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Planar Invasion!!!


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The day of the invasion to a month after, the PCs might be able to find and destroy the means of entry into this world. As for a year after? No idea. A decade later, the world is going to have changed, and there are going to be a _lot_ of dissatisfied devils running around. Inspire a revolution, maybe. Also, for the first month, and maybe up to six, the invaders are going to building up a beach head, so to speak, and if you can push them out of that, the chances of victory and defense go up considerably.

Later, perhaps something is tying the invaders to this world. Find that thing, and deal with it. It could be an object, a creature, an angry god, whatever. The PCs should be able to do something about the situation, or trigger a chain of events that can snowball into pushing the invaders out. In history, people only notice the spark that starts wars (ie: Princip killing Ferdinand), but not the real cause (the secret alliances criscrossing Europe and German restlessness), at least on the surface. Make the PCs a background cause, and send them on a quest to spark the counter-invasion. Fory, fifty years later might also be a fun placement for this campaign.

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How would PC's act, and what could they do, the day of an invasion, a month later, a year later, and a decade later?

In days long past 'The Dreamers' saw the many paths that may come to be. Strongly among them echoed warnings of foul happenings, brought to their descendants by 'Those Who Do Not Belong'. As time passed the ripples of what was to come grew stronger, and 'Those Who Know' began to pay heed. In those times the Order was founded. Quietly they prepared for the Coming, amidst the skepticism of many; but their acts in the world garnered respect even from those who did not believe. When the time came the Order was as prepared as they could hope to be, and enlisted 'The Able' to wield the common cause.

In the first days much that was of beauty was lost, the dreadful impact not even permitting those present to recoil in horror before the end. The Order learnt quickly of the onslaught and mustered all 'The Able' in those first weeks, to hold the tide that threatened to engulf them.

Soon thereafter, even the indifferent among the Immortal were forced to take note, and cast their lots with those they favored best. It was then that the full force of 'The Faithful' came to bear, while 'The Forgotten' began their journey on the path that would lead to their doom.

From among the four corners 'The Great' arose in anger at the audacity of 'Those Who Do Not Belong' and wielded the mighty weapons bestown upon them by the Order, or earnt, by their own might, and wrought havoc upon the enemy. Great battles fought and lost, the songs of 'The Great' that you have heard many times.

Amidst Beauty's Ruin the last of 'Those Who Do Not Belong' were run to ground, and met their end, though the cost was dear. It was then that the shattered remnants of 'The Dreamers', 'Those Who Know', the Order, 'The Able', The Faithful', and 'The Great' gathered at Beauty's Ruin and together sealed the lands from further incursions.

In times before such travels were easily made, though the danger now apparent. Now all such travels must pass through 'The Halls of the Watchful', to our mutual benifit.


First Post
Surely, heroic mortals must be able to fight the odds by themselves. Perhaps the discovery of some sort of artifact might be in order?
-- ax0n
The Windswept Hills were not always as they are now, farms and thickets adorned them in days now lost.

It was there that the Horde were surrounded by an undefeatable force of 'Those Who Do Not Belong'. Though the Horde was not the most liked among the armies of the lands, they fought well and bravely.

There, among the hills they selected one, known now as Windsheart, to make their final mark upon the encompassing enemy. Their leader was counted among 'The Great' and had travelled wherever the winds lead him in kinder days. Prized among his posessions was his horn, and rightly so, for it held great magics within it, and was a boundless peer on the fields.

After great din and clash, few remained, perched atop their grassy knoll. It was then that the horn was uncapped, and given wind. He invoked the Pact.

One of the Six sang then.

Silence reigned for a moment, and the Horn was passed to the Standard Bearer, so that he would be immune to what would follow, and could recount the tale of their falling.

Then the winds screamed their aweful chorus in response, and rent all that lay in its path, indifferent to the causes held to.

When even the whispers of the wind had subsided, nothing remained for miles, save the Standard Bearer. Gone were the farms, the trees, the soil, and the armies. The rock itself had been scoured smooth.

The Leader of the Horde honoured his part of the Pact. And so he fell, fulfilling is birth augury that he would be sung to sleep by wind itself.

It is said of the Standard Bearer that the wind was always behind him as he travelled, for the remainder of his days. Some attributed it to his posession of the Horn, others to a blessing, for few have listened to the winds in that manner and lived to tell of it.
[To be done: Stat out the horn -- artifact. Deal with effect of a Pact.]

Voidrunner's Codex

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