PH1: The Darque Demense (Bront judging)

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Round 3- Order of battle and conditions
-Summoned Ape (18 damage)
-Verminar (no damage)
-Xir (AC: 19, HP:-7/12), Unconscious and bleeding out >has 3 healing potions
-Elthic (AC:15, HP: 9/9) >has 2 healing potions
-Eleria (AC: 16, HP: 6/7), Asleep from poison>has 3 healing potions

-The ape bites at Xir’s face, but he dodges that attack. The claws of the ape find his throat though and tear through the flesh there with a spray of blood. The Xeph drops to the ground with a thud, blood pooling under him. (3 damage from one claw and 8 from the other. 11 damage total to Xir)
-Verminar circles around to Elthic’s backside while appraising Xir with a keen eye. Stabbing at Elthic with it’s tail stinger, the dragon barely scratches the dwarf but it is enough for a drop of venom to seep into his system. (0 damage, need a Fort save from Elthic including dwarf bonus to poison)
-Xir lays in an expanding pool of blood.
-Eleria sleeps on the roof peacefully.
-Elthic swings wildly at the ape while trying to fend off Verminar with his other hand, but succeeds at neither effort. The poison in his veins makes him do one long blink, but after that he feels okay.


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Fort Save (1d20+5=14)

Elthic, upon seeing both his companions down, growls in frustration. "If only Xir would've listened!" he hisses through clenched teeth.

When the pseudodragon stings him, Elthic curses and swats the dragon away with a hand. He takes a swing (1d20+2=6, 1d8+3=5) at the ape, but misses horribly. Realizing his time is about up, he mutters a prayer to Sela and hopes for the best.


OOC: Sorry for the absence. Forgot about this one when I did my posting last night... and I've been in Vancouver for a days before that.

In case Elthic's still alive next round, he'll take another attack on the Ape when he gets a chance: Attack on Ape (1d20+2=21, 1d8+3=9)

Hopefully, he gets to make that swing.


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Round 4- Order of battle and conditions
-Summoned Ape (18 damage)
-Verminar (no damage)
-Xir (AC: 19, HP:-8/12), Unconscious and bleeding out >has 3 healing potions
-Elthic (AC:15, HP: 9/9) >has 2 healing potions
-Eleria (AC: 16, HP: 6/7), Asleep from poison>has 3 healing potions

-The ape swipes its claws at Elthic's face right as he glances the other way to see what the psudodragon is doing (flanking). The first claw sends blood flying and the dwarf slumps towards the ground as he starts losing conciousness. The second claw flys towards his neck as he drops, but as everything goes black he hears Verminar yelling at the ape "No! Don't kill him!" Something hits Elthics chest but he doesn't feel anything anymore as the darkness becomes complete...

OOC: Elthic takes 11 damage from the first claw droping him to -2 HPs...


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Eleria wakes up slowly. Yawning, she starts to stretch and then startles awake as she remembers falling down asleep on the rooftop from the psuedodragon's sting. Her eyes fly open to find that she is sitting on the couch facing the fireplace in the first floor room by the stairs. The fire crackling before her lights the room and she notices that it seems to be dark outside the small windows of the house.

Looking beside her, she sees Elthic and Xir slumped back sitting on the couch beside her. The dwarf has four nasty cuts across his face and Xir's neck looks injured slightly, but the amount of blood staining his shirt shows that they wound must have been much worse originally.

A loud *THUMP*THUMP*THUMP* from behind her causes Eleria to turn and look around towards the stairs behind her leading up to the second floor. She sees Abdul dragging a familiar chest down the steps till he reaches the floor. Turning, he sees the elf looking at him and he smiles at her. "Good to see you awake, Eleria. Of course, it's good to be able to see anything again for me. I understand I was rather trapped by that insubstantial hound upstairs. Anyway, I'm all better now. and I have brought this chest downstairs per our apparent host, Verminar. He said since midnight has passed and we failed to return the key to Lucias, we would not likely receive any compensation from him and he wanted us to have it for our trouble."

"He said that he would remain up in the tower unless anyone wanted to talk with him. He didn't want to be here when anyone awoke and risk a confrontation due to bad feelings."


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OOC:For the fight against Verminar and the summoned ape, Xir, Elthic, and Eleria each gain 100 XP.

Within the chest you find the following:
*150 PP
*675 GP
*Arcane Scroll w/ Magic Weapon and Continual Flame spells (value 225 GP)
*A Black Pearl worth 600 GP

This is a total value of 3,000 GP worth for a split of 750 GP each (and 525 GP plus the scroll for Abdul)

Verminar managed to stabalize Xir before he bled out, so Xir still has 3 Cure Light Wounds potions, Elthic has 2, and Eleria has 3.

Hard to believe it's been just past 10 months since we started this adventure. Because of that, Xir, Elthic, and Eleria each gain 500 XP (10 months x 50 xp x 1st lvl). I'm calculating Abdul's time based on his last post in the thread on January 27th, 2008(post # 464). His XP for time in game then is 300 XP (50xp times 6 months time).

Elthic and Xir both wake up some time later after their injuries heal (unless you want to use up on of your healing potions). Anybody wanting to speak with Verminar is welcome to request it and he will wing his way downstairs for a conversation.

Deus Ex Machina

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Somewhat drowsy and not yet fully recovered from the poison in her system, Eleria gradually lifts herself to her feet and welcomes Abdul back to the group.

When she and the others fully recover, she takes her split of the reward and leaves the mansion with the intent of living off the profits and staying clear of Lucius Darque for some time to come.

[sblock=OOC]Well, certainly no complaints from me for how the adventure has concluded. Eleria could have certainly suffered a much worse fate than being carried to a couch whilst unconscious!

Thanks very much for running the adventure Phoenix. And thanks to the rest of you guys for the game. Eleria has no desire to speak with Verminar, so now seems like a good time to take my leave. Cheers.[/sblock]


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Elthic rolls to his feet, and then throws a pillow at Xir. "If we had done it my way, there certainly would have been much less bleeding."

Elthic examines his many wounds. He's surprised to be alive, truth be told. "Head on down to the tavern, Eleria... I'll catch up with you. I think I owe the dragon a few things."

Elthic will gather his share of the money, give a curt nod to Xir and Abdul, and make his way upstairs. When he reaches the top, he simply calls out: "For what it's worth, dragon... there are no hard feelings. I would have fought for you... as opposed to the ambitious one. But I'm glad you didn't kill us... I would have done the same to you. I swear on my beard. Um... good luck." Elthic shakes his head, and stomps downstairs, muttering about the poor quality of the house's workmanship and asking rheotorical questions on why any creature would go through so much to keep such a worthless pile of sodden floorboards and rat-infested walls.

Yeah, I enjoyed this one, too. I really liked you set up the conditions track - I actually stole that in my own games. And I'm excited that Elthic has a level... and is halfway to the next one!

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