Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder To Get New Core Rulebooks Soon

New books are a reorganization and consolidation rather than a new edition


It's not just D&D that's getting a 'revised' set of core books--Pathfinder is also getting 'remastered' books! The core rulebooks are being replaced by a new set of books, with new names, but like D&D it is being reiterated that this is not a new edition--"With the exception of a few minor variations in terminology and a slightly different mix of monsters, spells, and magic items, the rules remain largely unchanged."

The existing Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Gamemastery Guide, Bestiary, and Advanced Player’s Guide are being replaced with Pathfinder Player Core, Pathfinder GM Core, Pathfinder Monster Core, and Pathfinder Player Core 2.

These books appear to focus on re-organization and consolidation of existing material rather than substantive changes. They also represent Paizo's move away from the Open Gaming License and towards the new Open RPG Creative (ORC) license. Paizo says "This transition will result in a few minor modifications to the Pathfinder Second Edition system, notably the removal of alignment and a small number of nostalgic creatures, spells, and magic items exclusive to the OGL. These elements remain a part of the corpus of Pathfinder Second Edition rules for those who still want them, and are fully compatible with the new remastered rules, but will not appear in future Pathfinder releases."


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Does PF2 have things that relate to ability score, but not the modifier currently? Like encumbrance in 5e?
The only immediate example that comes to mind is strength requirements to wear certain types of armor.
Just as with those, a number of Feats have ability score prerequisites; however, in both that case and the one @Velderan cites, I think all the ability scores required are even numbers (unlike comparable ones in 3.0 and PF1) which can be easily converted to modifiers.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Something that bothers me about all this - which I couldn't quite put my finger on until just now - is how Paizo is distancing Pathfinder from D&D. I mean, yes, that's what they've been saying they're doing, but the realization of what that means just hit me.
For me (and I'm sure many other players over the past almost 20 years), Pathfinder has been a stand-in for D&D. When we weren't playing 4E, we could still be playing "D&D" if we were playing Pathfinder. Same thing with PF2 when I was getting bored with 5e.
These changes now (and the direction of the game moving forward) means that it's going to be getting that much harder to tell the stories we'd tell in D&D. The monsters aren't going to be the same. The spells and magic items will be different. The veneer of D&D history will be stripped away.
Previously, if you squinted hard enough, you'd think you were still playing D&D. For a former D&D player jumping into a PF 2.125 game in 2 years, they'll be hit by so many different terms that they won't know what's going on. And you might as well be playing Shadow of the Demon Lord or Forbidden Lands.
We'll have a Nephilim Thaumaturge slinging Force Bolts against Calamity Dragons.
While I understand this sentiment , I believe it’s a major detriment to the hobby.


I'm excited to see what they do with dragons since they're removing metallic and chromatic from the game.
I am just wondering if they give the same treatment to:
fiends (all types)
owl bears

That being said I would be interested to see what they do with dragons even if the kept the chromatic and metallic versions. However, I am not particularly interested in coupling them to a source or whatever the terminology is (primal, divine, etc.) like they plan to.


While I understand this sentiment , I believe it’s a major detriment to the hobby.
How is it a major detriment to the hobby? I like that there are 2 versions of D&D:

D&D = 5e
AD&D = PF2e

I will be sorry to see that go. And it seems like it has worked fine for both parties for quite a long time.

That being said, I understand why Paizo is doing it.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
How is it a major detriment to the hobby? I like that there are 2 versions of D&D:
It sounds like if it isnt D&D, its knock off crap and not worth the time. Forcing D&D to be king of hill so everyone and their grandmother fights over their preferences.
D&D = 5e
AD&D = PF2e

I will be sorry to see that go. And it seems like it has worked fine for both parties for quite a long time.

That being said, I understand why Paizo is doing it.
I dont see it going anywhere. Unless, of course, "force" missile instead of "magic" will really kill your enjoyment?


It sounds like if it isnt D&D, its knock off crap and not worth the time. Forcing D&D to be king of hill so everyone and their grandmother fights over their preferences.
Well that is definitely not how I interpreted @Retreater's comment. I still don't feel like you've explained how their comment could be a detriment. Instead it seems like you misunderstood the comment.
I dont see it going anywhere. Unless, of course, "force" missile instead of "magic" will really kill your enjoyment?
Well everyone has a different line. Without chromatic and metallic dragons, and few other monsters I imagine going away, it doesn't necessarily feel like D&D to me. Spells were never the issue for me. Heck, I'm not sure it feels like D&D to me if you file off ability scores and alignment.


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