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This concerns those that have to chase one of my best friends away from the chat... I find that any who bring real life matter into role playing are not role players, mearly idiots thinking to teach the other a lesson. Disgraces to rping you are for chasing away a awesome role player like Ghaelun HammerFrost's player. You may think you didn't, but the truth is that you did. You all can agree this chat has indeed went down hill, all he did was exspress that and you pretty much punished him for it. But I'm sure all that will come out of this thread is you people justifying what you're doing, and what not. And I am sure my characters from now on will be ignored as well.

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Mayu Amakura

Ghaelun HammerFrost said:
i lied..i'm not leaving..

Doesn't look like to me that they chased him off, only made him angry.

And I'm not siding with anyone here, only gets me in trouble, but I will say that maybe your approach on this, Lacerin, isn't such a good one. A little uppity...
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First Post
I have never known him to get angry, even after all the dumb stuff I've done. And I do not need reminders...

Mayu Amakura

You are missing the point here, Lacerin. You can't just post something, badgering other players for their thoughts, regardless of what they did or did not do.

Lacerin said:
...mearly idiots thinking to teach the other a lesson. Disgraces to rping you are...
The slinging around of the name calling, etc, is uncalled for, period. No matter how mad you are. It is better to approach it in a gentle manner.

Would you rather someone open your door and ask you a question or kick it in and say, "It's your fault!"

See what I mean?


First Post
Oh wow!

Let's all argue about RPing!!!

That makes a lot of sense.


And I'm pointing at everyone, myself included.

Someone give me a hand at pointing...

I only have so many fingers.


First Post
you guys I think what was he saying is that it was rath riducalless in how the manner was treated in the begining. I mean when you look at the thread the replies werent that great.. the ones that posted it were just stating and they turned and got yelled at. please dont egg bomb me it Im misreading him post..


First Post
There was no yelling, no attacking, no "bands" of people fighting. There was a couple people that complained. Other people tried to answer to those complains the best they could, to provide for a better way of complaining AND solutioning. Then, some of the first felt alienated and excluded, but that was not what the others were aiming at, it was a misunderstanding. Now, those who felt alienated are trying to defend themselves, from an attack that never existed. Please, can we drop all this stuff and move on?


First Post
Lacerin said:
This concerns those that have to chase one of my best friends away from the chat...
Mayu covered this for the public knowledge. Keeping up on the drama on sites like this is fun (there really needs to be a sarcastic smiley for things like that), but I don't understand why it has to be made public so often lately. All it does is breed hard feelings and put a negative vibe for potential new blood viewing the boards and thinking about getting involved.

Lacerin said:
I find that any who bring real life matter into role playing are not role players, mearly idiots thinking to teach the other a lesson. Disgraces to rping you are for chasing away a awesome role player like Ghaelun HammerFrost's player. You may think you didn't, but the truth is that you did.
More of that fun keeping up on drama stuff. Real-life was brought up to clarify why people use the AFK/Busy tags in the chats, which wasn't even one of his recent threads. While he participated, no one was belligerent toward him. If anything, people were quite polite about explaining the nature of the issue at hand. Real-life does factor in, and calling people "idiots" for having real lives that affect their free time is uncalled for, and outright belligerent without reason.

Lacerin said:
You all can agree this chat has indeed went down hill, all he did was exspress that and you pretty much punished him for it. But I'm sure all that will come out of this thread is you people justifying what you're doing, and what not. And I am sure my characters from now on will be ignored as well.
Ask anyone who has posted complaint threads without offering a legitimate proposal of a solution how the general opinion toward them changes. As a rule, people don't like being bluntly criticized or lambasted for something that they have no control over when that criticism isn't presented constructively. But you know that already, since all of the recent criticism threads have all included (or alluded to) the suggestion to make a suggestion on how to improve matters. If you can't take the heat, don't light a potential fire, stick to venting with your friends for cathartic relief and look for a plausible solution.

As it was with previous "us vs. them" situations, it's a reactive fallacy. There is no conspiracy, people aren't out to get you, and playing the victim doesn't gain any sympathy over the internet for getting the exact reaction that you provoke.

Mayu Amakura

Lexla said:
you guys I think what was he saying is that it was rath riducalless in how the manner was treated in the begining. I mean when you look at the thread the replies werent that great.. the ones that posted it were just stating and they turned and got yelled at. please dont egg bomb me it Im misreading him post..

The thing most people fail to realize, is that will never change.. EVER. Someone will always disagree with someone else. It is basic human nature. I won't lie though, I have been in Frost's shoes many a time. No fun, but it taught me not to bother with them and just go about my business. If I disagree with something, I keep it to myself, it would just frustrate me more to point it out and have people criticize my point of view. So you know what I say? Meh to them.

But, I'll stand aside now and let the ones this thread was aimed at to raise their verbal shields and smite Lacerin for his free willed thoughts.

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