Pathfinder Playtest Updates and New Releases

This week, Paizo gave us some insights into the playtest for the new animist and exemplar classes as well as some new releases.

This week, Paizo gave us some insights into the playtest for the new animist and exemplar classes as well as some new releases.


Playtest Updates​

The playtest for the upcoming Pathfinder War of Immortals has hit it's halfway point. This is to test out the new animist and exemplar classes. There still is time if you want to join into the playtest and give your feedback.

The animist will be getting more apparitions come release day. The ones in playtest are there to test out specific play dynamics. The exemplar will also be getting more ikons post-playtest, with the chances of new epithets being high, but not promised. They are still shifting through the data to see how the mechanics are working out for people. Just like epithets, the possibility of getting new feats is high, but the ones in the playtest may not make it into the final product in the forms they are in.

One final thing that was brought up in the blog post was the possibility of circus-themed apparition. Again, there is no guarantee that it will make it into the final book, so if you are looking to add an evil circus into your campaign, I would definitely check it out and give your feedback.

New Releases​

Pathfinder Adventure Path #195: Heavy is the Crown (Sky King’s Tomb 3 of 3) sees a sorcerous rival breaking into the High King's Tomb and turning its guardian against the dwarves. It's now up the the PCs to raise an army to clash with the titanic beast, defeat their enemy, and uncover a lost legacy that could rewrite dwarven history.

In Pathfinder Society Scenario #5-03 Heidmarch Heist, the PCs are being tasked with escorting a valuable item to a powerful potential ally. Too bad it was stolen while they were being briefed for the mission. Now it's up to them to find the thief's trail and recover the treasure before it becomes bragging rights for the up-and-coming gang.

Starfinder Society Scenario #6-07: Race for the Dustwarren Cup invites the PCs to participate in the inaugural Dustwarren Cup, a three day event across the sand dunes of Akiton’s Dustwarren silt sea. Will a band of pirates succeed in their plot of abducting the Nurkop heiress or will their plans be foiled?

In Pathfinder Society Scenario #5-04: Equal Exchanges – Necessary Introductions, a group of agents are tasked with meeting an underworld dragon, Valashinaz as an introductory team. Too bad Valashinaz's kobold assistant, Purepurin, has forgotten all about it in the wake of creepy crawlies invading the vaults. Can the PCs help Purepurin set everything to rights so that the introductions go off without a hitch?

Pathfinder Quest (Series 2) #15 In the Footsteps of Horror tasks the PCs with exploring an undergroud complex and cataloging what's there. Too bad it's still linked to the Netherworld and this isn't as simple or straightforward as they thought.

Wizard Changes​

In case you missed it, Paizo did a preview of the changes being made to the Wizard class in Pathfinder 2nd Edition. You can find our coverage here.

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Dawn Dalton

Dawn Dalton

Erdric Dragin

Stuff us PF1e fans will never get to play in our campaigns. That's just lovely of a company to ditch its original consumer base and fans like that. Reminds me of another company that did the exact same with the 3E crowd...:cautious:


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Stuff us PF1e fans will never get to play in our campaigns. That's just lovely of a company to ditch its original consumer base and fans like that. Reminds me of another company that did the exact same with the 3E crowd...:cautious:
Buying a book from a company doesn't create an obligation on their part to make books for you for all eternity. They supported PF1 for 10 years. Games get new editions. Cars get new models. Phones get new versions. You'll find life is a lot easier when you don't assume you're entitled to lifelong support from a company and don't vilify them for not standing still.

You can disagree on the quality of PF2 all you like, but the company is perfectly entitled--legally and ethically--to make it.


Stuff us PF1e fans will never get to play in our campaigns. That's just lovely of a company to ditch its original consumer base and fans like that. Reminds me of another company that did the exact same with the 3E crowd...:cautious:
If you want new classes, pick up the New Paths Compendium from Kobold Press and give it a spin. Several design choices inside were copied for Pathfinder Second edition. There's plenty of content out there if you just look at the third party efforts. Do more playing, less complaining.

Marc Radle

If you want new classes, pick up the New Paths Compendium from Kobold Press and give it a spin. Several design choices inside were copied for Pathfinder Second edition. There's plenty of content out there if you just look at the third party efforts. Do more playing, less complaining.
Thanks for the shout out for the New Paths Compendium!! I’m very proud of that book :)

Several design choices were copied for Pathfinder second edition??


Sure, the spellless ranger is similar to the second edition ranger. The inventor feels similar to the tinkerer from your book.

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