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Pathfinder 1E Paizo no longer publishing Dungeon and Dragon

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Wow, this is hard. I can't really think, feels like I'm wrappend in a cloud. I was looking for every issue since I discovered the magazines. They were highlights of my month. The have (had?) a great staff (a staff of roleplay wonders (Enchantment, CL 20)). It was a reason to go to my local game store, browse the other D&D/d20 books which were new, and buy the one or other book. It was a connection to the community (editorial, letters, infos), an exercise arena for great designers which made the transition to WotC - a great creative resource. And a tradition. For me, they were always accompaning my hobby, like trusted friends.
I wish Paizo all the best, condemn the Wazirds and hope that the new mag is fair replacement. Though I doubt it (I'm sure they will be great rp books - but won't close the breach which will arise when Dungeon und Dragon perishes) :\
Best regards,


6 new monsters in every book? Thank GOD! That's exactly what I needed - more monsters. I just hope they continue the grand tradition of throwing countless classes, PrCs spells, and other useless crunchy bits my way. Because god knows, I can't get enough of them.



First Post
JoshuaFrost said:
Please be patient with me, folks. :) I will answer every question that I can.

Pathfinder will, of course, have the massive Adventure Path adventure as it's focal point in each volume but will also contain six or so new monsters every month, articles on campaign building that relate to the topic at hand (such as, How to Run a Stronghold), one or two ecological discussions about new monsters in each six-volume arc, etc. I know James Jacobs and the staff have a lot of exciting material planned--I'll let them reveal those items in due time.

How's Paizo handling who's contributing material to this new publication? Is it basically just going to be the current stable of Dungeon writers?


Mod Squad
Staff member
Firebeetle said:
This is some sort of heinous tragedy! Can the end of the world be far behind?

Yes, yes it can. I can't remember a single change made by WotC that has not been met with some measure of doubt, uncertainty, anger, and doomsaying. However, the world eventually recovers, and moves on.


der_kluge said:
6 new monsters in every book? Thank GOD! That's exactly what I needed - more monsters. I just hope they continue the grand tradition of throwing countless classes, PrCs spells, and other useless crunchy bits my way. Because god knows, I can't get enough of them.


I think you need to change your name back to die_kluge.


The tingling means it’s working!
Vanuslux said:
Yeah...this seems to be the kind of business decision making that fuels Dilbert strips.

Well, look on the bright side: with all the attention and high expectations, WotC knows that whatever they introduce has got to be stellar.

But more seriously, they've hired dedicated professionals to work on the digital initiative. It isn't a half-baked launch product like the 3E CD or some kind of outsourced licensed project managed part-time. It's an in-house directive with instant access to the game-makers in R&D, a full team, and a full budget.



Hobo said:
This is just to mollify the anger when they announce at GenCon that they are killing D&D completely. It's a phased in approach.

Don't laugh. If they wanted to destroy the brand, this would be a great way to start.

Jeeze, this shouldn't hurt like this. :\

-The Gneech


Umbran said:
Yes, yes it can. I can't remember a single change made by WotC that has not been met with some measure of doubt, uncertainty, anger, and doomsaying. However, the world eventually recovers, and moves on.

You are so much less fun now since the days before you were a mod.

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