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Celebren shrugs bemused but essentially clueless on what to do.

'It's the baby dragon alright!' the half-elf frowns.

'Did it say anything? Can it talk I mean? Can it bring us to his Lady Wizard?'

Kneeling down towards the little creature, Celebren tries to befriend it with a morsel of his trail rations.

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'As far as I can tell, this little guy speaks directly to our minds, but has only spoken to me the name of his master, Samea. He also sends me waves of emotions. I think he is confused, scared, and a little upset that he attacked me. I find it ery difficult to beleive that Samea would leave such a wonderful pet behind. Either she is still on the ship, somewhere, or she has been abducted. The nervous nature of this small dragon indicates to me that the former is true, and he is uncomfotable in having to be deceitful for the sake of his master.'


'Either she is still on the ship, somewhere, or she has been abducted. The nervous nature of this small dragon indicates to me that the former is true.'

'Somewhere on the ship? Well me and Digger looked all through the lower holds and didn't find anything. Only place we haven't checked yet is the Cap's quarters...

...well, unless of course she's really good at hidin'. Hmm... you don't suppose that's what she was doin' rather than teleporting? Maybe she's hiding? I mean, all we have is that elf's word that she teleported off the boat... and I don't exactly consider his word to be all that more trustworthy than anyone elses.

Ya know... I told Sorren that I thought we should sneak into the Cap's quarters to check things out... now I'm more convinced that ever! Yeah, I know he's still up there keeping guard and all, but who knows what this wizard dame is up to! I think we should demand that the Cap let us do our job and go hunting through her private things.'


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"We should do no such thing! She is, after all, employing us to take care of things on HER ship. We should go to the captain and report what we've found, tell her that Samea may be hiding somewhere on the ship, and suggest to her that the only area of the ship we havn't searched is her quarters."

Systar thinks for a moment, looks at the others and whispers...

"I doubt we'll find her though...she's probably invisible and listening to us right now...I wonder is she didn't arrange for the birds to be a distraction, luring us all above decks...that's why she had her pet attack me when I came back down stairs. I'd wager she is in this very room, waiting for us to leave so she can take what she wants, and get out of here. We need a way to make her reveal herself..."


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Glancing back and forth between Massif and Systar during the exchange, Celebren is aghast and intriqued at the same time at the prospect of breaking into the captains cabin.

"I doubt we'll find her though...she's probably invisible and listening to us right now...I wonder is she didn't arrange for the birds to be a distraction, luring us all above decks...that's why she had her pet attack me when I came back down stairs. I'd wager she is in this very room, waiting for us to leave so she can take what she wants, and get out of here. We need a way to make her reveal herself..."

'But what would be her purpose in spying on us? We don't have anything to hide... do we?'
Celebren whispers doubtfully, leaning closer to Systar and peering over his shoulder.
'.and why would her pet dragon be so upset if his master would be invisible nearby?'

Shaking his head confused, Celebren stands up straight again, looking around for anyone who would spy on them. ((Spot d20[12]+5= 17))
'I.. I think you're right that the birds were a distraction. But Samea might well be the victim of the whatever transpired while we scared away the flock, not the culprit.
Es.. especially since nothing actually happened but the abduction of Lady Samea.

Avoiding the other peoples eyes, Celebren very, very quietly adds.
'I don't think we really have any solid.. uh.. founded.. suspicion that would warrant it, but search the cabin... I mean the captain did behave very, very odd.'

Taking a deep breath, the young monk tries to ignore the very visual image of the consequences it would hold if word of such an outrageous act would reach the ears of his abbess at the monastry.

'It.. it might get us some new insights if.. if.. if we were.. uh.. to rummage through the captains privates. Just a vague hunch though.'
Celebren adds very, very quietly, blushing at his own proposal.

OoC: Sorry, I kinda turned around my whole reasoning in editing while you posted Shaggy. ..

I also hope I'm not killing my alignment with this ?
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First Post
"Well, her disappearance and her pet attacked me...though I'll concede, I may have just startled the little guy. Either way, we should tell the captain what we discovered...and demand nothing."


'This is stupid! We know the Captain knows something... we could all see it upstairs that she didn't want to tell us something regarding those birds that attacked. Now we have this stupid dragon here attacking us because his master took off somewhere either by teleportation, invisibility, or some other confounded method...

...I say we take this little creature upstaris with us, shove it into Dresda's arms and say "here's another stupid situation involving your damned ship! Now you gonna tell us what's going on or should we just go to our cabins and stick our thumb up our butts for the rest of the trip?" I'm tired of this!'

Massif turns back around and begins walking back to the stairs, planning on going up and confronting the Captain once and for all. As he goes, he grumbles to himself...

'Flock of birds attack us for no good reason... a wizard up and disappears... stupid lizard gets left behind for some stupid reason... you haven't told us ANYTHING about what we're doing here except to "protect the ship", but nothing about who or what we're protecting it from... you better start giving us answers you old bag, or you can just drop me off at the next airship station! I'm tired of this crap! Tired!'
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((Celebren is unable to see anything untoward... and, incidentally, is shwoing a chaotic streak there. Alignment conflict... mmmmm... juicy :p))

The tiny dragon eats the trail rations out of Celebren's hand, obviously enjoying the attention. Waves of emotion wash over the half-elves mind, the predominant one being gratefulness.

Massif marches up to the deck to find everything as it was, the deckhands busy and the captain's door firmly closed. If he wants to confront her, it seems he will have to do so by pounding on her door and calling her out in front of her crew.

((what are the rest of you doing? Are you following him upstairs?))


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Celebren very, very carefully picks up the baby dragon, possibly using more food to placate the little thing, before hurrying after Massif, hoping (against hope) that he can reason with the agitated dwarf.


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As Massif storms past Digger, the warforged looked to the others in the room and back again to the departing dwarven warm blood waging an inner war with himself. While he was not certain what was happening around them, as the idea of espionage was a foreign concept to him, he did not want the hot headed dwarf to endanger himself needlessly. Especially if the female Magus was of the same ilk as his former master.

Turning around quickly, before he could talk himself into further inaction, Digger rapidly caught up with Massif before the dwarf could wage a one sided assault on the door.

"You must remember Massif that if the female Magus is in the room, she will have prepared for your entry. While I am no Magus myself, I have seen dark magic used against your kind, and while your race is one of the stronger ones, magic is nothing to be taken lightly."

Placing a bolt into his crossbow, Digger sighed slightly as he looked back to the dwarven warm blood.

"You asked me to speak if I felt my words would be of assistance, so I am speaking now. If she can't move her hands she will be limited in the spells she can cast, if she can not speak, she will be all but helpless. Now, let us try knocking once and allow the others to catch up."

Raising his crossbow, Digger waited while Massif digested his words.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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