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Parting Gifts: Ch 1 - Dusk - IC


After praying with his strand of prayer beads and casting some spells to prepare for the battle, Yolo teleports to the scene, arriving successfully near Grandfather.

(ooc: PCs left to act this round: Haessellekh, Kurina, Grandfather. Zach if Ivellious returns.)

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Kurina shouts in surprise and pain, then grits her teeth and takes aim again. *Twang* she drops another four together, and floats upwards, trying to get a bit more distance so she's harder to hit.

ooc: Another Multishot, Fighting Defensively, taking penalty from levitating. (+25 attack, AC now 46. If it's a reflex save, remember that I have Evasion). Also, during combat, I'll need to know what my 1d4 roll for Shifting is each time I use it, so I know when I can use it again. I last used it 2 rounds ago (Shift up, draw bow, next round Shoot, this round Shoot).


Kurina knows that she won't be able to dimension-shift again for about another 12 seconds.

*Twang*! This time the arrows hit on the left side of the beast but seem to glance off of its hard shell. (ooc: A miss, but a touch attack would have hit.)

She floats 20' higher, and is now 220' from the ground.

(ooc: left to act: Haessellekh, Grandfather, Zach)


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Grandfather flaps in closer, and for those with the ears to hear it, squeaks in eerie patterns in the ultrasonic voice of bats. One of his clawed feet bursts into flame, finally erupting in a great discharge of a bright, firey comet that howls through the air towards the towering underbelly of the Tarrasque.

(move action to get closer and then casting Fire Seed. 20d6 Fire, Ranged touch attack +20 to hit.)


(ooc: Welcome back, Ivellious!)

Approaching the giant monster as fast as he can, the winged Zach flys to within about 160' of it.

Grandfather, in direbat form, flaps forward and casts a spell. There is no visible effect as of yet. He too is now about as close to it as Zach.

(ooc: see OOC. You can't cast the fire seeds spell and toss the acorn in the same round.)

(left to act this round: Haessellekh)


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(OOC Thanks. Kinda stupid to leave something I enjoy when I feel like a total trainwreck, so I've decided to come back and try my hand.)


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Seeing the battle already joined, Haessellekh pours on speed, flying level towards the creature. "Grandfather, fire won't even slow this beast. I've seen ....", she doesn't finish the thought.


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The huge bat glances at Haessellekh and makes an awkward shrug with its wings...as if to say, "Eh, might as well."

He still seems intent on releasing the little burning bomblet as soon as he has a chance.


Haessellekh flys quickly; she is now about as close to the monster as Zach and Grandfather.

(round 3)

Though not oblivious to the strange creatures fast approaching, the tarrasque continues to focus its ire at the only one to have attacked it yet, Kurina. It spits another spray of acid and burns her again, as does some of the residual acid from last time. (ooc: total of 21 damage)

Grandfather surges forward, intent on using the acorn he prepared as a weapon. He tosses it at the giant beast. Even from this height and distance, it is not hard to strike such a large creature.

There is a great FLASH of fire as the missile strikes the front of the monster and explodes. It ROARS in pain! The tarrasque does look scorched in the area of the strike.

Haessellekh has seen many fireballs seemingly bounce off the creature, but that may be due to a general resistance to spells.

But even so the damaged area is but a fraction of its bulk, and right before your eyes you notice that the burns quickly begin to heal. The beast will be whole again in less than a quarter of a minute.

(left to act: Kurina, Yolo, Haessellekh, Zach)

Voidrunner's Codex

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