Fortifying the Faith: Feats
Note on the general, class, racial, and divine power source feats: Not all of those will be listed. Only the consequential ones (many of those will be rated
blue or
sky blue).
Traps among those will be noted. This saves space, plus since feats have become a more precious resource thanks to simply the increasing number of them in 4e, narrowing them down to the meaningful choices is justified.
As for what you should prioritize when selecting feats:
1. Attack accuracy. Hitting enemies is the most important thing any character does in 4e combat, and you are no exception.
2. Mark potency/frequency. This is how you ensure that enemies will want to attack you, rather than that Wizard in the back. You'll definitely want to take feats that give you more opportunities to mark foes, especially with Divine Sanction. Then you'll want to take feats that make the mark punishment hurt more, give you punishment stacking options, weaken the foes' attacks, inflict status conditions, or increase the hit penalty for the mark itself.
3. Defense/survivability. With marks that make enemies want to attack you and no other, you'll need to then make sure that you can take the extra heat. Doing this will turn marked foes' situations into more of a lose-lose, which is exactly what you want. Note that this category can also include ways to hurt the foe for attacking you, as well.
4. Initiative. Just like all other Defenders, you want your enemies marked and put on notice before they ever get to act. Since you're not likely to have a high Dexterity, feats are your best way of hiking your initiative and making sure you beat your enemies to the punch more often than not. Some of you like to buff your allies, too, which makes this even more important.
5. Power recovery. If you come upon feats that let you recover your encounter powers, take them. They can impact the battle in a big way.
6. Healing/buffing OR damage. You're probably going to be either a secondary Leader or secondary Striker, but rarely both in equal measure. Once you've accounted for the points above, then feel free to concentrate on one of these two things to round out your Paladin.
Class/Power Source feats
Heroic Tier
Accursed Challenge (D 384): Must worship Avandra. If you have enough allies who inflict save-ends effects (or even have your own powers with save-ends effects), the -2 save penalties adds some extra bite to your marks. Curiously enough, this even works with generic marks, not just Challenge or Sanction. Starts peaking in early Paragon, when characters get their full suite of daily attack powers.
Bitter Challenge (D 380): With World Serpent's Grasp in play, this one is now a great buff on your Divine Challenge. This feat's slowing effect on DC would normally suffer from a timing issue, but World Serpent's Grasp (either from you or from your allies) renders that irrelevant, now that the enemy who violates your DC risks getting knocked prone before the end of your next turn. Good times.
Commanding Vow (D 388): Sounds nice in general, but in practice it's pretty niche. However, it should be considered for certain combos involving Ardent Strike, such as with
Deadly Draw for the constant combat advantage. Or Champion of Order + Heavy Blade Opportunity for
action denial.
Devoted Paladin (DP): CHA-mod healing bonus for allies to Lay on Hands, and an extra healing surge per day to boot. Nice.
Healing Hands (PHB): This ally-only bonus for Lay on Hands isn't
completely worthless, as it does stack with Devoted Paladin, but feat priorities for Paladins have shifted in favor of so many other choices that I really can't recommend this one in good faith.
Implacable Mettle (D 388): Allows you another use of Channel Divinity if your ally fails a save from your Divine Mettle. Good at this tier, although if you're a Chaladin or Baladin it's diminishing returns by
mid-Paragon or so.
Lend Health (D 388): For Paladins with Lay on Hands, and it's beautiful. In short, the higher your surge value (usually from having a higher maximum HP value), the better you heal your allies, which is simply perfect for the Defender/Leader dual-role some of you will take. What's more, this works not only with Lay on Hands, but any other powers you have that either trigger healing surges to restore HPs or let allies recover HPs as if they spent a surge. If you're multiclassing into, say, an actual Leader class to poach such powers, it's
even more important.
Light of Order (D 381): Gives you a free at-will spell, Shining Light of Order, that shines bright light, which negates concealment in dark places.
Useful if you do a lot of dungeon-crawling or night fighting. The feat also grants you the option to replace a utility power with Punitive Radiance, although with the great utilities your class gets you probably won't want to exercise that option.
Mercy's Reward (D 388): If you're the type of Paladin who wasn't going for DPR, then the surge-triggering sacrifice of critical damage can come in handy.
Mettle Proven (D 378): Grant use of a healing surge for your ally when your Divine Mettle successfully helps him save. Good one.
Mighty Challenge (DP): Makes a Straladin's Divine Challenge viable, and a Baladin's pretty damn dangerous. Essential in both cases.
Protector's Commitment (DP): CHA 15 required. Take the Expertise feats first, but this is worth a look after those. You or an enemy next to a bloodied ally is a fairly common situation (particularly the latter case, since that happens with a simple flank) that will give you the +1 untyped bonus to attacks.
Shared Vitality (D 385): Must worship Moradin. This can make your second wind act as a per-encounter ranged Lay on Hands. It still won't make most of you start using your second winds, but this feat's value
goes up exponentially for Dwarves, Questing Knights and anyone else who somehow gets their second wind to minor action or better. Better still if you multiclass Fighter to access feats that enhance your second wind's effects even more.
Sudden Smite (D 388): Makes your Divine Strength a free action you can save until after your attack actually hits, giving that power a nice action economy upgrade and some more reliability. The attractiveness of this feat pretty much coincides with, well, the stages in a Straladin's career in which Divine Strength is a major player in his arsenal. In other words, great in
early Heroic, not so hot
past that point, but then awesome again in
Epic Tier with the feat support Divine Strength gets then.
Symbol of the Sonnlinor (D 385): Must worship Moradin, and this is a great option if you plan on wielding an axe or hammer in his name. Not only does it reduce multiple-item dependency, but it opens up a lot of interesting combinations for implement use. Like the classic Lasting Frost synergy. Or how about following up a close-burst implement crit with a Rending attack? Bloodiron's sure looking fine. The possibilities are endless.
Versatile Channeler (DP): Pick up another Divine class' Divinity power and add it to your list. If you actually plan to multiclass into another Divine class, however, you may want to consider using Divine Channeler for that, which also adds another class' Divinity power, so keep that in mind. If Divine Channeler doesn't suit your multiclassing plans but you still see a Divinity power you like, then take this one.
Virtuous Recovery (DP): Huge boost to survivability in the form of WIS-mod damage resistance until the start of your next turn whenever you spend a healing surge in any way. That can be second wind, Lay on Hands usage ... and Virtue. In fact, if you plan on using that Lv. 2 utility every encounter and have a WIS modifier of at least +2 in Heroic (working to +3 in Paragon), consider this
mandatory and don't let go unless you get a more reliable source of damage resistance (probably won't happen until Epic Tier).
Paragon Tier
Angelic Protection (D 388): Your Lay on Hands can now heal proactively via THPs. And the number of THPs is exactly the same as if you had actually healed with the power normally, all bonuses included (Lend Health, Devoted Paladin, etc.). This makes Lay on Hands an excellent buffing power, sort of a supercharged Virtue that you can use either on yourself or an ally who needs it most at the start of a fight.
Chosen Defender (D 381): The penalty you put down on enemies' OAs just for being next to them comes in quite handy for giving your allies a better chance of moving around (or away from) those foes unscathed. You become a better point-man for flanks.
Contagious Challenge (DP): Hit your Divine Challenge target and spread a Divine Sanction to another enemy next to it. Good one.
Forceful Challenge (D 378): Now this feat explicitly puts the sliding effect on your DC and DS after the enemy's whole attack is resolved. Which can still be neat for disengaging a melee enemy from a vulnerable ally, but this one isn't nearly the auto-pick it used to be.
Hero's Poise (D 388): Wow. Just, wow. Chaladins and Baladins take without any questions. No reason why they wouldn't want to become a font of nigh-automatic saving throws for the entire party and ruin the day for monsters who rely on save-ends attacks. And since the more often you make a save, the more often you grant this feat's bonus to your party, it has
amazing synergy with feats and powers that grant you bonuses to saving throws and opportunities to roll extra saves (Superior Will, for starters). Powers and feats that grant allies more chances to roll saves also become more valuable, since they'll all be working with the bonus you grant.
Honored Foe (DP): If you have even an appreciable WIS modifier (+3 or greater), you want this if at all possible. A stacked arsenal of mass-Sanction powers and abilities will ensure you get the WIS-mod THPs early and often against enemies who dare hit you. The only reason this isn't universally mandatory for WIS-focused Paladins is that you may be starting every fight with massive amounts of THPs from things like Virtue and Angelic Protection;
if that doesn't apply to you, this IS mandatory.
Persistent Challenge (DP): Basically works out to a free Divine Challenge per encounter against an enemy you can't reach. That can come in handy against, say, a Skirmisher or Artillery unit. Requires CHA 15.
Pervasive Light (DP): This one is aimed at those of you who primarily like to attack with other damage types besides Radiant, but still want to take advantage of Radiant vulnerability. If you're hanging out
with a full-fledged Radiant Mafia, this can be an outright amazing choice, allowing you to stack the Radiant vulnerability your allies create with the extra damage or nasty tricks from your own preferred attack type (such as from Cold, Psychic or Thunder).
Touch of Salvation (DP): Almost like a free Divine Mettle (CHA-modifier bonus included) attached to use of Virtue's Touch or Lay on Hands. Some might find this useful.
Untiring Virtue (DP):This one is typically good for an extra two uses of your special daily power per day. This feat allows a Chaladin who wants higher Fortitude defense and extra healing surges to pay attention to Constitution as well as Wisdom when leveling up. Baladins, who tend to have low Wisdom, anyway, will also want this. For that matter, this feat is good for any Paladin.
Virtue's Chosen (D 388): Virtue's Touch also ends ongoing damage. Decent bonus, but it's just that, a bonus. Don't ever use your Virtue's Touch JUST to end ongoing damage.
Wrathful Conviction (D 388): Extra WIS or CHA modifier damage on Divine Strength. Aside from the obvious buff to the Straladin's application, this also makes using Divine Strength a viable option for certain Chaladins (Devas with Shared Channeling come to mind). Most Paladins can take or leave this one, though, since Divine Strength only works on a single hit by default. On the other hand, those who plan to milk one
Tireless Wrath for all it's worth when they get to Epic Tier will find this feat a lot more appealing then.
Epic Tier
Champion's Countenance (D 388): Doesn't look that appealing on first reading, until you take into account all the ways Paladins can start every fight with massive THP cushions on top of maximum hit points (namely Virtue, Deliverance of Faith, and Angelic Protection + Lay on Hands). With such a THP cushion, you're looking at effortlessly giving your whole party +2 to all NADs for the first round or two. In conjunction with your marks, enemies who love attacking NADs (which would describe a ton of Epic Tier foes) will quickly find it a losing proposition and try to beat those THPs off of you, instead. Which is exactly what you wanted all along.
Crusading Wrath (DP): For many Straladins with the qualifying WIS 15, taking this power is a matter of when, not if. The next attack after Divine Strength, hit or miss, slaps a Divine Sanction on the enemy for the whole encounter, which also gets a boost to its punishment from your WIS-modifier. In other words, your Divine Strength becomes a way to mark and forget. NOTE: This is ESPECIALLY brutal in a Champion of Order's hands, and Straladins of that PP should consider this
mandatory and get it ASAP.
Divine Mastery (DP): Regain a divine encounter power when you spend an action point. A necessity, and you want to get it as early in Epic Tier as possible.
Echoes of Letherna (D 380): Must worship the Raven Queen. Actually not a bad deal, since the Necrotic keyword and damage are added to the Radiant powers, rather than replacing the Radiant qualities. Dual damage types and keywords on a power work wonders to cover up one that may be commonly resisted.
Glorious Channeler (DP): This one's good if you have a particularly strong Divinity feat, and then still want to be able to use Divine Strength or Divine Mettle.
Icon of Purity (DP): A lot of enemies deal necrotic damage, so this one's good.
Paladin's Truth (DP): Ignore resistances and immunities on marked targets. That Fear or Charm power you like a lot? Works every time now. Fire resistance? No problem. Resist all? Resist this. Splendid stuff.
Pious Champion (DP): If you have either Lay on Hands or Virtue's Touch, you want this if you can fit it at all. That goes double for Lay on Hands, which you can now use to heal two targets for the price of only one of your healing surges.
Promise of Judgment (D 388): It's a fact of life and math in this game: You will miss attacks every now and then. The free DS from missing with a Paladin attack power is a fine consolation prize. A finer point: Ardent Strike becomes a guaranteed DS with this feat.
Protecting Boon (DP): Let everybody in the close burst 10 make the save from Divine Mettle, which is awesome. Baladins will automatically qualify; Chaladins who want it should make sure they get a STR of 15 by Epic Tier.
Punishing Radiance (DP): Radiant vulnerability 10 (or the increasing of it by 10) until the end of your next turn on a radiant divine power's crit. Fantastic, especially if you had built yourself to take full advantage of radiant vulnerability. Also note the synergy with Font of Radiance.
Righteous Challenge (D 377): I'm normally wary of feats that only apply against specific enemy types, but since demons and devils do make up a large chunk of Epic Tier monsters currently, this is worth a look. Obviously,
a lot more valuable if you fight these enemy types constantly.
Tireless Wrath (DP): Now your Divine Strength bonus lasts on all attacks until the end of your next turn. A pretty good feat for Straladins and Baladins that becomes
great in two situations: (a) You poached a focus-fire multiattack power such as the Barbarian's Hurricane of Blades, or (b) your Leader likes to trigger off-action attacks for you. Deva Baladins with Shared Channeling can turn this into a nasty buff for a Striker ally, too. Requires STR 21 and CHA 15.
Weakening Challenge (D 378): I'll be blunt: This should be the first feat you take in Epic Tier, pretty much without exception. With this your DC and DS effectively cut all enemy damage against your allies in half, instantly making those marks arguably the strongest deterrents in the game at this point.
General feats
Heroic Tier
Battlewise (E:HFK): If your build plans involve Wisdom as a secondary stat, you're taking this any way you can (racial initiative feats that function similarly or better notwithstanding). Initiative is vital for all Defenders, you are no exception, and using WIS instead of DEX to determine it is as clean a solution as it gets for the builds that can do so. Taking this feat, cleverly enough, also allows you to dump DEX instead of INT, so your Religion skill isn't completely dead weight.
Blindfighting Warrior (E:HFK): Ignoring concealment of all sorts can come in handy for melee types.
Bludgeon Expertise (E:HFL): Tier-scaling feat bonus to attacks with hammers and maces, and its perk of an extra square of forced movement on an attack can be very nice if you can find at-will ways of creating forced movement. (Mark of Storm and Half-Elf with Eldritch Strike are obvious ones.) For those builds, this may be the only weapon-type-based feat in the Expertise family that can legitimately stand up to Devout Protector Expertise and Two-Handed Weapon Expertise (but even then you'd probably still want one of those in addition, anyway).
NOTE: This does not work with Ardent Strike and Commanding Vow, though, since it's the Sanction, not the attack, that slides.
Deadly Draw (PHB3): If you have means of sliding your enemy in any way at-will (e.g. Ardent Strike + Commanding Vow, or Mark of Storm, or Half-Elf with Eldritch Strike) this can net you constant combat advantage. Great fun.
Devout Protector Expertise (D 402): I'll be blunt: If you plan on using a shield, this is THE member of the Expertise family you're taking. PERIOD. Passively handing out a +1 shield bonus to AC to all allies anywhere on the map beats the crap out of anything else you'll see in this family for one-handed weapons. The tier-scaling Expertise bonus applies to weapon attacks with your one-handed weapon and implement attacks with your holy symbol, covering all the ways your class will make attack rolls.
Disciple of Freedom (E:HFL): While you're not quite as screwed by slowing, immobilizing and restraining as some other Defenders are, those conditions are still pretty inconvenient, so the ability to save at the start of your turn against those is great to have. Plus, there's the fact that in Paragon Tier, this feat is going to have some beautiful synergy with Hero's Poise. Requires CHA 13.
Disciple of Justice (E:HFL): Essentially turns your second wind into another Lay on Hands. Those who have a
minor-action or less second wind (Dwarves, Questing Knights) will want to give this a look. Requires CHA 13.
Disciple of Light (E:HFL): Tier-scaling THPs to all allies within 5 squares of you when you use a healing surge (this can even be Lay on Hands, Virtue, etc.) is a very nice deal. Requires WIS 13.
Disciple of Stone (E:HFL): Tier-scaling THPs for you when you use a healing surge. Good one, assuming you're not already taking encounter powers that grant THPs on surge use (e.g. Virtue) or things like Angelic Protection. Requires CON 13.
Disciple of Strength (E:HFL): If your second wind is minor-action or better (Dwarf, Questing Knight) this one's good for the extra sting on your next hit.
Durable (PHB): Lay on Hands Paladins should take Devoted Paladin, instead. Paladins with one of the other special daily powers might give this a look, but not before Toughness.
Echoes of Thunder (PHB2): Extra tier-scaling damage when you hit with Thunder powers. For Power of the Storm Straladins, this should be next on the radar after Weapon Focus, as it really lends potency to their preferred keyword.
Focused Mind (PHB3): +4 feat bonus against two of the more crippling conditions, dazing and stunning. Good now, even better later. Especially if you take Hero's Poise in Paragon Tier.
Headsman's Chop (PHB3): With an axe or heavy blade, deal 5 extra damage on a prone enemy. Sons of Mercy (with World Serpent's Grasp) will want to look at this one.
Heavy Armor Agility (E:HFL): If you have the STR or CON 15 to qualify, this is a good investment for your mobility in plate.
Gnomes should consider this mandatory; speed 4 is unacceptable.
Holy Symbol Expertise (HoS): Nowadays the only Paladins I can see taking this one would be those using a two-hander who still, for some reason, want to pack some encounter implement powers.
In that case, they'll want to hit with those attacks properly and should take this. The added bonus of canceling CA against you in many situations is pretty nice, though, I'll say that much.
Implement Focus (E:HFL): Finally, a general tier-scaling feat bonus to implement damage. It's probably not that high a priority for you, though.
Improved Defenses (E:HFL): It's not a matter of if you're taking this tier-scaling feat bonus to NADs, but when. This one is absolutely necessary for all Defenders (that means you). NADs don't scale right as your levels increase, and this feat helps corrects that.
Note: This feat obsoletes Paragon Defenses (PHB2) and Robust Defenses (PHB2).
Improved Initiative (PHB): If your build won't have the Wisdom to put Battlewise to good use, you'll take this one for the all-important boost to the all-important initiative. No DEX-dumping for you, though. Even if you did take Battlewise, or a racial equivalent, this one in addition
certainly doesn't hurt if you can fit it in.
Melee Training (PHB2): If you're a Chaladin who, for whatever reason, doesn't want to take Virtuous Strike, then you take this to get the all-important
competent MBA. I don't know why you'd do that, nowadays, as feat space is quite scarce. Plus you only use half your CHA modifier for the MBA damage. Straladins and Baladins can ignore this one, altogether.
Oncoming Storm (PHB2): A key feat for Mark of Storm builds in Eberron, who have a reason to take Lightning Weapons beyond the +1 to attack with Thunder powers afterwards this feat gives you. Take Power of the Storm with Valiant Strike, and also Echoes of Thunder, to have a power that takes ready advantage of this feat's benefit through Heroic and Paragon. In Epic Tier, Avatar of Storm makes this one
great even if you aren't a Mark of Storm build.
Resilient Focus (E:HFL): Flat +2 feat bonus to all saves. Certainly nice, but some of you will have better options in this department.
Ritual Caster (PHB): It's here if such a task should fall to you. You're already trained in Religion.
Skill Power (PHB3): Gives you an extra skill power for the cost of this feat. If you use it to pick up the right power, this one can actually be a
very good choice.
Spear Expertise (E:HFL): The extra untyped tier-scaling bonus to damage when you charge stacks with Two-Handed Weapon Expertise's damage bonus in the same situation, so it's conceivable that gouge wielders might take this one in addition to Two-Handed Weapon Expertise.
Superior Implement Training (PHB3): If you're taking a preponderance of implement encounter powers, consider taking this for an accurate symbol. It's not quite as necessary for you as for some other classes, though, since your class doesn't have any at-will implement attacks.
Superior Will (E:HFL): Requires WIS 15 or CHA 15, which any Paladin will easily get. Your Will defense increases an extra point over what Improved Defenses gets you, but by far the most important part of this is saving against daze or stun at the start of your turn, even if a save normally wouldn't end those conditions. (If it is a save-ends condition you still get a save at the end of your turn as well.) No way you're passing this up. Ever. And with Hero's Poise and some more save bonuses in play, you can potentially make your entire party all but immune to daze and stun by Paragon Tier. Amazing stuff.
Swift Recovery (E:HFL): Tier-scaling feat bonus to your healing surge value, available to you if you trained Endurance. As far as the HP-related feats go, this one should be top priority. It has the greatest effect on your daily hit point totals, factoring in surge use, even more so than Toughness has. Healing-focused Paladins with Lend Health especially love this one, as they can get the benefits of this feat to count for both themselves and their allies, thus not only making themselves tougher, but making themselves better healers, too.
Toughness (PHB): Tier-scaling increase of your maximum hit points value. This is actually not as good as Swift Recovery for your survivability over the course of a day (especially in Heroic and Paragon Tiers), but it's still worthy of your attention in case you can fit both feats in your build. In Epic Tier, the comparison between this and Swift Recovery becomes more of a wash. Healing-focused Paladins with Lend Health should note that Toughness also has the side effect of increasing their healing surge values (albeit not as much as Swift Recovery), so for them this feat also benefits both themselves and any allies they heal.
Two-Handed Weapon Expertise (HotF): The necessary tier-scaling feat bonus to attacks, which applies to all two-handed melee weapons, plus a tier-scaling untyped bonus to damage on a charge. As long as you take Ardent Strike, this is easily the preferred Expertise feat if you're using weapon attack powers exclusively with a two-handed weapon (typically Straladins).
Vicious Advantage (PHB3): Combat advantage against any slowed or immobilized opponent.
Sons of Mercy or Chaladins with the
Earth domain could put this one to good use.
Weapon Focus (PHB): Your feat bonus to damage.
Straladins should consider this a priority (unless they're Dwarves or Goliaths, who have their own damage feats that will serve them through Paragon Tier). Most Chaladins, on the other hand, will just consider it nice to have.
Weapon Proficiency (one superior weapon) (PHB): Typically, a superior weapon will give you an average of 1 extra damage (2 in Epic) over its military counterparts on an at-will attack (and sometimes a bit more than that).
Straladins should consider this a priority.
Chaladins, on the other hand, typically have other things to worry about besides a point or two of personal damage. Dwarves, again, don't need to look at this one; they have their own racial feats that provide the equivalent of this and Weapon Focus. Goliaths might forego this for their racial feat as well, at least for a while.
Wintertouched (PHB): The first half of the Lasting Frost synergy. Obviously, you don't need to take until Paragon Tier.
World Serpent's Grasp (E:HFK): Combos with Bitter Challenge to make your DC a lot more threatening. Knocking down any slowed or immobilized enemy when you hit him is just too good. Straladin
Sons of Mercy, who slow with every attack they make, will love this feat even more and should consider it mandatory.
Paragon Tier
Agile Opportunist (PHB2): This one depends on party composition. If your Leader is someone who has a lot of features or powers that can slide you, such as a Cunning Bard, you
DEFINITELY want this; they'll thank you for it. Especially since, unlike other defender classes, you don't even use your immediate action for your default mark punishment. And rolling more attacks is always fun.
Armor Specialization (PHB): Your feat bonus to AC. Most likely, you'll be picking this one for plate (CON 15 needed).
Danger Sense (PHB): Roll twice for initiative and take the better result. Good for guarding against bad initiative rolls.
Deadly Axe (PHB): If your axe didn't have high-crit already, giving it that property is a good idea.
Fleet-Footed (PHB): Extra speed is never a bad thing if you have the room.
Hammer Rhythm (PHB): The CON-modifier miss damage does wonders for a hammer-wielding Straladin's DPR figures.
Heavy Blade Opportunity (PHB): A long time ago, this was essential for Chaladins. No more. Some Straladins, particularly Champions of Order, who have the Dexterity necessary might still want to take it.
Lasting Frost (PHB): Synergistic with Wintertouched to set up combat advantage on every hit with a Cold-keyword attack.
Polearm Gamble (PHB): This is the feat that allows you to control real estate like nobody's business with a halberd or glaive.
Psychic Lock (PHB): If you're using a Githyanki Silver weapon, you might want the attack debuff this inflicts (especially nasty when stacking with Enfeebling Strike). It's also for Half-Elves who took a Psychic at-will power with Dilletante, such as Vicious Mockery or Eyebite (which also come with their own debuffs).
Repel Charge (PHB3): In the right party, you can optimize your DC and DS to the point where the enemy will have no recourse other than to charge at you. This feat lets you make them pay for that with an MBA. Best taken with other melee support (which makes the enemy shift away from them to not draw an OA before charging at you), or with a strong Controller packing daze spells.
Reserve Maneuver (PHB2): Don't like your paragon path's encounter power? Trade it out for something else after you rest. This feat may not be for everyone, but it's handy for those who want it.
Shield Mastery (PHB3): Chaladins, who typically use shields, anyway, should strongly consider this one to shore up that Fortitude defense. Those advancing Wisdom as a full-blown secondary or co-primary should consider this
Solid Sound (PHB): +2 untyped bonus to a NAD for a round when you hit with the Thunder or Force keyword. This one is good for those with the Storm domain or those using a Force Weapon. Some of your class' encounter and daily powers also benefit.
Uncanny Dodge (PHB): If you're taking
Polearm Gamble, you'll want this one, too. For that matter, it's not a bad choice for anyone.
Vexing Flanker (PHB2): All your allies get combat advantage against an enemy you're flanking. Pretty useful.
Epic Tier
Axe/Bludgeon/Heavy Blade Mastery (PHB): Only Straladins need apply here. Take it if you can; most Straladins can build to get it without crippling sacrifices.
Blind-Fight (PHB): Thwart invisibility and concealment (but not total concealment) on adjacent creatures. Not bad.
Epic Fortitude/Reflexes/Will (PHB2): +4 to the NAD in question. Stacks with Improved Defenses (at least for now). You would do well to go for at least one of these. Can make your highest defense extremely hard to hit, a medium defense from a secondary stat in the high teens-low 20s solid, and even your lowest defense at least passable.
Epic Resurgence (PHB): Not as high priority as Divine Mastery, but still worth a look after, especially if you expanded your crit range.
Font of Radiance (PHB): On a radiant crit, inflict a save-ends condition that involves bright light and a healthy amount of free radiant damage per round on the enemy and its adjacent lackeys. Very nice. Note the synergy with Punishing Radiance; if you're going for DPR, these two feats together are your answer to things like the Fighter's Reckless Attacker.
Long Step (PHB3): Most of you probably won't be strictly charge-oriented, but it's there in case you are.
Rapid Regeneration (PHB3): If you have any substantial sources of regeneration and an even appreciable CON modifier, you should look at it.
Strength Through Challenge (D 387): Resist 5 just for having two enemies marked is pretty nice, especially when stacked with things like Honored Foe.
Superior Initiative (PHB3): Likely, you'll be retraining Improved Initiative for this vital feat, since it's just a higher feat bonus. If you took an initiative stat substituion feat (e.g. Battlewise for WIS or some racial initiative feat), then this one isn't
quite as vital, but it's still pretty attractive.
Triumphant Attack (PHB): Attack roll and defense debuff for a full encounter whenever you crit in melee. A nice one that got a good boost with recent errata.
Unfettered Stride (PHB): Ignore difficult terrain. Good if you've somehow trained yourself in Acrobatics.
Mount feats
Heroic Tier
Mounted Combat (PHB): This feat is pretty much a necessity to get the most out of your time mounted, should that apply to you somehow. (Jade Horse comes to mind.) You can get some really awesome benefits from your mount.
Paragon Tier
Holy Steed (D 388): Requires the Mounted Combat feat, but you should have that anyway if you plan on using a mount often. +2 to all your mount's defenses is obviously awesome, and extra CHA-mod bonus to all your mount's damage rolls actually makes your mount a somewhat credible damage threat.
Feats, cont'd
Racial feats
Heroic Tier
Fickle Servant (DP): Lets you pick any Domain Feat you want. This one is a curious case, though, considering you actually are allowed to worship multiple deities as long as they're the same alignment as you. If you're trying to cherry-pick domains from a deity not of your alignment, then it becomes
quite valuable.
Heroic Tier
Auspicious Lineage (PHB2): Increases Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes' die to d8, which essentially means a +1 average bonus to the correction provided by that power. Not a bad pick if you can fit it in, but I'd look for feats that give more consistent bonuses to attacks and saves, first.
Battle Intuition (D 374): This one is strictly better than Battlewise. If you're a WIS-heavy Chaladin, hold it, love it and call it George. This gives you Battlewise's WIS substitution for initiative and an additional +2 feat bonus to initiative on top of that. Amazing.
Immortal Skill (D 374): Eliminates bad die rolls on your racial power for skill and ability checks. Valuable in a
skill-heavy campaign.
Majestic Presence (DP): Tier-scaling resistance to radiant and the very common necrotic for adjacent allies. Worth a look.
Potent Rebirth (PHB2): I'm not too hot on abilities that kick in after you get KO-ed, normally, but an untyped +2 to attack and damage is about as good as that type gets, so it's worth a look.
Radiant Recovery (D 374): Auto-take if you're a CON-heavy Chaladin. CON-mod THPs for hitting with any Radiant attack, which you'll have in spades (Virtuous Strike, for starters), is just incredible.
Paragon Tier
Ascendant Lineage (PHB2): Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes is not expended if the triggering roll still fails. Due to the variable nature of that racial power, this is a great feat to take to alleviate being on the wrong end of the die. It also lets you use your racial power more aggressively when your triggering roll was very low (say, when you need a 5 or 6 on your MOTL roll to succeed).
Immortal Resilience (D 374): Eliminates bad die rolls on your racial power for saving throws. Requires having Immortal Skill before it, but this one's great all around.
Shared Channeling (D 374): Has some potentially interesting, and powerful, results with the right personal-range Divinity powers on hand. One example that readily comes to mind is for a Deva Baladin (or even a Chaladin with Wrathful Conviction), who can use his Divine Strength to buff the Striker in the party, rather than himself.
Epic Tier
Immortal Prowess (D 374): The pinnacle of the Immortal line, this eliminates the bad die rolls on your racial power for attack rolls. If you already took the previous two Immortal feats, definitely take this one if you can.
Transcendant Lineage (PHB2): Roll twice and take the better result for Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes. Really awesome boost for your racial power.
Heroic Tier
Bolstering Breath (PHR
): Your breath becomes party-friendly and also gives allies in its AoE a +1 untyped bonus to all attacks. Pretty good.
Draconic Challenge (DP): You slap Sanctions on all enemies in your breath, hit or miss. This should be one of the first three feats any Dragonborn Paladin takes, if not the very first. No exceptions.
Enlarged Dragon Breath (PHB): The larger your breath area, the more enemies you can Sanction with it. That's a good thing.
Hurl Breath (PHR
): Combined with Draconic Challenge, allows you to Sanction a group of enemies in a burst 2 up to 10 squares away. Good one.
Io's Challenge (PHR
): Extra CON-mod DC damage when you're bloodied, which is very nice. Just remember to back up your bloodied condition with something like Virtue and, later on, Angelic Protection.
Powerful Breath (PHR
): Chaladins get to hit things with their breath now. Woo. At least for Heroic Tier when your breath isn't yet scaled out of commission in that department. Later on, you can probably retrain it. Obviously, Straladins and Baladins don't need this.
Radiant Breath (D 378): Those with Sun domain access will want to consider taking this early on (while your breath can still hit things). Adds the Radiant keyword and damage in addition to your element of choice.
Epic Tier
Draconic Restoration (PHR
): Get another use of your breath when you use second wind. If you can get your second wind to a minor-action or less, somehow, this one's value goes up
exponentially. Restoring your breath weapon means more Sanctioning.
Draconic Triumph (PHR
): Another way to regain use of your breath, this time by killing enemies. Not reliable enough to be an absolute must-take, but it is a solid option.
Heroic Tier
Brilliant Darkfire (DP): CHA-mod radiant vulnerability after hitting with Darkfire. Nice.
Paragon Tier
Master of Fire and Darkness (FRPG): Now your two Lolthtouched powers are separate encounter powers. Nice.
Merciless Killer (FRPG): +5 damage to a bloodied enemy when you have combat advantage, killing him faster. Either of your Lolthtouched powers can set that up nicely.
Heroic Tier
Dwarven Weapon Training (PHB): You get proficiency in all axes and hammers, including the superior versions, and on top of that, the equivalent of Paragon Tier Weapon Focus with those weapons. This one is an automatic pick for Dwarven Straladins. Some Dwarven Chaladins could conceivably skip this one if they need the room, but even that's not a decision to be made lightly.
Paragon Tier
Dwarven Durability (PHB): Two extra healing surges and you get to steal the Dragonborn's healing surge value benefit. This one is definitely an auto-pick for all Dwarves.
Heroic Tier
Elemental Challenge (DP): Interesting, if nothing else. Nice to be able to tailor your Divine Challenge to different creatures' vulnerabilities, but it's not crucial.
Extra Manifestation (FRPG): Some extra versatility never hurt.
Paragon Tier
Shocking Flame (FRPG): Extra fire or lightning damage on all melee attacks with the right manifestation. Solid.
Stormrider (FRPG): Strictly better than Fleet-Footed with the right manifestations.
Epic Tier
Double Manifestation (FRPG): Manifest two elements at once. Yes, this is awesome.
Heroic Tier
Armored Warrenguard (D 384): Moving at a speed of 4 isn't fun. You take this one when you
don't have the CON 15 to qualify for Heavy Armor Agility, but as soon as you get that, retrain this feat for it and start wearing plate like other Paladins.
Distracting Challenge (D 384): Enemies you zap with DC grant combat advantage. Good.
Enshrouding Touch (D 384): Grant concealment with Lay on Hands or Virtue's Touch. Pretty neat, if not high priority.
Paragon Tier
Fade Ally (PHB2): Gives your Fade Away power a legitimate defender/leader application by letting an ally turn invisible instead of you.
Surprising Disappearance (PHB2): Combat advantage for the party when you use your Fade Away power. Nice.
Epic Tier
Vanishing Act (PHB2): Teleportation on your Fade Away is quite nice.
Heroic Tier
Goliath Greatweapon Prowess (PHB2): This one's a good deal for Heroic and Paragon Tier. You essentially get the damage benefits of Weapon Focus and Superior Weapon Proficiency together in this feat. It does fall behind that combination a little bit in Epic Tier, however.
Kord's Resilience (DP): Give all allies next to you your Stone's Endurance damage resistance. Good.
Markings of the Victor (PHB2): Reroll your first attack of every encounter and take the better result. Especially great in early Heroic when you're trying to kill an enemy right off the bat, but it's always valuable for starting the fight off right.
Strength of Stone (DP): Give your ally a little extra protection after using Virtue's Touch or Lay on Hands. Nice.
Paragon Tier
Unyielding Stone (PHB2): A high amount of temp HPs when you use Stone's Endurance, in addition to the damage resistance. Now you're even tougher to bring down.
Epic Tier
Ancient Stone (PHB2): Extends your Stone's Endurance another round with a slight drop-off in power, essentially. That's still really good.
Heroic Tier
Adept Dilletante (D 385): Use Charisma to determine attack and damage figures for your Dilletante power. Can be great, but remember that it does mean you use up your multiclass on the power's native class.
Group Defense (DP): Stack a +1 untyped defense bonus for all your allies against the attack of enemies you marked, making your marks that much more effective. No Half-Elf Paladin should go without this. In Eberron, this gets even more fun stacking with Mark of Warding.
Paragon Tier
Versatile Master (PHB2): You took that Dilletante option for a reason, I'm sure. Make that thing a true at-will power.
Heroic Tier
Lost in the Crowd (PHB): Plenty of things are bigger than you. A +2 untyped bonus to AC in this case is great.
Paragon Tier
Underfoot (PHB): If you're trained in Acrobatics somehow, this one is worth a look for the beneficial movement option. You'll fight plenty of Large things.
Heroic Tier
Blessed Strength (D 386): The feat that single-handedly lifts Half-Orcs to top-tier Straladin status. Now you can use Strength to determine DC and DS damage. Also note that THIS STACKS with Mighty Challenge, thus making your DC as painful as a Baladin's.
Divine Assault (DP): A serious damage buff for all an ally's attacks until your next turn when you use your racial power. Very, very nice, especially if you've got, say, a Ranger in the party. Or a leader who likes enabling extra attacks.
Thirst for Battle (PHB2): +3 feat bonus to initiative (only 1 less than Improved Initiative) and an extra healing surge to boot make this a great feat for you.
Paragon Tier
Strength from Pain (PHB2): +5 extra damage until the end of your next turn after you're bloodied is nothing to sneeze at. Especially if you have a close burst attack or, somehow, a focus-fire multi-attack ready.
Epic Tier
Ferocious Critical (PHB2): A huge bonus to attack and damage until the end of your next turn when you score a crit. Awesome.
Heroic Tier
Action Surge (PHB): Still a good choice, make no mistake, but not nearly as crucial as it was earlier in 4e's lifespan. Versatile Expertise is far more important. You don't need to care about this one nearly as much as Leaders and multi-attacking Strikers do.
Sunspray Heritage (D 386): +2 feat bonus to Endurance and the encounter power that absorbs fire and radiant damage for healing is fair enough, but the real prize is the next branch of this feat tree.
Sunspray Warrior (D 386): This is the reason you're even taking Sunspray Heritage. The at-will attack from this feat, which replaces any one of your at-will powers, is a Radiant beauty with an attack debuff on an enemy hit by this that lasts until the start of your next turn. Sort of like Enfeebling Strike, but without the mark requirement, and allows you to use your best ability modifier (great for Straladins who want their own "Enfeebling Strike"). And, as mentioned, is Radiant, so Morninglords get to have even more fun. And to top it off, this feat also gives you a +1 to melee and ranged attacks while mounted, which could very well apply to you past mid-Heroic.
Heroic Tier
Clarity of Spirit (DP): Bastion of Mental Clarity triggers a healing surge in you or an ally. Nice.
Dual Mind Strength (D 385): Strictly better than Weapon Focus if you're using a
Githyanki Silver Sword.
Epic Tier
Quori Desperation (EPG): Buy yourself a round to heal and/or act when you would've been knocked out. Nice.
Heroic Tier
Bloodied Ferocity (PHB3): A free melee basic the first time you're bloodied every fight, a trigger that's pretty much always going to happen if you let it. Never pass up the opportunity for free attacks. And who cares if you give up combat advantage?
Paragon Tier
Beast Within (PHB3): Steal from the Dragonborn's arsenal and then some with this feat. +1 to hit and damage when you're bloodied. Great.
Epic Tier
Mythic Senses (PHB3): If you're trained in Perception somehow, take this one for sure.
Heroic Tier
Streak of Light (HotF): Pixies are most likely to be Chaladins, who aren't as likely to charge as their STR-based counterparts. But in case they need to charge with an Ardent Strike or Virtuous Strike, the free CA will definitely help.
Teeny Target (HotF): Put that Tiny size to good use and get partial cover for being in an ally's space. With a well supported mark, the extra defense you get from this can make the enemy's choices really disadvantageous.
Paragon Tier
Flitting Harrier (HotF): Entering and exiting enemies' spaces for free is great for you role. Mostly because now you flip the tables on your enemies, who have to shift twice to get out of your OA range.
Heroic Tier
Revenant's Challenge (D 380): Enforce necrotic vulnerability with your Divine Challenge. Might as well. Must worship the Raven Queen.
Heroic Tier
Psychic Focus (PHB3): Just like the Kalashtar's Dual Mind Strength, if you're using a
Githyanki Silver Sword, this is strictly better than Weapon Focus.
Paragon Tier
Healing Fragments (PHB3): Free WIS-mod healing for all allies within your telepathy range when you use a healing surge. Yes, that includes Lay on Hands and even Virtue.
Epic Tier
Telepathic Sustenance (PHB3): Certainly neat, and occasionally lifesaving.
Heroic Tier
Blessed Shifter (DP): Take the more general damage feats first, but with a good secondary Wisdom score, this one can set up some nice burst damage when using your Shifting power.
Paragon Tier
Beasthide Shifting (PHB2): Resist all 2 when you use your Shifting power. Nice.
Heroic Tier
Hellfire Blood (PHB): Only worth a look in
Epic Tier, which is when Flaming weapons actually become worth a damn (from Hell's Burning Mark).
Imperious Majesty (D 381): Charisma for initiative instead of DEX. No Tiefling Chaladin should ever, EVER go without this one. It's better than Battlewise for you and will obviously fit a wider range of Chaladin builds. And just like Battlewise builds, you can dump DEX instead of INT and have a not-as-sorry Religion skill.
Wrath of the Crimson Legion (D 381): Charisma for your MBAs (full damage included, unlike Melee Training), which means you can take another at-will in place of Virtuous Strike. But probably the best part is replacing your Infernal Wrath with a close burst 5 mass-DS power in Paladin's Wrath. Paladin's Wrath is hands-down the better power for your role, so consider this mandatory.
Paragon Tier
Dispater's Iron Discipline (PHR:T): CHA-modifier bonus to your personal saves against the three heavy hitters (daze, stun, dominate). A definite auto-pick. And the synergy with the Hero's Poise/Superior Will combo is simply delicious.
Epic Tier
Hell's Burning Mark (PHR:T): Your marks make enemies vulnerable to your Fire attacks. If you ever wanted to use a Flaming weapon, this is the feat that makes it worth your while.
Heroic Tier
Warforged Tactics (EPG): Good to consider after the Expertise feats. An extra +1 to attack an enemy next to an ally in melee.
Heroic Tier
Burden of Guardianship (PHB3): A solid amount of temp HPs when you use your racial power and an ally is near.
Burden of Rejuvenation (PHB3): A free Lay on Hands-style effect on an unconscious ally when you use your racial power.
Improved Aspect of Nature (PHB3): Decent benefits on the two aspects you're likely to use most often. The
Pursuit of the Hunter benefit is actually quite good.
Divinity feats
Core deities
Armor of Bahamut (PHB): Only a few monsters have crits you really need to worry about, and they don't happen often enough to make this worth it, anyway.
Avandra's Rescue (PHB): Switch places with an adjacent ally as a move action. Generally not too useful.
Corellon's Grace (PHB): As an immediate interrupt, you can take a move action of any sort when someone uses an action point. This can be an ally or an enemy. This one can be pretty useful.
Harmony of Erathis (PHB): Not bad. The range is huge, so someone is likely to get the +2 power bonus to an attack.
In Death, Life (D 381): Must worship the Raven Queen. Essentially gives you a Lay on Hands-type effect to use as a close burst 3 free action when you bloody or kill an enemy. Can be handy.
Ioun's Poise (PHB): Huge bonus to Will defense for you or an ally. Decent.
Kord's Favor (PHB): Trigger a healing surge when the target (you or an ally) crits. Too situational.
Melora's Tide (PHB): Tier-scaling regeneration for you or an ally when bloodied that lasts until the end of the encounter or until no longer bloodied. This one's nice. It's useful out-of-combat as well when someone needs healing from the brink of death, reducing the number of healing surges they need to use.
Moradin's Resolve (PHB): Good one. You'll fight plenty of things bigger than you, so that +2 untyped bonus to attacks will see a lot of action. But only take it after the Expertise feats.
Pelor's Radiance (PHB): It is better than any of the anti-undead Divinity powers you could pick up from other classes with Versatile Channeler. Not that it's too much of a compliment. A WIS-heavy Paladin in an undead-heavy campaign might pick this up, but that's about it.
Raven Queen's Blessing (PHB): Trigger a healing surge in you or an ally for killing something. Has a greater range than In Death, Life from the same deity, but if used on an ally requires him to use his own healing surge. It's also ranged as opposed to burst, which means you can draw OAs from using it. Overall, not as good as In Death, Life.
Sehanine's Reversal (PHB): This power just isn't going to get triggered often.
Anthem of Civilization (DP): Extra attack bonus for you or an ally if they're in a flank. Not bad.
Arcana Ward (DP): With all the more general resistances your class can get, this situational one is diminishing returns.
Creation Secret (DP): 55% chance of not expending an item's daily power when you use it. This one's nice.
Cycle of Change (DP): You already have access to a Lv. 2 utility that does exactly this if you wanted it.
Darkness Consumes (DP): You and adjacent allies get concealment for a round. Decent.
Death Knell (DP): This one can really come in handy. Like when you think your attack almost killed an enemy, then use this minor action afterwards to finish the job. And if you guessed wrong, you get to use another Divinity power in the encounter. A good deal.
Divine Excellence (DP): Not bad in skill challenges.
Earth Hold (DP): The only case where this might ever be useful is in a very narrow corridor. Avoid.
Fate Rolls On (DP): Used either to screw over an enemy further for failing a save, or to help an ally's next save for making one. Solid.
Grasp of the Wild (DP): Create a 3x3 area of difficult terrain for a round. Pretty situational. Good in a corridor but not much else.
Hope Remains (DP): For you or an ally, +2 power bonuses to saves, attacks and defenses after getting knocked out. Not bad.
Immediate Justice (DP): An immediate reaction to an enemy knocking out your ally. Stack this on top of any divine mark damage that may have happened. This is one you hope you never have to use, but it's not bad.
Imminent Luck (DP): If you plan on taking an Avenger multiclass feat, you would do well to consider this one. The fairly rare Elf Paladin might also look at this.
Loving Sacrifice (DP): You take some of the damage your ally took as an immediate interrupt. Sort of a per-encounter, single-instance, lower-grade Divine Bodyguard effect. Except using this one isn't likely to screw you over. Still somewhat situational, but it's not bad.
Master of Tyranny (DP): Bonus to attacks but only against bloodied enemies. A little too situational, especially in the face of the Expertise feats and other, more high-priority feats that give attack bonuses.
Moon Touched (DP): An interesting, but not particularly effective, healing power.
Original Poison (DP): You're not likely to have poison powers, nor are you likely to wield a poison weapon.
Path of Destruction (DP): Use this on daily powers and certain encounter powers, those with several and/or large dice for the damage. Straladins with two-handers are the most likely to make use of this.
Path of Freedom (DP): This one just won't see a whole lot of use.
Path of War (DP): Give your allies a +2 untyped bonus to attack at the cost of a -2 to their defenses for a round. If you're trying to kill an enemy or two fast, this is a good, all-purpose power to use on the party.
Path of Winter (DP): Good against enemies with cold attacks, but how many of those do you plan to fight?
Perfect Torment (DP): Follow up that AoE save-ends power you just cast with this minor-action burst 5 and make it more difficult for the enemies to end your effect.
Pulse of Life (DP): Another power you hope you never have to use, but it sure is handy when you need it.
Screaming Madness (DP): Straladins have a few Fear powers, so they may look at this.
Sea Surge (DP): Meh.
Small Vengeance (DP): Immediate reaction free damage against an enemy who bloodies you. Decent.
Solar Enemy (DP): Create or increase radiant vulnerability until the end of your next turn. Awesome for a nova round with Radiant powers or Bless Weapon. True story: This power's effects used to last forever.
Storm Sacrifice (DP): A fine complement to the Storm domain feat, or a Lightning Weapon. You can do some solid damage with this.
Strength of the Gods (DP): Basically, give the benefit of your Divine Strength to an ally, instead. Not bad.
Sudden Strife (DP): A huge attack debuff to two enemies near each other. Nice one.
Sure Knowledge (DP): Reroll a knowledge check, or let an ally do the same. Not bad in skill challenges.
Sure Protection (DP): This one's pretty good, especially if someone (you or an ally) is a Dwarf. +3 power bonus to all defenses after a second wind.
Trickster's Fortune (DP): Nice one. Penalize an enemy's save and if it fails, you or an ally gets a save.
Undeath's Ally (DP): Basically an enhanced Virtue, but cast on an ally. Use it on an ally whom you expect to take some damage, such as a melee Striker or Leader. It gives that ally the same proactive healing, up-front durability effect Virtue gives to yourself, which is just very, very good.
Forgotten Realms
Angharradh's Favor (FRPG): Not a bad one to use when multiple party members are under save-ends effects. It costs no action to use, which really helps.
Berronar's Salve (FRPG): Trigger a healing surge in an ally when he drops. Simple, and handy.
Blessing of Silvanus (FRPG): A piddly healing bonus. Just not worth it.
Chauntea's Blessing (FRPG): Let an ally reroll a failed saving throw with a +4 bonus. This one is great, especially since it costs no action to use. This one can even trigger if you're stunned, something even Divine Mettle can't boast.
Eyes of Selune (FRPG): This one's for you, a reroll of a failed saving throw that's not an action. Good, and even better with Hero's Poise.
Fleetness of Mielikki (FRPG): Extra speed and ignoring of difficult terrain for a round or two. Not bad. If you're somehow trained in Acrobatics by Epic Tier, retrain this for Unfettered Stride.
Glittergold's Gambit (FRPG): Grant your ally a reroll of an attack or skill check. Powerful in both combat and in skill challenges.
Gond's Craft (FRPG): You're not going to make too many direct attacks with item powers.
Ilmater's Martyrdom (FRPG): Again, only a few enemies you'll fight have crits you need to worry about, and they don't come up often enough to justify spending a feat on powers like this.
Kelemvor's Judgment (FRPG): Anti-undead blast attack. The attack can use your highest mental stat, but Wisdom always determines the damage. Only useful in an undead-heavy campaign, but at least it's good for that.
Oghma's Recall (FRPG): Knowledge checks usually aren't your job.
Power of Amaunator (FRPG): Extra damage boost to a Radiant attack. Decent.
Righteous Rage of Tempus (FRPG): This one used to be even more devastating. Even in its current form, it's great. Extra normally crit-only damage on a normal hit, and maximize a crit.
Sheela Peryroyl's Gift (FRPG): You already have a much better version of this. It's called Divine Mettle.
Sune's Touch (FRPG): Not quite Glittergold's Gambit for the same situations. But not bad, either.
Torm's Justice (FRPG): Power bonus to attack rolls only against bloodied enemies. There are several other attack-enhancement feats you should be considering before this one.
Tymora's Coin (FRPG): Triggers on a natural 1 or a natural 20 for an attack roll or a saving throw. Assuming a 10-round encounter, this one is bound to trigger sometime if you believe in the law of averages. And the effect is quite nice, allowing you to roll an attack or a save twice and keep the better result. Good for making up for a 1 or capitalizing further on a crit.
Waukeen's Silver Tongue (FRPG): Reroll a conversation skill check with a +5 power bonus. Good for those types of skill challenges.
Ancenstral Guidance (EPG): Decent in skill challenges.
Arawai's Abundance (EPG): Basic healing spell with a +2 power bonuses to defenses after. It's there if you need to take on more of the healing burden.
Aureon's Instruction (EPG): Knowledge check reroll. Meh, that's usually not your job.
Balinor's Prey (EPG): A Hunter's Quarry-esque, tier-scaling damage bonus to the next hit the enemy takes. This hit can come from anyone before the end of your next turn, not just you. Not bad.
Beacon of Dol Arrah (EPG): Not really worth it. Only useful at all on a radiant power involving a lot of large damage dice, like a daily.
Boldrei's Shelter (EPG): An all-purpose +2 power bonus to all defenses for you and allies next to you for a round. Good.
Kol Korran's Boon (EPG): This one's excellent. Let none of the healing from a power go to waste. If someone is only slightly wounded, use this with Lay on Hands, for example, and give your ally a healthy amount of temp HPs.
Light Within (EPG): Sort of a ranged Lay on Hands effect. In practice it'll only affect one ally most of the time. Still pretty solid. You should consider it more strongly if you didn't take Lay on Hands.
Might of Dol Dorn (EPG): Tier-scaling amount of temp HPs when you hit with an attack. Pretty good.
Onatar's Gift (EPG): An encounter you won't use this is an encounter you didn't miss. This can set up some good burst damage from someone when that happens.
Shield of the Silver Flame (EPG): Limited saving throw trigger. Not really worth it.
Sovereign Justice (EPG): Give an ally some temp HPs, tier-scaling, if you get hit. Solid defender application.
Traveler's Gift (EPG): Uh, no. Close burst 3, allies shift one square is not worth giving up a standard action to attack.
Undying's Command (EPG): It's definitely great against undead, being domination and all. But like all anti-undead powers, it's useless otherwise.
Eberron Dragonmark feats
Mark of Healing (EPG): Saves attached to all your healing powers. Good one, indeed.
Mark of Storm (EPG): Slide an enemy a square every time you hit with a Thunder or Lightning power. A Lightning Weapon or Power of the Storm is going to make this one sing, plus your class itself has some encounter and daily powers with those keywords.
Mark of Warding (EPG): Gods, you just can't get much better than this. Extra +1 on powers that grant defense bonuses, and your marks penalize by -3 now. While certain Eberron Paladins can make the case for Healing or Storm over this one, that's only a select few. Everyone else should take this.