• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder: Weird Frontiers (online, OpenRPG, Wednesdays)


First Post
I updated the Rhivian deities section a bit one or two weeks ago, in case I haven't mentioned it before on here. Today I just edited a few of the psionic items detailed at the end of page 2 in this thread, and added one more psionic item, Sandals of Swiftness. Next week I'll either add another handful of psionic items, or some psionic monsters, or some other Azaganian info perhaps.

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In case you saw the message about me not being able to make tonight's session, that is no longer the case. I made it home in time after all.
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First Post
Ahh, well, unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to show up for today's session to run it. I've got a few things to take care of and I'll be out of the house for an hour or two, which is starting to look like it'll be around 5 or 6 pm Pacific. I wasn't able to go earlier in the day like I had wanted to, so it seems I'm gonna have to go around the time our game normally starts. There's a slight chance I'll be able to leave soon and get back before 6 and be able to run the game a little late, but I dunno. I'll edit this post later if so.


First Post
Looking for more players?

Hey Arkhandus, long time no chat. Any chance you are still recruiting or looking for another player for this campaign?


First Post
Indeed! Long time no see, Jultach. We still have an opening in the group. Current active party is Metaxo (ranger/nomad psion), Synjin (ranger), Nelwyn (soulknife), Gabriel (oracle of life), and Misty (druid). Roughly half the group is still 10th-level though approaching 11th.


First Post

The following psionic items were designed by Azaganian cultures and psionic masters, never making their way across the ocean to Rhivia. While some of these items are fairly common in Azaganian societies, they are rarely sold to foreigners and are rarely seen in western Azagan where most Rhivian explorers go, typically due to the insular, quarrelsome, or strange nature of most Azaganian societies. Only individuals trained by Azaganian psionic masters with knowledge of these designs can craft the following items.


Anklet of Acceleration
Aura: moderate Psychometabolism; ML: 5th
Slot: feet; Price: 7,000 gp; Weight: 1/10th lb.
A bejeweled golden band with a simple mechanism for donning and removing it, the Anklet of Acceleration adjusts and fastens itself securely for any wearer, but never closes when placed anywhere but around an ankle. When worn around one's ankle, this jewelry reveals its true psionic function by making the wearer notably faster in both movement and reflexes. The Anklet of Acceleration grants wearers an enhancement bonus of +10 feet to all natural movement speeds (those without a natural burrow, climb, fly, or swim speed do not gain one, but they do determine their climbing or swimming movement rates based on their newly-adjusted land speed). Movement speeds gained through shapechanging do count as natural if they involve physical propulsion, like wings or fins. Furthermore, wearers enjoy a +1 luck bonus on Initiative checks and Reflex saving throws. Donning or removing the Anklet of Acceleration is a standard action, but it cannot be removed from a wearer who is unwilling to have it removed (short of severing the limb); unconscious or dead wearers are considered willing for this purpose.
Requirements: Craft Universal Item, Skate; Cost: 3,500 gp

Annulment Amulet
Aura: strong Psychokinesis; ML: 13th
Slot: neck; Price: 168,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
This potent piece of psionic craftsmanship is every bit as beautiful as it is powerful, an intricate amulet forged of interwoven gold and silver strands holding myriad colorful gems, hanging on a gold and silver chain that also ensconces small gems within each carefully-crafted link. Anyone wearing the Annulment Amulet may trigger the following powers with different command thoughts, but the Amulet can only generate each effect once per day: Breach, Disintegration (augmented to 13 power points, 26d6 damage, Fortitude DC 20), Dismiss Ectoplasm, Dispelling Buffer, Dispel Psionics (augmented to 11 power points for either a targeted dispel against 3 effects on the target, or an area dispel), Eradicate Invisibility (augmented to 13 power points for a 90-foot radius, Will DC 18), Null Psionics Field, Reddopsi, Shatter Mind Blank (augmented to 13 power points, allowing you to exclude chosen subjects), and Slip the Bonds. These function as per a Kineticist Psion but without any class features applied to them.
Requirements: Craft Universal Item, Breach, Disintegration, Dismiss Ectoplasm, Dispelling Buffer, Dispel Psionics, Eradicate Invisibility, Null Psionics Field, Reddopsi, Shatter Mind Blank, Slip the Bonds; Cost: 84,000 gp

Artisan's Apron
Aura: faint Metacreativity; ML: 3rd
Slot: chest; Price: 3,500 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Common among fine Azaganian craftsmen and artists, an Artisan's Apron appears to be a simple black-leather apron with a few large, open pockets and loops for hanging tools. The exceptional nature of this item only becomes apparent when viewing at the Apron's back, where intricate and abstract patterns are emblazoned upon it in psionically-charged, crystalline dust, which has been fused to the Apron and glitters with faint inner light. Wearing this garment provides you with a +5 competence bonus on all Craft skill checks of a particular type, like Craft (Blacksmithing) or Craft (Painting). The type of Craft is determined at the Apron's creation, and inscribed amidst the patterns on its back. Furthermore, each Artisan's Apron can mend an object of 3 pounds or less, once per day by simply touching the target and concentrating for 10 minutes, as per the Psionic Repair power in Psionics Expanded. Interruptions do not waste the daily use but simply negate that individual attempt. The Artisan's Apron is psionically shielded with Acid Resistance 5, Cold Resistance 5, Electricity Resistance 5, Fire Resistance 5, and Sonic Resistance 5 (this only protects the Apron, not its wearer). Stains and grime of any sort are always easy to wash off these marvelous items. Finally, Artisan's Aprons are all-around tougher than normal garments, with 12 hit points and a hardness of 2 despite being as pliant as tanned leather.
Requirements: Craft Universal Item, Psionic Repair; Cost: 1,750 gp

Attuned Hunter's Vest
Aura: moderate Psychometabolism; ML: 5th
Slot: chest; Price: 2,400 gp (+1), or 9,600 gp (+2), or 21,600 gp (+3), or 38,400 gp (+4), or 60,000 gp (+5); Weight: 1 lb.
This finely-tooled leather vest is covered in linework that depicts various predators chasing after prey, and the vest's inner lining holds a few embedded shards of psionically-charged crystal. Wearing this vest gives you a +1, +2, +3, +4, or +5 enhancement bonus to natural armor, depending on how powerful the Attuned Hunter's Vest was made to be. Creatures without a natural armor bonus to AC simply gain this amount of natural armor when wearing the Vest, but it does not stack with other enhancements to natural armor. Regardless, the wearer also receives a competence bonus on Perception and Survival skill checks, equal to the enhancement bonus of the Attuned Hunter's Vest. Finally, anyone who is psionically focused while wearing the Vest will receive an equal competence bonus to Autohypnosis checks, and can use that skill untrained while psionically focused. Note that psionic focus is lost when losing consciousness, so this does not help any Autohypnosis checks made to stabilize when unconscious.
Requirements: Craft Universal Item, Thicken Skin, creator's manifester level must be at least three times the vest's bonus, creator must have at least 1 rank in the Autohypnosis and Perception and Survival skills for each point of the Vest's bonus; Cost: 1,200 gp (+1), or 4,800 gp (+2), or 10,800 gp (+3), or 19,200 gp (+4), or 30,000 gp (+5)

Betrothal Bracelets (Companion Bracelets)
Aura: faint Clairsentience; ML: 3rd
Slot: wrists; Price: 500 gp (for a pair); Weight: 1/10th lb. (each)
These fancy bracelets are made of precious metals and adorned with jewels, typically brass, bronze, or copper with amethysts, garnets, iolites, spinels, tourmalines, or colored quartzes. Such bracelets are always made in pairs, and usually known as Betrothal Bracelets since they are part of a central Azaganian marriage tradition, but there are also cases where they are made for friends or comrades instead (such versions are known as Companion Bracelets, and are functionally identical except that they do not lock in place permanently, instead using a simple latch to secure or remove the Companion Bracelets). The weight, cost, and prices given here are for a pair of linked Betrothal Bracelets (or Companion Bracelets) made of semiprecious gems and metals as noted above. They can also be made with more-expensive gems and metals at an increased cost and price, but this does not increase the Bracelets' creation time. Only one Betrothal/Companion Bracelet may be worn at a time by each individual (others do not function).

Betrothal/Companion Bracelets have no special functions unless both are worn by different living, intelligent creatures (the wearer of one senses if the linked Bracelet has been removed, and when it has been donned again); creatures of Intelligence 2 or less do not count. When worn by two such subjects, the Betrothal/Companion Bracelets allow each of them to sense one another's general health (healthy, injured, seriously injured with no more than half their maximum HP remaining, disabled, dying, cursed, diseased, poisoned, energy-drained, or suffering some other ailment) and emotional state (happy, sad, amused, angry/frustrated, excited, annoyed, calm/indifferent, afraid, focused, worried, curious, confused, bored, nervous, conflicted, or suffering). Each wearer can also sense if the linked Bracelet's wearer is nearby (within 100 feet), somewhat near (between 100 and 1,000 feet), distant (between 1,000 feet and 10 miles), very distant (10 miles or more), or on another Plane of existence (with a rough sense of what it might be, like a chaotic Outer Plane or some Transitive Plane). The Bracelets convey no specific details, except for two: they convey when one of the linked Bracelets' wearers has died, and a Betrothal Bracelet (not Companion Bracelet) alerts the wearer if the other linked Bracelet's wearer is actively commiting adultery. Betrothal Bracelets (not Companion Bracelets) lock themselves in place when worn around the wrist, removeable only by destroying one of the Bracelets or using appropriate magic/psionics (a Knock spell for instance, but otherwise mere dispelling will not unlock the Bracelets). They only come off otherwise if the limb is severed (whether removing the hand or the arm), or if the wearer dies (and even then the physical latch remains closed until someone manually unlatches it), either of which causes the two linked Betrothal Bracelets to lose their psionic properties. Betrothal/Companion Bracelets have one other function, allowing each of the two linked Bracelets to be activated by its wearer with a command thought (both Bracelets share the same command thought) to generate an Empathic Transfer between the wearers of the two linked Bracelets regardless of distance or planar boundaries. This functions as per the power of a 3rd-level Psychic Warrior, without any class features applied to it, and each Bracelet can perform this function only once per week. Any magical or psionic effects that prevent travel or communication between different Planes will also suppress the sensory and transference functions of the Bracelets.

Betrothal Bracelets are part of marriage traditions among many cultures of central Azagan, where marriages are sealed with the presentation and donning of identical Betrothal Bracelets engraved with the names or symbols of both families, though some families (typically the poor) use only mundane bracelets with no psionic properties (though designed to lock in place when closed, with no means of unlocking them). Representing the unbreakable bonds of marriage and fidelity, the married couple must wear their Betrothal Bracelets at all times, and many are even buried with them still on after death. If a married individual violates their marital vows, or simply wishes to be divorced, tradition dictates that their hand be chopped off followed by removing and destroying the Betrothal Bracelet, while the wearer of the other Bracelet (if they had been faithful) removes and destroys his or her now-powerless Betrothal Bracelet (though it requires certain tools or magic or psionics to safely remove the Bracelet, unless the other one has already been destroyed).
Requirements: Craft Universal Item, Empathic Transfer, Empathy; Cost: 250 gp (for a pair)

Empath Gloves
Aura: faint Psychometabolism; ML: 5th
Slot: hands; Price: 8,800 gp; Weight: ---
These supple doeskin gloves are etched with odd patterns and provide not only comfort but also healing potential. These psionically-charged Gloves have 5 power points each day that are only useable to fuel the powers of the Gloves, but wearers may spend their own power points instead when desired. The following psychometabolic powers may be manifested by the Gloves through different command thoughts: Body Purification, Empathic Transfer, and Natural Healing. These powers function as per an Egoist Psion without any class features applied to them, but they can be augmented as desired, and they cost power points to manifest, limited to spending a maximum of 5 power points each time given the Empath Gloves' manifester level. You cannot spend power points from different sources on any single manifestation; each manifested power must be paid for entirely with power points from a single source. You cannot spend power points from other items (such as Cognizance Crystals or Psicrystals) on powers from the Empath Gloves.
Requirements: Craft Universal Item, Body Purification, Empathic Transfer, Natural Healing; Cost: 4,400 gp

Headband of Mystery
Aura: moderate Telepathy; ML: 6th
Slot: headband; Price: 17,000 gp; Weight: ---
This broad, darkly-colored headband is made from rare fabrics and laced with a few shards of psionically-charged crystal, while subtle patterns are woven into the fabric in other dark colors. Wearing this Headband confers immunity to all effects that detect thoughts, detect emotions or motives, read minds, detect alignments, detect creature types or subtypes, detect lies, prevent lying, probe memories, change memories, or remove memories. This includes immunity to the Detect Hostile Intent power or ability. It does not, however, prevent telepathic communication or telepathic attacks (such as False Sensory Input, Forced Sense Link, or Thieving Mindlink), nor does it interfere with any Collective, Empathic Link, or Telepathic Link you may share with animal companions, familiars, psicrystals, special mounts, or other allies. The Headband of Mystery also lends a +2 insight bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects while worn. Finally, this Headband's psionic aura is only detectable by those who pass a DC 15 Will saving throw upon trying to detect it (each use of an ability, power, spell, or item to try detecting the Headband's aura involves a separate save).
Requirements: Craft Universal Item, plus either Aura Alteration or Escape Detection or both Empty Mind and Thought Shield; Cost: 8,500 gp

Headwrap of Power Resistance
Aura: moderate Clairsentience; ML: 9th
Slot: headband; Price: 36,450 gp (PR 15), or 76,450 gp (PR 19), or 116,450 gp (PR 23); Weight: ---
Appearing as nothing more than a white or gray cloth made to be wrapped around one's scalp, a Headwrap of Power Resistance is actually imbued with psionic power by soaking in the cranial and spinal fluids of psionic monsters (or unfortunate psionic humanoids) as part of a special process conducted by a psionic craftsman. By wearing this cloth around your head, you are shielded against most psionic powers and psi-like abilities, gaining Power Resistance based on how powerful the Headwrap was created to be. The most-common variety grants Power Resistance 15, while uncommon versions offer Power Resistance 19, and the most-potent variety bestows its wearer with Power Resistance 23. Many Azaganian leaders with sufficient wealth or influence make certain to acquire one of these Headwraps, guarding them from psionic assassins, dissidents, or rivals. Headwraps of Power Resistance also provide two additional benefits. Firstly, they allow untrained Knowledge (Psionics) and Psicraft (or Spellcraft in the standard rules) skill checks related to psionic powers, auras, and items, and grant a +5 competence bonus on any Psicraft (or Spellcraft) skill checks for those purposes. Secondly, these Headwraps allow the wearer to Detect Psionics at will with a command thought, unaugmented.
Requirements: Craft Universal Item, Power Resistance, creator's manifester level must be at least one-half the headband's PR value; Cost: 18,225 gp (PR 15), or 38,225 gp (PR 19), or 58,225 gp (PR 23)

Medallion of Mentalism
Aura: faint Telepathy; ML: 3rd
Slot: neck; Price: 8,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
This bronze medallion hangs on a thick cord of twine, and is engraved with a swirling, almost-hypnotic pattern that holds smaller, ever-more-intricate swirling patterns within it. Infused with psionic power, a Medallion of Mentalism protects its wearer with a continuous Conceal Thoughts effect. Furthermore, the wearer may use the Medallion to produce an Attraction, Broker, Demoralize, Empathy, Missive, Recall Agony, or Sense Link effect by command thought, as per the Psion/Wilder powers without any class features applied. These powers cost power points to manifest and may be augmented when desired, up to a maximum of 3 power points per manifestation, but only the Medallion's power points may be spent on these powers. Each Medallion of Mentalism holds 6 power points, which replenish at the rate of 1 per day, but the wearer may spend his or her own power points to replenish the Medallion's reserve faster; doing so requires concentrating as a standard action, which provokes attacks of opportunity but cannot be interrupted.
Requirements: Craft Universal Item, Attraction, Broker, Demoralize, Empathy, Missive, Recall Agony, Sense Link; Cost: 4,000 gp

Metal Mentalist's Mantle
Aura: moderate Telepathy; ML: 9th
Slot: shoulders; Price: 46,000 gp; Weight: 5 lbs.
This psionic item is a mantle forged of interlocking bronze bands that cover part of the wearer's shoulders, and extend up around part of the neck like a collar, with peculiar designs etched into the metal to form psionic circuits. Wearing this heavy mantle confers several benefits, along with certain burdens. Firstly, you gain Damage Reduction 5/- against weapons with metal striking surfaces, such as axes, swords, spears, arrows, bolts, bullets, hammers, maces, morningstars, daggers, darts, shuriken, and so on. This does not protect you when stricken by other parts of such weapons, but it does protect against the metallic natural weapons of iron golems, inevitables, and other creatures made of metal. It otherwise functions like a Barbarian's DR. The second feature of this Mantle is that it provides the ability to survive without breathing, and prevents you from suffocating or drowning (even from effects like Crisis of Breath), while expelling any unneccessary fluids from your lungs when needed. It does not, however, allow speaking underwater or in airless environments like a vacuum.

Thirdly, you are difficult to budge or trick while wearing the Metal Mentalist's Mantle, and enjoy a +4 circumstance bonus to Combat Maneuver Defense. Fourthly, you may use a command thought while wearing the Mantle to produce a Detect Compulsion, Empathic Condition Relief, Psychic Bodyguard, Shrapnel Burst, or Suppress Compulsion effect as per the Telepath Psion powers in Psionics Expanded, once per day for each of those (each power uses a different command thought, and they use their normal manifestation times). These powers are unaugmented but otherwise function at the Mantle's level, without any Telepath class features applied. Finally, wearing this burdensome Mantle increases your own weight (effectively doubled) in such a way that you cannot swim and only sink in liquids, while incurring a -4 circumstance penalty on Acrobatics, Climb, and Stealth skill checks. Note that the intense water pressure of the deep sea can be harmful, and this Mantle does not protect against it. Donning or removing this Mantle is difficult and slow, taking 1 minute of effort, even through telekinetic or other means.
Requirements: Craft Universal Item, Detect Compulsion, Empathic Condition Relief, Minor Metamorphosis, Psychic Bodyguard, Shrapnel Burst, Suppress Compulsion; Cost: 23,000 gp

Midnight Cowl
Aura: moderate Clairsentience; ML: 10th
Slot: shoulders; Price: 102,750 gp; Weight: ---
This dark velvet cowl drapes over the wearer's head and shoulders, concealing his or her features slightly and shading the wearer's eyes, while psionic crystals are woven between the cowl's inner and outer layers of fabric. The wearer of this fine Cowl is able to mask his or her presence and discern secrets hidden to others, by means of the following special properties. Firstly, the Midnight Cowl confers a +5 competence bonus on all Bluff, Disguise, Intimidate, Sense Motive, and Stealth skill checks for the wearer. Secondly, the wearer leaves no mundane tracks or scent-trail and thus cannot be followed by tracking uses of the Perception or Survival skills, nor by Scent, though he or she can still be found by Scent when within its detection range. Thirdly, the wearer is under a continuous Escape Detection effect as per the power of a Seer Psion (without any Seer Psion class features applied to it).

Finally, the Midnight Cowl can produce each of the following effects with different command thoughts by the wearer: Augured Answer, Aura Sight, Clairvoyant Sense, Cloud Mind, Concealing Amorpha, Control Light, Control Sound, Converse, Danger Sense, Detect Hostile Intent, Empathy, Eradicate Invisibility, Heightened Vision, Object Reading, Pierce the Veils, Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions, and Trace Psychoport. This vast array of powers function as per those of a Seer Psion with the normal manifestation times, but without any Seer Psion class features applied to them. These powers use the Midnight Cowl's manifester level, but may or may not be augmented, as the wearer sees fit. They cost power points to manifest, however, from the Midnight Cowl's own daily pool of 17 power points. You cannot substitute other power points.
Requirements: Craft Universal Item, Augured Answer, Aura Sight, Body Equillibrium, Clairvoyant Sense, Cloud Mind, Concealing Amorpha, Control Light, Control Sound, Converse, Danger Sense, Detect Hostile Intent, Empathy, Eradicate Invisibility, Escape Detection, Heightened Vision, Object Reading, Pierce the Veils, Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions, Trace Psychoport, creator must have at least 5 ranks each in the Bluff and Disguise and Intimidate and Sense Motive and Stealth skills; Cost: 51,375 gp

Officer's Cape
Aura: faint Telepathy; ML: 3rd
Slot: shoulders; Price: 12,000 gp; Weight: ---
Worn by some warlords and military officers across Azagan, an Officer's Cape is favored for its inspirational and protective features. Appearing as a stylish, brightly-colored half-cape with a golden clasp adorned with tiny gems, psionic infusions grant this Cape the following powers. First, it slows down the wearer when falling, reducing effective falling distance by 20 feet. Second, it raises the wearer's Leadership Score (if any) by +2 as a competence bonus. Third, the Cape's wearer may inspire other allies within 60 feet for 1 round, +1 round per point of Charisma bonus, by giving a rousing speech or war-chant as a full-round action. This can be done only once per day, and bestows allies with a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and Will saves. Fourth, an Officer's Cape and its wearer are continually under a Defensive Precognition effect, as per the power. And last of all, the wearer of an Officer's Cape may use a command thought once per day to send a Mass Missive.
Requirements: Craft Universal Item, Catfall, Defensive Precognition, Mass Missive, Telempathic Projection; Cost: 6,000 gp

Sandals of Swiftness
Aura: moderate Psychometabolism; ML: 11th
Slot: feet; Price: 25,500 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
These fine wooden sandals are criss-crossed with leather straps made from the hide of a psionic monster, and have padded soles with crystal shards embedded underneath. Merely wearing these psionically-charged Sandals will help you react quickly to danger, with a +2 competence bonus on Initiative checks. Furthermore, once per day with the proper command thought, the wearer benefits from Physical Acceleration for 11 rounds (as per the power in Psionics Expanded). This power is augmented to be activated as a swift action rather than the usual standard action.
Requirements: Craft Universal Item, Physical Acceleration; Cost: 12,750 gp

Spectral Shroud
Aura: faint Psychometabolism; ML: 5th
Slot: body; Price: 12,200 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
This translucent robe of wispy linen is infused with psionic energies and attuned to the Astral Plane. It evinces a faint glow like candlelight in the dark, and allows the wearer to assume Ectoplasmic Form for up to 5 minutes as per the power, twice per day. This takes only a standard action of concentration on the Spectral Shroud, no special knowledge involved. You enjoy a +2 competence bonus on Will saves against Dismiss Ectoplasm while wearing a Spectral Shroud.
Requirements: Craft Universal Item, Ectoplasmic Form; Cost: 6,100 gp
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First Post
Character Name: Relor
Race: Elf , Lawful Good: LG , Patron Deity: Mhavara
Class Levels: Monk
Character Level: 10 , XP: 90,000 ,
Age: 142 yrs., Height: 6 ft. 3 in., Weight: 185 lbs., Male/Female: M
Eyes: Blue , Hair: Brown , Skin: tanned skin
Languages: Common, Elven, Loricaean
Strength 10 (+0), Dexterity 22 (+6), Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 12 (+1), Wisdom 22 (+6), Charisma 10 (+0)
HP 58. / Maximum: 68. / 68. , Nonlethal: 0 , DR: 0/X , SR: 0
AC: 25 (+6 Dex, +0 dodge, +0 size, +0 armor, +0 shield, +0 natural, +6 Wis, +3 monk, etc.)
Touch AC: 25 , Flat-Footed AC: 19
Fortitude +8 , Reflex +13 , Will +13, Initiative +6, Hero Points: 1
Base Attack Bonus: +7/+2
Melee: + 7 (+7 BAB, +0 Str, +0 size)
2nd Melee: +2 (+2 BAB, +0 Str, +0 size)
Ranged: +13 (+7 BAB, +6 Dex, +0 size)
2nd Ranged: +8 (+2 BAB, +6 Dex, +0 size)
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +16/+20 (+10 BAB, +6 Dex, +0 size, +4 grapple/dirty trick)
Combat Maneuver Defense: 34/36 (+10 BAB, +0 Str, +6 Dex, +0 size, +6 Wis, +2 monk, +2 grapple/dirty trick)
Favored Class: Monk (+0 HP, +0 skill ranks + 10 movement speed)
Size: Medium , Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft., Speed: 70 ft.
Type: humanoid Subtype: Elf
Racial Ability Score Adjustments: +2 DEX , +2 INT , -2 CON
Other Racial Qualities:
low-light vision
+4 racial bonus on swim checks
can always take ten on swim checks
proficient with longspear, trident, and net.
+2 racial bonus to perception checks
immune to magic sleep effects and +2 racial bonus to enchantment spells and effects
Feats and class features:
stunning fist (monk class feature feat lvl 1) (DC 21 fortitude save and can be stunned or fatigued for one round or
sickened for one minute) (11 / 11 uses remaining for the day)
improved unarmed strike (monk class feature feat lvl 1)
improved grapple (monk bonus feat lvl 1)
improved dirty trick (monk bonus feat lvl 2)
greater grapple (monk bonus feat lvl 6)
greater dirty trick (monk bonus feat lvl 10)
Agile Maneuver (lvl 1 feat)
stunning pin (lvl 3 feat)
chokehold (lvl 5 feat)
jawbreaker (lvl 7 feat)
body shield (lvl 9 feat)

Acrobatics + 12/+22 (3 ranks, +6 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor, +10 jumping)
Climb + 5 (2 ranks, +0 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Escape Artist +11 (2 ranks, +6 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Heal +16 (10 ranks, +6 ability, +0 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Perception + 21 (10 ranks, +6 ability, +3 class, +2 other, -0 armor)
Stealth + 17 (8 ranks, +6 ability, +3 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Survival + 16 (10 ranks, +6 ability, +0 class, +0 other, -0 armor)
Swim +12 (5 ranks, +0 ability, +3 class, +4 other, -0 armor)
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: brass knuckles, cestus, club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe,
javelin, kama, longspear, net, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shortspear, short sword, shuriken, siangham, sling, spear, temple sword, and
Other Class Features:
AC Bonus
Improved Evasion
Fast Movement +30
Flurry of Maneuvers-
At 1st level, as part of a full-attack action, a maneuver master can make one additional combat maneuver,
regardless of whether the maneuver normally replaces a melee attack or requires a standard action.
The maneuver master uses his monk level in place of his base attack bonus to determine his CMB for
the bonus maneuvers, though all combat maneuver checks suffer a 2 penalty when using a flurry.
At 8th level, a maneuver master may attempt a second additional combat maneuver, with an additional 3 penalty on combat maneuver checks.
Reliable Maneuver-
At 4th level, as a swift action, a maneuver master may spend 1 point from his ki pool before attempting a combat maneuver.
He can roll his combat maneuver check for that maneuver twice and use the better result.
Meditative Maneuver-
At 5th level, as a swift action, a maneuver master can add his Wisdom modifier on any combat maneuver check he makes before the beginning
of his next turn. He must choose which combat maneuver check to grant the bonus to before making the combat maneuver check.
High Jump-
At 5th level, a monk adds his level to all Acrobatics checks made to jump, both for vertical jumps and horizontal jumps. In addition,
he always counts as having a running start when making jump checks using Acrobatics. By spending 1 point from his ki pool as a swift action,
a monk gains a +20 bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump for 1 round.
Wholeness of Body
At 7th level or higher, a monk can heal his own wounds as a standard action.
He can heal a number of hit points of damage equal to his monk level by using 2 points from his ki pool.
Ki Pool (magic/lawful): 11 ki points
By spending 1 point from his ki pool, a monk can do one of the following:
Make one additional attack at his highest attack bonus when making a flurry of blows attack, or
Increase his speed by 20 feet for 1 round, or
Give himself a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
Each of these powers is activated as a swift action.
Tall, long brown hair, blue eyes, tanned skin. skinny with a plain face usually smiling.
Relor has a kind and lighthearted temperament. He comes from a poor fishing village that had to manage with primitive fishing techniques. He became the greatest hunter and fisherman
among his village but he always gave most of his catches away for free. His proficiency in hunting large powerful game and his generosity eventually attracted the notice of an order of monks.
He was inducted into their order and trained into a powerful warrior sworn to protect and feed the innocent and meek.
Headband of Inspired Wisdom. (+4 wisdom) 16,000
Belt of incredible dexterity. ( +4 dexterity) 16,000
Winged boots fly three times a day 16,000
monk's robe 13.000
masterwork silvered sai 322
masterwork cold iron kama 604
potions of enlarge person ?
10,074 GP remaining
+2 crossbow 8000 gp
8 potions of enlarge 2000 gp
10 gp worth of trailr ations
waterskins 5
400 bolts crossbow
Dirty trick CMB :20
grapple CMB :20
other CMBs :16
Unarmed strike +7 melee for 2d6 + 0 damage (20/x2 critical, range -)
Unarmed strike +2 melee for 2d6 + 0 damage (20/x2 critical, range -)
crossbow+7/+6/+2 +15 1d8+2 20/x2 crit 80 range
+2/+6/+2 +10 1d8+2
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First Post
Sorry for the late response, but I'll check over the sheet before today's game in a little bit here. Oh, and your Ki Pool does not allow you to overcome DR of the X/silver or X/cold iron types (only DR X/magic or DR x/lawful), BTW. Thus it might be beneficial to have a Masterwork Cold Iron Kama and a Masterwork Silvered Sai as back-up weapons (they work with flurry of blows/flurry of maneuvers, and both aid in performing different combat maneuvers; also, since the Sai is a bludgeoning weapon in PF, it has no damage penalty for being silvered).

Generally speaking, you should spend most of your starting wealth on magic items that boost monkish stats and help out in situations your monk couldn't otherwise handle (like Winged Boots or a few Potions of Fly, to deal with airborne enemies and other obstacles, or at least a good ranged weapon like a Keen +1 Light Crossbow or +1 Light Crossbow of Shock or a Returning +1 Javelin, if nothing else). Get one of the Belts that raises Str, Dex, or Con by +4 if you can, and probably an Amulet of Mighty Fists (+1 or +2 probably) or instead an Amulet of Natural Armor (+1 or +2 probably), maybe a Ring of Protection +1 or +2 for more AC. But considering how low your AC is for 10th-level, that might be a lost cause, so it might be better to get the Amulet of Mighty Fists +2 and something else to boost your offense. A Cloak of Resistance (+1, +2, or +3) or Minor Cloak of Displacement could be useful for some extra defense.


First Post
Editing this post because it was mostly sleepy nonsense before..Anyways I have added items to the character sheet from before. I have also respeced the character towards the agile maneuver feat so that I can have reasonable AC while at the same time being able to perform combat maneuvers. I am also considering the monk's robe for now, but I might change that as well because it doesnt seem that good in retrospect. Right now Im looking for ways to restrain incorporeal creatures...preferably using my CMB.
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