D&D 5E Party flight at 5th? Druid summoned giant vultures

Yes indeed. It sounds like my games are actually logical.

No, it didn't. Your response was highly defensive and dismissive of things which, if this were not an adversarial conversation, I suspect you would have happily acknowledged have some utility in certain situations. You dismissed the combat utility for CRs but that's not a fair dismissal as CRs are not some canonical formula applied to every encounter and I am sure you're aware there will be utility sometimes from the combat aspects. Darkvision and blindsight can be helpful even without communication as sensing a foe and attacking that spot where the players are unable to will drastically increase the odds the players will be able to focus on the square the foe is in as well, and also allows for an additional perception check in the party with senses the party doesn't otherwise have and communication with words isn't necessary for a squawked alarm. Tracking by smell you dismissed but I have no idea why as it's highly useful and we use tracking by scent fairly often (I'd say one out of every three or four sessions). It's one of the primary ways to track in 5e, particularly for any surface that leaves few or no footprints. Finally, carrying capacity is situational but when that situation arrives it's pretty darn meaningful, particularly if the thing being carried is a PC.

These are all situations I strongly suspect an experienced D&D player like yourself has encountered, and again I suspect if this were not a defensive retort of yours it wouldn't have been so dismissive. If for example you were offered a magic item for free for your PC that did all those things, would you be so dismissive of them? I bet not. There is utility there, and your response was not purely logic-based but seemed pretty emotional in trying to bat away a challenge rather than fairly analyze a rational retort.

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Actually the CR is a canonical formula applied to every encounter... It's how encounters are designed.

Darkvision and Blindsight are useful in combat yes, but they were specifically on about utility, so I grouped combat under CR.

As for tracking and carry capacity, we've never had those come up at all. Well, that's a lie, carrying capacity did come up, but the druid decided to Wildshape instead since they deemed one hour of increased carrying capacity a waste, since one hour wouldn't be enough.

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