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Pathfinder OGL/3.5 RPG system from Paizo


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Vigilance said:
Will it do that though?

The Pathfinder Alpha looks as different from 3.5 as 3.5 was from 3e.

Given the time and expense companies like Goodman went to updating adventures from 3e to 3.5, because of a need to do so for ease of use, it looks like 3.75 won't provide nearly as much continuity as folks would like.

This to me is the problem with a 3.75 type solution.

Folks who are willing to update their game will likely go 4e. Folks who want continuity aren't looking for something that makes them do converions.

And the class changes alone look pretty substantial.

I dunno.

I agree that there are people out there that feel crippled by such a thing, but hopefully the ones who support Paizo are the ones who like tweaking with rules and such.

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Erik Mona said:
We're looking into this possibility. Nothing to announce yet, but it seems like a good idea to me!

--Erik Mona
Paizo Publishing, LLC

I think this would be an excellent move and would be the key to anyone making any sort of inroads into WotC's market share. If a group of well-known, talented publishers can keep 3.5 alive then I think 3.5 will have a fairly long and successful life.


I was thinking on the way to work today that if a large number of OGL companies decided to get behind Pathfinder or even another OGL game they could become a serious force to be reckoned with whether intentionally or not. I would love to see another D&D style game come fully out of the sandbox and make a valiant stand on the playground. This would be a pipe dream though as it would take some serious determination to work as a team and I don't see a lot of the various companies doing it, but you never know. Green Ronin already has a few who are doing MM Link stuff. I really hope my fears about the GSL prohibiting the coproduction of 4e and OGL products doesn't come to light. If WotC doesn't place a block or restriction then I could see a lot of companies doing products to support both.


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JoshuaFrost said:
I'm glad our sales numbers refute your opinion or else we'd be in trouble. :)

Heh - strange (perhaps) to say, my players would also not recognize the name Paizo.... but would instantly recognize Pathfinder. :lol:

I might almost recommend changing the name of the company to match.

The Auld Grump


The power ups bug me a little.

Increased HD for rogues and wizards are fine, I've already done that in some of my games for years.

The +2 ability bonus for races over standard ones though just seems wierd. Why change the base power level of all core races? This makes other non core previously balanced races seem weaker. Minor, but a bug not a feature.

Rogue sneak attack working against almost everybody I could be fine with, but the sneak attack bleeding power they can get at low levels looks like a huge offensive increase that seems to exacerbate the need for cleric healing in combat.

Fighters are just better than core fighters with extra damage and armor abilities. Not sure how this fully stacks up to other 3.5 baselines, seems on the edge of too much.

For compatibility mix and match purposes I was hoping for options a little closer to the 3.5 baseline of power.


First Post
mhensley said:
If I said Paizo to anyone in my group they would say "bless you". Outside of the hardcore D&D crowd who haunt messageboards, they have little name recognition.

So, none of the folks in your group subscribed to, or bought issues of, Dragon or Dungeon magazines in the last several years? If so, it was very clear that Paizo was publishing them.

Some of the "big names" in the community - Lisa Stevens & Erik Mona, for example - are among corporations senior leadership.


Just a heads up for folks. As an OGL game, Pathfinder threads will end up living in our OGL forum. We'll move 'em over (from the jillion places they're currently proliferating) at some point next week.

Incidentally, Erik, it's really exciting to see you forging Paizo's future. If you keep the same level of quality and creativity, I foresee great things. :D


If I might add my thoughts on a Pathfinder SRD...

Pathfinder will have declared open content. There is nothing stopping a fan from putting together an online SRD from that material, other than their own good will. I myself find great utility in an electronic, searchable ruleset -- both at the prep stage and especially at the play stage. I wonder if it wouldn't make sense to offer a PDF version of the final rules -- maybe free to the hardcover purchasers, and at a reasonable price for those who want it stand alone. Maybe that would reduce the need for a Pathfindr SRD.


Ooh, and a question: the description of the final Pathfinder RPG says a lot about classes and rules. I don't see any mention of monsters. Will the book contain a basic collection of monsters? Do you anticipate following up with an Pathfinder monster book?

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