Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2nd Edition Compiled Info


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Proficiencies are the big news for Pathfinder 2nd Edition today! We take a look at Paizo's new blog on proficiencies, and I break down Mark Seifter's daily novel (I have no idea how that guy has time to work on the game!); some of the quotes below get a little opaque, so free to skim past them unless your Pathfinder system mastery skills are strong. We also very briefly look at magic items and Resonance again.

All added to the above page from here:

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Yesterday's update - This is my second attempt to do this today, as I had all this compiled earlier and then the internet flaked out on me just as I hit "Save". So... starting again! Today's Pathfinder 2nd Edition news update, remarkably similar to the one I wrote about an hour ago, includes Jason Bulmahn talking about game design goals, Mark Seifter clarifying some things about the new proficiency system, and Erik Mona discovering that the most popular archetype is the Archeologist!!

Today's update - Today brings us our first look at one of the core classes -- the fighter! Jason Bulmahn delves into what we should expect from the 2nd Edition version of this classic class.!

All integrated into the compiled information post!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I will probably need to split that post up soon. The system is struggling with its length, and it's not getting any shorter!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
In today's Pathfinder 2nd Edition news roundup, the playtest book preorders go live, Bulmahn and Radney-McFarland appear on a podcast, and what it would take to make "Pathfinder 1.5".

Lost Soul

First Post
I think the character feat every other level is a great idea if implemented correctly. It may allow more versatility in class design if implemented correctly and help to weed out class features that I may not be interested in.
For example, I never liked the Pathfinder Barbarian feature Trap Sense. My group does not use a lot of traps and it always was for my character a very situational and seldom used ability. Even with the archetype options available in advanced players guide, trap sense was never an ability that you could swap out which reinforced my suspicion that the game designers themselves didn't hold the ability in high regard compared to uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge, damage reduction and other barbarian abilities that could be lost or delayed to grant a new benefit to the class. Now if class feats are in play I might not have to take Trap Sense as an ability and choose a different benefit more in line with my concept of my barbarian


So nothing new in 2 weeks or Morrus is in vacation ? The information was very useful and was saving me lot of time from not having to look everywhere to get that information


Well, that was fun
Staff member
So nothing new in 2 weeks or Morrus is in vacation ? The information was very useful and was saving me lot of time from not having to look everywhere to get that information

The compiled post has had *tons* added to it in the last two weeks. You can see a list of recent PF2 news updates on the right of the news page.

Voidrunner's Codex

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