D&D 5E Phandelver starting to show up in the wild. NewbieDM looks to be the first!


I intend to run this adventure at some point, so I invite everyone who says it's too bland to post some ideas on how to improve it. I've already made a note of "Granny Smith" the elderly treant in Edermath Orchard. I'll find a way to make it so the PCs need to seek her out for some advice for a quest.

I've just thought of another one: if you're tired of goblins, you could replace them all with xvarts.

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B/X Known World
I'll take that metrics definition of what it means to be "playing video games" with a grain of salt.

Unless I'm seriously supposed to believe that about 75% of the US population played video games in 2019...
Considering practically everyone in the US has a mobile gaming device in their pocket, yes…you should take it seriously. Video games are not just Playstations and XBoxes. It’s also Nintendo Switches, home computers (which the vast majority of people have), and mobile phones (which the vast majority of people have).


That someone better
Considering practically everyone in the US has a mobile gaming device in their pocket, yes…you should take it seriously. Video games are not just Playstations and XBoxes. It’s also Nintendo Switches, home computers (which the vast majority of people have), and mobile phones (which the vast majority of people have).

Well when they are counting everything played electronically, there's nothing more to say.

Obviously Games like Candy crush, and solitaire, were exactly the kind of 'video games' I was thinking of when I typed:

The most visible pseudo medieval Fantasy IP's newbies* are likely to be familiar with: ... *If they play video games all bets are off.

This is an internet 'gotcha' well done.

If I try and explain what type of video games I was thinking of when I typed: "*If they play video games all bets are off."

I will immediately be pounced upon for trying to move goal posts. They can cut and paste my quote, and blast it back to me all day long: "You only said 'video games'..."

By not being very specific as to what kind of 'video games' I was referring to; I have boxed myself in.

I consider myself well and truly "gothcha'd" on the subject of 'video games'.


That someone better
A guy I used to work with liked to make fun of a one of my other coworkers and I because we were talking about the new Fire Emblem game and apparently that wasn't something a grown person was supposed to do. 2 days later I caught him waiting for a bus playing Candy Crush, so yeah guessing mobile games are included in that figure.

My personal favorite are the ones that will mock RPG's. But be heavily involved in fantasy football...

Because being emotionally invested in your make believe football team is obviously far more mature than my believe adventurers...

My personal favorite are the ones that will mock RPG's. But be heavily involved in fantasy football...

Because being emotionally invested in your make believe football team is obviously far more mature than my believe adventurers...
Those are usually the same people who say "we" when referring to their favorite sports team so if they can pretend they're part of the team, I can pretend I'm an elf. They're both about as equally plausible.


B/X Known World
Well when they are counting everything played electronically, there's nothing more to say.

Obviously Games like Candy crush, and solitaire, were exactly the kind of 'video games' I was thinking of when I typed:

This is an internet 'gotcha' well done.

If I try and explain what type of video games I was thinking of when I typed: "*If they play video games all bets are off."

I will immediately be pounced upon for trying to move goal posts. They can cut and paste my quote, and blast it back to me all day long: "You only said 'video games'..."

By not being very specific as to what kind of 'video games' I was referring to; I have boxed myself in.

I consider myself well and truly "gothcha'd" on the subject of 'video games'.
If you think this was a gotcha, you clearly missed my point.

Voidrunner's Codex

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