Payn's Ponderings Traveller Settings


I don't believe in the no-win scenario

This is a second part of a series of posts on Traveller the RPG. The first was on Traveller editions here.

I have long been fascinated by the shear size of the Traveller map. There are so many worlds available the possibilities are endless. Some are very well defined and others not so much. I find this allows for both Imperium style campaigns and homebrew campaigns. In fact, its been said that the intentions was the setting to be both defiend and undefined so folks could make it their own. Thats exactly what I have done in most my experiences. The Imperium is a backdrop, it provides a source of power, politics, and intrigue. Though, most of my campaigns have taken place in what folks may consider "rim space". The frontier is where I can really design adventures and stories for my Travellers to experience.

How about you? Do you make your very own setting? Do you hybrid with the Imperium, Twilight, or third party settings? What has your Traveller journey been like from a setting perspective?

Below is a brief outline of the official Traveller setting and a few others for reference. It is by no means extensive. Feel free to expand on anythign you feel is relevant to discussion around Traveller settings.
Official Traveller Universe. OTU

This is the only Traveller setting I have experience with. Mostly in the frontier sectors Spinward Marches and Trojan Reaches. The Imperium is really just a backdrop to serve as an imperial power to provide conflict and influence during the game. I have not run any games in any major conflicts such as the second civil war or long nights. Brief descriptions of the iterations of the OTU below. Would love to hear about folks experiences, particularly if they got into the setting powers and conflicts specifically.

Classic Traveller 1977:

Establishment of The Third Imperium at the height of its power.

Mega Traveller 1986:

Third Imperium enters the Rebellion or second civil war. Years of war that ends the Imperium and begins a second long night.

Traveller The New Era 1992:

Picking up the pieces after Imperium civil war and A.I. Virus wiped out 10 Trillion lives.

Marc Miller’s Traveller 1996:

Launched Milieu 0, back to early years of the formation of the Third Imperium before Classic Traveller time.

*Launched the 4X (Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate) gaming style for RPGs.

GURPS Traveller 1998:

Alternate Traveller universe where Emperor is never assassinated and second civil war and eventual second long night never happen.

Mongoose Traveller 1E & 2E 2008-present:

Return to classic era Third Imperium like GURPS. Focus on adventure campaigns in Trojan Reaches sector.

Third Party Traveller Settings:

The settings below are third party and/or alternate settings to the OTU. I have not played any of these but I have heard about them online and seen products often in gaming stores. Would love to hear about folks experiences with them and any I missed as well!

Traveller 2300AD 1984?: (Never Played)

Another setting by GDW based on Earth nuking itself silly and then rebuilding and heading for the stars. Lots of transhumanism influence from cyberpunk RPGs of the time.

Twilight Sector 2009: (Never played)

Focus on transhumanism as the people are either mutants or tech enhanced. Very dark and bleak with strong focus on tech in starships and species enhancement.

Orbital 2100 2016: (Never Played)

A low tech setting (TL9) with focus on hard sci-fi. Mimics things like The Expanse better than OTU. Also, designed for use with Cepheus Engine.

Clement Sector 2016?: (Never Played)

Extensive source books set in Milky Way Galaxy. Wormhole connects earth to other parts of the galaxy. Originally tied to Mongoose and Traveller OGL, Clement Sector moved over to Cephus Engine for current publishing.

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My Solis People of the Sun setting is also an ATU for Cepheus Engine, it 2271 near future, w/3D type star maps of 500 of the closet star systems. Someone who saw it on Gauntlet said: "Probably the most realistic attempt at rpg content I've seen in a while." Makes me happy. :)

Before that I ran another campaign, an ATU/OTU from 2011 to 2016, set in six sectors I made, year 1323 Imperial. I had a few readers that would always thank me, I guess it was sort of like a pre-stream, as a play-by-post, it was called "Beyond The Frontier" and I ran it initially on Obsidian Portal before moving it to its own website.
Beyond the Frontier Campaign.jpg


B/X Known World
I treat Traveller like a sandbox game and make my own setting. I throw in whatever I’m feeling at the moment. The Alien franchise. Lost in Space. Pitch Black. Firefly. Black Hole. John Carter of Mars. Jupiter Ascending. Valerian and the Super Long Title. Star Frontiers. A more Star Trek-like Scout Service. I treat D&D like a kitchen sink fantasy game, I do kitchen sink sci-fi with Traveller. Whatever sci-fi I feel like exploring gets a planet.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
My Solis People of the Sun setting is also an ATU for Cepheus Engine, it 2271 near future, w/3D type star maps of 500 of the closet star systems. Someone who saw it on Gauntlet said: "Probably the most realistic attempt at rpg content I've seen in a while." Makes me happy. :)

Before that I ran another campaign, an ATU/OTU from 2011 to 2016, set in six sectors I made, year 1323 Imperial. I had a few readers that would always thank me, I guess it was sort of like a pre-stream, as a play-by-post, it was called "Beyond The Frontier" and I ran it initially on Obsidian Portal before moving it to its own website. View attachment 146856
Are you still running that website? I'd love to take a look.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I treat Traveller like a sandbox game and make my own setting. I throw in whatever I’m feeling at the moment. The Alien franchise. Lost in Space. Pitch Black. Firefly. Black Hole. John Carter of Mars. Jupiter Ascending. Valerian and the Super Long Title. Star Frontiers. A more Star Trek-like Scout Service. I treat D&D like a kitchen sink fantasy game, I do kitchen sink sci-fi with Traveller. Whatever sci-fi I feel like exploring gets a planet.
I've always felt that Firefly and Babylon 5 are quite easy to do with OTU. Of course, maybe Traveller had some influence on those things :unsure:

Are you still running that website? I'd love to take a look.
I took it down a year ago, it was called "dragoner's domain" (a play on the name of a Space: 1999 episode Dragon's Domain) it might still be in a way back machine of something, I also have a 360 page setting doc pdf/word docx. I have a new forum up for Solis People of the Sun. It was running that campaign, and the newest one, that people I respected said I should publish it, so here I am. Though in a lot of ways, I just want to get back to running a game or playing as well.

I treat Traveller like a sandbox game and make my own setting. I throw in whatever I’m feeling at the moment. The Alien franchise. Lost in Space. Pitch Black. Firefly. Black Hole. John Carter of Mars. Jupiter Ascending. Valerian and the Super Long Title. Star Frontiers. A more Star Trek-like Scout Service. I treat D&D like a kitchen sink fantasy game, I do kitchen sink sci-fi with Traveller. Whatever sci-fi I feel like exploring gets a planet.
Ever tried Rifts?

For a few years in the early 80's I ran a Traveller, Space Opera, Gamma World, and Basic/AD&D mash up; of a fallen multi dimensional empire, it was fun sort of kitchen sink setting, like Imperial troops were Sardaukar. Dimensions from Heinlein's Number of the Beast.


B/X Known World
Ever tried Rifts?
Yes. I bounced off the system really hard. I also bounced off Savage Worlds really hard. Neat setting though.
For a few years in the early 80's I ran a Traveller, Space Opera, Gamma World, and Basic/AD&D mash up; of a fallen multi dimensional empire, it was fun sort of kitchen sink setting, like Imperial troops were Sardaukar. Dimensions from Heinlein's Number of the Beast.
Sounds fun.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
I've always felt that Firefly and Babylon 5 are quite easy to do with OTU. Of course, maybe Traveller had some influence on those things :unsure:
RPGs did, apparently, have some influence on Firefly - but Whedon never specified exactly which one that I'm aware of. Traveller would be a pretty reasonable candidate though.

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