gargoyles and margoyles, this is as good an explanation as any.

From WG9: Gargoyle, by Dave Collins with Skip Williams.

Aside: "TREASURE TYPE: Vegetables"?!?


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Grist (True Gargoyles)

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any stone building or rocky mountainside
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Special
INTELLIGENCE.: Semi- (2-4)

MOVEMENT: 9, Fl 12 (B)
HIT DICE: 8 +4 (42 hps)
NO. OF ATTACKS: 4 (sometimes 6)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8/1-8/1-10/1-8
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Fear gaze, snatch
SPECIAL DEFENSES: + 1 or better weapon needed to hit
SIZE: L (12')
MORALE: Fearless (19)
XP VALUE: 7,000

The grist is a rock-like creature that resembles a gargoyle or margoyle, but it is considerably larger and much more fearsome. Grists were created by Jason Krimeah, the Exalted One, by taking a statue resembling a gargoyle and casting wish, stone shape, polymorph any object, fear, fly, and geas spells upon it. Grists are semiintelligent and thus able to follow only the simplest of instructions. But they follow these instructions to the letter. It is unknown how many grists the mage created, but several dozen are believed to exist. Krimeah termed his creation "true gargoyles;' as they fit his vision of what a gargoyle should be.
A grist has been enchanted to give it a resistance to magic and an immunity to normal weapons. Its skin looks like the exterior of the stone building or rocky mountainside it attaches itself to, and its dense rock make-up causes the grist to weigh between one and three tons. Despite its weight, a grist moves at a rate of 9 on the ground and 12 in the air. The wings are not needed for flight, but they are used to help it maneuver while in the air. If the wings become damaged, the maneuverability class of the grist worsens by one.
A grist can effortlessly cling to the sides of buildings and rocky mountainsides. It can only bond itself to stone, brick, or rock. When in place, the grist looks like an unmovable statue of a stone gargoyle that is part of the building.

Combat: A grist remains in place on the side of a building or mountain until the conditions of its orders are met, such as "prevent any armored humans from entering this building." A grist with this order would remain in its statue-like pose until a human attempts to enter its building or tries to attack it, at which time it animates. Until that time, only a detect life spell will register the grist as a living creature. A detect magic spell will show that the grist is enchanted. Once a grist is animated, it fights fearlessly until destroyed. It prefers to fight from the air, as it can maneuver better. When attacking, a grist prefers to direct all of its blows against a single target in an attempt to dispatch that target and then move on to the next. It attacks with its claws, bite, and a tail swat. The tail of a grist is usually spiked like a maul. In addition, some grists have four arms instead of two, giving them six attacks per round. If two of a grist's claws hit the same opponent during a single round, the grist has successfully snatched its opponent. Such an opponent is usually taken into the air to be hurled back down to the ground in an attempt to quickly dispatch it.
Once every ten minutes the grist can generate a fear gaze. This cone-shaped gaze appears as a gray beam emitted from the creature's eyes. The cone is two feet wide at its point of origin, 30 feet wide at the base, and 60 feet long. Creatures caught in the gaze must roll successful saving throws vs. spell or be affected as by a fear spell.
The grist is immune to normal and magical fire and cold. In addition, it has a 20% magic resistance to all other spells. The grist is not affected by poisons.

Habitat/Society: The grist does not speak, as it has no vocal cords. Itfollows the orders of its master and is incapable of independent thought.
A wounded grist repairs itself by reattaching to its assigned structure and drawing minerals from it. It heals at a rate of 24 hit points a day.
There are no males or females of the species; grists are created magically and cannot reproduce. Nor do grists change size, remaining throughout their existence at the same height and weight they were given at their creation.
Grists are found in groups of 2d4, the more numerous they are, the more important the item being guarded. Grists have no real treasure of their own. However, if defeated grists are shattered, gems and coins occasionally can be found inside them-they consume rocks and minerals found on their victims, which includes ore, coins, and gems and jewelry.

Ecology: Grists are found attached to the inside or outside of buildings, as well as along columns, roofs, and rocky mountainsides. They have not been encountered elsewhere. They are not believed to communicate with each other.


Shirokinukatsukami fan

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any cavern or mountain
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Minerals
INTELLIGENCE: High (13-14)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good

NO. APPEARING: 2 or 2-24
MOVEMENT: 9, 12 (through stone)
HIT DICE: 5 +2
THAC0: 15
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Spells, + 1 or better weapon
needed to hit
SIZE: M (6')
MORALE: Steady (12)
XP VALUE: 1,400

Grivelings are creatures believed to be natives of the elemental plane of Earth. It is unknown, even to the grivelings, whether they wandered through a portal to this plane or were transported here by mages. The grivelings cannot plane travel, and therefore are bound to Oerth. They have not been seen outside the Barrier Peaks and the Valley of the Mage.
Grivelings are found either in pairs or in clans of 2dl2. They have a humanoid form-two legs, two arms, and a head. In their normal state they do not possess the defined features of humanoids, such as distinctive muscles, fingers, ears, eyes, and mouths. However, grivelings that are used to dealing with or observing humans and demihumans alter their forms via a limited, yet natural, stone shape ability so they appear to have human-like facial features, digits, and clothes, mimicking the humans and demihumans they have seen. Many of the grivelings that live in the Barrier Peaks have the visages of Zurt, Summerstorm, Endoble, the First Protector, and the various guises of the Exalted One. Often the grivelings are not able to duplicate a humanoid face correctly, and the result is unusual or humorous, with eyes placed below mouths or odd-shaped ears in incorrect locations. Males and females are indistinguishable.
The grivelings, like the humans and demihumans in the Valley of the Mage, are believed to serve Jason Krimeah, the Exalted One. Grivelings range between four and six feet tall and weigh 1,000 to 3,500 pounds.

Combat: Grivelings are not fond of fighting, preferring to find peaceful solutions to differences between themselves and others. However, when pressed to fight, they fight relentlessly, using their heavy stone fists to batter opponents into submission. Grivelings attempt to kill opponents only when their own lives seem in danger. Because grivelings can see through rock and dirt as easily as others see through the air, they lie in wait inside the wall of a cave or other stone or dirt structure, and move part of their body out of the structure to fight, usually surprising opponents from behind or beneath. When grivelings remain attached to a stone wall, such as the side of a cavern, their Armor Class is -1. When they separate from the wall to engage opponents in melee or if they are attached to the earth, their Armor Class is reduced to 2.
When possible, grivelings use their surroundings to the utmost advantage during combat. For example, grivelings surprising their opponents often strike during one round of combat, and then move into the stone wall the next-only to emerge the following round from a different place in an attempt to surprise their opponents again.
Grivelings also use their spell-like abilities during combat. A griveling can perform any of the following, once per day: stoneskin, transmute rock to mud, transmute mud to rock, and dig as if it were an 8th-level wizard.
Because grivelings are not affected by the climate, they are not affected by normal cold or fire attacks or cold-based spells. However, magical heat and fire spells affect them. Further, because of their hard skins, + 1 or better weapons are needed to injure them.

Habitat/Society: Grivelings dwell inside the stone walls of caverns and inside mountains. In addition, they can live outside these surroundings, such as in caves, wooded areas, or in other terrains, but they prefer to be surrounded by rocks or dirt. They are not affected by a change in climate.
Grivelings are friendly and curious, spending much of their time watching the creatures in the vale who travel next to the Barrier Peaks and questioning them about what is happening deeper in the valley. Because they have observed the occupants of the vale for so long, they have acquired the common tongue, which they speak in slow, gravely tones. In addition, they speak a smattering of mountain dwarf and their own language. When their curiosity gets the best of them, they travel from their rock homes and into the wilderness. These trips are short and infrequent.
Members of a griveling clan rarely act without consulting others, as grivelings respect each others' counsel. Grivelings are very protective of their peers and share all of their accumulated wealth.
A mated pair of grivelings produces one offspring every six to 12 years, with the sex of the offspring chosen by the parents.

Ecology: Grivelings eat very little because of their incredibly slow metabolisms. Their diet consists of minerals, such as iron, silica, lead, and magnesium, which makes them a bane to miners. The average life span of a griveling is 1,500 years.


Shirokinukatsukami fan

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Valley of the Mage and surrounding area
DIET: Omnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Genius (17-18)

ARMOR CLASS: 5 better than the form assumed
MOVEMENT: Per form assumed
HIT DICE: 18 (90 hps)
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Per form assumed
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to enchantment/charm spells
MAGIC RESISTANCE: + 2 to saves vs fire and electrical attacks
SIZE: Variable
MORALE: Champion (15)
XP VALUE: 15,000

The jakar (pronounced ye-kare), or changer, is similar to a lycanthrope in that it can change from a human to an animal form. However, the jakar can assume any animal form and can appear as a human of any age.
The jakar, a creation of Jason Krimeah, the Exalted One, possesses a polymorph self ability that enables it to take on the form of a mammal, avian, or reptile, ranging in weight from 8,000 pounds to 1/4 pound. The jakar possesses the physical attacks of the assumed form, such as a dragon's claw and bite attacks, but not its breath weapon. Because of this unique ability, ajakar is virtually impossible to detect.

Combat: The jakar's fighting skills are based on the form it has assumed, employing to the fullest all the physical attacks of the form. If the jakar knows it will be in combat, it frequently assumes the form of a large ape or a great cat because of the damage these forms can inflict, the movement rate allowed it, and its ability to travel through the terrain.
The jakar assumes the mannerisms of the form it has taken; in a cat form, it stalks its opponents and sometimes plays with them before dealing a kil1ing blow.
The jakar can be unnerving to its targets during a fight because of its hit points and unusual Armor Class; its Armor Class is always 5 better than the form it has chosen. For example, an elephant has an AC of 6, but a jakar in elephant form has an AC of 1.

Habitat/Society: Only one jakar is known to exist, and it has been seen only within the Valley of the Mage. The jakar was once a human hierophant druid who made his home in the vale, finding the company of animals more to his liking than humans. The druid spent little time in his human form. The druid, called Jakar Whitewing, encountered Jason Krimeah after the mage appointed himself ruler of the valley. A violent confrontation ensued between the pair, as Jakar was tired of humans pretending to control nature. However, Krimeah and Jakar emerged from the incident unscathed, and the pair became as close to being friends as either of them would permit. Krimeah, obsessed with experimenting with magic and intrigued by the druid's preoccupation with animals, offered to work on a magical item that would enable Jakar to change form more often than his class allowed. In exchange the druid agreed to add his might to protect the valley. Jakar was confident that if anything went awry he would be able to dispel the effects of the magical item.
It took Krimeah a little more than a year to fashion a collar of chain mail imbued with a special polymorph self ability. The collar permits Jakar to change into any animal or human form up to 24 times a day, fully assuming all the physical abilities of the shape selected. Jakar cannot assume the form of an unnatural creature, such as an owlbear; the form must be of a natural animal. It is believed Kriineah made more than one of these collars, and some suspect that he gave them to others to create more jakar.
The druid was pleased with Krimeah's "gift;' and promptly pledged his life in defense of the vale and the mage. The druid donned the collar nearly three decades ago and has not seemed to have aged since. Jakar is at peace, moving more freely in the animal kingdom than he ever believed possible, and rarely selecting a human shape because he thinks of himself as an animal. He did not mind the side effects of the potent magical item; the druid cannot remove the collar and cannot cast druidical spells while wearing it. However, he has retained the following druidical abilities, which he can use in any form: identify plants, animals, and pure water; pass through undergrowth without leaving a trail; immune to charm spells cast by woodland creatures; +2 bonus to saving throws vs. all electrical and fire attacks.
It is believed other jakar would have different abilities, based on the class they had in their human form.

Ecology: The jakar lives alone or with other animals of the form it has assumed. It is omnivorous, eating whatever the animal's form it has assumed prefers. The jakar's treasure consists of the items it owned at the time it became a jakar and any additional items it acquired from the creatures and people it killed. Its lairs can be found in inaccessible spots, such as high on a mountain peak, or deep in a cavern, to prevent others from obtaining its treasure. The jakar speaks the language of the animal form it has assumed; in human form it speaks any languages it knew at the time the collar was placed on it.
The life span of the jakar is unknown.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Jaleeda Bird

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any temperate or subtropical
FREQUENCY: Very rare
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any, usually night
DIET: Omnivore
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil

NO. APPEARING: 1 (1-4)
MOVEMENT: 15, Fl 24 (C)
THAC0: 13
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8/1-8/1-12
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to charm spells
SIZE: L (8'-9')
MORALE: Unsteady (7)
XP VALUE: 2,000

A jaleeda bird is a bizarre creation of Jason Krimeah, the Exalted One. It was a by-product of his research to create a jakar. The bird, developed utilizing the theories that created the owlbear, is a hideous cross between a great ape and a giant eagle. It is named after Krimeah's uncle, whom the mage despised. The creature is mean and ravenous, and possesses a cruelty unmatched by any other animal in the vale. Its behavior is believed to stem from its unnatural condition. Krimeah created a dozen of these birds, none of which he could control. He released them into the valley, where tales of their appearance has been added to the reported monster sightings that keep common folk from trespassing into his land.
Jaleedas are covered with a mix of thick, black hair and brown and white feathers, which give them their Armor Class. The ugly creature has taloned, ape-like hands at the end of its great wings, which also are covered with hair and feathers. Its feet end in large, powerful talons. It has a large maw that is both ape- and bird-like-a jagged yellow beak and a mouth full of teeth. Jaleedas range in height from eight to nine feet, and have a 30-foot wingspan. They have piercing red, deep-set eyes. The birds have little sanity, as the process that created them ripped away their reason.

Combat: A jaleeda fights with little provocation, rapidly going after creatures and people it believes has invaded its territory. The bird usually announces itself with a shrill cry that sounds like a great ape in pain; the cry is so loud and terrifying that creatures of less than 5 Hit Dice that hear it must roll successful saving throws vs. petrification or run in fear for Id6 rounds. The bird usually attacks three or fewer creatures, having enough sense not to tackle too many foes. A jaleeda attacks a large group of creatures or people only if its cry has caused some of them to scatter. The bird prefers to pursue creatures affected by its cry so it can attack them from behind.
The jaleeda apparently has no combat strategy, for the bird wildly plunges at its target or targets. It can attack with the claws on its wings and its bite, or with its taloned feet and its bite. If the bird successfully attacks a victim with both of its feet, it has in effect snatched the victim and can carry him aloft. The bird has been known to drag a victim across the tops of trees or along the sides of mountains to kill him before tossing him to the ground where it devours him.
Because the bird has such a low intelligence and little sanity, it cannot be charmed.

Habitat/Society: Jaleedas nest at the tops of lowly crags or high in the branches of large trees. They establish a territory around their lairs and attack creatures entering the territory.
If a jaleeda is encountered alone, it is likely a young bird, one to three years in age; birds older than that mate with others of their kind, mating for life and producing Id6 eggs every six months. Only one jaleeda hatchling survives. The first to hatch devours the unhatched eggs. The young jaleeda stays with the parents until it is time for the next clutch of eggs to hatch; at this time it is sent out on its own.
At one time the population within the vale was estimated at nine dozen, but the valley elves and tree people have reduced that number by about two-thirds. It is unknown how many jaleeda birds exist outside the valley. The elves and tree people have little trouble dispatching a bird that has established its territory near one of the settlements. The elves and tree people routinely set up a dummy in a clearing within the bird's territory and hide in the foliage with their bows ready. Because the bird is stupid, it usually flies at the dummy and is brought down by a volley of arrows. Although the bird has keen senses of hearing and eyesight, it has a poor sense of smell and no common sense.

Ecology: Jaleeda birds are omnivorous, eating plants, animals, and humans and demihumans. They do not like water and therefore refrain from eating fish and creatures that live on river banks. Their preferred diet is monkeys and large birds, which they seem to envy and detest.
Jaleedas' covet treasure, collecting items from their prey and hiding these in their nests. They especially enjoy shiny objects and regularly inventory their horde to make sure creatures invading their territory have not stolen from them.
Jaleedas are believed to live about 50 years and are able to lay eggs through the first 40 years. They seem to have no language, but communicate with each other through horrid-sounding caws and wing gestures.

Voidrunner's Codex

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