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Pathfinder support character build


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So, I'm going to be playing in a Pathfinder game soon (hopefully), and I'm trying to build a good character. The limitations by the DM are: Human, 25 point-buy, and no starting equipment. No level has been provided yet, so it has to be a build that is viable levels 1-20, though I'm fairly certain that we'll start below level 7. No material outside of the Pathfinder Core rulebook, APG, UM, and UC seems to be allowed, which is fine by me.

Conceptually, the setting seems to be approximately Greco-Roman Mediterranean Earth, but with magic. This also eliminates the Gunslinger, Ninja, and Samurai classes due to setting reasons. In addition, assume that magical items are either uncommon or rare.

The thing is, I want to play something that doesn't have to participate in combat. I know that combat is the main focus of most characters, but I'm pretty sick of it at this point. If I could, I would play a Vitalist (psionic class from Dreamscarred Press, basically healing via damage transfer to enemies), but it's not an option.

I'm more interested in social challenges, intrigue, puzzles, that sort of thing. What class and build would you recommend that can do that well, while still being able to provide support for my allies? At the moment, I'm leaning towards the Oracle class.

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Oracle could be a good choice. With Dual-Cursed you can get the Misfortune revelation, which despite the name can also be used on yourself and allies each 1/day to reroll. It doesn't require taking the lower roll, just the reroll.

Another idea...it was sort of a joke build, but in my Witch handbook I have the rudimentary ingredients for a "Stay at Home Hexer" who uses the Scar Hex with other buffing hexes and divination/scrying magic to aid her allies from far away. Maybe you'd enjor something like that?

I remember a 3E game w/ fair amounts of houserules we had once. The bard player was a scribe there to record our exploits, but not an actual adventurer. He stayed back at base and used scrying to keep tabs on us, but also had a large array of illusion magic to actually project his likeness far away as if in the party, some custom project image I guess. He also item crafted. So his images would be doing bardic music and some casting for us as he viewed from home on a crystal ball with true seeing guiding us on what to do. It was brilliant! Our characters end of campaign when he left/vanished remarked that they couldn't actually be sure they had ever actually MET him or not. :D


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That Bard sounds like it was a lot of fun. Sadly, I can't rely on crystal balls and other items in this game, from what I hear it seems to be low fantasy. Plus, last time I played a character devoted to just recording the adventure (a human LG Factotum), all hell broke loose, 2/3 of the party died, and they made me leader after half a session, despite him having average physical attributes and no equipment.

Yikes. Seeing the errata that allows for the Scar hex to affect targets up to 1 mile, and combining that with the Fortune and Cackle hexes, and you have yourself a winner right there. Free rerolls for everyone! You could even stick with the party and still use your standard actions to move, or to cast support spells. That's pretty ridiculous, I would play that in an instant if the DM clears it. THe only problem would be the role-playing of attempting things like Diplomacy checks while you're intermittently cackling madly every few seconds.

If not, my current idea is Andromeda, the Chained Lady. Female human Oracle, focus on high Intelligence and Charisma (for skill points and better social ability), the Lore Mystery, and the Seer archetype from ultimate magic. With a bunch of utility divinations, all the cure spells, and a good variety of other support spells like summons, it would be a good knowledge and social character. Clouded Vision or Lame curse, either or.


RAW, no one has to hear you cackling, you could just do it very very lightly. This is actually an important issue if using the Charm hex (I suggest not doing so...), since its duration is so tiny and it can be carried by cackling. You basically NEED to cackle with it, but then you get the "laughing like a crazy person" in public dilemma, just using Charm hex as intended.

But yeah, you don't HAVE to stay away, I was just taking things as far as I could because the concept was "the ultimate support character" the...guy on the radio or whatever.

The cornerstone is cackle + fortune + scar. But you can use the healing hexes, you can use ward (it really does go stale by level 10, though), you can use tongues to translate for the party and (very slowly) enunciate how they should respond. Waxen Image, while terribad offensively, is actually pretty awesome for granting allies move actions. And again, with an Imp. Familiar that can at will greater teleport and a bag of holding, you're less than half a minute from the party if needed. You generally want to send the Familiar with the party because pre-Greater Scrying, Share Senses spell is probably your best bet for remotely keeping aware of the party.

It's actually really cool all the stuff such a witch can do for a party w/o actually being there. A level 18 Witch can True Res someone from a mile away as a full round action!


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Gotta second the witch. We've just had a player start making use of one, and they really offer a LOT of non-combat benefits to a party. Charm, Cauldron, etc. are all solid downtime and RP abilities.
Even if you intend to be a non-combatant, Evil Eye, Misfortune, and other buff/debuff abilities let you help your aliies without ever directly engaging in hostilities.


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Alright then, the Witch sounds excellent. I'll probably invest my feats into Extra Hex for more variety in my support, and see what I can do for familiars. Since we're on the subject, what Improved Familiars can teleport, and are any of them available to Good characters? In addition, if I can't gain access to an improved familiar, which standard one is appropriate?

In the mean time, Stream Of The Sky your witch guide is very helpful. Now, if only I know what level we were starting at.


The Improved Familiar feat listing on d20pfsrd has all the options listed.

As for Greater Teleport...huh... Not finding anything at the moment. First thought was archon, but they removed it from the Harbinger... May not have that life-line after all. Haven't actually thoroughly reviewed improved familiars yet, just sort of assumed it was an option. :)

For regular familiars, Compsagnathus is +4 initiative and decent on its own merits, so I like that one. Bat, Raven, and centipede are all also pretty good.


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I just had an excellent idea. If you had the ability to grant others incredible luck by being roughly near them, what would you do?

Become a Luck Merchant.

Think about it. A young nobleman needs an extra edge at the ball, so he hires the Witch to give him that edge. A diplomat needs a safety net in case he slips up during negotiations. A guard patrol, smarter than most, realizes that having something extra in case of a crime might mean the difference between life and death. They all come to the luck merchant witch, who agrees to Scar them and follow roughly behind them for a set time in return... for coin. Shiny, clinky gold coin.

It also pairs up very well with the concept my friend is using for his character (an Oracle who serves as a fortune teller).

I've incidentally recieved more details concerning the campaign, turns out it's high fantasy metropolitan intruige, which works just fine. Also, I am level 1 starting with no additional equipment beyond your basic gear.

I figure good starting stats (given 25 point buy) would be Str 8, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 14, then +2 Int for human. Starting Hexes would have to be Fortun, Cackle, and Scar. I know that 10 Dex and Con seems rather low, but I plan on not being anywhere near combat when it happens. After all, I'm paid to provide luck, insight into social gatherings, and the occasional charm person spell. The big dumb orc can handle fighting.

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