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Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder: Weird Frontiers (online, OpenRPG, Wednesdays)


First Post
Character Name: Metaxo
Race: Ophiduan , Alignment: Lawful Neutral , Patron Deity: Haliyane
Class Levels: Ranger 6 / Psion (Nomad) 5
Character Level: 11 , XP: 107,685, Next Level: 145,000 total
Age: 23 yrs., Height: 6 ft. 2 in., Weight: 126 lbs., Male/Female: M
Eyes: Yellow , Hair: None , Skin: Very Dark Green
Languages: Common; Ophiduan; Rhivian; Dejarim; Zanji; Draconic; Nakaali

Strength 14[16] (+2[+3]), Dexterity 15 (+2), Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 15 (+2), Wisdom 17 (+3), Charisma 9 (-1)

HP / Maximum: 73 / 73 , Nonlethal: 0 , DR: 0/X , SR: 0
AC: 21{22}[23] (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +0 size, +7 armor, {+1 shield}, +1 natural, [+1 Psionic Dodge while maintaining Psionic Focus])
Touch AC: 13[14 Psionic Dodge] , Flat-Footed AC: 18
Fortitude +8 (4+1 +1(Resilient) +2(Con) ) , Reflex +7 (4+1 +2(Dex) ) , Will 8 (1+4 +3(Wis) ) , Initiative +2, Hero Points: 1

Base Attack Bonus: 8/3 (6+2)
Melee: +10[+11]/+5[+6] (+8/+3 BAB, +2[+3] Str, +0 size)
Ranged: +10/+5 (+8/+3 BAB, +2 Dex, +0 size)
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +10[11] (+8 BAB, +2[+3] Str, +0 size)
Combat Maneuver Defense: 22[23] (+8 BAB, +2[+3] Str, +2 Dex, +0 size)

Favored Class: Ranger (+2 HP, +3 skill ranks, +1 power points)
Size: Medium , Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft., Speed: 30 ft.
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Reptilian)
Racial Ability Score Adjustments: +2 Dexterity , +2 Wisdom , -2 Charisma
Other Racial Qualities: Humanoid (Reptilian)
Other Racial Qualities:
# Scaled Hide: An ophiduan’s skin is hardened scales and grants the character a +1 natural armor bonus to AC.
# Naturally Psionic: Ophiduans gain the Wild Talent feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. If an ophiduan takes levels in a psionic class, he instead gains the Psionic Talent feat.
# Serpent’s Bite (Ps)(3d8): Once per day, an ophiduan can alter his jaws, gaining a bite attack that deals 1d8 points of damage, plus an extra 1d8 points of damage per five character levels beyond 1st. This effect lasts for 1 minute. The manifester level is equal to the ophiduan’s level.
# Darkvision: Ophiduans can see in the dark up to 60 feet. See Vision and Light.
# Poison Resistant: Ophiduans gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.
# Psionic Aptitude: When an ophiduan takes a level in a favored class, he can choose to gain an additional power point instead of a hit point or skill point.
# Weapon Familiarity: Ophiduans treat any weapon with the word “ophiduan” in the name as a martial weapon rather than an exotic one.
# Languages: Ophiduans begin play speaking Common and Ophiduan. Ophiduans with high Intelligence scores can choose can choose from the following: Aquan, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, and Goblin.

Advanced Traits: Desert Child (+4 trait bonus on any saving throws made to resist the effects of being in hot conditions, and a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against fire effects); Resilient (+1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves)

Feats: Wild Talent
+2 Psionic power points at 1st level.

Point Blank Shot
You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.

Rapid Metabolism
You naturally heal a number of hit points per day equal to the standard healing rate + double your Constitution bonus. You heal even if you do not rest. This healing replaces your normal natural healing. If you are tended successfully by someone with the Heal skill, you instead regain double the normal amount of hit points + double your Constitution bonus.

You gain a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion; Constitution checks made to continue running; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march; Constitution checks made to hold your breath; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst; Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments; and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation.

You may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued.

Psionic Shot
While you maintain psionic focus, your attacks with a ranged weapon deal an extra 1 point of damage. Additionally, if you expend your psionic focus as part of an attack with a ranged weapon, that attack instead deals an extra 2d6 points of damage. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making an attack. If your attack misses, you still expend your psionic focus.

You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC. A condition that makes you lose your Dex bonus to AC also makes you lose the benefits of this feat.

Psionic Dodge
You must be psionically focused to use this feat. You receive a +1 dodge bonus to your Armor Class. This bonus stacks with the bonus from the Dodge feat. You may expend your psionic focus as an immediate action to increase this bonus to a +4 dodge bonus to your Armor Class for a single attack made against you.

Quick Draw
You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action. You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as a move action.

Psionic Meditation
You can take a move action to become psionically focused.

Fell Shot
To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus as part of a ranged attack. You can resolve that ranged attack as a ranged touch attack. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making an attack. If your attack misses, you still expend your psionic focus.

Deadly Aim (-3 to attack, +6 to damage)
You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all ranged attack rolls to gain a +2 bonus on all ranged damage rolls. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every +4 thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.

Precise Shot
You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.

Skills:(71 points)
Acrobatics: +4 (2 rank, +2 Dex)
Autohypnosis: +10 (4 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class)
Climb: +8 (2 ranks, +2[+3] STR, +3 class)
Craft(Weaponsmithing): +6 (1 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Craft(Armorsmithing): +6 (1 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Craft(Bowmaking): +6 (1 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Fly: +6 (1 ranks, +2 Dex, +3 class)
Handle Animal*: +3 (1 ranks, -1 Cha, +3 class)
Heal: +8 (2 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class)
Intimidate: +3 (1 ranks, -1 Cha, +3 class)
Know(Arcana): +8 (3 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(Dungeoneering): +6 (1 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(Engineering)*: +0 (0 ranks, +2 Int)
Know(Geography): +8 (3 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(History)*: +0 (0 ranks, +2 Int)
Know(Local)*: +8 (3 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(Nature): +8 (3 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(Nobility)*: +0 (0 ranks, +2 Int)
Know(Planes): +8 (2 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(Psionics): +8 (3 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(Religion): +6 (1 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Linguistics: +5 (3 ranks, +2 Int)
Perception: +14 (8 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class)
Profession(Merchant)*: +7 (1 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class)
Psicraft: +11 (6 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Ride*: +6 (1 ranks, +2 Dex, +3 class)
Spellcraft: +9 (4 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Stealth: +17 (7 ranks, +2 Dex, +3 class, +5 Cloak of Elvenkind)
Survival: +10 (5 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class)
Swim: +7 (1 ranks, +2[+3] STR, +3 class)

Platinum Pieces: 8, Gold Pieces: 1230, Silver Pieces: 707 Hezak: 1, Copper Pieces: 1353, Red Garnets: 3,
Load: 55 lbs., Light: 58[76] lbs., Medium: 116[153] lbs., Heavy: 175[230] lbs.
Maximum Load: 175[230] lbs., Push/Pull: 875[1150] lbs.

Mithril Agile Breastplate +1 (4,400 GP, 12.5 lbs., AC +7, Max. Dex. Bonus: 5, AC Check Penalty: 1)
Mithril Light Steel Quickdraw Shield ( 59 GP, 3.5 lbs., AC +1 )

Longsword +1 ( 315 GP, 4 lbs., Dmg: 1d8, Crit: 19-20/x2)
Scabbard of Vigor
Cold Iron Morningstar +1 ( 612 GP, 8 lbs, Dmg: 1d8, Crit: x2)
Masterwork Composite Longbow (Rating 3)( 700 GP, 3 lbs, Dmg: 1d8, Crit: x3)
Greataxe +1 (magic)(2,320 GP, 12lbs., Dmg: 1d12, Crit: x3)

50 Arrows ( 2 GP 5 SP, 9 lbs, stored in Efficient Quiver )
10 Cold Iron Arrows ( 50 CP, 9 lbs, stored in Efficient Quiver )

Ring of Sustenance
Cloak of Elvenkind (+5 to Stealth)

Psionic Tattoo of Natural Healing (healing 15 HP when 'tapped' as a standard action provokes aoo)
Oil of Magic Weapon x2
Potion of water breathing (750 GP, 0 lbs.)
Belt of Giant Strength [+2] ( 4,000 GP, 1 lbs.)
Efficient Quiver (1,800 GP, 2 lbs., Can hold 60 Arrows and Bow(s). Weight stays at 2 lbs. )
Handy Haversack ( 2,000 GP, 5 lbs. )
Mstrwrk Artisan's Tools Weaponsmithing (55 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Mstrwrk Artisan's Tools Armorsmithing (55 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Mstrwrk Artisan's Tools Bowmaking (55 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Bedroll (1 SP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Blanket (2 SP, 1 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Winter Blanket (5 SP, 3 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Caltrops x3 (3 GP, 6 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 1)
Candle x5 (5 CP, 0 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)
Clothing: Explorer's Outfit (0 GP, 8 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Clothing: Cold Weather Outfit (8 GP, 7 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Clothing: Furs (12 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Clothing: Hot Weather Outift: (8 GP, 4 lbs., Worn)
Clothing: Footwear- Cleats (5 GP, 2 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Clothing: Footwear- Snowshoes (5 GP, 4 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Flint and Steel (1 GP, 0 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 1)
Fishing net (4 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Food: Rations x20 (10 GP, 20 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Grappling Hook (1 GP, 4 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Hammock (1 SP, 3 lbs.., stored in Haversack compartment 2)
Kit: Climber's (80 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Kit: Cooking (1 GP, 2 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)
Kit: Map Making (10 GP, 2 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)
Lamp Oil 1-pint flask x2 (2 SP, 2 lbs. )
Map Case x2 (2 GP, 1 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)
Parchment x30 (6 GP, 0 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)
Rope[silk] 50 ft. x2 (20 GP, 10 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 1)
Tent[medium] ( , 30lbs., horse)
Waterskin [full] x2 (2 GP, 4 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 1)
Wine (Bottle) x2 (Haversack compartment 2)
Game dice x3 (5 GP, in belt pouch)
Deck of Cards (1 GP, ½ lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A ranger is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Other Class Features: Favored Enemy [Animal] (+2)
+2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.

Favored Enemy [Magical Beast] (+4)
+4 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type. Likewise, he gets a +4 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.

Track (+2)
A ranger adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks.

Wild Empathy (+4)
A ranger can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.

To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.

Favored Terrain: Forest (+2)
The ranger gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks when he is in this terrain. A ranger traveling through his favored terrain normally leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (though he may leave a trail if he so chooses).

At 8th level and every five levels thereafter, the ranger may select an additional favored terrain. In addition, at each such interval, the skill bonus and initiative bonus in any one favored terrain (including the one just selected, if so desired), increases by +2.

Hunter's Bond
This bond allows him to spend a move action to grant half his favored enemy bonus against a single target of the appropriate type to all allies within 30 feet who can see or hear him. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the ranger's Wisdom modifier (3). This bonus does not stack with any favored enemy bonuses possessed by his allies; they use whichever bonus is higher.

Detect Psionics
All psions, regardless of their chosen discipline, gain the ability to use detect psionics at will, as long as they maintain psionic focus. This does not require any power point expenditure, and the power cannot be augmented.

Burst (Discipline Talent)
This power increases your land speed by 10 feet. This adjustment counts as an enhancement bonus to speed.

Detect Teleportation (Discipline Talent)
You sense the use of any effects of the teleportation subdiscipline within the area. You sense the use of these powers whether or not you have line of sight or line of effect (although a force effect prevents this detection). When you sense the use of an appropriate power, you know the direction in which the power was used, though not the distance or the exact effect.

Nomad's Step (Discipline Ability) [30 ft.]
At 2nd level, as long as you maintain psionic focus, as a standard action you may teleport to a location up to 15 feet away. You must have line of sight to the location and you can bring along possessions that amount to as much as a medium load. The distance increases by 5 feet every psion level thereafter.

Spellcasting Class: Ranger , Caster Level: 3 , Concentration: +6 (+3 Caster Level, +3 Wis)
Spell Save DC: 10 + 3 + spell level (list ability here)
Spell Slots: 0 0-level, 2 1st-level, 0 2nd-level, 0 3rd-level, 0 4th-level,
0 5th-level, 0 6th-level, 0 7th-level, 0 8th-level, 0 9th-level
Prepared Spells: Defoliate, Entangle
Spells Known: All Ranger Level 1

Manifesting Class: Psion(Nomad) , Manifester Level: 5 , Concentration: +7 (+5 Manifester Level, +2 Int)
Power Points / Maximum: 33 / 33 [+ Int bonus x psion level * .5 + 2 (wild talent) +1 Favored Class], Power Save DC: 10 + 2 + level (list ability here)
Powers Known:
Defy Gravity
Force Screen
Inertial Armor
Mind Thrust
Know Direction & Location
Cloud Mind
Energy Stun
Cleanse Body

Metaxo is an Ophiduan, muscular and lean. Tall by human standards but average for Ophiduans. His scaly skin is a very dark shade of green and his slitted eyes are a vibrant yellow as typical for his race.

Metaxo grew up on the south side of the Rhivian continent. Driven by the Ophiduan need to constantly better himself and prove his worth, Metaxo looked to the wide world around him for the endless challenges it contains. He's crossed the continent from Zanjinhon to Vanderheim, from the frozen north lands to the torrid south. He hones his skills in the wilderness and learns from the different civilizations of Rhivia, all in the pursuit of personal excellence. The only place he's avoided is Rhivalius, but he has plans to delve into the haunted ruins when he has the skills and weapons necessary to battle the specters and spirits that call that cursed place their home. To earn some extra income, he dabbles in cartography and carrying trade goods. He has mapped out much of Rhivia and has gained some acclaim as a wilderness guide for travelers or merchants which has lead to his being sought out for the expedition into Azagan. Metaxo's motivation is personal excellence. He is not trying to save the world per se, so much as he wants to overcome the challenge that the otherworldly scourge represents.


Longsword(+1) +12[13] melee for 1d8+3[4] damage (19-20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Cold Iron Morningstar(+1) +12[13] melee for 1d8+3[4] damage (20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Greataxe(+1) +12[13] melee for 1d12+3[4] damage (20/x3 critical, reach 0 ft.)
Masterwork Composite Longbow +11[12 Point Blank] ranged for 1d8+[3]{+1 Point Blank}{+1 Psionic Shot} damage (20/x3 critical, increment 110 ft.)
Unarmed strike +2[3] melee for 1d3+2[3] damage (20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)

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First Post
Pathfinder: Wierd Frontiers Character Sheet:

Character Name: Lilyan
Race: Halfling , Alignment: CN , Patron Deity:
Class Levels: Psion 11
Character Level: 11, XP: 108,305 , Next Level: 145,000 total
Age: 29 yrs., Height: 3 ft. 2 in., Weight: 33 lbs., Male/Female: F
Eyes: brown , Hair: black , Skin: Light
Languages: Common, Halfling, Zanji, Nakaali, Sentali, Hesate-Sula, Hurakazin

Strength 8 (-1), Dexterity 16 (+3), Constitution 10 (+0)
Intelligence 22 (+6), Wisdom 7 (-2), Charisma 18 (+4)

HP / Maximum: 43 / 43, Nonlethal: 0 , DR: 0/X , SR: 0
AC: 26 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 size, +10 armor, +0 shield, +0 natural, +1 ring etc.) (+4-+9-+10 inertial armor)
Touch AC: 15 , Flat-Footed AC: 12
Fortitude +5, Reflex +8, Will +7, Initiative +7, Hero Points: 1

Base Attack Bonus: +5
Melee: +5 (+5 BAB, -1 Str, +1 size)
Ranged: +9 (+5 BAB, +3 Dex, +1 size)
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +3 (+5 BAB, -1 Str, -1 size)
Combat Maneuver Defense: 16 (+5 BAB, -1 Str, +3 Dex, -1 size)

Favored Class: Psion (+0 HP, +11 skill ranks)
Size: Small , Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft., Speed: 20 ft.
Type (Subtype): Humanoid
Racial Ability Score Adjustments: +2 DEX , +2 CHA , -2 STR
Other Racial Qualities: Fearless, Halfling Luck, Keen Senses, Sure-Footed, Weapon Familiarity
Advanced Traits: Reactionary, Child of the Streets

Feats: Psicrystal Affinity, Boost Construct, Childlike, Point Blank Shot, Psionic Shot, Psicrystal Containment, Overchannel, Talented, Dodge

Autohypnosis +12 (11 ranks, -2 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Bluff +18 (11 ranks, +4 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Disguise +18 (11 ranks, +4 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor) (+10 hat of disguise, +2 disguise kit) (+2 childlike feat)
Psicraft +20 (11 ranks, +6 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Sleight of Hand +17 (11 ranks, +2 ability, +3 class, +1 other, -0 armor)
Stealth +18 (11 ranks, +3 ability, +0 class, +4 other, -0 armor)
Use Magic Device +18 (11 ranks, +4 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Acrobatics +16 (11 ranks, +3 ability, +0 class, +2 other, -0 armor)

Climb +1 (0 ranks, -1 ability, +0 class, +2 other, -0 armor)
Craft (sculpting) +6 (0 ranks, +6 ability, +0 class, +0 other, -0 armor) (for shaping astral constructs)
Perception +2 (0 ranks, -2 ability, +0 class, +4 other, -0 armor) (psicrystal has it at +6)
Sense Motive -0 (0 ranks, -2 ability, +0 class, +2 other, -0 armor)

Craft (weaponsmithing) +20 (11 ranks, +6 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor) (From headband of vast intelligence)

Load: 33 lbs., Light: 19.5 lbs., Medium: 39.75 lbs., Heavy: 60 lbs.
Maximum Load: 60 lbs., Push/Pull: 300 lbs.
Bedroll (1sp, 1.25lbs)
Blanket (5sp, .75lbs)
1 Rations (5sp per, 1lbs per)
Waterskin (1gp, 1lb)
Clothes (free, 2lbs)
3 daggers (6gp, 1.5lbs)
Flint and steel (1gp)
Torch (1cp, 1lb)
Light crossbow (35gp, 2lbs)
29 bolts (1gp, .5lbs)
Rope, hemp (1gp, 10lbs)
Caltrops (1gp, 2lbs)
Disguise kit (50gp, 2lbs)
Mirror (10gp, .5lbs) X2
Ring of sustenance (2500gp, only need 2 hours sleep, don't need food/water)
Ring of Protection +1
Hat of disguise (1800gp, disguise self at will)
Handy haversack (2000gp, 5lbs, backpack with 2 pouches storing up to 20 lbs and main section storing up to 80 lbs)
Boots of landing (1000gp, 1lbs, always lands on feet and reduces falling damage 2 dice)
Headband of vast intelligence +2 (4000gp, 1lbs, +2 Intelligence bonus)
Gloves of arrow snaring (4000gp, snatch arrows 2/day)
Cloak of Resistance +1
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2
masterwork weaponsmithing tools
2 potions of cure light wounds [1d8+1]
psicrystal staff (treat psicrystal 2 levels higher including telepathic speech, flight, power resistance (lvl+5 so 13+5). sight link, and other normal stuff)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: club, dagger, heavy/light crossbow, quarterstaff, shortspear
Other Class Features:
Psicrystal – nimble (+2 init)
detect psionics at will
discipline talents: create sound, ectoplasmic creation
summoners call: duration of creation increased 1 + 1/4 lvl rounds, astral constructs gain extra menu option
Ectoplasmic Protection: concealment 1rd/lvl

Manifesting Class: Psion , Manifester Level: 11, Concentration: +17
Power Points / Maximum: 139 / 139 Power Save DC: 16 + power level
(DC 15+level concentration to suppress display)
(DC 15+2*power level to concentrate without AoOs)
Powers Known:
Astral Construct
Energy Ray (Energy Ray (fire): ranged touch: [1d20+9] damage: [11d6+11])
Inertial Armor
Matter Agitation
Telempathic Projection
Body Equilibrium
Metamorphosis, Minor
Swarm of Crystals (/me reaches out a hand towards GROUP as thousands of tiny crystals spray forth (Swarm of Crystals: [11d4] in a 15' cone))
Energy Burst
Solicit Psicrystal
Telekinetic Force (max 250 lbs, 1 target/lvl, can effect weapons)
Time Hop
Death Urge
Fold Space
Modify Matter
Telekinetic Maneuver (bonus is lvl+Int bonus-size: +17-1)
Hail of Crystals (throws a ball of crystal at the lizard (Hail of Crystals [1d20+9] (ranged touch) [5d4] (impact) [11d4] (20' radius crystal shards reflex DC 21 for half)) that explode sending shards everywhere)
Adapt Body
Pierce the Veils
Ectoplasmic Shambler
Retrieve (teleports visible item within 100+10/lvl feet 10lbs/lvl with will save)

shoulder length black hair kept in pigtails covering ears while disguised, or ponytail
Brown eyes
Usually disguised as a human child, choosing to stay in character whenever around others
Boots – each with a hidden dagger
Cloth skirt
Leather overtunic with belt – sheath with dagger

Growing up on the streets, she was always picked on by other kids for being small. Eventually, she figured out that she could pretend to be younger and have an easier time acquiring 'necessities'. On one such trip an older man saw through the disguise and, recognizing her potential, offered to take the young woman in as an apprentice. After learning many things, she decided that they should offer her services as a security expert in order to use some of her previous talents. In this way she has traveled around her home continent and collected many fees, some freely given while others simply vanished.

stats:10-2, 12+2 +2 belt, 10, 18+1+1(lvl) +2 headband, 7, 16+2
4th level attribute I, 8th level attribute I
6 extra power points every 2 levels by intelligence

Dagger +4 melee for 1d3-1 damage (19-20/x2 critical)
Unarmed strike +4 melee for 1d2-1 damage (20/x2 critical)

Dagger +9(+1 within 30ft) ranged for 1d3-1(+1 within 30ft, +1 while maintaining focus, +2d6 if expending psionic focus) damage (19-20/x2 critical, increment 10 ft.)
Light Crossbow +9(+1 within 30ft) ranged for 1d6+0 damage(+1 within 30ft, +1 while maintaining focus, +2d6 if expending psionic focus) (19-20/x2 critical, increment 80 ft.)
Last edited:


First Post
I'm just trying to understand the use of catapsi. Obviously it doesn't matter for the current battle any more. I just want to understand for the next time or if one of us decides to use it.

Why did it disrupt the astral construct power? If the pp is expended when starting the process, then the will save shouldn't matter for that and it should have been some kind of concentration check, right?
If it does increase the pp cost of the power, why can't I decide to augment the power less so that it works?
You make all pertinent decisions about a power (range, target, area, effect, version, and so forth) when the power comes into effect. -- page 60 Psionics Unleashed


First Post
While you make the decisions about a power when you start manifesting it, the rules don't say anything about what happens when your manifesting attempt becomes invalid or interrupted in some way other than a failed concentration check. If you took a few negative levels from a vampire's attack while manifesting your highest-level power, it's unclear if you would still be able to finish manifesting it since your manifester level is now too low, for example. Or if you suddenly took some Intelligence damage (or got hit with Feeblemind). Etc. I'm of the opinion that if something like that would happen to interrupt your manifestation or spellcasting attempt (just like a counterspell or damaging attack might), then it can prevent you from completing the manifestation or spellcasting attempt. Frex, if a wizard suddenly became too stupid to remember his lines while invoking a Summon Monster IX spell (some jerk hit him with Feeblemind or Touch of Idiocy), he'd obviously be unable to finish casting that spell, right? It doesn't matter if someone interrupts his casting during his own turn with a readied action or some kind of simultaneous action (or say your psion gets hit with a Personality Parasite power, and the antagonistic splinter-personality uses its action on your turn to manifest Mindwipe or Ectoplasmic Coccoon on you?), or if they do it later during the casting process of a 1-round spell, the result would be the same.

But suffering negative levels or ability damage while casting a spell or manifesting a power doesn't force a concentration check, just like some other odd situations like I just described, so the rules don't actually technically say what would happen. Ergo the need for DM adjudication. And Catapsi already has a line saying that if you tried spending too many power points on a power as a result of Catapsi's effect, then your power fails and just doesn't expend any power points. So it's my interpretation that it should be able to interrupt a power when manifested while you are still working on completing a power. Just like I'd consider an insufficient caster/manifester level or insufficient ability score (from negative levels, ability damage, etc.) to ruin a spellcasting attempt. Catapsi just says that anyone attempting to manifest a psionic power within the area (besides the person who manifested Catapsi) needs a Will save to avoid suffering its effects on that manifesting attempt. Since the manifestation was not complete yet, it was still open to interruption, just like a 1-round Summon spell could be interrupted by damage or distractions. And since you choose the parameters or variables for your power when you start manifesting it, the Catapsi interruption doesn't allow you a chance to change your mind before the manifestation is ruined (trying to stop a train at full speed, or quickly reduce its speed by a significant degree, is a lot harder than just hitting the brakes when it's barely started moving and has hardly any momentum/inertia; and trying to stop a chemical reaction or the like is more difficult once it's fully underway and everything is already reacting to the catalyst; extinguishing a fire is easy when it's small and barely consumed any fuel yet, but tough after it's already spread further and grown hotter; etc.).

(quick edit: also, Catapsi doesn't allow people to change their minds about what to manifest or with how much augmentation after failing the Will save; that's why it has a line about what happens when you try to manifest something that suddenly becomes too expensive as a result of Catapsi's effect).

Think of it this way: Lily decided what power she wanted to manifest and what specific properties she wanted it to have, then started concentrating on making it happen. She devoted some psionic energy to the task, and then partway through the process of assembling her Astral Construct on the Astral Plane, a huge burst of static began blaring in her head, and waves of disruptive psionic energy started slamming into the psionic forces she had been sending into the Astral Construct to give it form and function. The disruptive energy broke her "tether" to the partially-formed astral construct and it began to disperse, but she managed to pull back the energy she had been using to draw in and mold the ectoplasm. Or something like that.
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First Post
Okay, so the only thing that doesn't answer is the line about all pertinent decisions being made when the power comes into effect as that doesn't seem to make sense with what you're saying about the rules stating that the decisions are made when you start manifesting. Although since it also says you can only augment a power at the time you manifest it, that statement might not apply at all, depending on how it's read.

Would a power with a manifesting time of like 1 day be affected by someone passing by with something like catapsi sometime in the middle or only if it was at the beginning or end of the manifesting?

Incidentally the rules do specify what happens to a wizard that's energy drained. Level dependent variables are altered but prepared spells or slots are not lost.

Also I'm feeling really lousy today after reading something last night, so hopefully I'll feel better by the game Wednesday.


First Post
I think it's time for me to quit.

As for why, well I can't seem to find a spoiler tag in case you don't want to read it. The main thing is that I'm tired of the way things go. The most recent battle as an example: You mentioned that you thought you overestimated the party, but apparently didn't alter the encounter at all to make up for that or fudge rolls. After you realize that the party is going to die, you blame the system for not being balanced. Then you blame the players for not coordinating. Other than having better rolls, there was very little we could have done better. It's one thing when we make obvious mistakes, but I still resent it when you blamed me for not using fold space in a battle when the time before that when I did I was chased and almost died, would have died aside from hero point use. There are other incidents that have upset me, but primarily it's the constant blaming of everything and everyone other than yourself when things don't work. Yes, the system isn't perfect. Yes, the players aren't perfect. Yes, you're not perfect, and nobody expects you to be. I'm just tired of there being no, "Sorry guys, I made a mistake" when all I see is, "Pathfinder sucks and is so unbalanced." Also I've been depressed for pretty much as long as I can remember and only recently has that default changed so for the most part all I ever get/got out of it was a distraction for a while. I'd rather spend that same time talking with friends online that do help me feel better when I'm down or normally keep me feeling good.

If there's something you need from me, like an updated gold count (on a spreadsheet on my PC) I'll be on open fairly often.


First Post
mikbuster said:
I think it's time for me to quit.

As for why, well I can't seem to find a spoiler tag in case you don't want to read it. The main thing is that I'm tired of the way things go. The most recent battle as an example: You mentioned that you thought you overestimated the party, but apparently didn't alter the encounter at all to make up for that or fudge rolls. After you realize that the party is going to die, you blame the system for not being balanced. Then you blame the players for not coordinating. Other than having better rolls, there was very little we could have done better. It's one thing when we make obvious mistakes, but I still resent it when you blamed me for not using fold space in a battle when the time before that when I did I was chased and almost died, would have died aside from hero point use. There are other incidents that have upset me, but primarily it's the constant blaming of everything and everyone other than yourself when things don't work. Yes, the system isn't perfect. Yes, the players aren't perfect. Yes, you're not perfect, and nobody expects you to be. I'm just tired of there being no, "Sorry guys, I made a mistake" when all I see is, "Pathfinder sucks and is so unbalanced." Also I've been depressed for pretty much as long as I can remember and only recently has that default changed so for the most part all I ever get/got out of it was a distraction for a while. I'd rather spend that same time talking with friends online that do help me feel better when I'm down or normally keep me feeling good.

Sorry Lily. I understand your frustration, and I share it too. And I know I have a tendency to blame it on the system, but it's just as much my own fault at least. I continue to struggle with finding the right balance in Pathfinder and then have trouble dealing with it when the monsters I pick or the NPCs I prepare turn out to be overwhelming the PCs. I eventually start fudging things or bring in an NPC rescuer or whatever. I'm not especially clever or quick-witted so I don't come up with the best solutions on the spot. It's another thing I have to think about more, I know. I also failed to factor into the sabosans' CR the fact that the forest terrain gave them a tactical advantage with their flight, even though it still hindered them some. Otherwise I would've made them a level lower at least.

And I totally understand the last part; if you feel like it'd be better for ya to chat with folks instead of playing in the campaign, I wish ya well. I know I've suffered depression since preschool, but at least I don't need medication for it. Depression seems to run in my entire extended family anyway; more than one of my aunts, uncles, or distant relatives has had to stay on daily medication to avoid suicidal depression, and not all of them are with us anymore. :( My best friend in high school has been on medication for it, but I haven't seen him since my family moved to Arizona so I don't even know how he's doing these days. It sucks, but ya can't let the bad things in life keep ya down. Gaming's what keeps me sufficiently distracted and mildly entertained enough to be okay. Besides watching comedies like The Simpsons, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, etc. Also I watch sappy TV shows and listen to sappy music. :) So do whatever makes ya happy.

I apologize for being rude or mean-sounding after that Nue battle earlier where Lily teleported away, I didn't mean to sound like I was blaming you for it going poorly. I have this problem with being bad with words and getting my meaning across. So much so that I used to have an explanation/apology in my forum-signature for some months or years after previous misunderstandings, over my awkward choice of words and rambling that sometimes gets mistaken for ranting when it's just me being overly-wordy in my explanations or presenting my arguments in a discussion. :( The following is mostly just an explanation, in my own rambling manner, and some things I realized by the end of the session or have thought about since this week's game.

I wasn't sure this encounter was getting too difficult until about halfway through, after the group had dropped two sabosans and started wearing down the other two. Metaxo and Synjin came close to dropping the leader twice, and it would have made a notable difference if they had; the other sabosan would've been easier to hit and become less effective in a few rounds, besides the fact that he probably would've fled if he was the last one standing and still outnumbered. Short of just suddenly turning both sabosans into cowards or suddenly having all of their active powers expire early for no reason, all I could do was fudge every decent roll of theirs or hope for the party to pull together with a little more coordination or defense of their own, besides having the sabosans split their attention between multiple targets each like I was already doing.

I had hoped that Hero Points would keep me from needing to fudge the dice whenever anything went awry, but that hasn't worked out very well with the terrible dice-rolls and the fact that the PCs couldn't gain more Hero Points for anything daring in the same encounter where they spent Hero Points..... Hero Points still help a little but apparently not enough. Once it became clear that the Hero Points weren't helping in this encounter and that the sabosan leader was going to survive a few more rounds until he ran out of power points and Strategy uses, by which point another PC or two might drop, I knew I had to bring in some kind of NPC support to help the group defeat or drive off the last two sabosans. Took a little bit to figure out what would work. I had forgotten that last week I considered the possibility of a dinosaur or similar beast rampaging through the area and giving the PCs a chance to mount up and flee while the sabosans would be distracted.

Your party has been able to consistently dish out 1, 2, or 3 hundred damage per round for at least a few levels now, and I expected another sabosan to die sooner or something, but it turns out I gave the sabosans one or two AC-boosting powers or class features that I shouldn't have (as the tactician's Collective Defense strategy and the psychic warrior's Force Screen made the latter too difficult to hit beyond like 20% of the time), which could've been replaced with more-utilitarian or miscellaneous options from their classes. I'm too-used to Synjin and Nelwyn (and Orishi previously) consistently hitting ACs in the high 20s or low-to-mid 30s without difficulty and scoring frequent crits, and I didn't factor in the bonuses the psychic warrior would get from his allies; before that his buffed AC of 31 seemed like it'd just be a minor obstacle to Synjin and Nelwyn, while his touch AC around half that would be easy enough for Lily and Metaxo to hit with the right powers or abilities of theirs. I should've had the leader wait longer before getting serious with Catapsi and such, but I tried running him as a competent tactician first (Tactician is literally his class), rather than running him as more of an arrogant sadist first, watching his comrades tear into the prey before he joined in.

Nelwyn did well for a few rounds fighting defensively or using total defense, but nobody else did so the sabosans didn't miss very often before their primary buffs wore off. I didn't blame the party for not coordinating better, I just mentioned that I had expected or hoped for some coordination among them and things could've gone better if there had been more of that. Generally the best thing to do against a group of strong opponents is to gang up on the leader or the strongest and take them down first, but there just wasn't enough of the party focused on one sabosan or the other. The leader was the most vulnerable of the two, but the other sabosan was also vulnerable to touch attacks or most offensive magic/psionics (nearly all his AC came from natural armor/armor/Force Shield). I usually have intelligent or semi-intelligent enemies flee when it seems like they're most likely going to lose and there's a decent chance of escape, which the sabosans had, but a lot of parties tend to make it tough for most enemies to escape without getting shot down/chased down/blasted down before they get more than a few dozen feet. Thus it often ends up being a fight to the death for many critters. The two remaining sabosans were holding their own and it didn't look like they needed to give up and fly away yet, but if one more had fallen it would have been a bad sign for the last one's chances.

I know I made some mistakes during the combat encounter and didn't account for a few factors during my NPC prep-work earlier. I try to learn from my mistakes but sometimes I forget and make the same miscalculations later. But there is also an element of the system involved, as well. I have yet to play in any Pathfinder game (or Paizo adventure) or run one that did not end in a TPK or just come close to a TPK before the PCs managed to pull off a victory, in every adventure or every second adventure of those Adventure Paths or campaigns. There is a genuine difficulty running Pathfinder long-term, and with how NPCs or advanced monsters are handled in the rules (and of course, the PC classes, especially when used for any NPC foes). It's an exaggerated form of the problem in 3.x D&D (main difference being, it was mostly just full-casters/full-manifesters that were troublesome in 3.x). And it's an issue I've been giving serious thought for months now.

I think one thing I'm likely to do is just start using some lower-CR monsters or NPCs and just giving them more HP when I need them to last long enough for a challenge. I don't intend every combat encounter to be challenging, but wilderness encounters typically only occur once or twice a day so I have a tendency to make more of them challenge-oriented instead of minor speed-bumps. I may also have to just give the party something more useful to get out of tough situations when Hero Points aren't gonna cut it. And I need to give the party more hints/suggestions/info with Intelligence or Wisdom checks sometimes, as I haven't done that often enough in this campaign (it's a shame the rules don't already have any hint-system like that, or it would be easier to remember when I should call for Int/Wis checks to give the party some hints). I'm still thinking about some other fixes or solutions, but there is one thing I have been considering for some time now that will most likely begin to show up sporadically when needed during the campaign, given the nature of the Weird Frontiers campaign.

Lastly, it should be noted that I did try to give the party some clues, hints, warnings, suggestions, and different routes to follow (the river not least of them, or the outskirts of the jungle), but they chose to march right into the most-dangerous part of the jungle they were warned about. The valkyrie that showed up late in the sabosan battle will at least give the group a strong nudge in the right direction and all, but beyond that, it's up to the PCs' own decisions and how they handle the end of the encounter before the valkyrie's departure. While I need to give more hints/suggestions based on what any high-Int or high-Wis characters might know or realize in-character, I can only do so much to help without autopiloting the PCs. I made this campaign to be fairly open-ended as far as how the party goes about finding and reaching their goals, with many different paths/methods they could use, but it seems I need to do some minor rail-roading or lend more guidance to make it easier. It'd help if the party had more of an active "face" character or really just any decent utility beyond Survival and Ectoplasmic Creation, but they don't. The druid dropped out early on, the inquisitor had to drop out early too, the wizard/rogue/arcane trickster had to drop later, etc.........only the combat-focused-PC players have been reliable. So the party is left with only fairly-direct options and I have to deal with that by making the combat encounters less risky/troublesome, since there's little in the way of noncombat resources in the party. Anyway, the party should at least get some information from their contacts in the Nakaali cities once they return there, and from the elves of the Floating Vale if they find them.

Oh, and forum-text can be put in a spoiler block by using (sblock)text stuff(/sblock) but with square brackets instead of parentheses, in case it ever matters.

In any case, this weeks update is just the expanded details on Vanigor and Haliyane in the first section of the Rhivian Pantheon posts. And now I'm sad/depressed again too. :(


First Post
Thanks Ark. I'm not on any drugs myself. I first realized I had a serious problem about August. After some soul searching I reached out to a trans woman I kind of knew online and started asking her questions. Since I started to realize that I really was a woman, rather than just wishing it almost constantly, I've had mostly up days, compared to one flat state. My worst days are the days when I don't see all of the stuff I need happening or it's going too slowly. And right now there's lots of new things happening like speech therapy next week and seeing an endocrinologist in a little over a week. Both of which I'm really anxious to start and are also terrifying to me. I'm just hoping I don't cry after speech therapy like I did after the evaluation they did. I still have a lot of hard parts left like telling extended family, but that should explain my mood swings the last few months. Also I was scared about electrolysis, but luckily that's going well if slowly :) It would be so much easier if I wasn't so terrified of everything like that.

Good luck :)

Edit to add: That's also why you may have noticed a bit of a personality shift. I've been more coming out of my shell and getting back to who I am rather than hating everything.
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First Post
Best wishes to you, Lily. I hate/fear needles and surgery and junk just as much now as I did when I was a little kid.

Campaign info updates this week will probably be posted on Thursday or Friday.

Experimental new template I'll be trying out in the near future:
Rugged Creature Template
This inherited template can be applied to any corporeal, non-humanoid living creature native to harsh environments or dangerous regions. The base creature gets +8 to Constitution, +2 to natural armor, +2 on Reflex saving throws, +2 on Will saving throws, Damage Reduction 2/- as per the barbarian class feature, and Rapid Metabolism as a racial bonus feat. CR Adjustment: +1.


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We're still open to recruitment, if anyone wants to join our Wednesday game of Pathfinder. The last few recruits have proven unreliable so it seems we still have an open slot or two. New PCs at this point would enter at 10th-level with 90,000 Experience Points and 72,000 gold pieces in starting wealth. Check the first post of the thread for other character-generation info.

The party's current make-up is a human oracle of life, a half-orc ranger, an ophiduan ranger/nomad psion, and a human soulknife. So the party has plenty of ranged combat ability (not so much blasting, but still very effective ranged attacks) and sufficient melee combat ability, but lacks any arcane magic, any significant social characters, any significant scholarly characters, any significant roguish characters, and any major psionic manifesters. The rangers handle scouting well enough but that's the extent of their roguish capacity, while the oracle provides fairly-sufficient healing.

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