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Pathfinder 1E [Pathfinder] airwalkrr's Rise of the Runelords Reborn! IC


Guest 11456

Thrindar: Dwarf Cleric of Sarenrae

Thrindar partakes in some of the spicy eel and chooses to wash it down with the house lager. He nurses his lager because he does not want to get too inebriated before the next event. Upon seeing the two younger dwarves he merely raises his mug to them in a silent toast and a wide smile. The two dwarves eye him for a moment and then turn their attentions to other things. For several minutes they glance back at Thrindar off and on, but the dwarven cleric has turned his attention to those he is sitting with and doesn't respond. They two eventually lose interest and stop staring.

Later when it comes time for the next event, he decides to try his hand at it.

[sblock=Rolls]Strength checks (1d20+2=7, 1d20+2=14, 1d20+2=13) Total: 34[/sblock][sblock=Thrindar Mini Stats]Thrindar
Def: 12 FF Def: 10
HP: 12/12 DR: none
CMB: +2 CMD: 14
CDCB: +2 CAB: +0 MCB0: +3

Note: Left most of equipment in room. Just wearing clothes and have holy symbol.

Fort: +3 Reflex: +2 Will: +5
Perception: +3 Sense Motive: +3
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Channel Energy: 4/4
Orisons: Create Water, Purify Food and Drink, Stabilize
1st Level: Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Light Wounds (Domain)
Domain Powers Remaining Today:
Fire Bolt: 6/6
Rebuke Death: 6/6[/sblock]
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"Ah. I'm Nuko" Nuko told the others.

Nuko chooses the spicy eel. Though still disappointed that he didn't get to try swallowing tails, he pronounces the food and drink excellent.

Seeing the Varisian who has a Rogan tattoo, Nuko goes over and talks to him. The man explains that his late wife was from the town. The two talk for a while, then Nuko rejoins his original table.

He tries his best at the strength contest, lifting barrels, boulders, and logs. His showing is respectable, but he does have some difficulties balancing the items, so he doesn't think he'll actually win.

ooc: Str checks total = 36


Jamir Rolande


~ En Route the Rusty Dragon ~
Jamir did not argue about the group going to the Rusty Dragon as they ignored his suggestion. He tagged along anyway and added with the half-orc's introduction, "Well met. My name is Jamir Rolande."

As they walked to the famous tavern, he looked at the big human and asked again, "Well, what do you know of the favorites in the contest? There is potential gold to be made on wagers if you can win with long odds."

~ Inside the Rusty Dragon ~
Having enjoyed mostly the drink of the tavern, Jamir was a little inebriated when the flirty girl propositioned him.

He replied with some eagerness, "Certainly, my dear. See you then." He smirked at his new companions after her watched her shapely rear end cross the tavern. "Ho ho, my friends. This festival appears to be certainly looking up."

He composed a limerick and recited it as he raised his ale.
"In the Rusty Dragon, there was a pretty lass,"
"To her shapely rear, I raise my glass,"
"To this one I'll make love,"
"She will fit like a glove,"
"To save my strength, the contest I shall have to pass."

~ At the Strength Contest ~
Seeing a few of the others trying their luck, Jamir offered some encouragement. He was no slouch when it came to strength, appearing to be nearly as strong as both Nuka and Thrindar. But true to his word, he was more interested in conserving his energy for the potential dalliance he was expecting behind the Goblin Squash Stables a short while later.

Jamir patted the dwarf on the back as Nuko bested him, "Good try, mate. You were close. But even so, I wonder if Nuko's effort was enough either."

"Alright, Kelvyn! Step up there and show 'em how it is done!"

With a hand on the big Keleshite's shoulder, Jamir held up a fist with some gold coins, "Any takers? I got 10 gold that says this man can win. He is untried, sure. So what odds will you give me?"

[sblock=MiniStats]Jamir Harkness
Init +6, Speed 30, Senses: Perception +3
Defense: 14, Touch 14, Flat-footed 10, CMD 16
Crit Def Bonus: +7, Crit Attack Bonus: +0
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
HP 9 (DR3/Armor); Current: 9
Conditions in effect: None

Bardic Performances Remaining: 6/6
1st Level Spells (CLW, Grease): 2/2

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]


OOC: Since I am also expecting Kelvyn to try his hand at the test of strength, I'll give [MENTION=29558]Mowgli[/MENTION] a little more time to post. The Thanksgiving holiday has begun here in the US so my posting might be a little lacking as I'll be visiting relatives starting tomorrow and through the weekend. Fantastic stuff so far!

The test of Strength is off to a merry beginning! A bookie looks Kelvyn over and talks with a friend of his. They see his musculature as formidable and are clearly a bit worried of being hustled, but the 10 gold wager proves too much for one to ignore. After a few offer even odds on the strong Keleshite, one bookie declares he's never seen a Keleshite carry more than a flagon and says he'll take 2 to 1 odds on Kelvyn.

Numerous lads and lasses try their hand at the challenge. The barrel of fish proves easy enough for most, but defeats some of the younger and scrawnier participants. As time goes on, more objects are introduced, each narrowing the field of contestants bit by bit. A hefty caber is presented at one point which eliminates several all at once, and it quickly becomes one of the highlights of the challenge. Another tricky object, the one that eliminates Thrindar, is a large wooden arch beam, carved narrow at one end and wide at the other. Though Thrindar manages to hold his own balance, the beam's unusual center of mass causes it to slip out of his hands to fall to the side, and he is eliminated. But there are many still to go. Sheriff Hemlock, as many predicted, has continued to prove himself well. Both he and Das Korvut the smith seem to be competing against each other more than any other. Bookies continue to accept wagers throughout the event, although the odds begin to narrow. The Sheriff is now favored 4 to 5 and Das is receiving even odds. Nuko continues as a black sheep in the competition, and bookies offer 4 to 1 odds that the half-orc can muscle out the favorites.


Jamir Rolande


~ At the Strength Contest ~
Jamir chuckled good-naturedly at the bookie’s proclamation of Keleshite strength. “Well you might be right, friend. Let us place that bet and find out, eh.” He took the man’s 2:1 odds.

During Kelvyn’s attempt, the bard cheered the dark-haired man’s attempt like all the others. Win or lose, he was expecting a good attempt at least. Though, he kept an eye on the bookie taking 4:1 odds for Nuko to still keep his options open should the big Keleshite fail to deliver

[sblock=Actions]Bet 10gp on Kelvyn at 2:1
If Kelvyn loses, try to bet 3gp on Nuko at 4:1[/sblock][sblock=MiniStats]Jamir Harkness
Init +6, Speed 30, Senses: Perception +3, Sense Motive -1
Defense: 14, Touch 14, Flat-footed 10, CMD 16
Crit Def Bonus: +7, Crit Attack Bonus: +0
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
HP 9 (DR3/Armor); Current: 9
Conditions in effect: None

Bardic Performances Remaining: 6/6
1st Level Spells (CLW, Grease): 2/2

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Kelvyn digs into the food, clearly enjoying the table laid at the Rusty Dragon the same way he does everything in his life - with enormous gusto and good natured enthusiasm. If any of the waitresses seems flirtatious he happily slaps a hip as they pass, but he's not obnoxious and never presses his attentions where they're not invited. About halfway through the meal - the sauteed pike course, for he had a round of each of the choices - his expression sobers and he becomes strangely quiet for a moment. After a few glances at the Keleshite sailors, he shrugs fatalistically and resumes his boisterous enjoyment of the food and company.

Once the plates are empty and cleared and everyone's pushing their chairs back to enjoy a glass of the wine or a stein of the ale, he makes his excuses to his new friends and slips over to the table with his countrymen. He invites himself to sit and makes his introductions, engaging them in a brief conversation that is cut short by the announcement that the contest of strength is about to start. "Ah, and that's my cue friends! My best chance to make a show, and to demonstrate the might of the Kelish Empire for these Northerners!"


[sblock=Actions/Rolls]Strength Checks:
1D20+4 = [20]+4 = 24
1D20+4 = [14]+4 = 18
1D20+4 = [19]+4 = 23

(Total - 65. Not too shabby . . .)[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]I'd like to do more with the Kelish sailors, but playing catch up after a busier than expected Thanksgiving has left me with little time. I'll work on getting them a second appearance another time while we're still in town.[/sblock]
[SIZE=+1]Kelvyn Damonder[/SIZE]
HP: 15/15, Speed: 20' Perception: +0

Defense: 14, Critical Defense: +08, Armor DR: 5/Magic or Large, CMD: 19
Fort: +3, Reflex: +3, Will: +0

Weapon in Hand: None

Abilities: Str 19, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10

Condition: None


Jamir Rolande


~ At the Strength Contest ~
Jamir cheered hard at the feat of strength put up by Kelvyn. After his last lifting he slapped him on the back heartily

“Oh boy, mate. Nice job! I feel real confident you are going to take this one.”

He put his coin away and did not look to see if Nuko was going to be able to come in as a dark horse in the race.

The bard gave Sabyl and incorrigible grin as he said, "That was a mighty show. Are you sure you want to try you mettle against that?"

[sblock=MiniStats]Jamir Harkness
Init +6, Speed 30, Senses: Perception +3, Sense Motive -1
Defense: 14, Touch 14, Flat-footed 10, CMD 16
Crit Def Bonus: +7, Crit Attack Bonus: +0
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
HP 9 (DR3/Armor); Current: 9
Conditions in effect: None

Bardic Performances Remaining: 6/6
1st Level Spells (CLW, Grease): 2/2

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]


The next few rounds of the test of strength go much more quickly than the early rounds. There are only a handful of contenders left. Nuko is knocked out by a rain barrel. Sabyl is next, being defeated by a wide heavy crate full of blacksmithing tools. It is down to four contestants, Gorvi, a half-orc and the town dungsweeper who is barely managing to keep up, Kelvyn, Das Korvut, and Sheriff Hemlock. Das Korvut selects the next object, he orders a three hundredweight anvil brought from his shop. As the apprentices wheel it in, the crowd gives a hush. Das manages to hold the anvil aloft with surprising ease, and many suspect he has been practicing for this exact moment. Kelvyn is next to make the attempt. After much straining he manages to lift it over his head, growling as the Mayor counts to ten. A cheer erupts from the crowd as he drops it to the ground, breathing heavily. Gorvi is next. The half-orc's rippling muscles glisten with sweat as he, too, manages to keep the anvil up. Then the Sheriff approaches with a flex and a stretch. He lifts, the anvil goes over his head, the Mayor begins to count. At the count of five a vein in his neck is throbbing steadily. At six, he is showing signs of discomfort. The Mayor cannot make it to seven before the Sheriff finally gives in and drops the anvil. Many in the crowd sign and moan, especially those who had placed their bets on the Sheriff. He walks away from the shrine after bowing to his fellow competitors.

It is down to three. Gorvi selects the next object, a sow from the local pig pens. As the sow is trotted in, everyone is aghast. The sow is muddy and likely to thrash. Gorvi smirks as he goes to hoist the sow, grabbing it by the legs and hurling it up high above his head. His massive hands wrangle the animal, but it puts up a mean fight and sways Gorvi to the side by the count of three. It appears he will lose focus, but the Mayor reaches the count of six as he appears to steady. However, with a sudden jerk, the swine leaps from the air and away from him, just as the Mayor is about to count nine. The half-orc looks solemnly at the ground. He failed to carry his own object. Das Korvut seems unintimidated. The blacksmith chalks up his hands and goes to lift the animal, however to the crowd's amazement the creature kicks him in the stomach and he drops it before he can even get it over his head! It is now to Kelvyn. Should he fail, Das and Gorvi will still be in the game. Kelvyn initially seems uncertain, but then hits upon an idea, hoisting the sow up quickly around its center, it's legs flailing about in the air. The Mayor counts to ten, and he plops the animal down while the swineherd calms the animal down. With a great cheer the crowd celebrates Kelvyn's successful strategy. The contest is over!

Mayor Deverin comes to congratulate the Keleshite stranger and ask him his name. She then names him Sandpoint's Champion of Strength. Everyone is intrigued by the exotic man with such massive brawn and quick wits to dealing with the sow.

OOC: Kelvyn receives a 5% discount on all goods under 100 gp purchased for the next 24 hours due to his performance in the test of strength. He also receives a complimentary yellow cord with a wooden symbol of Gozreh woven into it.

The contest is over at fifteen minutes to Two Bells. The Mayor explains that there will be two contests to be held at Two Bells. A balance-beam contest will be held in the west nave of the Cathedral, as well as tug of war in the south nave.

OOC: Your characters can participate in one of the two events (although it seems Jamir will have other things to occupy his time for the moment; feel free to give us the sordid details :D). For the balance-beam contest, a total of three Acrobatics or Dexterity checks will be made. For tug of war, teams of three compete against each other. Each participant can make either an Acrobatics or Climb check (or Str or Dex) and the team adds the total together. If you like you may choose to make friendly with any of the NPCs you have met so far and I will add their checks to yours (in which case you may narrate their responses and role in your post to expedite the story). Or you may participate as a team and roll your checks together. The only NPCs unavailable are Mayor Deverin and Sheriff Hemlock, as they will be judging the two events.


[sblock=Experience so far]So far I've only handed out a few minor RP awards so no need to feel competitive. :) They are less an incentive and more a little extra reward to players who post frequently and in detail.
Thrindar: 14/1,300
Nuko: 12/1,300
Kelvyn: 16/1,300
Jamir: 24/1,300[/sblock]


Jamir Rolande


Jamir pumped a fist in the air and immediately found the man he bet within seconds of Kelvyn besting the field. “Ha, ha. Nice contest. Now PAY up, friend.”

Stashing away the coinage, the bard was in great spirits, extra money and fair chance for a roll in the hay. However, he was intrigued by the announcements of the next contests and joined his recent lunch companions.

“That was a job well done, Kelvyn. I owe you an ale. Are you all going to continue with the next events? They do look promising.”

He was not a weakling and if he could persuade Kelvyn to team up with the blacksmith and find another sucker to give decent odds he could double his winnings. Or he could consider the balancing contest himself, he was fairly agile. Choices, choices.

His thoughts roamed back to the size of the farm girl’s breasts as he looked at the others.

[sblock=MiniStats]Jamir Harkness
Init +6, Speed 30, Senses: Perception +3, Sense Motive -1
Defense: 14, Touch 14, Flat-footed 10, CMD 16
Crit Def Bonus: +7, Crit Attack Bonus: +0
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
HP 9 (DR3/Armor); Current: 9
Conditions in effect: None

Bardic Performances Remaining: 6/6
1st Level Spells (CLW, Grease): 2/2

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock] [sblock=OOC Note]I assume I received 20gp for Kelvyn’s victory! Yay!

Just a quick post as I think more about what I want to do about the next contests and the farm girl.[/sblock]

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