Pathfinder Player and GM Core Are Now Available

The new Remastered core rulebooks will serve as a fresh entry point for Pathfinder 2nd Edition under the ORC license.

The new Remastered core rulebooks will serve as a fresh entry point for Pathfinder 2nd Edition under the ORC license.


Today, November 15th, Paizo released the first two books of their remastered line: Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder GM Core. They will continue the line in 2024 with Pathfinder Monster Core and Pathfinder Player Core 2.

These books serve as a fresh entry point into 2nd edition while removing any carried over OGL content and incorporating several years of errata and changes to the game. This comes as a response to the concerns brought about earlier this year with the shifting conditions of the Open Gaming License and the huge influx of new Pathfinder players. This explosion of new players saw Paizo selling out of Pathfinder Core Rulebook in Q1 and triggered an unexpected new and final printing of the book.

Paizo used this opportunity to pull content from many of the previous books, along with errata and feedback from the developers and players, to replace the OGL books as they are phased out of production. They also streamlined the organization of the books to make it easier to navigate for old and new players alike.

The design team also took this opportunity to introduce new rules, heritages, and feats, as well as overhauling spellcasting.

We did a review of both books earlier this month. They are available now in standard hardcover, Special Edition hardcover, and hobby-retailer exclusive Sketch Cover hardcovers.

If you want to find out more about the ORC license, you can find it on Azora’s website.

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Dawn Dalton

Dawn Dalton


I've currently got a table of 4e, in person, using mostly the print books. I just got my existing group to switch to it (after going through 5e, Gamma World, and Savage Worlds). So far, they're enjoying it. (For most of them, it's their first time in 4e. So they have fresh eyes without the edition war baggage often associated with the edition.)
I also have a VTT game of PF2 I run. PF2 is easier to run virtually because it's still being supported.
What did you run in Savage Worlds?

Love that system, wish I could play more of it...

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We finished our 3rd session of Abomination vaults which we are using to learn PF2ER. One thing i really liek about this game is that most of the time, if you want to know a rule for something, there is one.

That isn't something I like all the time. Sometimes, heavy GM fiat or player facing narrative mechanics are better. But when I am "playing D&D" I actually prefer to know there's a rule to govern some action. As a GM, is gives me a solid foundation on which to build trust, which means I can be as ruthless as I like because the players know I am playing by the rules.

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