Picture of Bahamut

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I did that picture because Bahamut has always lacked pictures that captured his godly majesty, whereas Tiamat got the lion's (dragon's?) share of attention.
Which was my complaint IIRC. ;)
It seems that Klaus' Bahamut is still the best one to be found anywhere for the time being. Kudos!


First Post
...but the dragon standing next to him lacks a certain... divinity.
That is a nice way of putting it. :] I mean, the shape is pretty good for a feral rampaging dragon. And for that type, i think a husky, bordering plump look works. I am not so sure that works for Bahamut.


First Post
Yeah, I don't like the pic with the canaries. The dragon looks overweight, and lacks a certain majesty.

Claudio's does look the best so far.


Thanks for the posts. I appreciate them all. However, as you have witnessed there really isn't that impressive of a selection of pics for Bahamut as there are for Tiamat. Hopefully WotC will pump out some really impressive pics for this grand dragon god!


Knight of Solamnia
Remember, too, that Bahamut's alter ego in Dragonlance is Paladine. There's a few pics of him out there too.

Here's one by Chris Dien, who did an excellent Takhisis as well.


If you want one that really captures his godly side, look no further than DL13 Dragons of Truth.


(Sorry, couldn't find a better-quality image on the 'net.)


Wow, Dragonhelm! Now that's a nice picture. Perfect. I think you have just allowed me to find what I was looking for. Bahamut shall now be represented as should be!


my question: does anyone have that picture of Bahamus from right around 3e? I remember it was in Dragon, and had his stat block. It was the first time I'd seen a character with ability scores higher than 25, and it was "so mind-blowing". 2e and older didn't go higher than 25 even for characters like Thor or Hercules, for some reason (I suppose stats were illustrative back then, but they still had 18 Str with sub-stats of 01 to 100 (or 18 "00") so your barbarian could rate themselves against some other player's barbarian in Str checks).


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