Pathfinder Excel/Open Office Calc character sheets


First Post
Does anyone know if there are any Pathfinder character sheets for either Microsoft Excel or Open Office Calc? I was considering putting one together, but wanted to make sure that no one had already made something better than I could do. Thanks.

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First Post
My wife has been working on a pathfinder open office sheet for awhile now. It is her favorite hobby at the moment...(bored in a meeting, do some pathfinder coding...)

It isn't ready for prime time, but she did pass a copy off for me to test & report bugs....if y'all are interested I could post it and if y'all have issues, I'm sure she would appreciate knowing of the bugs....

Johnny Angel

AJCarrington said:
Tweaked version of HeroForge:
It's not actually a HeroForge mod, though the character sheet form was ganked directly from them. The idea is to create a character generation engine that can be adapted for the needs of various d20 sub-systems and is relatively adaptable to the needs of a particular gaming group. Pathfinder RPG is the sub-system I'm focusing on first by way of supporting the open playtest, but I'm already working on a Modern20 edition.

sckeener said:
My wife has been working on a pathfinder open office sheet for awhile now. It is her favorite hobby at the moment...(bored in a meeting, do some pathfinder coding...)
It's a fascinating pre-occupation to be sure.

I've been playing around with it, and although I don't have a lot of bugs to report, I do have some general comments on the interface.

The use of the pop-ups provides elegant solutions to certain interface challenges, though for other things it's a little constraining. Character creation by means of a series of pop-ups has the advantage of letting people know what it is they need to fill in next. My own, cruder method is to just have a cyan dot appear next to places you need to fill in or make a selection (though this has other problems -- it's a tradeoff). But having to go through all those choices one at a time at the computer's prompting is kind of linear, and I suspect I'm not the only one whose character creation process is more ruminative. I tweak the character a lot.

Where the pop-ups really pay off is with the inventory handling. My own Visual Basic-Fu is far too weak at this point to do anything like this, but this is a function that can deliver the poor player from a huge pain-in-the-ass, so I may just have to study this code. It would be nice to have the other parts of character creation work in this way -- you click a button to set your stats, another button to spend your skill points, ect, instead of having all the choices pop up one after the other.

Also, setting the stats by having to enter the number of points to spend is kind of problematic. It would be easier if you could modify the stats and have it look up the point cost.

The one bug I ran into came up in entering skill points. I believe I was trying to add a Perform skill, and a runtime error occurred in addField().

I look forward to seeing this in a more developed state.

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