Paizo Product Roundup: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Dawn of Flame and Tyrant's Grasp Adventure Pa

Hello again my lovelies and welcome once more to your favorite compilation of all things from the Golem – that’s right, it’s time for the PAIZO NEWS UPDATE! How spoiled are we that once again the new month brings such bounty it cannot be contained to a single update? Keep your eyes peeled for the next Update when it drops. But now, on to the news!

Hello again my lovelies and welcome once more to your favorite compilation of all things from the Golem – that’s right, it’s time for the PAIZO NEWS UPDATE! How spoiled are we that once again the new month brings such bounty it cannot be contained to a single update? Keep your eyes peeled for the next Update when it drops. But now, on to the news!

Fans of Pathfinder Adventure Paths and card games, rejoice! The good folks at Paizo have put together everything you need to play Pathfinder 1E but with cards! The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game is nothing new, but coming soon is the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set, which not only includes the new-for-cards Dragon’s Demand Adventure Path but also rules and a modular core for creating your own scenarios. Complete with new heroes, weapons, spells, and all the other gubbins you love in Pathfinder 1E, the Core Set looks to be an excellent addition to the Adventure Card Game lineup and even a good starting point for new players.

Speaking of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, it seems that the Golem is not content to release just its core set; on the contrary, a new dedicated Adventure Path is coming soon as well! The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path pits you and up to 5 of your friends against the heaving chaos that is the city of Korvosa. Take on the roles of 4 new heroes of Golarion, complete with new pawns, weapons, spells, and everything else you need to hold your own against the monsters and scourges found within.

Since it seems we’re already on an Adventure-Path-themed kick, why not round out the rest of this Paizo News Update with a return to the good-ol’ radio announcer voice and some Adventure Paths for the tabletop game! The roleplaying game – you know what I mean.

First up: the continuation of the Dawn of Flame Adventure Path! Some malevolent force is interested in the deep-sun city of Ezorod, and it is up to your intrepid adventurers to reach that locale and secure its secrets before they can be used for nefarious purposes. Can you recover sun-diving technology advanced enough to make you rich beyond your wildest dreams? Can you contend with the evil unleashed upon the galaxy by you own careless missteps? WILL THE UNIVERSE EVER RUN OUT OF CULTISTS? Find out for yourself in STARFINDER ADVENTURE PATH #16: THE BLIND CITY!

Finally, we turn back to Golarion to catch the beginning of the final half of the Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path. You may have escaped with your lives (or un-lives) from the town of Roslar’s Coffer, but so too did the terrible Whispering Tyrant! A fallen demigoddess offers to assist you in your time of need, but how much can you trust a lich to usurp an undead god? Each moment you delay allows the Whispering Tyrant more time to recover his strength and his armies. Can you save the nation of Lastwall from the predation of the Whispering Way? How will you broker cooperation between the lich queen Arazni and the knights of Lastwall? WILL YOUR DM PUT ALL THESE CARNIVOROUS PLANTS IN EVERY CAMPAIGN THEY EVER RUN? Find out for yourself in PATHFINDER ADVENTURE PATH #142: GARDENS OF GALLOWSPIRE!

Well, that about does it for this edition of the PAIZO NEWS ROUNDUP! There’s plenty more to come in future updates, and plenty of life yet in Pathfinder 1E even as the arrival of 2E looms. For starters, there are still a few books to turn into Pocket Editions!

This article was contributed by Ben Reece (LongGoneWriter) as part of EN World's Columnist (ENWC) program. If you enjoy the daily news and articles from EN World, please consider contributing to our Patreon!

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Ben Reece

Ben Reece

Paragon Lost

Terminally Lost
Looks like this didn't quite layout as expected?

Yup, you'll see that from time to time. :/ It's a little annoying, but I write it off to the fact that not a professionally maintained site. Sort of like you have to get over the fact that they're running an insecure website as well. It makes me sigh but I like what they put out enough that I still come on over to read what they post.


Lowcountry Low Roller
Yup, you'll see that from time to time. :/ It's a little annoying, but I write it off to the fact that not a professionally maintained site. Sort of like you have to get over the fact that they're running an insecure website as well. It makes me sigh but I like what they put out enough that I still come on over to read what they post.

Ha - well it got better.


Community Supporter
What's wrong with the layout? I'm responsible for posting ENWC articles so if there's a layout issue it's on me to fix it and I'm happy to do so. It looks okay to me though?

Paragon Lost

Terminally Lost
What's wrong with the layout? I'm responsible for posting ENWC articles so if there's a layout issue it's on me to fix it and I'm happy to do so. It looks okay to me though?

It does now Talien. :) Which is what Robus was commenting on from the post above yours. When it was first posted we were seeing the layout as your write up and at the bottom of the article was a 4 attached/downloadable files. :) This happens off and on which is what as I said Robus and I were commenting about. My personal gripe is about that doesn't use https. Which isn't really a layout thing. :)

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