Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2nd Edition Compiled Info


First Post
Hey Morrus, great job compiling all this information. I want to know if I can translate your post to a blog originally designed for Pathfinder material here in Brazil. Because English is not one of our languages, this could help some Pathfinder fans to understand what is actually happening.

(I tried to send an MP, but I still can not)
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First Post
Pathfinder 2e being a tactical roleplaying game seems good to me. It's a style I love, although the other players around here, not so much. I may be able to convince them ^^


Golden Procrastinator
Under the Alchemist heading, golems are mentioned as iconic. In one the the threads Erik Mona clarified that probably they said goblin and it had been misheard.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
There's a fair amount to unpack in today's Pathfinder 2nd Edition news roundup! The big thing, I think, is where we find out what Resonance is and how it limits magic item use (and CLW wand-spamming); there's a ton more playtest demo media for you to watch or listen to, and some discussion from Paizo's Mark Seifter on Pathfinder 2nd Edition's differences to D&D 5E. All updated above or see this post for today's specific updates:


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Also known as "Mark Seifter's daily math lecture", here's today's Pathfinder 2nd Edition news roundup! Today involves a lot of discussion about Resonance and the Death/Dying rules. Plus math. Resonance is a controversial subject - this is the third day in a row it has dominated these new updates. In other news, GAMA trade show has now ended, so Paizo staff will be returning home.!

Voidrunner's Codex

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