I don't normally reply in my reviews. People should be allowed to say what they want and to disagree with me if they care to. I get to write the Official Review -- you just get to write the comments. You should be free to at least do that unmolested.
But that's going too far. The suggested MSRP of
Dungeon Command is $39.99, that's for 12 minis, some cardboard counters, a small deck of cards and 4 tiles. There IS NO MSRP on
Pathfinder Battles. At all.
If you were to compare deep discount to discount, from the most favorable online source I can find ($25.99), you would have a per mini cost of about $2.18 for each
Dungeon Command's minis vs. $2.58 for
PFB: RotRL -- but that is ONLY without including the cost of shipping. After you add in shipping (free for PFB, NOT free for DC) as soon as the shipping and handling costs goes above $5.00, the price of DC per mini is now more than PFB: RotRL.
Of course, I didn't say that -- I noted simply that the cost of a deep discount set would be cheaper on a per mini basis than from a FLGS. If the price you buy
Dungeon Command at it $31.00 or higher? Than that statement is true. I bought my copy of DC for $31.99, by the way - in a FLGS. It was far and away the cheapest price in my city. The other stores were charging $37.99-$39.99. If you bought DC for 31.99, shipping included? You did VERY well.
I am well aware of
Dungeon Command's virtues as a game. I have a copy of each and I have reported on my experiences with it here on the first thread on ENWorld discussing the actual play demo of the game
here. My posts praising the game are located
here and
I am certainly NOT going to praise
Dungeon Command's miniatures however. They are utilitarian sculpts, not a single one of which is original -- all of which have been seen before -- either as part of the D&D mini line or as unpainted plastic minis in the D&D boardgame line. Every one of them has a utilitarian paint job and there is not a single shade stroke or wash in evidence anywhere - on
any of them. Compared to Wizkids product -- they are markedly and OBJECTIVELY inferior miniatures, in every way that a miniature can be inferior.