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Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder: Jade Regent Adventure Path (online, OpenRPG, Sundays)


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Character Sheet
Name : Ayindril (EYE-in-drill)
Player : Lex
E-Mail : lexstarwalker[at]gmail[dot]com
Current DM: Arkhandus
Campaign : Jade Regent

Race : Elf
Class: Wizard: Fire Elementalist
Level: 4
XP : 9,000/15,000 (Medium track)

Patron Deity : Yuelral, Desna, Calistria, Methys
Alignment : CG
Hero Points: 1
Character Traits: Focused Mind (+2 Concentration), Best Friend: Ameiko
Relationship Scores: Ameiko 4 (Association)
Str: 7
Dex: 16
Con: 12
Int: 21
Wis: 12
Cha: 10
AC: 13 (+3 Dex, +0 armor, +0 shield, +0 natural, +0 deflection, +0 dodge, +0 insight, +0 other)
Touch AC: 13
Flat-Footed AC: 10
Init : +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.

BAB : +2
Mel : +0
Rng : +5
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +0
Combat Maneuver Defense: 13

Fort: +2 (+1 base, +1 Con)
Ref : +4 (+1 base, +3 Dex)
Will: +5 (+4 base, +1 Wis)
Special Abilities-
Medium Humanoid (Elf), Speed 30 ft., +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Con, Low-Light Vision, Arcane Focus (+2 to Concentration checks to cast defensively; replaces Weapon Familiarity [ARG]), Keen Senses (+2 Perception),

Wizard Weapon Proficiencies, Wizard Spells, Cantrips, Spellbook, Scribe Scroll
Arcane Bond (Ex/Sp, Bonded Object - Ring, free masterwork ring, must be worn to have effect, casting a spell without it requires a Concentration check of DC 20 + spell level or the spell fails, occupies a ring slot, 1/day cast any one spell from the wizard's spellbook that she is capable of casting but it cannot be affected by metamagic or other abilities, cannot be used to cast a spell from opposition schools, can add further magicla properties with item creation feats and they function only for the wizard who owns it, damaged object is restored to full HP when the wizard prepares spells)

Arcane School: Fire Elementalist - extra spell slot of each spell level for Fire spells.

Fire Supremacy (Su) (Fire Resistance 5, increases to 10 at 10th level, immunity to fire at 20th level; whenever within 5 feet of a source of flame at least as large as a campfire, you can draw the fire around you for 1 round as a swift action, anyone striking you with a melee weapon or unarmed strike takes fire damage equal to ½ wizard level (minimum of 1), weapons with reach avoid this damage.

Fire Jet (Su) as a standard action send forth a 20-foot line of fire, anyone in the line takes 1d6 points of fire damage + 1 point for every 2 wizard levels; Reflex save for half, DC 10 + ½ wizard level + Int modifier; creatures that fail save catch fire and take 1d6 fire damage the next round unless they spend a full round action to put out the flames by making a DC 15 Reflex save; rolling on the ground gives +2 bonus to the save and dousing with water puts fire out automatically; can use this times per day equal to 3 + Int modifier.

Dancing Flame (Su) at 8th level as standard action you can sculpt fire. With one use of this ability you can move any nonmagical fire up to 30 feet. You can also use this to alter any fire spell you cast with instantaneous duration by removing any number of squares from its area of effect. If the fire spell has a duration, you can use this ability to reposition the spell within its original range. You can use this number of times per day equal to ½ wizard level.
Water opposed element, takes 2 spell slots to prepare any water spell, -4 on skill checks to craft magic items that duplicate water spell)


Favored Class (Wizard, +4 HP)

Class Archetypes:


Feats (level gained, basic details):

1st – Spell Focus: Evocation
1st (wizard) - Scribe Scroll
3rd – Elemental Focus: Fire
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Celestial, Sylvan, Gnome, Goblin, Ignan, Dwarven, Abyssal, Tien
Literate: Yes
Skills (total, key ability/modifier, racial modifier, other modifiers, notes):

Appraise (+9, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +5 Int)
Diplomacy (+6, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +2 Best Friend, +0 Cha)
Knowledge Arcana (+12, +4 Rank, +3 Class, +5 Int)
Knowledge Dungeoneering(+9, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +5 Int)
Knowledge Engineering(+9, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +5 Int)
Knowledge Geography (+9, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +5 Int)
Knowledge History (+9, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +5 Int)
Knowledge Local (+9, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +5 Int)
Knowledge Nature (+9, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +5 Int)
Knowledge Nobles (+9, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +5 Int)
Knowledge Planes (+12, +4 Rank, +3 Class, +5 Int)
Knowledge Religion (+9, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +5 Int)
Linguistics (+12, +4 Rank, +3 Class, +5 Int)
Sense Motive (+2, +1 Rank, +1 Wis)
Perception (+5, +1 Rank, +1 Wis, +2 racial)
Spellcraft (+12, +4 Rank, +3 Class, +5 Int)

Equipment (location,weight,price, details):

Masterwork Ring (free, bonded object)
Backpack (worn, 2 lbs., 2 GP)
Bedroll (pack, 5 lbs., 1 SP)
Ink (pocket, 1 ounce vial, 8 GP)
Inkpen (pocket, 0 lbs., 1 SP)
Waterskin (pack, 4 lbs., 1 GP)
Spell Component Pouch (belt, 2 lbs., 5 GP)
Spellbook (pack, 3 lbs., free, holds all known spells)
Traveler's outfit (worn, 5 lbs, free)
Soap (pack, 1 lb, 5sp)
10 sheets of paper (pack, - , 4gp)
Winter blanket (pack, 3 lbs, 5sp)
500 gp worth of spellbook writing supplies (pack)
1,000 gp worth of spell scroll supplies (pack)
Magic Items (location,weight,price, details):


Weapons (sheath/location, weight, price, details):

Dagger (belt sheath, 1lb, 2gp)


PP: 440 (pack, 8.8 pounds)
GP: 75 (coin purse in pocket, 1.5 pounds)
SP: 8 (coin purse in pocket, .16 pounds)
CP: 0

Gems/Other: None

PC Load:

Light load : 0-23 lbs.
Medium load: 24-46 lbs.
Heavy load : 47-70 lbs.
Current: 36.46 pounds total, 11.66 pounds without pack
Equipment in Camp/Wagon


Familiar/Animal Companion(s):



Spellcasting Class (Caster Level): Wizard – Fire Elementalist Specialist (4)
Spells per Day: 4 cantrips at will/5+1/3+1 (Fire)
Spell DC: 15/16/17 Fire or Evocation: 16/17/18 Fire & Evocation: 17/18/19

Spells Known:

Lvl 0: All except water spells
Lvl 1: Burning Hands, Magic Missile, Mage Armor, Expeditious Retreat, Charm Person, Color Spray, Sleep, Shield, Protection From Evil, Snapdragon Fireworks
Lvl 2: Invisibility, Scorching Ray, Flaming Sphere, Mirror Image

Spells Prepared:

Lvl 0: Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Spark, Acid Splash
Lvl 1: Burning Hands, Magic Missile, Color Spray, Sleep, Charm Person, Mage Armor
Lvl 2: Scorching Ray, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Flaming Sphere
Description (Include Age, gender, height, weight, physical appearance):

104 year old male elf, 6’2” tall, 130 lbs., porcelain complexion with a slight tinge of icy-blue, aquamarine hair, cobalt blue eyes.

Background (Brief):

Ayindril’s early life was defined by a single traumatic event that happened when he was very young. A fire started in his home, and both his parents were killed. As Ayindril had no siblings, he was taken care of by friends of the family and others in the community. Ayindril felt a lot of guilt over the fire, fearing that somehow he’d been responsible. In order to ease his mind and suffering, the elders informed him that he could not have been responsible. Indeed, the fire was not a natural fire, but seemed to have had some kind of supernatural origins. It appeared Ayindril’s parents had been murdered, but the elders had no idea who or what could be responsible.

As a young boy, Ayindril showed an amazing aptitude for the arcane arts, beyond that of most elves. A prominent wizard in the community in Kyonin, named Morwen, took Ayindril under his wing and continued his education in magic. Ayindril had many well-known and powerful wizards in his ancestry. More and more, Ayindril’s training shifted from the blend of martial and magical training that most elves receive to focusing completely on wizardry. The kindly wizard became Ayindril’s mentor, chief caretaker, and father figure.

Throughout his childhood, Ayindril struggled with an almost paralyzing fear of fire. Though none could blame him, he loathed this weakness within himself. Then came the fateful day when his mentor first cast a fire spell in his presence, as a demonstration. It was merely a Burning Hands spell, but Ayindril was terrified and ran from the room. He was deeply ashamed of his reaction, and the fact that Morwen was so understanding only made the feelings worse. On that day Ayindril made a decision that would change his life. He was tired of the sight of fire unmanning him. He would face his fear in the most direct way he could think of—he would concentrate his studies on fire magic. In this way he hoped to ultimately conquer his fear.

At first, his mentor supported Ayindril in his endeavors, seeing the obvious benefits of Ayindril overcoming his phobia. As Ayindril became more and more focused, even obsessed, the two elves began to come into conflict. In his efforts to master all forms of fire magic, Ayindril became an elementalist. Morwen was a very traditional elven wizard, subscribing to the philosophy of nine schools of magic. He saw Ayindril’s embrace of a different philosophy, one focused on the four elements, as a perversion. He considered it a flaw, and tried to influence Ayindril to conduct his studies in a more traditional way.

Eventually, Ayindril grew tired of the endless arguments with his mentor. It was hard enough to face the fire every day and face his fear. Having to constantly justify it to an increasingly unsympathetic teacher was too much. Ayindril thanked Morwen for all he’d done for him, and at the young age of 94, he left his home in Kyonin.

Ayindril spend the next ten years of his life wandering the world. He went anywhere he could find that had libraries and books, anywhere that had wizards, and anywhere that seemed interesting or new. Eventually he ended up in Sandpoint where he met Ameiko Kaijitsu. They quickly became fast friends. Ameiko’s music and voice reminded Ayindril of home and more pleasant days before the death of his parents, and he suspects that his tales of his journeys reminds Ameiko of the adventurer’s life she’s left behind and secretly misses. Ayindril has decided not to try to pressure her to take to the road again, but he has made it clear that if she ever wishes to, he would be happy to travel with her.

Ayindril’s immediate goal is to learn as much about magic and the wider world as he can. A more medium term goal is to solve the mystery of the fire that killed his parents. Perhaps when he is more powerful, he will be able to use divination to gain some answers. His ultimate goal is to conquer his fear of fire completely. He is well on his way. He hopes to one day destroy his fear once and for all by visiting and touring the plane of fire. As part of his studies, he’s already become fluent in the language Ignan, the language of the fire plane.

Any feats/spells/abilities/items not in the Core Rules (list sources at least):

Fire Elementalist – APG
Focused Mind – APG
Arcane Focus – ARG
Spark – APG
Snapdragon Fireworks – UM
Elemental Focus - APG
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First Post
I'd also be interested in joining, if there's still space. I already have an idea for a character, as well, but I wanted to see the space available before committing.


First Post
Arkhandus, regarding the tabletop program, to I get 1.8+ Standard or 1.8+ Traipse?

Also, what do you guys use for voice comms? Skype, TeamSpeak...? Want to make sure I have all the software I need ready to go.



First Post
I don't use voice-chat for online games like this, so it's just text-based with a map and such in OpenRPG. It's much easier to keep track of things that way, and not everyone can do voice-chat (typically lacking microphones or having too much noise in their house or something). I use the normal OpenRPG program, but some players use Traipse instead (apparently the standard version of OpenRPG doesn't work right on all systems these days). Either version is compatible for gaming, though there are some glitches when trying to send node-files between the two on occasion. I would suggest the standard version of OpenRPG, unless you find that it doesn't work right on your system after installation, in which case Traipse should work as an alternative.

I'll look over the character sheet later when I have time. We probably have room for 2 new people at this point.


First Post
Some weird formatting and space errors might have shown up when copying this off, apologies ahead of time.

Character Sheet

Name: Wei, Shaoxing
Player: windscar18
E-Mail: windscar18[at]yahoo[dot]com
CurrentDM: Arkhandus
Campaign: Jade Regent

Race: Human (of Tian-La descent)
XP: 9,000/15,000 (Medium track)

Patron Deity :
Alignment: CG
Hero Points: 1
Character Traits: Best Friend (Ameiko) (+2 Diplomacy), World Traveller (+1 Knowledge (local), always class skill)
Relationship Scores: Ameiko (4) (Association)
Str:17 (+3) (10)
Dex:12 (+1) (2)
Con:18 (+4) (10)
Int:14 (+1) (5)
Wis:8 (-1) (-2)
Cha:10 (+0) (0)
HP: 46
AC: 12 (+1 Dex, +0 armor, +0 shield, +1 natural, +0 deflection, +0 dodge,+0 insight)
Touch AC: 11
Flat-Footed AC: 11
Init: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 40 ft.

BAB: +3
Mel: +6
Rng: +4
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +7
Combat Maneuver Defense: 18

Fort:+9 (+5 base, +4 Con)
Ref: +4 (+3 base, +1 Dex)
Will: +2 (+3 base, -1 Wis)
+2 to one ability score (Con)
Bonus Feat
Heart of the Fields – Bonus to Craft (Carpentry) equal to half-level. Once per day, ignore an effect that causes fatigue or exhaustion

Flurry of Blows (Ex) – Gain bonus attack at -2 penalty with Monk weapons
Unarmed Strike (Ex) – Gain Improved Unarmed Strike. Attacks at 1d6 damage.
Stunning Fist (Ex) - Gain Stunning Fist as bonus feat, can perform 3 Stunning Fists per day
Iron Monk (Ex) – Toughness as bonus feat, +1 natural armor
Fast Movement 10 ft (Ex) – Increase land speed by 10 ft
Maneuver Training (Ex) – Increase combat maneuver checks up to monk level
Drunken Ki (Su) – Drink as standard action to gain 1 drunken ki. Use 1 kias swift action to move 5 ft without provoking AoO.
Raging Drunk (Ex) – Drink tankard of ale to extend rage by 1 round (normally move action that does not provoke AoO). Nauseates after rage for 1 round/drink.
Rage (Ex) – For 8 rounds per day, +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 morale to Will, -2 to AC, disables Cha, Dex, and Int based skills. Fatigues for 2 x raging rounds after rage ends.


Favored Class Bonus – Skill Points x1

Class Archetypes:

Monk– Drunken Master, Monk of the Sacred Mountain
Barbarian– Drunken Brute, Invulnerable Rager

Feats(level gained, basic details):

1– Endurance
1– Drunken Brawler
1(Monk Bonus Feat) – Combat Reflexes
2(Monk Bonus Feat) – Improved Grapple
2(Iron Monk Bonus) - Toughness
3– Fast Drinker
Languages:Common, Dwarven, Elven
Skills(total, key ability/modifier, racial modifier, other modifiers,notes):

Acrobatics- +8 = +4 Rank +3 Class +1 Dex
Craft(Carpentry) - +11 = +4 Rank +3 Class +2 Int + 2 Heart of the Fields
Diplomacy- +9 = +4 Rank +3 Class +2 Best Friend
Intimidate- +7 = +4 Rank +3 Class
Knowledge(local) - +10 = +4 Rank +3 Class + 2 Int + 1 Trait
Perception- +6 = +4 Rank + 3 Class -1 Wis
Swim- +7 = +1 Rank + 3 Class + 3 Str

Equipment(location,weight,price, details):
Traveler's Outfit – worn, 1 gp, 5 lbs
Cloak, Reversible (Medium) – worn, 10 gp, 1 lb
Reinforced Scarf – worn, 10 gp,1lb
Tradesman's Jewelry (earrings, bracelet, ring) - worn, 5sp, no weight
Backpack– worn, 2 gp, 2 lbs
Trail Rations x2 – pack, 2gp, 2 lbs
Compass– pack, 10 gp, 0.5 lb
Horn, Signal – pack, 1 gp, 2 lbs
Lantern, darklight, waterproof – pack, 25 gp, 3 lbs
Tools, Artisan (Carpentry, Masterwork) – pack, 55 gp, 5lbs
6 Jugs - In bag of holding, 18 cp, 54 lbs.
6 Gallons of alcohol - In jugs in bag of holding, 12 sp, 54 lbs

Magic Items (location,weight,price, details):

Bag of Holding I - Left side of waist, 15 lbs, 2.5k, holds 250 lbs/30 cubic ft of material in extra-dimensional space.

Weapons(sheath/location, weight, price, details):

+1 Temple Sword (Sheath on right of waist, 3lbs, 2.33k gp, 1d8 damage, monk,trip)
Shuriken x20 (Attached to back of belt, 2 lbs, 4 gp, 1d2 damage, monk, thrown (10 ft increment))


PP:58 (pack)
GP:3 (coin purse in pocket)
SP:9 (coin purse in pocket)
CP:2 (coin purse in pocket)
Total Weight = 1.44 lbs


PC Load:

Light load : 0-76 lbs.
Medium load: 77-153 lbs.
Heavy load : 154-230 lbs.
Current: 42.94 lbs
Equipment in Camp/Wagon

Bedroll– 0.1 sp
Rope,silk (50 ft) – 10 gp
Ale (20 gallons) - 40 sp
Other Alcohol of various kinds (Absinthe – 30 gp, Baiju – 10 gp, Dragon PunchWhisky – 10 gp, Fine Elvish Wine – 10 gp)
Journal Book – 10 gp
Ink– 25 gp
Inkpen– 0.1 gp
Outfits(Explorer's x 2 – 20 gp, Artisan's x 2 – 2 gp, Monk's – 5 gp,Traveler's (Additional) – 1gp)




Description(Include Age, gender, height, weight, physical appearance):

5'8”female human, 140 lbs. Deep black long hair, often tied in a ponytail. Jade colored eyes. Somewhat muscular and scarred. Wears a headband and earrings.


Shaoxing's first memories were of the road. Shortly after her birth, her family joined a caravan of immigrants from Tian Xia, as her uncle had made a similar journey before and had opened up a business in Varisia and was looking for additional hands. As perilous as the journey was, the caravan made the journey relatively safely and established their own little village within the forested lands, somewhere to the west of Sandpoint. From there, Shaoxing's family traveled all throughout the region,sometimes selling the wares that her uncle had procured and sometimes helping other caravans traverse the regions. Shaoxing's father was especially skilled in carpentry and his skills were always in demand,so even during times where business was bad, their family was always welcome in the caravans.

But such good times did not last forever. Shaoxing's uncle convinced Shaoxing's father to take part in a risky investment that went sour. Even her father's carpentry trade was not enough to cover the debt fully, so, with no choice, they sold their wagon and sent Shaoxing off to a small monastic order near Shaoxing's hometown. “She'll be well-taken care of there”, they said. But Shaoxing was too young to understand their reasoning or the harsh times that had befallen on the family and cursed their names as she was sent off to the distant monastery. She promised that she would rise in the ranks of her new organization and then rub her accomplishments in the face of her parents.

As a monastic student, Shaoxing was soon noticed for her talent with the martial arts, for which she earned much praise from her fellow peers and the less experienced teachers. But the eldest teachers also noticed the anger and resentment she had still lying in her heart.They also knew that she often sneaked away from her quarters late at night to steal secrets from the archives (most notably, the drunken arts) and to challenge any bypassers who looked skilled with the arts. But while she received reprimand, she still learned little and was even convinced that she would soon become the leader of the order. It only made it that much more crushing when the day came for students to become initiated into the inner circles and start on their true journey of enlightenment, yet Shaoxing was bypassed for her inferior peers.

Deeply shamed, Shaoxing ran away from her monastery, living a life of carelessness and forgetting all that she was taught to instead embrace the deep anger that lied within. She wandered without any purpose except for the fight and a recognition of her own power, only stopping to mourn how little trust she had left for anyone. The only people she came to keep close were the rare people who had both empathy for her and who had enough accomplishments under their belt for Shaoxing to respect, such as the barkeeper of Sandpoint, Ameiko, whom she had gotten to know better after the latter resolved a bar-fight that Shaoxing had started. But all others either met either the steel of her sword or her cold glare.

Things finally changed, however, when Shaoxing found her parents again. At first, Shaoxing's resentment towards them intensified, as she had found out that they had become affluent again after Shaoxing's departure, leaving Shaoxing wandering why she was never taken back.But, she then found out that the rules of her monastery forbade such reclaiming of accepted students. Her parents had tried everything to reclaim her from the monastery, pleading and using even illicit means to perhaps reclaim her. Finally, they had gotten a signed seal stating that such rules could not seperate Shaoxing from her parents, but by then, Shaoxing had already ran away, never to be heard from again. Soon after, Shaoxing's parents died of an illness, leaving nothing but questions and untaken chances behind when Shaoxing came to look for them again.

But there was one thing Shaoxing felt that she could at least do for her parents. In their will, they stated that, upon their death, they wanted their ashes to be buried in their homeland, back on Tian Xian soil. With all the regret that Shaoxing had accrued, she felt that it was her duty to at least give their souls that peace. So, as the caravan for Tian Xia came, she polished up her carpentry skills that her father had taught her so long ago and came to sign on as the group's wainwright.

Anyfeats/spells/abilities/items not in the Core Rules (list sources atleast):

Advanced Player's Guide
Jade Regent
Ultimate Magic
Ultimate Combat

Player Companion: Faiths of Purity (Drunken Brawler - Prereq: Endurance. Whenever drinking, gain -2 Ref, +2 Fort, +2 Will, temp HP = level. Penalties last for 1 hour, bonuses last until temp HP lost).
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First Post
I don't use voice-chat for online games like this, so it's just text-based with a map and such in OpenRPG. It's much easier to keep track of things that way, and not everyone can do voice-chat (typically lacking microphones or having too much noise in their house or something). I use the normal OpenRPG program, but some players use Traipse instead (apparently the standard version of OpenRPG doesn't work right on all systems these days). Either version is compatible for gaming, though there are some glitches when trying to send node-files between the two on occasion. I would suggest the standard version of OpenRPG, unless you find that it doesn't work right on your system after installation, in which case Traipse should work as an alternative.

I'll look over the character sheet later when I have time. We probably have room for 2 new people at this point.

Oh wow, ok. I didn't realize that. I apologize, but I'm going to have to bow out. I'm not really interested in playing a text-based game. Most of the fun of RPGs for me is the interaction.

Sorry again for the confusion on my part. Hope you guys have fun!


First Post

It's been quite a bit of fun, but I'm going to drop out of the campaign. Work and social things are picking up at home, and I can no longer commit Sunday afternoons to this game. I wish you luck, and thanks for all that you've done to keep it going.

-Reckless aka Galadlaure


First Post
Awww, that sucks. But it's understandable. Thanks for letting me know, and thanks for playing with us!

Good luck with your other games, Reckless.

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