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Pathfinder 1E Painted Paizo Mini Pics & New Sculpts Available

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Keith F Strohm

First Post

To answer a few pending questions:

1. The Compleat Encounters minis are scaled to match the D&D Pre-painted miniatures, including rounded bases for ease of use when mixing and matching.

2. There are 4 double sided full color map cards scaled for use with miniatures. These cards are roughly similar in thickness to the map cards that are in the first few sets from the D&D minis.

3. There are also three villain cards, which feature the art from which the minis were sculpted on one side, and the relevant stats and info for the villains on the other side.

4. The total cost for the Compleat Encounter product is $15.95.

Hope you find the info helpful. We are very excited about this line of of products and we should hopefully have some at Gen Con!

Keith Strohm
Chief Operating Officer
Paizo Publishing, LLC



This is absolutely, without a doubt what Wizards shold be doing with the prepainted.

Consider $30 for an adventure: now a box, including 30-50 prepainted minis with a an adventure - simple perfect bind or staple product, black and white...

What do ya think?


Ok, picture this (riffing on a theme)

The D&D minis have been out for around 2 years now. Lots of the older ones are OOP. Time to box set them.

1.) A box contains 10 non-random minis. Each are figures from Harbinger-Archfiends or GoL. It would comprise 1-2 rare, 3-5 uncommon, rest common. Each box is centered on a theme: Goblin Horde, Bandit Attack, Orc Raiders, Underdark Terror, Champions of Light, Elven Ambush, Undead Attack, Dragon's Horde. Etc.

The figures would differ in some small measure: slightly different paint jobs (such as redecos) and have a different copyright/Base/set marker. You might even want to paint a trim on the base a different color (such as a blue ring) so that someone could tell these are not originals.

If your going to shoot for a pure RPG fanbase, ignore the cards and include a simple module. If you wish to keep the Mini's line, include an updated stat-card (With a couple layout changes to distingush from the originals)

Sell Each Box as a "Collectors Set" and about 25.99. The Non-random element will attract those looking for specific minis and those looking to Army build. The redecos will keep the secondary market for most minis safe, and force collectors to "catch em all" to have the variants.

Oh yeah, limit each set to about 5,000 productions. Raises the collectable mode and gives them a secondary life of thier own.

An Example: Goblin Horde
2 Goblin Sneaks
1 Worg
1 Hobgoblin Warrior
2 Goblin Skirmishers
2 Goblin Warriors
1 Uthok the Viscious
1 Snig the Axe
10 Cards or 1 Mini Module


Remathilis said:
The D&D minis have been out for around 2 years now. Lots of the older ones are OOP. Time to box set them.

Originally, Wizards were going to do non-random boxed sets. I think there was going to be one for an orcish village. However, they cancelled the idea. The rationale they gave was that the response to the random boxes was higher than anticipated, so they saw no need (no, I didn't understand that either).

Anyway, when they cancelled the non-random boxes, they cancelled any chance of me ever getting into the D&D minis. Which is fine, one less thing for me to spend money on :)

I like the sculpts. I was hoping for a scenario, but no biggie. For those wondering why they aren't going with plastic: injection moulded plastic masters cost a LOT, and it would be an extreme gamble on Paizo's part, as the minimum volume necessary to sell to recoup the moulding costs is VERY high (not to mention painting!). I'm sure they would LOVE to do plastic. If this sells VERY well, perhaps they will consider morphic the offerings later. But I doubt it.


delericho said:
Originally, Wizards were going to do non-random boxed sets. I think there was going to be one for an orcish village. However, they cancelled the idea. The rationale they gave was that the response to the random boxes was higher than anticipated, so they saw no need (no, I didn't understand that either).

Anyway, when they cancelled the non-random boxes, they cancelled any chance of me ever getting into the D&D minis. Which is fine, one less thing for me to spend money on :)

Heres to hoping that the success of the aftermarket and collectiblity issue can persuade them to reissue some in a non-collectible format. They're sitting on a goldmine here, for pennies on the dollar.

Keith F Strohm

First Post
BigFreekinGoblinoid said:
I like the sculpts. I was hoping for a scenario, but no biggie. For those wondering why they aren't going with plastic: injection moulded plastic masters cost a LOT, and it would be an extreme gamble on Paizo's part, as the minimum volume necessary to sell to recoup the moulding costs is VERY high (not to mention painting!). I'm sure they would LOVE to do plastic. If this sells VERY well, perhaps they will consider morphic the offerings later. But I doubt it.

The CE sets will include a 2000 word RPG micro-adventure, so you'll be getting more than just the minis. Glad you like the sculpts.

Keith Strohm
Chief Operating Officer
Paizo Publishing, LLC


First Post
Nice, I guess, but if Wotc ever decides to use their pre-painted minis with this setup, they'll blow these out of the water. Like others have said, the idea of selling encounters to reduce the DM's prep time only works when the miniatures in question don't need hours of painting. Also, I guess Wayne Reynold's art doesn't translate so perfectly into sculpts -- these are distinctly average.

Erik Mona

Yes, well, when we're positioned to create pre-painted plastic miniatures, the EN World community will be the first to know.

While most of us routinely use unpainted miniatures, the ideal set-up here would be to paint the minis beforehand and keep them "in reserve" for an encounter down the road rather than keeping the whole thing sitting on the side until your PCs decide to go down into the Underdark.

I agree that a box with 30 pre-painted minis and maps and stuff would be ideal, but Paizo's not really in the same ballpark as Hasbro when it comes to making little bits of colored plastic.

--Erik Mona

PS> The sculpts may look "distinctly average" to you, but I have seen them in person and I strongly disagree (this is coming from someone with thousands of miniatures, including most of Rackham's "Confrontation" line). "Kewl mini," as ever, is in the eye of the beholder.

Voidrunner's Codex

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