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Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder: Weird Frontiers (online, OpenRPG, Wednesdays)


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Tonight's Session

Sorry everyone, I think I forgot to mention that I'm out of town this week and won't be able to play tonight.

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It loooks like theres a game "WFRP", but it is password protected.
Although that might be something else that just happens to look like it stands for Weird Frontiers Roleplaying
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Well, I guess that's all good timing then, as I have to cancel today's session anyway. I'm busy today, having a terrible week, and I'm still ticked off over stupid things happening lately, so I'm in no mood to run a game even if I wasn't busy. -_-


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Sorry to hear that, Rob7. I wrote out your character this week as a result, but left it open for him to return later if you have the chance to rejoin the group at some point.


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New Psionic Races of Azagan

The following are new psionic races found only on the continent of Azagan. I have left out some specific details on where they live or what their history is, so this is just general info on them. I plan to add two or three more races here at some point in the future, or in a separate post, but this is what I've worked on so far. The material below is Open Game Content created by me in July of 2013.

[SIZE=4][B]Table: Random Starting Ages For New Races[/B]
[I]Race		Adulthood	Short Training *	Average Training **	Long Training ***[/I]
Avanyamira	21 years	+1d6 years		+2d6 years		+3d6 years
Dzosjhan	8 years		+1d4 years		+1d6 years		+2d4 years
Kestranel	12 years	+1d4 years		+2d4 years		+3d4 years
Turoshkanyik	30 years	+1d10 years		+3d8 years		+5d8 years
[I]* Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer, etc.
** Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, etc.
*** Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard, etc.[/I]

[B]Table: Aging Effects For New Races[/B]
[I]Race		Middle Age *		Old **		Venerable ***		Maximum Age[/I]
Avanyamira	70 years		110 years	150 years		150+5d20 years
Dzosjhan	25 years		35 years	45 years		45+1d10 years
Kestranel	32 years		44 years	56 years		56+3d4 years
Turoshkanyik	100 years		140 years	180 years		180+10d6 years
[I]* At middle age, -1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
** At old age, -2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
*** At venerable age, -3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.[/I]

[B]Table: Random Height And Weight For New Races[/B]
[I]Race			Base Height	Base Weight		Modifier	Weight Multiplier[/I]
Avanyamira		5 ft. 10 in.	130 lbs.		2d6		x10 lbs.
Dzosjhan, male		4 ft. 4 in.	60 lbs.			2d4		x10 lbs.
Dzosjhan, female	4 ft. 10 in.	80 lbs.			2d4		x10 lbs.
Kestranel, male		5 ft. 2 in.	100 lbs.		1d10		x4 lbs.
Kestranel, female	4 ft. 11 in.	80 lbs.			1d10		x4 lbs.
Turoshkanyik, male	4 ft. 8 in.	100 lbs.		2d4		x10 lbs.
Turoshkanyik, female	4 ft. 10 in.	110 lbs.		2d4		x10 lbs.[/SIZE]

Found only among secluded mountains, deep canyons, and magically-solidified clouds floating over the world, this mysterious race of four-armed humanoids is little-known to the outside world and rarely seen abroad. Avanyamiras only leave their isolationist communities when pursuing knowledge that cannot be found there, despite the extensive libraries at the heart of every avanyamira settlement. Those few who know the avanyamiras speak of them as great inventors and philosophers who rarely deal with less-enlightened races, instead dealing with beings of the Elemental and Outer Planes for intelligent discourse. Avanyamiras are muscular, smart, and psionically gifted.

Physical Description: A race of tall, four-armed humanoids, the avanyamiras possess four-fingered hands, four-toed feet, larger ears than humans, and a second pair of eyes above the first. Avanyamiras otherwise resemble humans, albeit with dusky or bronze-hued skin, minimal body hair, and elaborate black patterns across their skin that other races often mistake for tattoos. The avanyamira's second pair of arms sprout a few inches below their first, and they have a longer torso than humans, as well as a slightly-elongated head. An adult avanyamira stands 6 to 7 feet tall, weighing 150 to 250 pounds depending on girth and musculature, though severe obesity is practically unheard of among avanyamiras, so they generally don't exceed 250 pounds. Avanyamiras prefer loose-fitting, colorful, practical clothes.

Society: Living in small, isolated villages where individual effort and self-sufficiency are emphasized, the avanyamiras are reclusive even among their own people. Contemplation, study, and tinkering occupy most of an avanyamira's free time, when he or she is not working to provide for themselves and serve the community's basic needs. There is little in the way of social, political, or military activity among their communities, which are largely monastic and oriented towards the pursuit of enlightenment. Art and music are appreciated, but largely considered secondary to more-practical activities, so the majority of social events are debates and dissertations. While the heavy emphasis on knowledge leads to technological, magical, and psionic inventions, these are rarely shared with the outside world, such that even other avanyamira communities rarely learn of these advancements. Limited automation has made life easier for avanyamiras, allowing them to spend more time on philosophical contemplation. Each village is governed by a Yamuatha, the leader of that village's monastery, and he or she is advised by a Shusaara council representing the village's different interests. The Ataan-Shusaara is chief of the farmers, herders, and hunters, while an Elsuu-Shusaara manages the village economy, the Mezu-Shusaara is in charge of the libraries and mystical matters, and a Vosaa-Shusaara oversees the village guards. The four Shusaara may overrule the Yamuatha's decisions by majority vote, but each is typically allowed to govern their own part of the village independently. Shusaara are elected every four years by their peers in the appropriate fields, but the Yamuatha can declare one candidate in each Shusaara's election as unfit for leadership, banning them for that term and requiring different candidates to run. The Yamuatha reaches his or her position only through showing proper wisdom, intellect, and leadership ability to his or her predecessor, as well as sufficient religious understanding and devotion, in part through expertise in magic or psionics as proof of his or her dedication to enlightenment. Yamuatha serve for life, or until retirement.

Relations: Avanyamiras trade occasionally with halfling nomads on Azagan, along with some xeph communities, cloud giants, stone giants, or storm giants. They get along reasonably well with silver dragons and cloud dragons, who often lair on neighboring clouds or mountaintops, trading valuable goods on occasion for draconic guardianship of the area. A rare few avanyamira communities barter with dwarves or turoshkanyik. Summoning extraplanar entities is common in some avanyamira settlements, though usually for conversation rather than services or protection. Many avanyamira communities face threats from unruly giants or evil dragons on occasion, so they have studied methods of fending off such enemies.
Alignment and Religion: Generally inclined towards rational thought and analysis, the avanyamiras are often lawful in alignment. Since good activities often support the stability and order of communities, it is more common for avanyamiras to be good-aligned instead of evil, but most are neutral. There are occasional deviants, but most are relegated to positions where they cannot cause much trouble. Avanyamiras believe in a karmic concept known as Yamua, which they think drives the cycle of reincarnation for all living things until they achieve true enlightenment and transcend the mortal world to become some kind of divinities known as the Yamushura. Rather than worshipping the Yamushura, who are disconnected from the mortal world, avanyamiras honor their accomplishments by seeking enlightenment for themselves while observing rituals and ceremonies in honor of the ancestors. The few divine spellcasters among their people are philosophers and revere some inhabitants of the Outer Planes to a limited degree, but do not worship anything.

Adventurers: Though it is rare for avanyamiras to become adventurers, there are some who seek lore in other lands beyond their isolated communities, and others who leave merely to escape the restrictions and responsibilities of life in avanyamira villages. These individuals tend to be chaotic or sometimes evil, while those who seek foreign knowledge may perhaps be lawful, good, or neutral like most of their kind. Avanyamiras are fascinated by ancient artifacts and historical accounts, though primarily interested in practical knowledge or philosophical musings that may help them along the path of Yamua. Most avanyamira adventurers are ciphers, psions, rangers, or rogues, though some are clerics, magi, monks, wizards, or even gunslingers, and a few may belong to other classes. Violence is usually not the first choice for an avanyamira, but they won't hesitate to defend themselves and their companions from harm. Death is only an unfortunate obstacle on the path of Yamua, after all, not the end of one's journey.

Racial Traits: Avanyamiras have the following game statistics:
  • +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma: The tall, four-armed, lean-muscled avanyamiras enjoy greater physical strength than most humans, as well as keen intellects suited to invention and the pursuit of knowledge. However, their ascetic tendencies and insular culture, with an inward focus and less socialization, makes avanyamiras relatively uncharismatic and overly stoic. Avanyamiras have more difficulty with hand-eye coordination, grace, and reflexes than humans do, being slightly clumsy with their extra limbs.
  • Size/Type: Avanyamiras are Medium-sized creatures of the Humanoid type and Avanyamira subtype, along with the Psionic subtype. As such, they have no special modifiers for size.
  • Normal Speed: 30 feet.
  • Focused (Ex): An avanyamira receives +2 on Autohypnosis and concentration checks, as a racial bonus. They may even use the Autohypnosis skill untrained.
  • Four-Armed (Ex): The avanyamira has full use of his or her 4 arms and 4 hands, allowing him or her to wield 2 additional weapons (if light or one-handed) or 1 additional two-handed weapon instead, or to carry and use other objects in their extra hands. However, only one hand is primary, making the other 3 off-hands, and any two-handed weapon wielded with two off-hands will only apply the avanyamira's normal Strength bonus to damage (not 1-1/2 times the Strength bonus; treat it as though wielded in one hand for other purposes, like Power Attack or disarm attempts). Generally, most tasks done with an off-hand suffer a -4 penalty to the roll, except damage (which simply applies one-half the Strength bonus). A grappling avanyamira may use one of his or her extra hands in the grapple for a +2 bonus to CMB and CMD for grappling purposes, or both extra hands for +4 instead, but cannot use those extra hands for anything else (not even grappling attacks) in the same rounds where he or she uses this option. An avanyamira may perform various mundane actions with their extra pair of hands at the same time as they take action with their primary hand, but this is usually limited to attacking (as described for two-weapon fighting and multi-weapon fighting) or completing one move action (besides actual movement, standing, kneeling, etc.) or free action with each off-hand simultaneously. Avanyamiras cannot effectively use additional shields on their extra arms (multiple shields would just get in the way and overlap), nor can they activate more magic items or psionic items each round (they could not trigger 4 wands at the same time, for instance, but they could reload a light crossbow in two hands while holding a torch in the third hand as well as making a single attack with their fourth hand). Aside from full attack actions that involve multiple hands, an avanyamira cannot effectively complete multiple standard actions or full-round actions simultaneously with their extra hands; they simply lack the high degree of coordination and mental prowess needed for any complex simultaneous actions with multiple limbs.
  • Keen Senses (Ex): All avanyamiras get a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
  • Naturally Psionic: The avanyamiras are naturally psionic and gain Wild Talent as a bonus feat at 1st-level, which is replaced with the Psionic Talent feat if they acquire a level in any psionic class (if any). Furthermore, they automatically learn the Far Hand power and may manifest it as per a psion of their character level, regardless of Intelligence, at the normal cost in power points.
  • Psi-Like Abilities (Ps): 1/day --- Detect Psionics, Empty Mind, and Precognition. Manifester level equals character level.
  • Psionic Aptitude: Whenever an avanyamira takes a level in any favored class, he or she may choose to gain 1 additional power point instead of a hit point or skill rank.
  • Automatic Languages: Common and Auran. Avanyamiras with high Intelligence may select Abyssal, Aquan, Celestial, Draconic, Giant, Halfling, Ignan, Infernal, Terran, or Xeph as bonus languages.

Nomadic opportunists and freelancers who eschew strong ties to any group or formal organization, dzosjhan are a peculiar race found primarily among jungles, marshes, and tropical beaches. Strange to behold, they are a hybrid race of unknown origin without any formal religion or society of their own, following simple philosophies or nature-veneration. Dzosjhan are driven by the desire for power and prestige, always looking for the best way to utilize their natural talents, so they cannot maintain anything more than small communities of their own, wandering other lands in search of work. Banditry and mercenary work are common choices for them, but dzosjhan are also capable scholars and problem-solvers. While physically meek, dzosjhan are gifted with psionic senses and several natural weapons.

Physical Description: Resembling a queer blend of human, amphibian, reptile, and insect, the dzosjhan are an unusual race that only truly belong in marshlands or coastal jungles. Dzosjhan carry themselves like bipedal humanoids, but are in fact quadrupedal and possessed of six limbs besides their head and tail. Their arms and hindlegs are scaly and reptilian but end in webbed, leathery hands and feet with five digits like a human's, with hooked claws that provide some purchase on dry land. A pair of chitinous, bristly, insectile forelegs protrude from the sides of their abdomen and provide additional stability and traction for walking or climbing, but these end only in clawlike points with no digits. Each dzosjhan also sports a long, fleshy tail akin to a tadpole's, with leathery frills along the top and bottom for swimming power like an eel or tadpole. Their torso is covered in hard, chitinous plates like an insect, with a distinct lower abdomen section like all insects, limiting their flexibility above or below the somewhat-narrow waist. Dzosjhan have a stubby reptilian head, shaped almost like a monitor lizard's, though facing forward like a human. They possess the bulbous eyes of toads, the forked tongue of a snake, and an unusual arrangement of numerous, thin antennae upon their heads which resemble human hair, albeit thicker and segmented. Dzosjhan stand between 4-1/2 feet tall and 5-1/2 feet tall, weighing 80 to 160 pounds in all but the most sickly or obese cases. Their leathery hides are always some shade of blue or green with some striations of red, yellow, or violet, while scales are shades of green or brown with occasional patterns of black or white. A dzosjhan's chitin is always some shade of gray, with black or brown bristles and antennae, while their eyes are yellow, red, orange, pink, or violet. Dzosjhan prefer loose, minimalist clothes of bright hues, often garish, and they favor flashy jewelry or bright beads.

Society: Independently-minded creatures that they are, dzosjhan have little in the way of society or culture among their own kind. Each individual takes on whatever job he or she feels suited towards, and may try out many different jobs until one of them works out. Supply and demand still drive the economy and job-market in dzosjhan communities, but they are nomadic and will simply travel to other communities if they cannot find an acceptable job in their own area. Dzosjhan won't hesitate to enter the settlements of other races and seek work there, but they also don't hesitate to try banditry or raiding if it suits them better. There's no such thing as a dzosjhan village, town, or city; the largest communities they can organize among themselves are hamlets. Prestige and respect are important to them, but primarily from the accumulation of wealth or power. Dzosjhan will do audacious things for these goals, but they are calculating and careful about when they take such risks. Family bonds and friendships are brief matters of convenience to dzosjhan; marriage is a foreign concept to them and mates only stay together as long as it is beneficial. Children are raised communally for a few years after the parents have ceased supporting them, and the children are expected to become independent quickly. Dzosjhan lay eggs in half-submerged nests where they incubate for several months before hatching, but dzosjhan tend their eggs carefully until that time, with parental instincts almost like those of mammals. Their young have softer bodies and little means of natural protection until a few months after hatching, so dzosjhan spend about a year raising and protecting their hatchlings before leaving them to fend for themselves. Fortunately, dzosjhan are fast learners, and possess mental talents that well exceed their physical weaknesses. They molt dead skin, scales, and chitin once each year for a few weeks around the anniversary of their hatching.

Relations: In general, dzosjhan do not hold grudges nor wage wars, though some may fight as mercenaries, bandits, or pirates. They naturally think that each individual should choose his or her own way to live, and do not begrudge anyone their choices. So dzosjhan are often regarded as indifferent and easygoing people, though some of them are actually aggressive or obsessive, and some are politically active. Other races consider them flighty and annoying at times, however, so dzosjhan are not entirely without enemies as a people, and they are not universally accepted, and few people actually like having dzosjhan around. Dwarves and other stubborn or orderly races can hardly stand the presence of dzosjhan, considering them unreliable troublemakers. Orcs and goblinoids consider dzosjhan too emotionless and indifferent, though many dzosjhan actually get along well with blue goblins and vice versa. Elves, halflings, and xeph tend to be accepting of dzosjhan independence and wandering, but elves and halflings are as likely as not to be victims of dzosjhan bandits. Humans and gnomes can hardly stand them because of dzosjhan strangeness, antisocial tendencies, and unreliability. Ophiduans and dzosjhan have a mutual respect for each other in general, though not all dzosjhan are acceptable among ophiduans. Catfolk, maenads, vanarans, and vishkanyas tend to get along decently with dzosjhan and trade with them at least, occasionally employing dzosjhan workers or mercenaries. Dzosjhan are as likely as not to get along with other marsh-dwellers or jungle-dwellers, like grippli and lizardfolk.

Alignment and Religion: Given their penchant for independent action, wandering, and doing whatever seems most convenient or pleasing to them, dzosjhan are usually chaotic in alignment and rarely good-aligned. Although they tend towards neutrality more than evil, they are a selfish race by nature. Very few dzosjhan are inclined towards lawful behavior, but those that do have such tendencies are consistent in them. Dzosjhan tend to be philosophical or atheist rather than worshipping anything, but some of them do practice a simple kind of nature-veneration they call Veskozhra. This belief is centered on nature as a whole being a sort of living organism with a vague proto-sentience, and being the source of all lesser life-forms. Those who die simply merge with Veskozhra again. Thus, while dzosjhan divine spellcasters are rare, they tend to be druids or rangers. There are also rare cases of dzosjhan being converted to other religions by persuasive arguments and mighty displays of power, but dzosjhan are more likely to revere psionic godminds for their power and achievements.

Adventurers: Practically half of all dzosjhans are adventurers of some kind, though most only try adventuring or random dangerous jobs for a short time before trying other professions. They adventure to find excitement and glory, or to revel in the thrill of battle, or simply to put their natural talents to use and profit by them. Many go adventuring in pursuit of power and wealth, to prove themselves superior and worthy of respect. A few may go out in search of knowledge and archaeological items to satiate their curiousity, or because knowledge itself is power of a sort. It is practically unheard-of for dzosjhan to go adventuring for any other reason.

Racial Traits: Dzosjhan have the following game statistics:
  • -2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma: The dzosjhan are physically meek and awkward compared to most other humanoids their size, but make up for it with sharp minds and strong wills. Their personalities and social skills tend to be more subdued or strange, though.
  • Size/Type: Dzosjhan are Medium-sized creatures of the Monstrous Humanoid type and the Psionic subtype. As such, they have no special modifiers for size. As Monstrous Humanoids, they are proficient in simple weapons.
  • Normal Speed: 30 feet. Dzosjhan also have a natural swim speed of 40 feet, can move in water without making Swim checks (except in unusual or extreme circumstances), and always treat Swim as a class skill.
  • Darkvision (Ex): Like other Monstrous Humanoids, the dzosjhan possess Darkvision as an extraordinary quality, allowing them to see up to 60 feet in dark conditions, but unable to distinguish color in such darkness.
  • Keen Senses (Ex): Any dzosjhan receives a +4 racial bonus on Perception skill checks, thanks to his or her oversized eyes and numerous insectile antennae.
  • Low-Light Vision (Ex): Dzosjhan can see twice as far as humans do in conditions of dim light.
  • Natural Armor: A dzosjhan's chitinous, scaly, and leathery hide grants them +1 AC as a natural armor bonus.
  • Naturally Psionic: The dzosjhan are naturally psionic and gain Wild Talent as a bonus feat at 1st-level, which is replaced with the Psionic Talent feat if they acquire a level in any psionic class. Furthermore, they automatically learn the Detect Psionics power and may manifest it as per a psion of their character level, regardless of Intelligence, at the normal cost in power points.
  • Natural Weapons: Dzosjhan have a bite natural weapon that deals 1d4 damage + their Strength modifier, as well as 4 claw natural weapons that each deal 1d3 damage + their Strength modifier. They are proficient in these natural weapons.
  • Psi-Like Abilities (Ps): 1/day --- Defensive Precognition and Missive. Manifester level equals character level.
  • Psionic Aptitude: Whenever a dzosjhan takes a level in any favored class, he or she may choose to gain 1 additional power point instead of a hit point or skill rank.
  • Scent (Ex): A dzosjhan's sharp nose and antennae grant him or her the Scent extraordinary quality.
  • Stability (Ex): Thanks to their quadrupedal nature and supportive tail, dzosjhan enjoy a +4 racial bonus to Combat Maneuver Defense against bull rushes, drag attempts, and trip attempts while standing on the ground.
  • Automatic Languages: Common and Draconic. Dzosjhan with high Intelligence may select Aklo, Aquan, Catfolk, Goblin, Grippli, Maenad, Ophiduan, Sylvan, Vanaran, or Vishkanya as bonus languages.

A nomadic race of tribal predators, kestranel are seen wandering in many places to trade or pillage depending on each tribe's preference. They avoid wet or cold environments in general but also avoid overly-dry places, traveling the vast temperate and subtropical zones of the world in tribes that build temporary villages that last only a few years or less. Resembling humans in many respects, kestranel are athletic, willful, and wary folk of varied morals. They avoid mysticism in general, so their mages, priests, or psionicists often seek a place among other humanoid communities. All kestranel possess minor psionic abilities and natural weapons for self-defense, but most kestranel favor physical pursuits. Though resembling both felines and reptiles in some ways, kestranel are much more like humans.

Physical Description: Appearing almost human at a glance, kestranel are distinguished by the light fur covering most of their bodies, slitted feline eyes, small fangs, reptilian claws upon their hands and feet, scales covering their forearms and forelegs, and a whiplike, reptilian tail. They otherwise have the look and shape of humans, often with long, well-groomed hair of brown, blonde, or reddish hues upon the kestranel's scalp. The rest of their fur is short and soft, generally pale in hue although some kestranel families have pantherlike fur of black or purple shades, and kestranel have catlike patterns to their fur as often as not. A kestranel's eyes are striking hues of green, blue, or amber, and their scales are dark shades of gray, brown, or green. An adult kestranel stands about 5 to 6 feet tall, lean and graceful at 80 to 140 pounds in most cases, with a 4- to 4-1/2-foot-long tail. Kestranel fashion varies widely like that of humans.

Society: Preferring to stay on the move, kestranel are furtive and nomadic but not impatient, merely growing bored or wary after spending too long in one place. They live in tribes of a few dozen kestranel adults with a similar number of children, wandering the plains, forests, swamps, and hills of temperate or warm regions where they feel most-comfortable. They avoid particularly-damp places when possible, so swamps, rainforests, and coasts are rarely chosen for settlements. Although they are not primitive by any means, kestranel enjoy physical activities and exploration, so they simply do not build permanent structures nor dig anything more than shallow mines. Kestranel build small wooden shacks and towers that can be easily constructed or disassembled whenever the tribe decides to move, though often colorfully painted and decorated to match the personal preferences of each person. Beasts of burden are often used to aid in transportation and agriculture, though kestranel only make small farms and only maintain them for a year or so before the tribe moves on, using the produce to feed animals for slaughter. Reptiles are their preferred steeds or beasts of burden, while some enjoy keeping cats, monkeys, or snakes as pets. Kestranel communities are lead by a council of elders, but the tribe also elects a younger chieftain every five years to serve as the head of the council and take charge of the tribe's defense. Predatory tribes of kestranel also exist, however, who prefer to raid and pillage others. Kestranel are carnivores and can only handle small amounts of non-meat foods in their diet, so they are naturally inclined towards predation, and kestranel bandits or marauders are not uncommon. They refuse to eat intelligent races, however, and it is a serious taboo among them, punishable by a slow and agonizing death by flensing, salting, tarring, and finally burning. While kestranel feel uneasy in large groups of people, there are still a few who migrate to the cities of other humanoids, and others tend to visit big cities for brief shopping and trading trips every few years. Kestranel are known to be wise and reliable friends to those they trust, but they do not give trust easily.

Relations: The kestranel get along well with catfolk, lizardfolk, and vishkanya in general, having minor similarities and gray morals for the most part, along with their predatory nature. There are serious battles between kestranel and those lizardfolk tribes who feed on fellow humanoids, however. Kestranel battle fiercely against anything that feeds upon intelligent races. They get along with some varieties of fey, depending on whether an individual kestranel is predatory or fun-loving. Ophiduans and vanarans usually trade peacefully with kestranel tribes and share mutual respect with them. Elves and halflings often get along with good or chaotic kestranel while clashing with evil or lawful ones, so their interactions and opinions are mixed. Humans and kestranel are so similar in disposition that they are just as likely to be friends as they are to be enemies. Kobolds and dzosjhan tend to clash with kestranel when they meet, and prefer to avoid one another.

Alignment and Religion: Tending heavily towards neutrality, kestranel are about as varied in alignment and personality as humankind. They are just as likely to be good as they are to be evil, and only slightly more likely to be chaotic rather than lawful. They value trust and family bonds, while enjoying freedom and life on the road, but their predatory instincts lead some to acts of evil. Kestranel eschew mysticism in general, with only a simple religion known as Ranusa. This religion teaches that all things tend towards balance in the endless cycles of time, with everyone passing through the netherworld of Esturaha between cycles of reincarnation. Ranusa teaches acceptance of nature's cycles and the natural way of things, with each race expected to do whatever it is naturally inclined towards, as they will eventually be reincarnated in a completely different form and balance things out. It is a largely passive religion of limited nature-worship, but also teaches that while everything will balance out eventually, it is still necessary for people to pursue justice and balance if they want it to be meaningful and not come ages after any given misdeed has already been committed and forgotten. There is only limited acknowledgement of deities among kestranel, as something that other people look to for guidance without Ranusa. Kestranel mages and psionic masters are typically part of the simple Ranusa priesthood, and all people with mystical abilities are looked upon with some degree of suspicion or worry as well as healthy respect. There are no academies or churches for magical or psionic development in kestranel society, only individual mentors and small shrines.

Adventurers: It is not uncommon for kestranel to become adventurers, wandering away from their tribes to seek out adventure, glory, or profit on their own. Although kestranel do not value material wealth as much as humans do, they do enjoy the prestige and social status given to wealthy people in other societies. Glory, fun, excitement, competition, and the challenges presented by an adventuring life are more likely to motivate kestranel. Some kestranel return to their tribes or join other ones after adventuring for awhile, however. It is especially common for kestranel with magical or advanced psionic abilities to go adventuring, as they receive more acceptance and respect among other societies than they would within kestranel society itself.

Racial Traits: Kestranel have the following game statistics:
  • +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom: Although slender and thin-boned, kestranel are reasonably muscular and quite nimble, with good flexibility, balance, and finesse. They are also intuitive, alert, and confident by nature.
  • Size/Type: Kestranel are Medium-sized creatures of the Humanoid type and the Reptilian subtype, as well as the Psionic subtype. As such, they have no special modifiers for size.
  • Normal Speed: 30 feet.
  • Low-Light Vision (Ex): Kestranel can see twice as far as humans do in conditions of dim light.
  • Mystic Vulnerability (Ex): All kestranel suffer from an unusual susceptibility towards mystical effects, taking a -1 racial penalty on all saving throws against magical effects and psionic effects. They also suffer 1 point more damage from such effects, whenever they are subjected to lethal or nonlethal damage from magic or psionics.
  • Naturally Psionic: The kestranel are naturally psionic and gain Wild Talent as a bonus feat at 1st-level, which is replaced with the Psionic Talent feat if they acquire a level in any psionic class. Furthermore, they automatically learn the Catfall power and may manifest it as per a psion of their character level, regardless of Intelligence, at the normal cost in power points.
  • Natural Weapons: Kestranel have 2 claw natural weapons that each deal 1d4 damage + their Strength modifier, as well as a tail slap secondary natural weapon that deals 1d3 damage + one-half of their Strength modifier. They are proficient in these natural weapons.
  • Nimble (Ex): All kestranel enjoy a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb skill checks.
  • Psi-Like Ability (Ps): 1/day --- Dissipating Touch. Manifester level equals character level.
  • Psionic Aptitude: Whenever a kestranel takes a level in any favored class, he or she may choose to gain 1 additional power point instead of a hit point or skill rank.
  • Automatic Languages: Common and Sylvan. Kestranel with high Intelligence may select Catfolk, Draconic, Elven, Halfling, Ophiduan, Vanaran, or Vishkanya as bonus languages.

These belligerent humanoids are stout and ponderous, but highly social and proactive in nature, causing trouble for neighboring countries as often as they help. Preferring warm or temperate regions and low altitudes, even underground caverns in some cases, the turoshkanyik fight and trade with all manner of fellow humanoids but especially dwarves and goblinoids. They resemble humans with mild reptilian features like leathery skin and colorful frills, while possessing minor psionic abilities that suit their love of combat. Despite violent tendencies, turoshkanyik are neither bloodthirsty nor domineering, and have strong communal ties. A lone turoshkanyik is practically an anachronism, as they always seek out the company of other people and will stick by their friends to the bitter end. Entertainment and philosophy are important elements of any turoshkanyik's life, whereas wealth is only important to them as a sign of success and a means of buying good food or drink. They will gladly give up wealth for the sake of their communities, or to acquire more-prestigious trophies. A boring life is anemic to turoshkanyik, and they will risk great dangers in pursuit of glory, infamy, or excitement. Even a humble turoshkanyik farmer has at least a few good tales of fierce contests or misadventures they experienced.

Physical Description: Broad and barrel-chested, turoshkanyik have short but thick humanoid limbs no longer than their torso. Their hands and feet are noticeably larger than those of humans, despite the fact that a turoshkanyik only stands about 5 to 5-1/2 feet tall besides their frills. Weighing in at 150 pounds on average, they tend to have more body fat than humans but are hardy and thick-skinned people with a leathery hide, almost like a crocodile's. However, their appearance is otherwise much like a human's, only missing earlobes and hair. They have reptilian earholes surrounded by small ridges, while instead of hair they sport reptilian frills along the top and back of their heads. These frills range from 2 to 4 inches tall on females or 5 to 8 inches tall on males, and each turoshkanyik has one, two, or three frills depending on their family bloodlines. The frills are colorful and rise or fold back depending on the individual's mood or expression. Turoshkanyik skin ranges from dark blue to purple or dark green, whereas their eyes are bright hues of yellow, orange, red, pink, or aquamarine. Their voices are deep and rumbly, and turoshkanyik have wider mouths than humans along with wider noses.

Society: Despite some reptilian features, turoshkanyik mate and raise their young the same way that mammals do, and are lukewarm-blooded. They have slower metabolisms than humans do, but are capable of generating some of their own energy and body-heat without relying too much on external heat sources. Nonetheless, turoshkanyik prefer warm environments and only settle for temperate climates at worst, generally living among forests, hills, marshes, or plains, though they can also be found in some deserts, and it is not uncommon for them to live in caverns. Being very social by nature, turoshkanyik build large communities of their own or occasionally make a living in the cities of other races. Large plazas, amphitheaters, and arenas are commonplace in turoshkanyik settlements, with major communal gatherings happening daily or weekly for conversation, debates, speeches, concerts, poetry readings, storytelling sessions, boasting, parties, dance contests, eating and drinking contests, sporting events, political decision-making, public trials, war-meetings, duels, arena battles, or just brawling for fun. Disputes are often settled with a duel or team battle, though usually nonlethal. Turoshkanyik are inclined towards group decision-making and majority rule, so their communities are almost always democratic or senatorial to some degree. Leadership or representation in any given group is typically determined by physical or mental prowess, and sometimes by proxy for those who can afford stronger but loyal champions. Some leaders are great entertainers or artisans rather than warriors, mages, priests, or manifesters. Nonetheless, turoshkanyik are aggressive by nature and enjoy fighting or conquering, though not so inclined towards killing or enslaving others. Their wars or raids tend to leave more survivors than humans would, fought more for bragging rights and trophies than for ideological, political, or greedy reasons. Turoshkanyik enjoy wide-open spaces, solid construction, and good acoustics when it comes to buildings or battlegrounds. Their architecture makes heavy use of arches, domes, pillars, and buttresses, tending towards rounded shapes more often than angular ones.

Relations: Turoshkanyik have an anachronistic relationship with most other races, clashing with them often but also forming strong alliances with those who have fought well or otherwise greatly impressed the turoshkanyik. Yet any alliance with the turoshkanyik is generally dependent on the leaders or combatants who most impressed them, and could break down after those individuals have perished or passed from power, unless the new leadership or new champions of their country or community show themselves to be similarly worthy of respect. In general, turoshkanyik tend to get along with dwarves, some lizardfolk, and some giants, though man-eating giants tend to grate on the merciful inclinations of turoshkanyik. Turoshkanyik respect some dragons and may even serve them, though only if the dragons are agreeable enough like brass, copper, or silver dragons tend to be. Those who don't like to chat, debate, share stories, or share jokes are likely to be avoided by turoshkanyik, although evil turoshkanyik may rarely serve evil dragons. The typical foes or rivals of turoshkanyik communities are orcs, goblinoids, troglodytes, morlocks, drow, and aberrations. Turoshkanyik sometimes get along with dromites, dzosjhan, humans, or kestranel, and sometimes fight with them. Elves, gnomes, and halflings only rarely deal with turoshkanyik, preferring to avoid the bellicose creatures.

Alignment and Religion: Given their violent and boisterous tendencies, turoshkanyik are often chaotic in alignment and slightly more-likely to be evil than good. However, they also have a strong sense of community and are very devoted to friends or family, along with lacking the bloodlust or tyrannical impulses of humankind, so most turoshkanyik are neutral, and it is not rare to find good or lawful turoshkanyik. They have no particular religions of their own, respecting philosophy and simply living by their own principles, but they occasionally adopt the spiritual beliefs and practices of other people whom they have come to respect or enjoy the company of. Missionaries or proselytizers always find it difficult to convince a turoshkanyik of their religion's validiity or worth unless they persuade a sizeable group of turoshkanyik to consider and discuss it together. Only when a majority of the group feels inclined to accept their word will any of them seriously think about the priest's message, and go to the effort of finding out if his or her beliefs are worth sharing. On the other hand, turoshkanyik are quite likely to respect and venerate godminds for what they have achieved or what they represent, and a turoshkanyik is more likely to worship ascended hero-deities rather than gods or goddesses who did not achieve divine status through great deeds.

Adventurers: It is somewhat rare for turoshkanyik to become adventurers, as they prefer to live in groups with their own people and maintain good relations with their friends or family, while exploring or raiding with fellow turoshkanyik. However, those who have grown up among other humanoids may pick up the desire for adventure instead of raiding, and outcasts or misfits often choose to look for glory, treasure, and great stories to prove themselves to fellow turoshkanyik one day. A few turoshkanyik communities have their youths go out on adventures together as a rite of passage. Regardless of the reason, turoshkanyik prize good stories and good trophies as the primary motivators for adventure. If something sounds boring, easy, or poor for plundering, they're not likely to go for it.

Racial Traits: Turoshkanyik have the following game statistics:
  • -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma: Ponderous and a bit clumsy, turoshkanyik are thick-skinned and robust people with a hearty love for good food, good company, and good stories. Despite their bellicose nature, they are fierce friends to those who earn their respect.
  • Size/Type: Turoshkanyik are Medium-sized creatures of the Humanoid type and the Reptilian subtype, along with the Psionic subtype. As such, they have no special modifiers for size.
  • Slow Speed: 20 feet.
  • Natural Armor: A turoshkanyik's leathery hide grants them +1 AC as a natural armor bonus.
  • Naturally Psionic: The turoshkanyik are naturally psionic and gain Wild Talent as a bonus feat at 1st-level, which is replaced with the Psionic Talent feat if they acquire a level in any psionic class. Furthermore, they automatically learn the Biofeedback power and may manifest it as per a psychic warrior of their character level, regardless of Wisdom, at the normal cost in power points.
  • Psi-Like Abilities (Ps): 1/day --- Burst, Metaphysical Weapon, and Telepathic Lash. Manifester level equals character level, and the DC for saving throws against Telepathic Lash is equal to 11 + the turoshkanyik's Charisma modifier + any bonuses from augmentation.
  • Psionic Aptitude: Whenever a turoshkanyik takes a level in any favored class, he or she may choose to gain 1 additional power point instead of a hit point or skill rank.
  • Slower Metabolism (Ex): Turoshkanyik need only 75% as much food and water as humans do, so they only use up 3/4ths of a standard ration and 1-1/2 waterskins to meet their nutritional needs each day, for example. Turoshkanyik can hold their breath for 3 rounds longer than normal before they are at risk of suffocation.
  • Tremorsense (Ex): A turoshkanyik feels vibrations in the ground rather acutely, and can discern more details from it than the average humanoid. They have the Tremorsense extraordinary quality, allowing them to pinpoint the location of anything (except incorporeal or insubstantial creatures, inanimate objects, and non-living creatures that are standing perfectly still and quiet) that is in contact with the ground, out to a range of 30 feet. The turoshkanyik must, of course, be conscious and in contact with the ground (or a wall, ceiling, or furnishing on the ground or connected to it) or else Tremorsense does not function. Tremorsense does not negate the miss chance for concealment.
  • Automatic Languages: Common and Terran. Turoshkanyik with high Intelligence may select Aklo, Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Orc, or Undercommon as bonus languages.


First Post
Rare magic items from Resen'vel'siasil

The following rare items will be offered by High Preserver Alyressa Nevlemyria from the vaults of Resen'vel'siasil, for the party to borrow for up to a year on their quest. Figure out who should take each of the items; there's one for each member of the party, but they are not all of equal value. You will likely have the chance to acquire further artifacts as the campaign progresses, while pursuing your goal of stopping the Qaelic invasion.


Blessed Bow of Nelbarian
Aura: strong Conjuration and Evocation; CL: 20th
Slot: weapon; Price: priceless; Weight: 3 lbs. (when Medium-sized)
This unique magical bow is made from rare celestial woods and the shed horns of celestial stags, with a string of celestial spider silk, bestowed upon the elven paladin Nelbarian in the Qlippoth War of western Azagan. It is said that the elven demigod Velsarys granted this divine bow upon Nelbarian during the darkest hour of elvenkind's struggle in the Qlippoth War, allowing him to turn back the tide of fiends and answering the elves' prayers. Scholars speculate that Velsarys may just be an avatar of the Rhivian god Alvaryn, but Azaganian elves deny it. Whatever the case may be, Nelbarian used this divine weapon to slay hundreds of demons and provide safe passage to Resen'vel'siasil for many elven refugees in the Sun's End Thicket. When Nelbarian finally met his end while slaying a mighty iathavos qlippoth and its nyogoth brood, a few of his divinely-blessed armaments were left intact for the surviving elves of his unit to retrieve with his remains. Per the hero's earlier wishes, his gifts from the elven gods were kept in the safekeeping of Resen'vel'siasil's priests to defend the elven refuge. In times of great need or dire peril, they may lend the Blessed Bow of Nelbarian to a worthy hero.

The Blessed Bow of Nelbarian is a Holy +2 Composite Longbow of Evil Outsider Bane, though it has additional properties befitting its divine origins. The bow magically adjusts its size and draw-strength to the wielder (the minimum Strength bonus needed to wield it without penalty is equal to the wielder's Strength bonus). It is also considered a lawful-aligned weapon for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction and other defenses, but only when wielded by a lawful-aligned character. More importantly, wielders of the Blessed Bow are immune to effects that would forcibly change their form into a different creature or substance (such as petrification or polymorph effects, and the curse of lycanthropy), unless willing. This also protects against effects that would render the wielder amorphous, gaseous, or liquid in form against his or her will, such as the curse of a chaos beast. It does not, however, protect against disintegration. Note that this protection is lost when not holding the bow (holding it later does not end such effects).

Once per day when the wielder is reduced to 0 hit points or fewer but still alive, the Blessed Bow of Nelbarian automatically heals him or her as per a Cure Critical Wounds spell (before the wielder can lose consciousness). Likewise, once per week the bow automatically restores the wielder as per a Restoration spell when he or she would be reduced to a score of 0 in any ability score, or when he or she would be reduced to an effective level of 0 by negative levels, immediately before the wielder would have died or lost consciousness from such effects. These effects do not require the usual casting times. The wielder may invoke the bow's Restoration power as a standard action with the command word Olmarias (this uses up the one weekly use of that power, however, and cannot be done if the bow has already provided that power in the past week).

The final power of this artifact-bow is to unleash explosive rays of divine energy on command. This is a standard action by the wielder that deals 2d6 points of damage to a single target within 300 feet on a successful ranged touch attack. As with other rays, this threatens a critical hit on a natural roll of 20, dealing double damage on a critical hit. Whether you hit or miss, the ray explodes at one corner of the target's space (or one corner of the targeted space if you just shot at an object occupying more than one space). The explosion deals 5d8 damage in a 10-foot-radius spread, with victims allowed a Reflex save (DC 25) for half damage (critical hits do not multiply the explosion damage). Inanimate, unattended, nonmagical, nonpsionic items receive no saving throw. This power of the Blessed Bow can be invoked up to 3 times each week. Half of the damage dealt is pure divine energy that cannot be resisted (just like the divine energy of a Flame Strike), while the other half of the damage dealt by this power is acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic energy depending on the command word used. The command for acid damage is Teyelmas, while the command for cold damage is Ipharias, and the command for electricity is Palavos, while the command word for fire damage is Lorystym, and the command for sonic damage is Usarien.
Destroying the Blessed Bow of Nelbarian is no small task, requiring a simultaneous Blasphemy spell, Disintegrate spell, Disjunction spell, Word of Chaos spell, and Miracle or Wish spell, which generally requires five creatures to complete all of this at the same time. Spell-like or supernatural versions of these effects will also suffice. Alternatively, the bow can be destroyed by immersing it in pits of Abyssal acid or fire for a full 24 hours on the Abyss and then using it to kill a celestial stag, a celestial spider, and a celestial treant, at which point the bow will destroy itself if the killings occured less than 72 hours after Abyssal immersion.

Empowering Elven Mantle
Aura: strong Abjuration and Transmutation; CL: 16th
Slot: shoulders; Price: priceless; Weight: ---
This rich blue-silk mantle is woven with elaborate patterns in cloth-of-gold, and embroidered wtih Elven words of power along the edges. A few dozen of these enchanted mantles were created in the elder ages when elvenkind was one of the few dominant races, but the secrets of their creation have since been lost, and some of the mantles have been destroyed by enemies of elvenkind. An Empowering Elven Mantle provides its wearer Acid Resistance 5, Cold Resistance 5, Electricity Resistance 5, Fire Resistance 5, and Sonic Resistance 5, which does not stack with any existing energy resistances (use whichever resistance is higher). In addition, the wearer enjoys a +5 resistance bonus on saving throws against Death effects, negative levels, coup de grace attempts, and death from massive damage. The Empowering Elven Mantle can also generate a Shield spell effect on its wearer up to twice per day, with the command word Larynesse. Finally, once per week the Empowering Elven Mantle can be commanded with the word Olumiaras as a standard action, granting its wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to all ability scores for 1 minute (10 rounds).
These artifact mantles can be destroyed by an elf sacrificing five other elves and soaking the mantle in their mingled blood, then burning the mantle in magical fire for at least 16 damage. Alternatively, an Empowering Elven Mantle can be destroyed by a Disintegrate effect at a caster level of 21st or higher, if it is already covered in the dust of a disintegrated elf.

Nelbarian's Nullifying Medallion
Aura: strong Abjuration; CL: 15th
Slot: neck; Price: priceless; Weight: 1 lb.
This ancient platinum medallion was given to the elven hero Nelbarian at the start of the Qlippoth War, though records of its origin were lost in that same war. It is known to have been passed down through generations of elven heroes and leaders, protecting them from threats and monstrous powers that would otherwise be difficult to deal with in the heat of battle. Seven aquamarines adorn each side of the circular medallion, which is itself graven with Elven prayers. Wearing this artifact bestows immunity to curses, disintegration, nausea, and the sickened condition; this does not cure such conditions already affecting the character. Furthermore, the wearer may recite the Elven prayers upon Nelbarian's Nullifying Medallion to invoke a Greater Dispel Magic effect, once per week as a full-round action (treat it otherwise as a command word activation). Naturally this requires being able to read and speak the Elven language (or being able to speak it after someone else reads the words aloud for you in Elven). It is possible to memorize the prayer with a DC 25 Intelligence check if someone else reads the words aloud for you (allowing you to recite the words later even if you don't know Elven).
While the Nullifying Medallion is normally immune to disintegration, it can be destroyed with a Disintegrate spell or ability from a deity, demigod, or quasi-deity (or a Miracle or Wish from them duplicating Disintegrate). This is not automatic, however; the Medallion remains intact if it passes the saving throw. The Medallion can be destroyed without fail by a Sphere of Annihilation, on the other hand.

Aura: strong Evocation; CL: 15th
Slot: weapon; Price: priceless; Weight: 8 lbs.
This solid adamantine morningstar has a blocky, angular head instead of the smooth ball of a typical morningstar, and it is graven with Dwarven runes. The spikes upon it are triangular and protrude from the vertices of the oddly-faceted head of this morningstar. Shellbreakers are minor artifacts produced by some dwarven temples ages ago for their priests to wield against well-armored foes, but the means of producing these blessed weapons have been lost during dwarvenkind's decline from the elder ages. Each Shellbreaker is a Medium-sized +2 Adamantine Morningstar that deals double damage against targets with an armor or natural armor bonus to AC of +7 or higher. Note that two doublings are treated as a tripling in the rules, so critical hits against such targets deal triple damage in total. This doubling does not occur if the armor or natural armor bonus comes from a Force effect (such as Mage Armor or Bracers of Armor). A Shellbreaker can be commanded once per day to generate an Align Weapon effect upon itself, with the wielder choosing one of his or her own alignment components for purposes of that effect. The Dwarven command word for each Shellbreaker is among its engravings. There are a handful of Shellbreakers with a higher enhancement bonus than normal (such as +3, +4, or +5 Shellbreakers), but the most-common ones were made with a +2 enhancement for mid-ranking war-priests.
To destroy a Shellbreaker, one must attempt to strike a deity with it (even a demigod, hero-deity, or quasi-deity, such as demon princes, archdevils, qlippoth lords, archdaemons, asura ranas, kami lords, oni daimyo, etc.). The weapon shatters immediately before it can harm such an entity (even if the wielder has no chance of actually scoring a hit against the deity, though they must be within range). Otherwise, it can be destroyed by the melee strike of a titan or a true dragon of great wyrm status if the Shellbreaker is unattended and inanimate at the time.

Shield of Oaken Might
Aura: strong Abjuration and Transmutation; CL: 15th
Slot: shield; Price: priceless; Weight: 10 lbs. (when Medium-sized)
This stout oaken shield is shaped almost like a tree in two dimensions, painted with such an image on the front in green pigments. The back of the shield is etched and painted with Elven prayers. A few dozen of these enchanted shields were made by elves in the past few thousand years, but the secrets of their creation are a closely-guarded secret, and they can only be produced by druids at sacred groves during certain auspicious times with the aid of dryads. Each Shield of Oaken Might is carefully made from part of a dryad's oak tree without doing any significant harm to that tree, and it requires the dryad's cooperation. The shield itself is no longer connected to the dryad it came from, but retains a strong life-essence and has the feel of living wood. These minor artifacts function as Wild +3 Heavy Wooden Shields, which magically adjust their size and weight to fit the wielder.

Furthermore, the bearer of such a shield may call upon it once per day for a Liveoak or Mass Bull's Strength spell effect (not both), with the command words Veslarinath or Parynespas respectively. The final power held within a Shield of Oaken Might is that its wielder enjoys Fast Healing 3 whenever he or she has been reduced to one-half of his or her maximum hit points or fewer, until restored above that limit or dead or until the shield has healed a total of 45 hit points in this manner that day (whichever comes first). If that individual has higher Fast Healing from another source, then this power of the shield is suppressed until that other Fast Healing ability has ended (or until someone else takes the shield).
Shields of Oaken Might can be destroyed by bashing three dryads to death with one, a heinous act that violates both the sacred magic within the shield and its mystical bonds with nature. Alternatively, one may destroy a Shield of Oaken Might by blasting it with a Flame Strike effect followed by at least 50 points of negative energy damage within the following round, and then sundering the shield with an Unholy magic weapon dealing at least 15 damage in a single hit within 2 rounds after that (before considering the shield's hardness and artifact status).
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First Post
Here's Metaxo's level 12 sheet. I noted down at the bottom where it's listed that I'm not really sure how serpent's bite attack and damage is calculated. The description of natural attacks as is leaves it a little ambiguous. Also, for the favored class bonus I took the skill point.

Character Name: Metaxo
Race: Ophiduan , Alignment: Lawful Neutral , Patron Deity: Haliyane
Class Levels: Ranger 7 / Psion (Nomad) 5
Character Level: 12 , XP: 147,130 , Next Level: 210,000 total
Age: 23 yrs., Height: 6 ft. 2 in., Weight: 126 lbs., Male/Female: M
Eyes: Yellow , Hair: None , Skin: Very Dark Green
Languages: Common; Ophiduan; Rhivian; Dejarim; Zanji; Draconic; Nakaali

Strength 14[18] (+2[+4]), Dexterity 16 (+3), Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 15 (+2), Wisdom 17 (+3), Charisma 9 (-1)

HP / Maximum: 80 / 80 , Nonlethal: 0 , DR: 0/X , SR: 0
AC: 22{23}[24] (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +0 size, +7 armor, {+1 shield}, +1 natural, [+1 Psionic Dodge while maintaining Psionic Focus])
Touch AC: 14[15 Psionic Dodge] , Flat-Footed AC: 18
Fortitude +9 (5+1 +1(Resilient) +2(Con) ) , Reflex +8 (5+1 +2(Dex) ) , Will 9 (2+4 +3(Wis) ) , Initiative +3, Hero Points: 1

Base Attack Bonus: 9/4 (7+2)
Melee: +11[+13]/+6[+5] (+9/+4 BAB, +2[+4 Str, +0 size)
Ranged: +12/+7 (+9/+4 BAB, +3 Dex, +0 size)
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +11[13] (+9 BAB, +2[+4] Str, +0 size)
Combat Maneuver Defense: 23[25] (+9 BAB, +2[+4] Str, +2 Dex, +0 size)

Favored Class: Ranger (+2 HP, +4 skill ranks, +1 power points)
Size: Medium , Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft., Speed: 30 ft.
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Reptilian)
Racial Ability Score Adjustments: +2 Dexterity , +2 Wisdom , -2 Charisma
Other Racial Qualities: Humanoid (Reptilian)
Other Racial Qualities:
# Scaled Hide: An ophiduan’s skin is hardened scales and grants the character a +1 natural armor bonus to AC.
# Naturally Psionic: Ophiduans gain the Wild Talent feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. If an ophiduan takes levels in a psionic class, he instead gains the Psionic Talent feat.
# Serpent’s Bite (Ps)(3d8): Once per day, an ophiduan can alter his jaws, gaining a bite attack that deals 1d8 points of damage, plus an extra 1d8 points of damage per five character levels beyond 1st. This effect lasts for 1 minute. The manifester level is equal to the ophiduan’s level.
# Darkvision: Ophiduans can see in the dark up to 60 feet. See Vision and Light.
# Poison Resistant: Ophiduans gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.
# Psionic Aptitude: When an ophiduan takes a level in a favored class, he can choose to gain an additional power point instead of a hit point or skill point.
# Weapon Familiarity: Ophiduans treat any weapon with the word “ophiduan” in the name as a martial weapon rather than an exotic one.
# Languages: Ophiduans begin play speaking Common and Ophiduan. Ophiduans with high Intelligence scores can choose can choose from the following: Aquan, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, and Goblin.

Advanced Traits: Desert Child (+4 trait bonus on any saving throws made to resist the effects of being in hot conditions, and a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against fire effects); Resilient (+1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves)

Wild Talent
Point Blank Shot
Rapid Metabolism
Psionic Shot
Psionic Dodge
Quick Draw
Psionic Meditation
Fell Shot
Deadly Aim (-3 to attack, +6 to damage)
Precise Shot

Skills:(80 points)
Acrobatics: +4 (2 rank, +2 Dex)
Autohypnosis: +11 (5 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class)
Climb: +8 (2 ranks, +2[+3] STR, +3 class)
Craft(Weaponsmithing): +6 (1 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Craft(Armorsmithing): +6 (1 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Craft(Bowmaking): +6 (1 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Fly: +6 (1 ranks, +2 Dex, +3 class)
Handle Animal*: +3 (1 ranks, -1 Cha, +3 class)
Heal: +8 (2 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class)
Intimidate: +3 (1 ranks, -1 Cha, +3 class)
Know(Arcana): +9 (4 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(Dungeoneering): +6 (1 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(Engineering)*: +0 (0 ranks, +2 Int)
Know(Geography): +8 (3 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(History)*: +0 (0 ranks, +2 Int)
Know(Local)*: +8 (3 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(Nature): +9 (4 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(Nobility)*: +0 (0 ranks, +2 Int)
Know(Planes)*: +8 (3 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(Psionics): +8 (3 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Know(Religion): +7 (2 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Linguistics: +5 (3 ranks, +2 Int)
Perception: +15 (9 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class)
Profession(Merchant)*: +7 (1 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class)
Psicraft: +12 (7 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Ride*: +6 (1 ranks, +2 Dex, +3 class)
Spellcraft: +10 (5 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Stealth: +18 (8 ranks, +2 Dex, +3 class, +5 Cloak of Elvenkind)
Survival: +10 (5 ranks, +3 Wis, +3 class)
Swim: +7 (1 ranks, +2[+3] STR, +3 class)

Platinum Pieces: 8, Gold Pieces: 1230, Silver Pieces: 707 Hezak: 1, Copper Pieces: 1353, Red Garnets: 3,
Load: 69 lbs., Light: 58[76] lbs., Medium: 116[153] lbs., Heavy: 175[230] lbs.
Maximum Load: 175[230] lbs., Push/Pull: 875[1150] lbs.

Mithril Agile Breastplate +1 (4,400 GP, 12.5 lbs., AC +7, Max. Dex. Bonus: 5, AC Check Penalty: 1)
Mithril Light Steel Quickdraw Shield ( 59 GP, 3.5 lbs., AC +1 )

Longsword +1 ( 315 GP, 4 lbs., Dmg: 1d8, Crit: 19-20/x2)
Scabbard of Vigor
Cold Iron Morningstar +1 ( 612 GP, 8 lbs, Dmg: 1d8, Crit: x2)
Masterwork Composite Longbow (Rating 3)( 700 GP, 3 lbs, Dmg: 1d8, Crit: x3)
Greataxe +1 (magic)(2,320 GP, 12lbs., Dmg: 1d12, Crit: x3)
Bardiche +1 (psionic)(2,313 GP, 14lbs., Dmg: 1d10, Crit: 19-20x2)

32 Arrows ( 2 GP 5 SP, 9 lbs, stored in Efficient Quiver )
10 Cold Iron Arrows ( 50 CP, 9 lbs, stored in Efficient Quiver )

Ring of Sustenance
Cloak of Elvenkind (+5 to Stealth)

2 Baregara Horns
Psionic Tattoo of Natural Healing (healing 15 HP when 'tapped' as a standard action provokes aoo)
Oil of Magic Weapon x2
Potion of water breathing (750 GP, 0 lbs.)
Belt of Giant Strength [+2] ( 4,000 GP, 1 lbs.)
Belt of Giant Strength [+4]-------------------------------------
Efficient Quiver (1,800 GP, 2 lbs., Can hold 60 Arrows and Bow(s). Weight stays at 2 lbs. )
Handy Haversack ( 2,000 GP, 5 lbs. )
Mstrwrk Artisan's Tools Weaponsmithing (55 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Mstrwrk Artisan's Tools Armorsmithing (55 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Mstrwrk Artisan's Tools Bowmaking (55 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Bedroll (1 SP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Blanket (2 SP, 1 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Winter Blanket (5 SP, 3 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Caltrops x3 (3 GP, 6 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 1)
Candle x4 (5 CP, 0 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)
partially cut candle (6/8)
Clothing: Explorer's Outfit (0 GP, 8 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Clothing: Cold Weather Outfit (8 GP, 7 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Clothing: Furs (12 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Clothing: Hot Weather Outift: (8 GP, 4 lbs., Worn)
Clothing: Footwear- Cleats (5 GP, 2 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Clothing: Footwear- Snowshoes (5 GP, 4 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Flint and Steel (1 GP, 0 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 1)
Fishing net (4 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Food: Rations x17 (10 GP, 20 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Grappling Hook (1 GP, 4 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Hammock (1 SP, 3 lbs.., stored in Haversack compartment 2)
Kit: Climber's (80 GP, 5 lbs., stored in Haversack)
Kit: Cooking (1 GP, 2 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)
Kit: Map Making (10 GP, 2 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)
Lamp Oil 1-pint flask x2 (2 SP, 2 lbs. )
Map Case x2 (2 GP, 1 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)
Parchment x30 (6 GP, 0 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)
Rope[silk] 50 ft. x2 (20 GP, 10 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 1)
Tent[medium] ( , 30lbs., horse)
Waterskin [full] x2 (2 GP, 4 lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 1)
Wine (Bottle) x2 (Haversack compartment 2)
Game dice x3 (5 GP, in belt pouch)
Deck of Cards (1 GP, ½ lbs., stored in Haversack side compartment 2)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A ranger is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Other Class Features: Favored Enemy [Animal] (+2)
+2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.

Favored Enemy [Magical Beast] (+4)
+4 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type. Likewise, he gets a +4 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.

Track (+3)
A ranger adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks.

Wild Empathy (+7)
A ranger can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.

To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.

Favored Terrain: Forest (+2)
The ranger gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks when he is in this terrain. A ranger traveling through his favored terrain normally leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (though he may leave a trail if he so chooses).

At 8th level and every five levels thereafter, the ranger may select an additional favored terrain. In addition, at each such interval, the skill bonus and initiative bonus in any one favored terrain (including the one just selected, if so desired), increases by +2.

Hunter's Bond
This bond allows him to spend a move action to grant half his favored enemy bonus against a single target of the appropriate type to all allies within 30 feet who can see or hear him. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the ranger's Wisdom modifier (3). This bonus does not stack with any favored enemy bonuses possessed by his allies; they use whichever bonus is higher.

Woodland Stride
Starting at 7th level, a ranger may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment.
Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion, however, still affect him.

Detect Psionics
All psions, regardless of their chosen discipline, gain the ability to use detect psionics at will, as long as they maintain psionic focus. This does not require any power point expenditure, and the power cannot be augmented.

Burst (Discipline Talent)
This power increases your land speed by 10 feet. This adjustment counts as an enhancement bonus to speed.

Detect Teleportation (Discipline Talent)
You sense the use of any effects of the teleportation subdiscipline within the area. You sense the use of these powers whether or not you have line of sight or line of effect (although a force effect prevents this detection). When you sense the use of an appropriate power, you know the direction in which the power was used, though not the distance or the exact effect.

Nomad's Step (Discipline Ability) [30 ft.]
At 2nd level, as long as you maintain psionic focus, as a standard action you may teleport to a location up to 15 feet away. You must have line of sight to the location and you can bring along possessions that amount to as much as a medium load. The distance increases by 5 feet every psion level thereafter.

Spellcasting Class: Ranger , Caster Level: 4, Concentration: +7 (+4 Caster Level, +3 Wis)
Spell Save DC: 10 + 3 + spell level (list ability here)
Spell Slots: 0 0-level, 2 1st-level, 1 2nd-level, 0 3rd-level, 0 4th-level,
0 5th-level, 0 6th-level, 0 7th-level, 0 8th-level, 0 9th-level
Prepared Spells: Defoliate, Entangle, Hide Campsite
Spells Known: All Ranger Level 1, 2

Manifesting Class: Psion(Nomad) , Manifester Level: 5 , Concentration: +7 (+5 Manifester Level, +2 Int)
Power Points / Maximum: 33 / 33 [+ Int bonus x psion level * .5 + 2 (wild talent) +1 Favored Class], Power Save DC: 10 + 2 + level (list ability here)
Powers Known:
Defy Gravity
Force Screen
Inertial Armor
Mind Thrust
Know Direction & Location
Cloud Mind
Energy Stun
Cleanse Body

Metaxo is an Ophiduan, muscular and lean. Tall by human standards but average for Ophiduans. His scaly skin is a very dark shade of green and his slitted eyes are a vibrant yellow as typical for his race.

Metaxo grew up on the south side of the Rhivian continent. Driven by the Ophiduan need to constantly better himself and prove his worth, Metaxo looked to the wide world around him for the endless challenges it contains. He's crossed the continent from Zanjinhon to Vanderheim, from the frozen north lands to the torrid south. He hones his skills in the wilderness and learns from the different civilizations of Rhivia, all in the pursuit of personal excellence. The only place he's avoided is Rhivalius, but he has plans to delve into the haunted ruins when he has the skills and weapons necessary to battle the specters and spirits that call that cursed place their home. To earn some extra income, he dabbles in cartography and carrying trade goods. He has mapped out much of Rhivia and has gained some acclaim as a wilderness guide for travelers or merchants which has lead to his being sought out for the expedition into Azagan. Metaxo's motivation is personal excellence. He is not trying to save the world per se, so much as he wants to overcome the challenge that the otherworldly scourge represents.


Longsword(+1) +12[14] melee for 1d8+3[5] damage (19-20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)

Cold Iron Morningstar(+1) +12[14] melee for 1d8+3[5] damage (20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)

Greataxe(+1) +12[14] melee for 1d12+3[7] damage (20/x3 critical, reach 0 ft.)

Masterwork Composite Longbow +13[14 Point Blank] ranged for 1d8+[3]{+1 Point Blank}{+1 Psionic Shot} damage (20/x3 critical, increment 110 ft.)

Bardiche (+1 Psionic) +12[14] melee for 1d10+3[7] damage (19/20 x2 Brace, Reach 10ft)

vvvvvv-- clarification needed --vvvvvv
Serpent’s Bite +14 for 3d8+6 damage
^^^^^^-- clarification needed --^^^^^^

Unarmed strike +2[4] melee for 1d3+2[4] damage (20/x2 critical, reach 0 ft.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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