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[Planescape] Coils Within Coils


Ronthias looks around for a moment, patting some ash and soot off of his clothes. He turns back to see Halidon looking slightly singed, a curl of smoke rising from his shoulder. "Heh," mutters Ronthias. "It seems Bitter Ebony tried to close the portal on us while we were midway through. A moment more and we would have been cooked like his turtles."

Ronthias points off into the distance, indicating the soft purple light ahead. "Do you see that? A violet spark no bigger and no brighter than a lost star in the sky. That's our destination. Keep your mind focused on it and your body moving forward."

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First Post
"Yes Master."

Halidon turns his considerable concentration on the point of glowing light, and wills himself in that direction.

Shoel Sweeny

First Post
Aki and Saelya, Prophayts
[sblock]Aki's attention is caught up by the swarm, so entranced is the neraphim that he may only perform partial actions. Saelya overpowers the hypnotic effect of the light and can do as she pleases for now.[/sblock]

New hues vibrate and dance within the radiance, burning and mixing in a fascinating pattern that causes all to turn in awe towards the land devouring light. Humanoid shapes now seem to twist and tumble beyond the veil, they beckon watchers into their inferno pagent.

The young guns of the order slowly and inexolerably move towards the sheet of yellow light, fascination etched deep in their faces. The one nearest the light, a githyanki vash who had abandonded his people during the death of Vlaakith, moves furthest to the shimmering border and takes a deep meaningful glance at his fellows aruond him. Without further warning he plunges his hand into the light, shreiking and shaking in seeming ...ecstasy? The primewalker slowly draws out his hand, now burned off to a stump above the wrist, charred and glittering up to his elbow, and propels both his legs forward, face first, into the phenomenon. His death theors are exultant beyond the shimmering border.

The shock of the githyanki's scream seems to wake the staring bunck out of their funk, and seemingly not a moment to soon. From where their fallen expidition member put his hand into the light now opens a hole, flaping about like a silk garmet caught and held by Pandemonium. Coming from inside the tear, the buzzing begins once again twice as loud as before, and from there glowing yellow and red insects swarm out, millions of them clawing and tearing through the hole and into the courtyard like flies from a corpse. The radiant mantis like creatures rise into the air as a cloud of uncountable numbers, as the stream continues to grow some shake off the effects of the creatures dance, seeing the danger for the first time. A cry of warning and despair rings up thourghout the assembly, some volunteers running back towards the portal while others simply stare at the mass of congealing insects in stupified awe. From the way the swarm is agitating you have maybe moments before the mantis's fall upon the expidition like fire from on high.

[sblock]That's an opportunity for a new save for Aki. The portal back to Sigil is approximately two kilometers from your current location. The depths of the caves beneath you could provide shelter from the swarm or lead you to the portal faster then taking the twisting streets of the uppper village. Then again, there's a chance you could get caught up in a dead end, alone but for the buzzing of the sunflies.[/sblock]

Dog Moon

"I was wondering what would happen if someone stuck there hand in," Saelya muses as the Githyanki sticks his hand into the light. As she begins to see the bugs, she turns to the entranced Aki. "Time to return to Sigil," she says, knowing that she is unable to fight this strange phenomenon. Saelya slaps Aki, trying to 'wake' her, as she begins to run through the streets towards the portal.

Shoel Sweeny

First Post
Magnus of Sigil, City of the same name, and of Doors

Sigil at night, at this hour, was a madcap of streets and avenues and portals. Haze and smok and off white lights that sour and obscure thought as well as vision. For newcomers to the cage, for the Golden Lords stuck up in their thorned towers and the ragpickers deep in the barrens and despair of the Hive, it's a tangled mess of morality and direction unassailable, but for Magnus this is just another trip downtown. By torchlight and guile the mercenary makes his way to Fortunes Wheel in the Ladys Ward.

The guard, a lone indep or maybe sodkiller looking bored and a little moist in the fog turns as you approach, one look at you and he's rapped twice on the door before him, then touched a frogs leg to the wood. A portal springs up between the inch crevice of bounded space between the door frame and the window. The doorman whispers private room before waving you through.

Mei-Ying, A very tumultuous event in the Hall of Speakers

Relax girl, I'm trying to keep you from biting the iron. I'm a friend of a friend of a one Seeker Ungol, he told me you were coming to roost and might need a hand getting out of whatever poor business you'd find yourself in, and this looks bad enough to me.

The speaker, quite definatley a male of low caste, spins around at your tug. The man has a mop of tusseled dark brown hair and is dressed in leather hides, sharkskin, and buckles. A siangham and morningstar rest at oppisite places on his hip, sandals cover his suprisingly manicured toes. Given his rogueish smile he could be anything from a street thug to disgraced Ronin. Now that you're (temporarily) out of danger he lets go and motions you towards the exit, now only mostly crowded over with peoples and not so peoples of all kinds.

You really did come at a bad time, the Hall ain't always this bad. Y'see we're in the middle of organizing a new Sigil calendar what with the ah...recent events. It might be the sodkillers month, or so that was the plan untill a Tanaari warband gated in and decided this was their day, and naturally the Xaositects decided today was Xaos day, and you can imagine how those go over. Anyway, I'm taking you to The Imaginary Meal as a favor for Duhrnquest Peelhollow, a mutual friend of Ungol. Said he had information you might be intrested in.

The man begins to jaunt towards the exit, but with an afterthought tosses his head back and waves you forward.

Name's Cosh By the Way. Ranger of the Planes extrodinaire, occasional tout to the clueless

Cosh turns back to the exit his steps quick and light despite the crowd; going just slow enough that you'll be able to catch him among the ruckus, albeit barely. Only a few bodies behind you the sounds of battle are heating up, you can hear a clash of metal on metal.

Halidon and Ronthias, Grand Gymnasium

The comlex is eerily silent as you approach the grounds. Though you expect the lack of gaurds, the obvious lack of any activity at all is unsettling. Any other night, even this late, the Gym would be practically fluid with Ciphers and anyone attempting to attune their mind and body. Instead you find empty halls and echoless corridors. You can feel it in the air the same way you can expect the next chord of a harmony, even to a song you've never heard. The Gym is empty because it must be empty, no one is here because none must see what transpires, each soul knows this as surely as it hears the cadence. You follow staircase after staircase, emptying your mind as all Ciphers must to navigate the instinct guided tunnels of the Gymnasiums upper levels. When at last you stop, by intuition rather then exhaustion, you see the Chairwoman standing before a the door to the Eastern Terrace, a purple candle held in her right hand. Rhys is tall with billowing (even in absence of wind) black hair and the flowing robes of a monk. She has elvish ears and the shins and feat of a cloven goat. At first glance she seems somewhere between exotically beautiful and woefully alien. It is her gaze; focused, demure, and solemn, which reminds you why she is held in such awe by so much of Sigil. The Lady Factol bows once, curtly but with respect, to Ronthias.

Welcome back master Ronthias. Vash the Taciturn is sick, this way. He spoke your apprentices name in his madness, can you or Halidon explain this?


Magnus enjoyed these forays into during anti-peak, the smog and lights addled most berks, but such distractions did not pierce the indomitable well of energy within him, for the progress by which he experimented in his life was unending and distractions were of the weak willed.

Waving aside the guard with a jerk of his head, wavering sod he thought of the unbecoming member of the herd, he stepped through the portal.


Welcome back master Ronthias. Vash the Taciturn is sick, this way. He spoke your apprentices name in his madness, can you or Halidon explain this?

Ronthias also bows, smiling as he does so. "While I have my...suspicions, Rhys," Ronthias says, with a brief glance at Halidon, "I would prefer to wait and hear what Vash has to say, and not pollute our discussion with my surely flawed understandings."


First Post
A dozen questions instantly fought for the right to spill from Mei-Ying's mouth, but with discipline and will she swallowed them and smoothed her visage to proper serenity, even in the face of such chaos. Even so, as...Cosh was it?...mentioned the Seeker's name, she could not help but furtively adjust her silk robe and gown, to make sure it had not caught or torn in the confusion. It wouldn't do to make a bad impression so soon.

She hurried after the 'ranger of the planes,' and asked, slightly out of breath, "Are you also of the Mind's Eye?"

Shoel Sweeny

First Post
Aki and Saelya, Prophayat

The slap to Aki wakes him from his funk, jolting the neraphim into action. A small red bead shoots out from somewhere on your left, blossoming into a fire ball and droping some of the swarm into small charred bits on the sandstone pavilion. It's too little too late to stop the swarm however, as many more the buzzing creatures push through the now swelling curtain. A scream comes up from somewhere, and things start to get blurry as the sunflies begin to mow down on the group; some awaken and begin to run towards the portal back to Sigil while others stay behind, caught up in fatal enrapturement. As you turn to run you can hear the githyanki's bones clink as they hit the ground, you can imagine them picked clean and shining white as you run.

You dash on haphazard, caught up in the crowd and the terror of the danger behind you. Avenues snake and twist as you pound your feet hard into the ground, desperate to get away. Behind you the buzzing grows ever louder as more and more of your fellow expidtion members caught under the swarm. As those too slow to cath up are devoured others move into the mobs path to join the retreat, eventually the entire company is following close at your heels or only a few paces ahead of you.

The humanoid stampede eventually becomes more organized as higher rank and more level headed guild members move into the fray and lead the expidition into the portal house, a sealed iron building which looks quite capable of keeping out the insectoid wave. Most of the expidion, thirty stong after all is said and done, begin organizing themselves into groups and taking the portal back into Sigil. The building you find yourelf in resembles a guard tower with battlements multiple levels of battlements lining the walls, as if it was built to defend against the inside of the tower. Well crafted paintings in an expressionist style line each level of the battlements, any of them looks as if they'd fetch a good price at an art gallery across any of the planes. Your turn at the portal isn't up for a couple minuets, leaving you to decide how to spend your time.

Magnus, an undisclosed location

The portal whisks you off to what looks like some sort of event area. A long table seven foot tall, piled high with...some undescernible something, smelling like a Brothel on Curst... takes up most of the space while your fashionably attiered employer directs a mob of tieflings to walk about the tables surface, securing straps and ropes and buckles as Colook, Shemeska's lead man, holds a mirror up for the Yugoloth to readjust her razorvine crown. A smile like a fox on fresh rabbit corpse stretches tight across her muzzle as you step from the portal. Her voice is velvet soft and low, with a slight hiss of Hadesian accent.

"Magnus, sweetie darling how pleasent of you to come, I do know this meeting is of suuuch short notice. Our after-sup snack of information is right this way."

The fiend gives you a not too subtle wink before slinking up a small ladder that leads to a good view of the table top on a raised platform, where she spreads out one graceful arm to show-off the tables contents that lay out large as a burial mound upon the straining table. A muffled cry comes from whatever is laid out, the Yugoloth motioning you up to join her on the platform.

Ronthias and Halidon, Graet Gymnasium

Rhys shrugs slightly as she nudges open the door behind her. The candle is quickly outshined by th radiance coming from inside the door. As you wish, but I'm afraid contact isn't likely to shed any further understanding.

Inside the chamber is a world of green and yellow light, as your vision adjusts to the bright light you begin to make out shapes and outlines. The room is built of the same dark marble veined with gold as the rest of the Gymnasium, but this mateiral is hard to notice under the layers of glowing writing that fill every nook and cranny. One rune you recognize immeadiately as Halidons name written in common, and most others are discernible when focused on. The runes are a mish-mash of languages and phrases seemingly made of green light. Portions of the writing name locations while othes are recognizable as the names of gods and specific exemplars. Some of the writing is discernable as rhyme or prophecy, but none of it makes any sense when tried to read as a whole, you find yourself forgetting portions as your focus moves from one glowing word to the next. In the middle of the small room is a hafling man, barely recognizable as Vash the Tacit. His eyes are puckered sockets while his mouth is an open cavity from which comes droplets of saliva and blood. Iron plates are grafted on where his ears and hands used to be, the hafling barely holds a large stick with green writing on one end, rapidly scribbling out more of the cryptic writing. Rhys stays a few feet outside of the room, facing you from the exit.

"Vash was the lead of a small group of Transcendants who called themselves the Eclipsed, they were devoted to listening to the Cadence by closing off their own senses, believing that they only cloud their judgement as much as thoughts do. His injuries were self-inflicted, but were not this extreme before madness change came over him. I personally locked him within one of the lower chambers for his own safety since last night, I have not the heart to take him to the Gatehouse, but he seems to have snuck up here without any sort of spell or power, he's been writing and refusing food or water since. I've heard of symptoms such as these before within the Athar, when a cleric first abandons their god, if the entity has a particularly vengeful history. Our diviners have been able to discern a portion of what Vash, or the entity possessing him, is trying to communicate. A god has died with no trace of its corpse floating within the astral, commnication with both its realm and its followers, both extra and prima planar has failed. Halidon here is the only connection to the now nameless god, we have divined it has something to do with your blade."

Mie Ying, Clerks Ward

Cosh responds over his shoulder as he trots on through Sigils dark and hazy streets, fast enough to make you hurry but not so fast as to loose you in the fog.

"Me? I've a mind for trouble, an eye for jink, and that's as far as you need to know. This is a favor to a friend and not to any thought police faction. Ah, here we are then."

Now a few blocks from the Hall of Speakers, Cosh has stoppped near the ajar entrance to a house built somwhat under the street level, he points a hand downward and into the tavern of The Imaginary Meal.

"You'll find Duhrquest down there, feel free to ask around for him as that's an all Seekers bar anyway."

Voidrunner's Codex

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