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D&D 5E PHB Setting Ideas


I have always had a problem explaining how all these races develop in the same areas along with all these monster humanoids. In Earth history we had the neanderthal and the cro-magnun that developed over time and for a while lived and interacted near each other but one subsumed the other or the neanderthals died off some other way. Now multiply this by 20-40 other humanoid races and it begins to feel awkward.

We can explain a lot with gods creating races and the traditional bit with dwarves living underground and elves living in woods and such. There can be traditional home regions and lands where humans originated and orcs developed along with them but they have been in conflict, eventually spreading out to other regions where other races have been developing. Maybe a rift or portal where another race is not trying to take over who might live there.

Magic, gods, evolution doesn't seem to be a thing on most D&D world's.

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These are ths PHB races?

Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Human, Dragonborn, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Tiefling

Additional: Mul, Goliath

The last war was an age ago. The great Arkosian and Bael Turathian empire fought a plane-shattering war.

The Bael Turathian empire was a mageocracy. Humans melded with other races -- Giants, Dwaves, Elves, Gnomes, Devils, Orcs -- for enhancement of human's natural abilities. Warped dragon eggs produces lumbering Behemoths, quick Drakes, and flying Wyverns.

On the other side was the ancient Dragon empire Arkosia.

It was the capture and enslavement of Tiamat's egg that made the war total. First shattering the primal compact, then uncaging the very Titans as weapons of war. The Gods themselves where outclassed and fell. The world shattered.

That was an age ago. What is left of the prime matrial plane is rubble floating in a void. Handfuls of mortals survived the cataclysm, and have rebuilt a semblance of civilization.

Each floating earth island produces its own gravity. (and this universe has a universal "down" they all agree on; islsnds have bottoms, sides and tops). Away from an island you just float; eventually baking under the heat of the suns. Water shields you from the gravity of Earth, so ships take off from rivers and sail the skies.

Jungles, dominated by water, are home to some nomads. Here there is no down, just endless tangles, and a dark swampy interior.

Suns are burning hot, and wander the skies in a repeating dance. Don't get too close!

Storms are less predictable. You don't want to be caught in one in the void.

It has been almost a thousand years since the end of the world. In the last few decades, multiple sanctuaries -- pocket worlds built as lifeboats against the apocalypse -- have been opening up. These have lived for at least a century in fast time, and are strange societies out of the past. Many of them believe they are the true owners of what scraps of reality is left, and they have relics of the dead gods to prove it.

Will anceint hatreds finish the end of all things, or will the world be regrown from the seeds of the past?


Humans. Standard affair, could be tribal, could be living in petty or grand kingdoms.

Dwarves. All dwarves (Hill, Mountain, Duergar) were created by the soul-forger from the deepest stone of the mountains.

Elves. (wood) elves were brought in from the Feywild by the nature god. Some elves turned from druidic magic to arcane magic and evolved into high elves. Dark elves were cast down when attempting to conquer the others.

Gnomes. Both forest and rock gnomes came from the Feywild. They have small villages throughout the world, some surrounding a fairy gate allowing the village to grow on both the material plane and the Feywild.

Dragonborn. Created as the foot soldiers of the elder dragons during the mythic age. After their creators were put into an eternal sleep by the gods, the dragonborn went on to rule the remains of their empire which has slowly shrunk in size. In this kingdom you can also find their little brothers, the kobolds.

Genasi. Created as the foot soldiers of the primordials during the mythic age. They exist primarily in hot desert regions existing together with humans in city states.

Goliaths and Firbold. Created as the foot soldiers of the titans in the mythic age. Now live in scattered tribes in secluded areas of the world; near inaccessible mountain ranges and deep woods.

Halflings. Some are nomadic people, they travel in caravans sometimes stopping in towns and cities to hold a festival. Others integrate with other communities.

Tieflings. People with fiendish blood. It would be rare to find two tieflings that look alike. Sometimes their appearance can provide clues to which demon, devil, or yugoloth their bloodline belongs to.

Half races. Where you find enough elves and humans living in close proximity you are likely to find half-elves. Same is true of humans, orcs, and half-orcs.


Well I would go with a planescape approach. Additonal races only if players want to play them. Genasi, Bariaur and modrones (Warforged) would be very much fitting. Or maybe some humanoid, although we already got halforc.


A transhumanism setting, competing upper castes of humanity have used magic to transform themselves into something more then human. Some of these castes fragments over philosophical differences hence subraces.

Humans are the lowest castes, they can't afford the cost of using magic to make themselves something more then human, or they object to the process in some cases based on philosophical and religious difference.

Halflings are the next caste up, they used magic to bend their luck, but something went wrong and they ended up weiry short. Officially they are a caste of spies, unofficially they are a caste of thieves.

The come the Gnomes, a merchant caste they actually made themselves short on purpose to make themselves look less dangerous. The Rock Gnomes deal craftsmen and the Forest Gnomes deal with Lumberjacks and farmers.

Next up are Orcs a Caste of Warriors, who are more merit based then most Castes, which is why Half Orcs are not only tolerated if they hold their own, but respected.

After that is the Tiefling Caste, who are guardians against horrors of the lower planes, they transformed themselves into a form more resistant to the fiendish energies of the lower planes at the cost of physically resembling the fiends they protect the world against. Almost universally respected as a force for good, even by ordinary humans.

The next higher caste are the Dwarves a physician caste that transformed themselves into a race that was more durable against disease and dangers.

Goliaths are the next caste up, enchanted professional athletes, Goliaths are usually very fameous.

Next up are the Elves are the nobles families who gift themselves with a longer life span and great beauty. They use magic on the lower caste humans to create half elves who act as intermediaries to lower impure castes, to minimize their exposure to those castes they feel are beneath them.

Genasi are the lower Priest caste who deal with the worship of Primordials. They used divine magic for their transformation, unlike lower castes that used arcane magic for their evolution. They also act as ambassadors with the Genie races.

Aasimar are the higher Priest caste, devoted to the Ester, the holy Gods and celestials.. In ancient times they were highly respected for their piety and that they used the strongest divine magics to evolves themselves closer towards the Gods. But over time their status has corrupted them and they are known to abuse their high status and precieved sancity.

Dragonborn are the Royal Families, each named after the race of Dragons that fused with their ancestors. When a Dragonborn dies having fulfilled their destiny, they are reborn as a true dragon. The Dragonborn Royal Families are the De Golds, the Dar Silvers, the Zarn Brass, the Mal Bronze, the Cas Coppers, the Drax Reds, the Bile Blues, the Nar Blacks, the Asna Greens, and the Chill Whites. Each rules over a nation.

Voidrunner's Codex

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