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Paging Echohawk...


Shirokinukatsukami fan


THAC0: 17
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Strength drain, spittle
SIZE: L (15'-20' long)
MORALE: Special

The scryxull can best be described as a zombie snake. They are created by evil clerics and magic users to serve as guardians in vile and loathesome places.
Scryxulls resemble normal snakes, but have been observed in sizes up to 20 feet long. Their most distinguishing characteristic is their skin. which varies in color according to the snake's original appearance. What makes their skin unusual and instantly recognizable is that it appears to be covered by a layer of dust. Closer inspection reveals. however, that this is not dust, but a crusty layer of dead skin.
A scryxull's eyes can also give it away as a zombie snake. Recently created scryxull have solid black eyes. regardless of their original color. They maintain a sheen for up to six months. after which the eyes begin to dry and become dull. Eventually. the eyes drop out altogether.

Combat: The scryxull are fierce fighters and always battle to the death. They never retreat. They attack automatically when encountered. but can be called off by a command word from their master.
Scryxull always attack using their bite first. Their length allows them to rise off the ground much like a cobra. allowing them to attack face to face. Many people find this unnerving, and the weak of heart are overcome by fear. Non-adventurers have a 50% chance of succumbing to fear; at 0 level, a 10% chance; at 1st level, a 5% chance; and at 2nd level, a 2% chance.
When the scryxull makes a successful bite attack, it inflicts 2-8 hp and drains 1-3 points of strength.
If the scryxull is wounded or somehow prevented from striking with its bite. it will use its spit weapon. Once every four rounds. the scryxull can spit (THAC0 15) an oily glob of dust at its victim, aiming for areas of exposed flesh. especially the face. The spittle acts as a strong topical anesthetic and eventually paralyzes the victim at the following rate:

Round Effect
1st round Area of contact feels numb
2nd round Area begins to stiffen; victim attacks at -4 penalty.
3rd round Area becomes stiff; if face, arm, or hand affected, victim drops weapon. Vision and speech impaired if the face was affected; victim attacks at -4 penalty if leg affected.
4th round Victim can no longer stand if leg was affected; breathing is labored if face was affected; arm is completely stiff and useless if affected.
5th round No change for arm or leg; victim falls unconscious if face was affected.

Characters are allowed a saving throw vs. paralysis to avoid the effects of the spittle. Armor. clothing. and weapons suffer no ill effects from the spittle. If the spittle is washed off with ordinary water. the effects do not progress beyond that round. Ifwashed off with holy water, the symptoms are removed completely.
If a victim is struck in the torso, follow the effects as if struck in the face. The paralysis will affect the chest muscles. making breathing difficult.
If a victim is a spellcaster, paralysis will limit or prohibit casting. If struck in the face, the spellcaster may not use any spells, but may speak the command word of a magic item on the first round only. If a spellcaster's hand(s) is affected, spells requiring somatic components may not be used after the first round. The DM must rule whether a spellcaster may reach material components, depending on the injury (and whether one hand remains useful). Scryxull are immune to sleep, charm. fear, hold. death magic. poisons. and cold-based spells. Holy water inflicts 2-8 points of damage upon striking. They may be turned by priests as zombies.

Habitat/Society: Scryxull may be created anywhere a snake body may be found. The scryxull are typically created as guardians for evil temples. but may also be found in dungeons or the laboratories of evil mages. Scryxull will obey up to six brief commands (attack. halt. be still) spoken by their master.

Ecology: None. since the scryxull is created artificially.

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Shirokinukatsukami fan
The two from Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad are not full monster entries:


"A bright campfire does little to dispel the darkness of the forest around you. The eyes of circling animals reflect the light, showing you to be surrounded. Suddenly, the campfire flames pull away from the wood and form into a leering face. "What is it that everyone wishes for, and yet wants to get rid of as soon as it is obtained?""

If the party does not answer, the circling creatures and the fiery face attack. [...]

Fiery face: AC 3; MV Fl12; HD 3; hp 15; THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg 2d4; SD +1 or better weapon to hit, immune to fire; SZ S (2' diameter); ML Champion (15); Int exc (15); AL NE; XP 270.
Note: The face attacks by brushing up against its victims, burning them with its fiery essence.


Carnivorous wall (9): AC 3; MV 1; HD 8; hp 64, 60, 48, 44 (x3), 40, 36, 32; THAC0 13; #AT 1 per 10 square feet of surface; Dmg 2d4; SA paralyzation, sharp weapons release flaming liquid; SD immune to fire, paralyzation, polymorph, and mind-affecting spells; SZ G (80+ square feet); ML Elite (14); Int low (6); AL N; XP 5000.
Note: A wall attacks with one pseudopod per 10 square feet of surface; the psuedopod can reach up to 10 feet. Touching the pseudopod or the wall's surface causes paralysis for 5d4 rounds (save negates); paralyzed creatures are pulled into the wall in 2 rounds. Any creature pulled into the carnivorous wall suffocates in 3 rounds, is drained of fluids and spit back out as a burning zombie 10 rounds later. The interior fluids of a carnivorous wall ignite on contact with air; any slicing or piercing weapon that strikes a wall causes an equal amount of fire damage to its wielder.


Monster Junkie
Several gargoyles...I think I've found another special conversion thread. ;)

Thanks for posting all those. :)

Oh, and ...

Echohawk said:
Aside: "TREASURE TYPE: Vegetables"?!?

Best. Statblock. Line. Ever. :lol:


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Here are few more gargoyles still in the unconverted pile:
  • Archer, Spouter and Stone Lion (Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three)
  • Greater Guardgoyle (Ruins of Zhentil Keep)
  • Greater Margoyle (Pools of Darkness PC Game)
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Shirokinukatsukami fan
Gargoyle, Greater Guardgoyle


THAC0: 17
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d4/1d4/1d6
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Shriek, spell immunities
SIZE: M (4'-6' tall)
MORALE: Fearless (20)

[Text on the vanilla Guardgoyle, which was updated in City of Splendors: Waterdeep, p135 snipped]

Greater Guardgoyle
A greater guardgoyle is a larger and tougher version of a normal guardgoyle, ranging in size from 4 to 6 feet in height. Greater guardgoyles cannot fly or surprise opponents as guardgoyles do. Their movement rate is 9. The construction of a greater guardgoyle requires the casting of a wish or limited wish spell to animate it, due to its greater mass. The cost of a greater guardgoyle can be as high as 10,000 gold pieces, due to the amount of high-quality rock needed to create it and the extra spells needed to animate it. Only the most powerful of mages have the ability to create greater guardgoyles, and few know the secret of their creation.


Monster Junkie
Another request. Since we've converted a number of lizardfolk recently, I figured we'd round out the batch. I believe these have already been converted elsewhere, but would you mind posting stats for the Malpheggi lizardfolk from Hollow World?

Also, I found the following writeup of the Malatran lizardfolk on WotC's site awhile back. Does this match those found in Polyhedron #121?

Lizardman, Malatran

Kusssaki is my name. I have known of the Nubari for some years, many of you live just outside our sswamp. I am of the lizard people, but I am different. I am considered to have come from a flawed egg, but I am not alone. In recent yearss otherss have hatched like me, ssmarter, eager to learn the world outside of the sswamp, not like the old people. We have learned to usse tools, weapons, armor, ssome of uss can even master fire. No longer am I ssatissfied with the hunt as a reason to exist. There musst be more.

To learn more about our world, I have come to join with you for a time. My sskills as a fighter are formidable, and I am alsso granted the power to heal by the sspiritss of the jungle. We have no sskill at your magic, only in the prayerss to the sspirits does what you might call magic appear.

My tribe inhabits the deepesst sswampss, in an area that you call taboo. Well it iss for you, for many of my people do not trusst the Nubari. They ssee you only as prey. It will be many yearss before we can exisst besside the Nubari. Too many huntss lie in the passt, on both ssides. For a while, all you will ssee is an occassional individual like me, who quests for knowledge, and who realizess that the worth of a being is not meassured in the length of hiss clawss, or the texture of her hide. Even thosse without tailss can have value and ssucceed in the world - although that idea took ssome getting used to.

Lizard Man
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Tropical/Swamp, forest
DIET: Special
INTELLIGENCE: Low (5-7) to Average (8-10)
NO. APPEARING: 8-15 (1d8+7)
MOVEMENT: 6, Sw 12
THAC0: 19
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 or 1
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-2/1-2/1-6 or by weapon
SIZE: M (7' tall)

Lizard men are semi-aquatic, reptilian humanoids that live through scavenging, raiding, fishing, and gathering.

Adult lizard men stand 6 to 7 feet tall, weighing 200 to 250 pounds. Skin tones range from dark green to gray to brown, and their scales give them a flecked appearance. Their tails average 3 to 4 feet long and are not prehensile. Males are nearly impossible to distinguish from females without close inspection. Lizard man garb is limited to strings of bones and other ornamentation, and occasionally loincloths among the more advanced lizard men. Lizard men speak their own language; lizard man heroes must use proficiency slots to learn the common tongue of the Nubari or other lanugaues.

Combat: In combat, normal lizard men fight as unorganized individuals. If they have equality or an advantage over their opponents, they tend toward frontal assaults and massed rushes. When outnumbered, overmatched, or on their home ground, however, they become wily and ferocious opponents. Snares, ambushes, and spoiling raids are favored tactics then. While individually savage in melee, these lizard men can be distracted by food or simple treasures. They occasionally take prisoners as slaves or to sacrifice in obscure tribal rites.

Advanced lizard men, those evolved to a higher state, hurl barbed darts (30 yard range, 1-4 points damage) or javelins (1-6 points damage) before closing with the enemy. These lizard men use clubs (treat as morning stars, 2-8 points damage), and the leaders may use captured swords or other weaponry.

For every 10 lizard men encountered, there will be one patrol leader with maximum hit points (17 hp) and a 50% chance for a shaman with 3 Hit Dice and the abilities of a 3rd-level priest. If one or more tribes are encountered, each tribe will also have a war leader of 6 Hit Dice, two subleaders with 4 Hit Dice, and a shaman of either 4 or 5 Hit Dice (50% chance of each). Any group of two or more tribes has a 50% chance for an additional shaman of 7 Hit Dice. Furthermore, each such group has a cumulative 10% chance per tribe to be led by a lizard king. A lizard king is a lizard man of above average height and intelligence, leading one or more loosely organized tribes of lizard men. If a lizard king is present, a shaman of 7 Hit Dice will always be present, and all patrol leaders from each tribe (i.e., 10% of the male warriors) will be combined into a single fanatical bodyguard for the lizard king.

Habitat/Society: Lizard men are typically found in swamps, marshes, and similar places, sometimes dwelling totally underwater in air-filled caves. In Malatra, tribes can also be found in the jungle near swampy regions; these tend to be the more advanced lizard men. A tribe rarely numbers more than 150 individuals, including females and hatchlings. It is not uncommon for several tribes in an area to forge an informal alliance against outsiders, including other lizard man tribes.

About one tribe in 10 has evolved to a higher state. All lizard man heroes are among these advanced lizard men. They dwell in huts and have more advanced aspects to their culture; in many ways they imitate the Nubari tribes around them.

Lizard men are omnivorous, but prefer flesh to other foods.

Ecology: Lizard men have few natural enemies. They prey on human, demihuman, or humanoid settlements if these are nearby. Lizard man eggs are bitter and inedible, as is their flesh, but their skin is sometimes worked as scale armor (Armor Class 6). If a lizard man sees a human or humanoid wearing armor made of lizard man hide, he becomes enraged and seeks to slay the wearer at the first good opportunity.

As amphibians, lizard men cannot breathe underwater; they can however, hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to 2/3 of their Consitution score before making a check for drowning. Lizard men can suffer from dehydration when adventuring outside of very moist/swampy areas. They must wet themselves twice a day or lose two Constitution points per missed bath. Lost Constitution points are regained at the rate of two points per bath. A waterskin provides enough water for a single wetting.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Shade said:
I believe these have already been converted elsewhere, but would you mind posting stats for the Malpheggi lizardfolk from Hollow World?
Where else were they converted? I don't know of any 3.X version.

The Hollow World entry isn't a monster entry, it is one page of background information and then another page describing the "New Character Race" stats. Do you just want the stats portion? Note: I'm typing the text in manually since my scanner appears to be possessed by evil spirits at the moment, which is the only reason I'm asking ;)

Also, I found the following writeup of the Malatran lizardfolk on WotC's site awhile back. Does this match those found in Polyhedron #121?
It is identical, except that the flavour text before the stat block isn't in the Polyhedron article, and the Polyhedron article includes another stat block for the Lizard King. Where did you find the web site version?


Monster Junkie
Echohawk said:
Where else were they converted? I don't know of any 3.X version.

I thought Pandius had them, but perhaps not. ;)

Echohawk said:
The Hollow World entry isn't a monster entry, it is one page of background information and then another page describing the "New Character Race" stats. Do you just want the stats portion? Note: I'm typing the text in manually since my scanner appears to be possessed by evil spirits at the moment, which is the only reason I'm asking ;)

No problem. Stats are fine, or we can just wait until your scanner spirits are exorcised. :p

Echohawk said:
It is identical, except that the flavour text before the stat block isn't in the Polyhedron article, and the Polyhedron article includes another stat block for the Lizard King. Where did you find the web site version?

The lizard king stats were there...I just snipped 'em.

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Shirokinukatsukami fan
Pandius has some information about them, but nothing I'd really consider to be a 3rd Edition stat block (that I could find).

Those Living Jungle articles are reprints of all the monsters from Polyhedron #102, #121 and #129. Neat. I've added them to my index.

Voidrunner's Codex

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