• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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First Post
Okay, this is the Rogue's Gallery thread for my Eberron campaign. My players, post your characters up here please (just the stats and description, the background can stay in the OOC thread). Once all the characters are accounted for, the campaign will begin.

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First Post
Systar os Taer Cyjyl: Male elf Bard 1 (Valenar); 0 XP; Medium humanoid; HD 1d6; hp 6; Init +3; Spd 30 ft; AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +0; Grp +2; Atk or Full Atk +2 melee (1d6+2/18-20, scimitar) or +3 ranged (1d8/x3, longbow) or +4 ranged (1d8+1/x3, longbow within 30 ft.); SA Bardic Music 1/day (countersong, fascinate, inspire courage); SQ immune to sleep spells, +2 save vs. Enchantments, low-light vision, bardic knowledge +1; AL CG; AP 5; SV Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1; Str 15, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 15.

Skills and Feats: Balance +2, Bluff +6, Climb +1, Concentration +4, Craft (Bowyer) +4, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist 2, Hide +2, Jump +1, Knowledge (history) +4, Listen +1, Move Silently +2, Perform (Bow-song) +6, Search +2, Spot +1, Swim +0; Point-blank shot.

Languages: Common, Elven.

Spells per Day (2) DC 12+spell level; Caster Level 1; Spells Known: 0- know direction, light, mage hand, message.

Possessions: scimitar, longbow, 60 arrows, studded leather armor, backpack, traveller’s outfit, bowyer’s tools, Ancestor Mask of Kelaerys Thousand-Stings (Wooden Holy Symbol), spell component pouch, waterskin, 1 ration, bedroll, flint and steel, hooded lantern, 2 pints oil, standard I.D. papers, traveling papers, 1pp, 6 gp. 3 sp. Total weight carried: 59.2 lbs.

Age: 132, Height: 5’5”, Weight 133 lbs. Hair: Black, Eyes: Green.

Systar is a tall (for an elf) warrior with disproportionately muscular arms and chest: built up from years of pulling a bow. He wears a wooden mask painted to look like his patron ancestor, Kelaerys Thousand-Stings, and wraps the top of his head in red cloth. Long black hair hangs down from beneath his head-wrap and mask. His clothes are all browns and yellows, while his armor is a deep black leather with bronze studs. An old scimitar, picked off the body of an opponent hangs uncomfortably at his right side, and an arrowbag hangs more comfortably on his left. With his mask off, he has sharp, attractive features and his rare smile is rather infectious.
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Massif Dardungren - Dwarven Barbarian

[B]Name:[/B]       Massif Dardungren
[B]Class:[/B]      Barbarian
[B]Race:[/B]       Dwarf
[B]Size:[/B]       Medium
[B]Gender:[/B]     Male
[B]Alignment:[/B]  Neutral Good

[B]Str:[/B] 16 +3 (10p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 1        [B]XP:[/B] 0
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2  (6p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +1         [B]HP:[/B] 16 (1d12+4)
[B]Con:[/B] 18 +4 (10p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +4     [B]AP:[/B] 5
[B]Int:[/B] 10 +0  (2p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 30'
[B]Wis:[/B] 10 +0  (2p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +2
[B]Cha:[/B] 06 -2  (0p.)

                      [B]Base  Armor  Shield  Dex  Size  Misc[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 18              10     +4     +2     +2   +0    --
[B]Touch:[/B] 12
[B]Flat:[/B] 16

                      [B]Base  Mod  Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B] +6               +2    +4   --
[B]Ref:[/B] +2                +0    +2   --
[B]Will:[/B] +0               +0    +0   --

[B]Weapon                Attack  Damage  Critical[/B]
Dwarven Waraxe          +4    1d10+3     x3
Handaxe                 +4     1d6+3     x3
Javelin                 +3     1d6+3     x2

[B]Languages:[/B] Dwarven, Common

Darkvision 30' (Dwarf)
Stonecunning (Dwarf)
Stability (Dwarf)
Weapon Familiarity (Dwarf)
+2 save vs. poison (Dwarf)
+2 save vs. spells (Dwarf)
+1 to hit vs. orcs & goblinoids (Dwarf)
+4 to AC vs. giants (Dwarf)
+2 to Appraise on stone/metal items (Dwarf)
+2 to Craft on stone/metal items (Dwarf)
Fast Movement (Barbarian)
Rage 1/day - 9 rounds (Barbarian)

Power Attack

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 16      [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2

[B]Skills:               Ranks  Mod  Misc[/B]
Craft (Smith) +4        2     +0   --
Listen +4               4     +0   --
Read/Write              2 
Spot +2                 4     +0   --
Ride +6                 4     +2   --

[B]Equipment:                Cost  Weight[/B]
Backpack                   2gp     2lb
Bedroll                    1sp     5lb
Belt Pouches (2)           2gp     1lb
Flint & Steel              1gp     0lb
Lantern, Hooded            7gp     2lb
Oil (3)                    3sp     3lb
Rations (4 days)           2gp     4lb
Waterskin                  1gp     4lb
Whetstone                  2cp     1lb

Dwarven Waraxe            30gp     8lb
Handaxe                    6gp     3lb
Scale Mail                50gp    30lb               
Shield, Lg Metal          20gp    15lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 78lb
[B]Money:[/B] 38gp 5sp 7cp
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First Post
Name:		Celebren
Gender:		Male
Race:		Half-Elf
Class:		Monk (Initiate to the Order of the [url=http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ebds/20041213a]Broken Sword[/url])
Alignment:      Lawful Good
Deity:          Dol Dorn and the Sovereign Host

[U]Ability	 Score	Mod	Cost	[/U]	Level:	1st	XP:      0
Str:	  14    +2	 6 		BAB:	+0	HP:	 9 (1d8+1)
Dex:	  15	+2	 8      	Grap:	+2	AC:	14 (+2 Dex, +2 Wis)
Con:	  12	+1	 4      	Speed:	30'	Touch:  14
Int:	  12	+1	 4		Init: 	+2	Flat:   12
Wis:	  14	+2	 6		ACP:    -0             
Cha:	  10        	 2              Action Points:  8

[U]Saves	Total Base	Ability	Feat    Special [/U]           
Fort:	  [B]3[/B]    2	+1	0	0                    
Ref:	  [B]4[/B]    2	+2	0	0       
Will:	  [B]4[/B]    2	+2	0	0       

Spell Save: +2 vs. Enchantment             

[U]Weapons		Attack	Damage	Critical   Range     Special[/U]
Club             +2     1d6+2    20/x2     10 ft. 
Longsword (not proficient yet)	
Sai              +2     1d4+2    20/x2     10 ft.   +4 to disarm
Unarmed Strike   +2     1d6+2    20/x2

Shuriken (10)    +2     1d2+2    20/x2     10 ft.

Heroic Spirit
Improved Unarmed Strike      (Monk class feat)
Monastic Training (Fighter)   (Monk bonus feat)

Immunity to sleep spells, low light vision, elven blood
Flurry of blows

Skill points: 20	

[U]Skills			Total   Ranks	 Ability   Feat    ACP       Special[/U]
Balance                 +5        3       +2
Climb                   +4        2       +2
Concentration		+3        2	  +1
Diplomacy               +3        1                             +2 (Race: Half-Elf)
Gather Information      +2        0                             +2 (Race: Half-Elf)		
(Religion)              +5        4       +1
Listen                  +5        2       +2                    +1 (Race: Half-Elf)                                             
Move Silently           +5        3       +2
Search                  +2        0       +1                    +1 (Race: Half-Elf)
Spot                    +5        2       +2                    +1 (Race: Half-Elf)
Tumble                  +3        1       +2                    

Common, Goblin and Elven.

[U]Equipment            Quantity        Cost         Weight [/U]  
Club (Practice sword)    1          0  gp      3  lb.                   
Sai                      1          1  gp      1  lb.
Shuriken                10          2  gp      1  lb.
Monks Outfit             1          0  gp      0  lb.
Holy Symbol (Wood)       1          1  gp      0  lb.
Backpack                 1          2  gp      2  lb.
Waterskin                1          1  gp      4  lb.
Bedroll                  1          1  sp      5  lb.
Sack                     1          1  sp      .5 lb.
Case, map or scroll      1          1  gp      .5 lb.
Flint and Steel          1          1  gp      0  lb.
Trail Rations            1          5  sp      1  lb.

Total Weight: 18  lb.

[b]Gold:[/b]         13
[b]Silver:[/b]       3

[u]Carrying Capacity[/u]
[b]Light Load:[/b]  	       43 lb. or less
[b]Medium Load:[/b]           44-86 lb.
[b]Heavy Load:[/b]            87-130 lb.

[b]Age:[/b]    18
[b]Height:[/b] 5'5"
[b]Weight:[/b] 130lb
[b]Eyes:[/b]   blue
[b]Hair:[/b]   ravenblack, now cropped short to less than a fingers width 
[b]Skin:[/b]   suntanned copper

"If you think you can win, you can win. Faith is necessary to victory."

Celebren is short, lithe and lissom, leaning physically closer to his elven than to his human ancestry.
Having few earthly belongings, he usually wears the wide cut, white garment common among acolytes in the service to the Souvereign Host. Around his neck hangs a simple and wooden version of arrowhead-symbol of the Silver Flame as well as a cord with a few seashells, a gift and good-luck charm from his former crew.

Due to his service at the Temple, he is cleanly shaven and his black hair cropped short, brining out the slight elvenlike tips of his ears. In secret, Celebren greatly misses his shaggy hair and the small goatee he just managed to grow at the end of his sailoring career.

Celebren also carries a wooden practice sword (club) that he frequently uses to train spinning swordmoves and flamboyant attack routines (every so often ending with the sword clattering on the floor or bruising an unwary bystander).
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First Post
Male Personality Warforged
Age : 5
Hgt : 6'2 "
Wgt : 300
ALIGNMENT :True Neutral
Class: Artificer 1

Speed 20 ft
Base Attack Bonus +0
Base Melee Bonus +1 (BAB + STR)
Base Ranged Bonus +0 (BAB + DEX)

Initiative: +0

Str: 12 (+1)
Dex: 10 (+0)
Con: 14 (12+2) (+2)
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 10 (12-2) (+0)
Chr: 14 (16-2) (+2)

Languages Known: Common, Draconic, Gnomish

Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +2
Reflex: +0
Will: +2

H.P. : 8
A.C. 18 Flatfooted: 18 Touch Attacks: 10
Check Penalty: N/A Arcane Spell Fail: 0%
Armor AC Bonus: +8 Dex AC Bonus: +0
Max Dex Bonus: +1

Weapon Attack Damage Crit Range TypeNotes
Quarterstaff +1 d6+1 x2 B
Dagger +1 d4+1 19-20/x2 P/S

Scribe Scroll (bonus)
Adamantine Body (1st)

Craft (Alchemy): +4 (2)
Craft (Repair Construct): +6, (4)
Decipher Script: +3 (1 cc)
Disable Device:+4 (2)
Knowledge (Arcana): +6 (4)
Search: +4, (2)
Spellcraft: +6 (4)
Use Magic Device: +6, +8* (4)

*=If from scroll

Class/Racial Abilities
1) Artificer Knowledge
2) Artisan Bonus
3) Disable Trap
4) Scribe Scroll Bonus Feat (1st)
5) Item Creation
6) Standard Warforged Racial Features
7) Damage Reduction 2/adamantine (Adamantine Body Feat)
8) -5 to all Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, Swim, and Tumble checks. (Adamantine Body Feat)

Dagger x 2
Light Crossbow
20 Crossbow bolts
Potionbelt (2 of 6 slots filled)
--Alchemist Frost* x2
--Repair Light Damage* x2
--Shield* x2
Warforged Repair Kit

*=Crafted by Digger

Current Load: 19lbs (light load)

Platinum: 0
Gold: 21

1st - 2 per day

Craft Points: 16
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First Post
Sorrenkhad of House Talisk (aka. Sorren Khadiir)
Kalashtar, 1st level Paladin of the Path of Light
Experience: 0 / 1,000

Strength: 15
Dexterity: 11
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 13
Charisma: 14

Melee Attack: +3
Ranged Attack: +1
Grapple: +3

Bastard Sword - +3 Attack 1d10+3 Damage

Hit Points: 12
Armor Class: 15 (+5 Armor)

Fortitude: +4
Reflex: +0
Will: +0 (+2 vs. mind affecting spells, abilities, and possession)

Immune to dream effects
Naturally Psionic (+1 power point per character level)
Mindlink (1/day at 1/2 character level)
+2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate
+2 bonus to Disguise when attempting to pass as human
Aura of Good
Detect Evil
Smite Evil 1/day

Autohypnosis +4 (2 ranks), Bluff +4 (0 ranks), Concentration +6 (4 ranks), Craft-Gemcutting +5 (2 ranks), Diplomacy +6 (4 ranks), Intimidate +4 (0 ranks), Knowledge-Psionics +5 (1 ranks), Psicraft +4 (1 rank), Sense Motive +5 (2 ranks),

Hidden Talent (Mind Thrust)

Common, Quor, Draconic, Riedran, Celestial

Power Points: 3
Known Powers: Mind Thrust

Bastard Sword, Chainmail, Dagger, Backpack, Journal w/ Pen & Ink,
Total Weight: 50 lbs.


Voidrunner's Codex

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