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Piratecat Comics & MnM presents six issues of Code-4: Reunion (updated 4/06)


First Post
Vargo said:
You guys are missing out - it's a SWEET system.
I've only played Torg twice, both at con games. Both times I've resorted to the worst kind of female behavior. I roleplayed my heart out, and everytime some kind of interaction with the rules was required, I'd roll my dice, turn to the guy next to me, bat my lashes and say "Did I hit?" The system reduced me to that.

I'm almost ashamed of myself. But I did win the tables.

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Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Nobody else has mentioned it yet, but I love the characterisation of 9-L as a reckless guy... because heck, he knows he's going to recover from whatever happens, so why not?

Omnibot V... purely co-incidence, or did someone watch the Incredibles recently? :)


Thanks for the kind words.

What you're reading so far is the prep material I had prepared for doing character introductions with each player. I only had a chance to go over some of it in-game due to time constraints, so I wanted to post the rest here as a way of introducing the characters. It seemed more "comic-y" than posting character stats, which is something you'll never find in a comic book.

Speaking of which. . .


AGONY'S GAMBIT: Issue 1, Chapter 5

The Neptune Dance Bar
Midtown, Freedom City

“You can tell a lot about a man by his wist wrach. . . wrist watch.” The unsteady blonde corrected herself carefully, this time enunciating every syllable in her thick Bronx accent. She smiled crookedly at the gentleman sitting at the bar next to her and took another large swallow from her third drink. Tendrils of curly hair slipped down into her eyes.

“Is that so?” The handsome man with the brown hair ostentatiously put both hands underneath the lip of the bar. “Tell me, what kind of watch do you think I have?” His grin was challenging and flirtatious.

The blond put an unsteady finger to her red lips and considered. “Well, Andy, I’d normally think that you may have one of those really big Rolexes. . .” Something subtle flickered around the bar, and hidden from sight the man felt something heavy drop into his palm. He surreptitiously slipped the band around his left wrist. “But the only men who have those are trying to compensate for something, if you know what I mean.” With a tiny roll of his eyes, the man cupped his hand over the heavy watch now adorning his wrist. He pulled his hand away and the watch had become a razor-thin Pulsar.

“Wrong,” he said, pulling out this hand to show the woman. Her eyes widened at the sight of the expensive watch.

“Omigod! It’s beautiful!” Then she frowned. “Hey, it’s not working,” she said. The man barely even checked.

“Is that so?” His brown eyes twinkled disarmingly. “That must be because when I’m with you, Amy. . .”


“. . .Angie, time seems to stand still.” Then his eyes caught the clock hanging over the bar.

“Drat. Nevertheless, I have to be somewhere. I’m sorry to have to leave you so soon after we met. These last fifteen minutes have been precious to me.”

The woman squinted through her alcoholic haze. “You aren’t going to meet another woman, are you?”

The man paused for a minute as he thought of the first time he had seen Wave. Then he shook his head slightly, like a dog shaking off water. “Will you please take care of my drink?” He reaches out one hand and smoothly drew a perfect red rose from behind the tipsy woman’s ear. She raised one hand to her mouth in surprise.

“Are you some kind of magician?”

He looked back at her over his shoulder. “Something like that.”

Fifteen minutes, Anderson Daley stepped out of the Freedom Transit System into the dark and littered streets of Southside. The night air seemed cold after the warmth of the subway. He stepped into an alley and held out both hands; a mask fell into them. He ran one hand down the front of his clothing, and under his touch the fabric shifted into a different color and material.

It had been Anderson Daley who walked into the alley, but it was The Reformer who emerged.

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AGONY'S GAMBIT: Issue 1, Chapter 6

Magetti’s Bar
Southside, Freedom City

Much too fast, Nine Lives roared down the block and into a parking space in front of Magetti’s. The car thumped over the curb onto the sidewalk and clipped a light pole before finally shuddering to a halt. Rubbing his forehead where it had bounced off the steering wheel, Nine Lives hoisted himself out of the car just in time to see a huge black sphere rumbled up Delano Street. Nine Lives watched it with catlike intensity. The sphere thundered towards him and bounced into the air, five legs snapping out of it as it crashed into the pavement.

“9-L.” The voice coming from the robot sounded slightly tinny. “Good to see you again. It’s been too long.”

Nine Lives looked surprised. “Dr. Arkham? I recognize the voice, but. . .” He waved a hand vaguely, and the robot chuckled metallically.

“A little precaution. I don’t go out much after Black Apollo and Bloodmoon hurt me so badly five years ago. This is the Omnibot V, and it can serve as my eyes and ears.”

“Glad to hear it.” Nine Lives turned to open the door of Magetti’s, and hesitated when he realized that the Omnibot was too large to fit through the door without knocking a hole through the wood.

“Ah,” said the Omnibot. He sounded nonplussed.

“Well, we can’t have the meeting outside.”

“Allow me,” said an unfamiliar voice. The Reformer strolled around the corner, cape snapping in the light breeze. He walked to the open door and placed his hands on either side of the doorframe. The wood began to wobble. “Rubber,” he said with a jerk of his thumb. “Go on through.”

“Thank you,” crackled the Omnibot V. The doorframe stretched as the warbot pushed through it. It snapped back to wood with a simple gesture from the man outside.

The inside of the bar now seemed crowded, although any room with Boulder in it would feel that way. Six heroes stood and caught up with one another as the bartender locked the door and lowered the blinds. Drinks were poured and a tray of sandwiches brought out. Introductions were made.

“Unusually warm weather we’re having,” hazarded the Omnibot. The Eternal Sentinel smiled thinly.

“Expect Freedom City to become a very pleasant place to live,” said the gray-haired man. He rubbed his short beard and indicated Wave, sitting cross-legged on her hovering surfboard next to them.

“How so?” asked the Omnibot. It shifted on its flexible metal legs.

“I didn’t know I had superpowers until recently,” said Wave. “You ever hear of San Viator, California?”

“Sure,” said Omnibot, “but I don’t recall why. I’m pulling it up. . . ah, yes. Until recently, it had the best weather and best surfing in the entire continental United States. Off every single statistical chart when it first began to improve about ten years ago.” The robot’s glowing red eye regarded Wave impassively. “Ah. I see.”

“That’s how they found me. It was a nice place to grow up,” said Wave. “The tourist board in San Viator is probably glad I didn’t like snow shoeing.”

Across the room, Nine Lives threw back another drink which didn’t seem to affect him one bit. “So, do you have any powers other than being most eligible meta-bachelor of 2002?” He raised an eyebrow at the Reformer, whose gaze kept slipping over to Wave.

The Reformer refocused on the heroes around him. “Sure. I can create things.”

Boulder frowned. “Like drinks?”

“Nah, not food. More like walls. Or Hondas. Or dishwashers. You know, things that hurt when they hit you.” Everyone in the small conversation circle nodded their heads knowingly. “I can also reshape existing things, but it’s a little limited.”

“Fair enough. That must be handy.”

“It has its advantages. I know about Boulder, but what about you? I’ve got to say the press just loves you, but I’ve never seen an exposé. Right now, I’m figuring that your specialty is lousy driving.”

Nine Lives looked down at the claws strapped to the back of his dark gloves before answering. “I’m hard to hurt.”

The Reformer looked doubtful. “That’s a super-power?”

Boulder laughed grittily and crumpled an empty beer can in one huge fist. “Trust me on this one, kid.”

As the groups mingled, the Reformer strolled over next to where Wave balanced mid air. His gaze worked its way across her body. “Hey, babe. You’re looking good. I haven’t seen you since that casino job, and you never took me up on the offer of a date. How are Torpor, Jawbone, and Tempest? They haven’t been in the papers for ages.”

She shrugged. “I have no idea. They’ve dropped out of sight. They’re probably on vacation with the Freedom League.” Wave looked at him in irritation. “The casino job? You mean the one where you tried to burn down and rob the Paradise? If I remember correctly, you were working for that little weasel Action Jack before we stopped you. You, the Turtle, Chupacabra, Firebug, that bitch with all the mirrors. . .”

“Looking Glass.” The Reformer smiled with the memory. “Horribly vain, but boy, she was gorgeous.”

“Hardly. She was a skank.” Wave snorted. “With the number of mirrors she broke, I bet she’s going to have lots of years of bad luck.”

“Just seven to fourteen, I think, with time off for good behavior.”

“Remind me, why didn’t we arrest you afterwards?”

The Reformer held out both hands, as if begging her to slap on a pair of handcuffs. “Hey, now. I was only in it for the girl. After you guys took her out, I clearly saw which way the land lay and was honored to come over to the side of truth and justice. I’m just sorry the Turtle escaped. He has it in for me now. I think he’s slow to forgive a grudge.”

The Eternal Sentinel walked over and looked him up and down with glowing eyes. “You used to be a villain?”

“Hey,” said the Reformer with an easy smile and a shrug, “I reformed.”

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AGONY'S GAMBIT: Issue 1, Chapter 7

Magetti’s Bar
Southside, Freedom City

At the head of the room, a stranger cleared his throat. The man had slick black hair and heavy horn rimmed glasses. His conservative suit and tiny radio earpiece clearly marked him as a federal agent. “Thank you for coming, everyone. Two people are missing; Rubber Band is dealing with a problem down in Tennessee, and Neutrino is believed to be dealing with a radioactive menace in the Ukraine. They’ll be briefed separately.” The man cleared his throat again.

“I’m Agent Robert Morrison of AEGIS, the American Elite Government Intervention Service and the agency which coordinates law-enforcement efforts against super-powered threats. On behalf of Director Powers and myself, I’d like to welcome you here today. Food and drink are on the house, so help yourself.

“As you may know, we’re facing a bit of a crisis here. We believe the Atom family is off in another dimension somewhere. We have no idea where the Freedom League is; they could be in Timbuktu or the N-Zone, but they aren’t here where we need them. We’ve had a few problems here in Freedom City that have been handled by individual heroes, inexperienced groups like Next-Gen or well-equipped agents. We can’t count on that, because it’s only a matter of time until something emerges that they can’t deal with. I’m here to say that we’d like to bring back Code-4, and we’d like each of you to be a member.”

The room was silent except for Boulder grinding two fingers together.

“Several of you were associated with the previous incarnation of Code-4: Dr. Oliver Arkham, now acting through the latest generation cybernetic marvel of the Omnibot V. Boulder, the Eternal Sentinel, Nine Lives, Rubber Band. Some of you are new, and selected for your skills and potential: Wave, Neutrino, and the Reformer. Accept our offer and you’ll have full government support. You’ll even have back your old island headquarters, The Fortress, brought out of mothballs and revamped with the latest in technology.”

Morrison suddenly stopped and held a finger to the radio in his ear. He spun and pointed to the silent TV set over the bar. “We’ve got a Code-4 at WNTW in midtown that’s just getting patched through to me now. Vinnie, turn the TV on to channel 3!”

Vinnie reached up and flipped the switch. The picture rolled once in a burst of static before fading in to show an attractive but clearly upset newscaster sitting behind a generic channel 3 news desk. She looked like she has been crying. The TV’s color balance appeared to be off slightly, as the woman had a slightly green skin tone. The picture rolled again, and Vinnie slapped the bottom of the set until it stopped.

The sound was tinny, emerging through low-fidelity speakers. “This is Amy Feng coming to you from a remote broadcasting facility in Freedom City. I’m about to show you a clip filmed not fifteen minutes ago for Channel 3’s Nine o’clock News. We warn you, this clip is not for children or the squeamish. Please ask children to leave the room. Emergency personnel are on their way to the scene you are about to see.”

The picture shifted to show the Channel 3 News Logo, then focused in on two well-known newscasters. Both lolled back in their chairs, green mist scudding around their unmoving forms. Blood trickled from sunken eyes. Both were clearly dead.

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