Paragon Paths


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
I'm just getting into WotBS (my party starts it in three or four weeks), and I'm having a pretty good time just preparing for it so far. I've finished the Player's Guide (I want to know what my players will have available to them) and I've started the Campaign Guide.

The Player's Guide says that the paragon paths will be provided later. Considering the 4th adventure is out now (levels 10-12, right?), are the paragon paths coming soon? Or, are they out already and I've just missed them?


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Well, that was fun
Staff member
I have the manuscript (in fact, I wrote it myself - the first WotBS product I've actually written), but I'm really not happy with it. I'm determined to get it right. My current manuscript has some bad balance issues. I've asked someone to look it over.

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