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Pathfinder 1E [Pathfinder] airwalkrr's Rise of the Runelords Reborn! IC

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=ooc to dm]what's a shoanti? ps internet bad due to bad weather. always happens here in Nashville. Also, weather change is making my hand hurt. A lot. So my posting will be slow today and probably tomorrow.[/sblock]

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OOC: Shoanti are a sub-race/sub-culture of humans living in some of the wilder parts of Varisia. Many are considered savages, but despite their tribal nature, they have a rich culture. They tend to have darker features than Varisians, and often trade and intermarry with them.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Meanwhile, in Cracktooth's...

A scarred Varisian and a confident-looking half-elf are having an arm wrestling contest with several patrons gathered around the table. At another end some patrons are throwing darts at a crudely-drawn goblin face on the wall. There is also a dwarf who is engaged in an attempt to drink a strong-looking Shoanti under the table. They continue to order rounds of strong grain alcohol, and many patrons are betting on the outcome. A pale-faced man with dark hair and blue eyes asks if he can share a table with Jekyll, seeing as the rest of the seats are taken, then plops down his bowl and mug. Although the man's tunic covers most of his chest, Jekyll can see a tattoo of a creature with at least a few snake-like heads visible from the neck down on the man's chest. "Not a bad scene here today, eh friend? I put 7 silver on the dwarf going down before the Shoanti. They call me Jaimen. Well met."

OOC: Jaimen is an open-hook, minor NPC for Jekyll, @Scott DeWar. Like the other open hooks the other party members received, narrative control of this character is now up to you. Note that Jaimen's text is violet-colored. This indicates that his starting attitude is not necessarily obvious. Perhaps he is simply non-chalant, but he could be concealing his motives. That is all up to you.

Young Jekyll smiles at Jaimen, "Why yes, this is a fine festival going on. I am called Jekyll. So, you favor the shoanti? I'll take that bet. I believe in the anatomy of the dwarves to be the victor here." His smile is genuine. Yes, this small town is where he can hide, to restart his life. An he can make a little coin trusting in dwarf, maybe. his smile broadens as he feels the stew settling in. HE takes the round of bread and offers to share with his guest and watches the drinking bout go on, cheering on the dwarf as he drinks.


Jamir Rolande


Jamir nodded his understanding as Das made his intentions known and found a willing addition to their trio. "Well, good luck to you then, mate." Even with the old geezer, that group was going to be tough to beat.

He glanced at his companions with some disappointment, their attempt to recruit the blacksmith had fallen by the wayside when none of the others had spoken up. "Well fellows, you three might as well make a team now. Perhaps the dwarf will give you an edge to compete and maybe the old fishmonger is not going to help them much."

Jamir was agile, but not a trained acrobat like the new contender. He replied to Sabyl, "Sorry, lass. I am afraid I would only make a fool of myself in comparison. But I shall look to see what coin I can make placing my bet on you to win, eh. I would doubly happy then when you beat the others."

With the contests getting close, it was unlikely the lad was going to return with the farm girl before they started. The Goblin Squashed Stables was just too far away. But he kept looking in that direction any way.

[sblock=MiniStats]Jamir Harkness
Init +6, Speed 30, Senses: Perception +3, Sense Motive -1
Defense: 14, Touch 14, Flat-footed 10, CMD 16
Crit Def Bonus: +7, Crit Attack Bonus: +0
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
HP 9 (DR3/Armor); Current: 9
Conditions in effect: None

Bardic Performances Remaining: 6/6
1st Level Spells (CLW, Grease): 2/2

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]
OOC: Does the farm girl have a name already, or can I make it up?


"Just as well. These contests are meant to be about having some fun, not about winning or gambling. I'd rather be participating" Nuko says.

His contribution in the tug-of-war is respectable but unexceptional.

ooc: Str check = 13


Guest 11456

Thrindar: Dwarf Cleric of Sarenrae

Thrindar nods at Nuko's statement. "Let us get to it then."

OOC: DEX roll with bonus (1d20+4=13)

[sblock=Thrindar Mini Stats]Thrindar
Def: 12 FF Def: 10
HP: 12/12 DR: none
CMB: +2 CMD: 14
CDCB: +2 CAB: +0 MCB0: +3

Note: Left most of equipment in room. Just wearing clothes and have holy symbol.

Fort: +3 Reflex: +2 Will: +5
Perception: +3 Sense Motive: +3
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Channel Energy: 4/4
Orisons: Create Water, Purify Food and Drink, Stabilize
1st Level: Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Light Wounds (Domain)
Domain Powers Remaining Today:
Fire Bolt: 6/6
Rebuke Death: 6/6[/sblock]


OOC: Does the farm girl have a name already, or can I make it up?
OOC: Make it up. I generally won't give minor narrative NPCs names. If I do, you may use them or even change them (perhaps a secret identity?). Totally up to you. Their entire fate is in your hands! (That is, until I say otherwise.)

I'll have a more detailed post Sunday evening or Monday morning.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Kelvyn nods enthusiastically as Nuko endorses the playful nature of these contests. "I be not above making a little quick gold with a wager or two -" He pauses with a nod to Jamir "- and I'm happy you were able to profit a bit on my performance. But I be here to have fun, mostly. Nuko, I be happy to try our hand at the tug-o-war; together with the Dwarf there I think we've got a chance to win."

Meanwhile, the warrior sees that his friend Jubrayl is about to enter the balance beam contest. "Now there's a man I'd not bet against. Jubrayl's likely got this one sewn up, my friends!"

When the time comes, the mighty Kel takes his place in the line, spits on his palms and takes up the rope. He sets his feet, digging into the soft ground, and waits for the referee's signal.

[sblock=Actions/Rolls]STR Check (1d20+4=20)[/sblock]
[SIZE=+1]Kelvyn Damonder[/SIZE]
HP: 15/15, Speed: 20' Perception: +0

Defense: 14, Critical Defense: +08, Armor DR: 5/Magic or Large, CMD: 19
Fort: +3, Reflex: +3, Will: +0

Perception: +0, Sense Motive: +0

Weapon in Hand: None

Abilities: Str 19, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10

Condition: None


Jamir Rolande


In reply to Kelvyn, Jamir shrugged, “Even so, I am sure the lass would appreciate my confidence, yeah?”

Once his lunch companions started tugging and putting on a decent run of it, the bard held up three gold coins and declared, “I have three gold that says these gentlemen will be able to finish in the top three! Any takers?”

He had also offered 5 gold on Sabyl to win the balance beam contest as well, even if the odds were nearly even. He could afford to lose both of those bets and still come out ahead for the day. But putting money on his new friends to potentially win was a decent show of support.

With the events underway, he kept an eye out for the freckled-faced, fair-haired farm girl. Jamir spotted the boy he sent return, but no sign of the pretty maiden. The boy told him the lass would meet him behind the stables after the contests were over. The bard handed over another silver coin and the boy on his way.

[sblock=MiniStats]Jamir Harkness
Init +6, Speed 30, Senses: Perception +3, Sense Motive -1
Defense: 14, Touch 14, Flat-footed 10, CMD 16
Crit Def Bonus: +7, Crit Attack Bonus: +0
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
HP 9 (DR3/Armor); Current: 9
Conditions in effect: None

Bardic Performances Remaining: 6/6
1st Level Spells (CLW, Grease): 2/2

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]


The cups soon pile high on the table as the dwarf and the Shoanti continue to down drink after drink. Some say the contest shall never end, claiming dwarves are immune to the effects of alcohol (an obvious falsehood) and Shoanti tribes have made pacts with their wild gods to remove the alcohol from their stomachs whenever they drink. That gets a laugh, but soon they are both deep in their cups and staring at each other through what are clearly hazy eyes. The Shoanti lifts his glass for the next swallow of one finger. His hand wavers in the air for a moment... and he downs it in one fell swallow! The crowd cheers. The dwarf smashes the table with his fist when he sees the Shoanti succeed, causing the cups to rattle. Cracktooth pours the dwarf another finger of grain alcohol. The dwarf gazes down at it, his head bobbling from side to side, heavy with drink. He shakes his head to try and regain his composure and gives the cup a great swallow. The crowd watches the dwarf carefully as he puts both hands on the table and cries, "Thas ha wuh do da dwinnin in muh..." but he wavers on the last word. After what seems like the longest second of the contest, the dwarf seems to shift to one side. Soon it becomes a full topple and the dwarf has fallen completely off his stool onto the ground, snoring loudly. The Shoanti stands, his hide-skin mantle of elk and fox tail flourishing behind as he tosses his hands up in triumph. The crowd cheers!

"Looks like your silver is mine," Jaimen winks. It seems impossible. How could this man have known?

OOC: @Morrus;, Jekyll notices a diminutive broken vial on the floor under the Shoanti's chair. It appears to have a skull on the label, but it is too far away to make out more detail. What this odd clue means (if it means anything at all) is completely up to you. I'll let you take Jaimen from here and narrate the rest of the events at Cracktooth's during lunch however you wish. I just thought that would be an interesting little tidbit to add for Jaimen to spice up the scene. If you do not have time, do not sweat it. Jekyll could just excuse himself from the tavern quietly before anything else happens. You have total narrative control for now.

The Tug of War
The contestants have entered and the teams have been divided up randomly by a gnome who placed a different-colored illusory mark on a 19 identical cards, one representing each team, and placed them into a hat for random draws by Sheriff Hemlock. The Sheriff had local genius and historian Brodert Quink (Knowledge: local or history) devise a means of ensuring each team had a fair chance of competing since the number of teams was odd. Wherever Brodert goes, his golden-haired cat follows him, always keeping a few feet distant from the man, but never straying too far, and he uses an enormous chalk board and an abacus to calculate and display how the teams will compete. It seems complex, but in the end Brodert can boil it down to lining up the matches and calculating the rules of elimination for Sheriff Hemlock. The Sheriff agrees this is equitable, and since no one is about to question Brodert's mathematical capabilities, the contest begins!

A team of young children, the progeny of a local woman named Risa (Knowledge: local), are the first to be eliminated, along with a team of twin teenage girls and a young man plus a team consisting of what most whisper are whores from the Pixie's Kitten, the town brothel (Knowledge: local). Your two primary contenders are Das Korvut's team of relatively old (but apparently strong) men and a team of all dwarves put together by the local Guildmaster of the Carpenter's Guild, Aesrick Battlehorn. In fact, the dwarves make such a fine showing of themselves that after the first round, bookie odds shift entirely in their favor. Your team is given close to even odds and Das' team is considered another fair contender, but "Aesrick's Champions" seem to be drawing the most attention. In the final bracket, it is "The Elders," (as Das' team comes to be called), Aesrick's Champions, the Nobles--a team of two Scarnetti scions and Tsuko Kaijitsu (Knowledge: nobility)--and your own team. Thus far, your only loss has been to Aesrick's Champions, but it was not in a single elimination round, and you ultimately prevailed in that round to move on.

Everyone watches the next four contests with interest, which will determine the top four teams in order of rank. Aesrick's Champions vs. the Elders are first, and it is a hard-fought contest. At one point, the Elders pull a couple dwarves into the mud, but not all of them. Aesrick rallies them in an amazing comeback to raucous applause. They will face the winner of the next match and the Elders will compete against the loser of your match against the Nobles for third place.Although your team initially has trouble with the Nobles, they turn out to be lacking in stamina, and soon the contest sways in your direction and you pull them into the mud. One of the Scarnettis is hurled face down into the mud and gets up angrily, furling his brow at you before stomping off. The Nobles do not even deign to compete in the third place round, and the honor is bestowed to the Elders by default.

It finally comes down to your team, nicknamed the Outsiders by the townsfolk, and Aesrick's Champions. The dwarves rub their hands in anticipation, warming them to evaporate the sweat, and they plant their feet firmly on the ground. Aesrick leads them from the front. The Guildmaster and his team have mighty grips indeed! You find yourselves pitted in a challenging match of heave and ho. The rope sways in both directions several times. Nuko ends up with one leg in the mud at one point, but Thrindar holds the back tightly while Kelvyn gives a mighty tug. This time it is Aesrick's turn to get muddy, as he finds himself skirting the edge of the shallow pit. Both his boots get splattered with mud, but he manages to avoid falling in. For three whole minutes it then seems neither team will give more than an inch at a time. Aesrick calls to his dwarves in their native tongue, but Thrindar quickly grasps the meaning and whispers their plan to give a concerted pull in two seconds. Your team counters their strategy by giving just a little rope to let them pull themselves off balance and Kelvyn cries for a final massive tug to take advantage. The dwarves fall toppling over themselves into the mud pit and the crowd cheers!

"The Outsiders seem to have surprised us all!" the Sheriff proclaims, "so congratulations on your exceptional teamwork!"

The Sheriff names your team the Spirit of Unity and many townsfolk come to congratulate your team, Das, Gorvi, and Turch among them. "Well, done, men," says the wispy-haired fishmonger, who reeks of week-old fish as he approaches, "if I were in my prime I'd have given you the old Sailor's Haul, but you're the winners today it seems. Ha ha!"

OOC: For the next 24 hours, Nuko, Kelvyn, and Thrindar receive an extra +1 when using the Aid Another action (a total of +3). Because he believed in his friends and bet on them, Jamir has the ability to use the Aid Another action at a range of 30 feet for the next 24 hours, however using this action at range only grants a +1 bonus (instead of the usual +2); he also wins 2 gp.

Jamir heads over to check on the results of the balance beam contest. After canvasing the crowd, he learns that apparently Jubrayl shysted the entire game. He made an appearance of being much less agile than he actually was, performing just well enough (sometimes simply seeming lucky) to proceed to the next round and driving his odds downward. Meanwhile an unusual number of shady characters continued to place bets on him, mostly folks from out of town. In the final round, Jubrayl faced off against Sabyl, and he utterly shamed her. He performed a series of back-flips, tumbles, and twirls that would put a ballet dancer to shame. Sabyl made a fair showing of herself but could not keep up with Jubrayl, who decimated her in every category. Many grumbled that he was dishonest and a poor sport, but Mayor Deverin was forced to recognize that he never actually violated the rules of the competition and named him the Champion of Acrobatics.

There are several more events planned for late afternoon, but at Three Bells, Father Zantus is planning to perform the Swallowtail Release and official Consecration in the Catherdral square. Everyone is planning to attend. You have a bit of time to prepare yourselves before then.

OOC: Jamir looses his 5 gp bet on Sabyl.

You have about 20 minutes in game time to gather in the Cathedral Square (assuming you wish to attend the Consecration like the other 98% of townsfolk and visitors). Feel free to narrate any interactions you have with NPCs whom you have met so far within the bounds of what you know about their personalities. Or you can simply role-play a bit with each other and take care of anything else you would like to.

[sblock=Experience so far]
Thrindar: 20/1,300
Nuko: 14/1,300
Kelvyn: 24/1,300
Jamir: 44/1,300

Jekyll: 6/1,300

Voidrunner's Codex

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