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First Post

Name: Jema
Race: Genasi (earth)
Class: Monk 4
Hp: 31
Init: +2 (dex)
Speed: 40ft (8 squares)
AC: 18 (+2 dex, +3 wis, +3 defense)
Base Attack/Grapple: +3, grapple +6
Attack: +6 (1d8+3, unarmed) or +6 (1d6+3, quarterstaff)
Full Attack: Flurry +4/+4 (1d8+3, unarmed) or +4/+4 (1d6+3, quarterstaff)
Special Attacks: Stunning Fist (DC 15) 5/day, flurry of blows,
Special Qualities: Ki strike (magic), evasion, still mind, slow fall 20ft, pass without trace 1/day, darkvision 60ft, +1 saves on earth-related effects
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7 (+9 vs. enchantment)
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Skills: Jump +10[1], Tumble +9[7], Climb +11[6], Hide +8[6], Move Silent +8[6], Knowledge (local) +3[2], Balance +4[2], Slight of Hand +4[2], Spot +3[0], Listen +3[0]
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike (B), Stunning Fist(B) Fiery Fist (B), Dodge, Power Attack
Align: Lawful Neutral
Languages: Common, Gith
Faction: None
Possessions: Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x2, Armbands of Might, Peraphit of wisdom +2, quarterstaff, traveler’s outfit. 200gp

Small and slim at an even five feet, Jema does not strike the imposing figure some earth genasi do. She dresses simply: a leather jerkin, trousers and a green hood. She wears no gloves or boots; she’s never been able to find such garments that fit over her overly large hands and feet. Her eyes are light blue, the same color as sapphires and her black hair, mostly concealed by her hood, is black.

Dour like most earth genasi, Jema is rather quiet prefering to observe rather then be involved. She often lingers at the edge of a group seeming as part of it but staying behind when they eventually leave. If acosted or teased because of her appearance she is quick to defend herself and willing to scrap any berk who doesn’t back off.

Orphaned at a young age she grew up on the streets, stealing what she could or showing some berk around the Market Ward. She learned how to fight from the streets and by watching bar brawls; particualarly when any githzeri were involved. Their fluid movements facinated her and she mimicked them whenever she could.


First Post


Female Human, 3rd-Level Human Paragon/2nd-Level Sorcerer (XP 10,000)
Medium Humanoid (Human)

Hit Dice: 3d8+6 plus 2d4+4 (34 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 16 (+4 Defense, +2 Dex), touch 16, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+2
Attack: -
Full Attack: -
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spells
Special Qualities: Adaptive Learning (Use Magic Device), Metamagic Specialist
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 20(22)
Skills: Bluff +11(5), Concentration +10(8), Diplomacy +11(1), Knowledge (arcana) +7(5), Knowledge (religion) +4(2), Knowledge (the planes) +4(2), Listen +5(6), Sense Motive +5(6), Spellcraft +10(6), Spot +5(6), Tumble* +6(4); * Armor Check Penalty 0
Feats: Simple Weapon Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency (Rapier), Light Armor Proficiency, Able Learner, Illithid Bloodline, Mother Cyst, Spell Focus (enchantment)
Faction: none
Patron Deity: Boccob
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Llyra stands 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs 124 pounds. She is 23 years old. Her shoulder-long, black hair is worn open, with a few strands framing her fine-featured face with mysterious purple eyes. Her pale skin also has a slightly purplish hue. Llyra's slender figure is usually wrapped loosely in comfortable black cloth, with a grey-green hooded cloak wrapped around her shoulders and soft leather boots at her feet. She also wears an unostentatious silver headband.

Llyra speaks Common, Abyssal, Draconic and Infernal.

Spells: As 4th-level sorcerer
Sorcerer Spells Known (6/8/5; save DC 16 + spell level, +1 enchantment):
0 - Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation;
1st - Shield, Ray of Enfeeblement, Backbiter [SC], Hypnotism (Bloodline), Necrotic Awareness [LM] (Cyst);
2nd - Summon Undead II [SC], Detect Thoughts (Bloodline), Necrotic Cyst [LM] (Cyst), Necrotic Scrying [LM] (Cyst).

Equipment: Traveler's Outfit, Vestment of Many Styles, Heward's Handy Haversack, Bedroll, Winter Blanket, Belt Pouch, Scroll Case, Silk Rope (100 ft.), Sack (2), Waterskin, Spell Component Pouch (2), Headband of Disguise, Cloak of Charisma +2, Wand of Benign Transposition (30 charges) in wrist-sheath; 196 gp, 2 sp, 0 cp.

Background: [SBLOCK]Over a century ago, Garda became free. She had been a slave to the illithids, the mind-flayers as they are more commonly known, until then. Her life, if it could be called that, had been pure torture; these horrifying creatures did unspeakable things to her, her body and her mind. But Garda managed to flee. When she later had children, they were half-human, half-abomination; the graftings had altered her in such a way, that her offspring was likewise marked for life. Hairless, black-eyed creatures with purplish skin and small tentacles sprouting from their mouths.

Generations later, Llyra was born into the line. As a distant descendant of Garda, and having given birth by a human mother (her father comes from Garda's line), she was the first of Garda's descendants to appear mostly human; only her strange purple eyes and the slight purplish hue of her skin still showing her ancestry. This was enough, of course, to be marked as an outsider in human society, and so Llyra had it rough to make new friends during her childhood, despite being a rather good-looking and open-minded girl.

Through her mother, Llyra was gifted with a talent for sorcery, and thanks to her strange ancestors she had it easy to learn to use it. It was her mother as well, that showed her the darker sides of magic, and trained her in necromancy, which Llyra immediately had a strange allure to. Only later she had learned, that her mother had given her another gift shortly after she was born. The internal cyst of undead flesh is hidden deep under her skin, and over time Llyra learned to call upon its necrotic powers.

It was only a matter of time, that Llyra's desire grew to leave her home and find a place where she was not looked down on. When she came upon the strange flickering portal in a distant place, it only took a few moments for her to make up her mind. And then she stepped through it...[/SBLOCK]
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Deuce Traveler

Noch, Shadowswyft Rogue 4

Player: Deuce Traveler

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: Olidammara
Size: Medium
Type: Outsider
Base Speed: 40'
Faction: Xaositects

Str: 10 (+0) 0 pts
Dex: 23 (+6) 16 pts (+2 racial to Dex, +1 at level up, +2 from gloves)
Con: 10 (+0) 4 pts (-2 to Con)
Int: 14 (+2) 6 pts
Wis: 12 (+1) 4 pts
Cha: 10 (+0) 0 pts

HP: 18 (17)

AC: 24

Fortitude: +1 (1 Base)
Reflex: +9 (4 Base +5 Dex)
Will: +2 (1 Base +1 Wis)

Init: +7

Base attack bonus: +3

Cold Iron Masterwork Short Sword: Melee +10, Damage 1D6, 19-20 x2
Masterwork Alchemical Silver Kukri: Melee +10, Damage 1D4, 18-20 x2
Dual-Wield: Melee +8/+8
Light Crossbow: +9, Range 80ft, Damage 1D8, 19-20 x2

Languages: Shadowswyft, Common, Abyssal, Celestial

Skills (70 pts total)
- Disable Device +11 (7 ranks)
- Hide +17 (7 ranks)
- Move Silently +17 (7 ranks)
- Open Lock +15 (7 ranks)
- Search +9 (7 ranks)
- Sleight of Hand +13 (7 ranks)
- Tumble +13 (7 ranks)
- Use Magical Device +7 (7 ranks)
- Balance +8 (2 ranks)
- Use Rope +10 (4 ranks)
- Escape Artist +8 (2 ranks)
- Knowledge, the planes +6 (4 ranks)
- Listen +2 (1 rank)
- Spot +2 (1 rank)

Weapon Finesse, Two Weapon Fighting

Class Abilities: Sneak Attack +2D6, Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense +1, Uncanny Dodge

Shadowswyft Qualities:
+2 Dex, -2 Con
Medium Outsider, Immune to spells that affect only humanoids
40 feet base speed
Low-light and Darkvision to 120 feet
Light Blindness (Ex): Blinded for first round of sunlight or brighter, dazzled for rest
+2 bonus Init checks
+4 to Hide and Move Silently
Level Adjustment: +1

Equipment: Gloves of Dexterity (+2), Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Mithral Shirt +1,
Masterwork Cold Iron Short Sword, Masterwork Alchemical Silver Kukri, Light Crossbow,
Bolts: 20, Backpack, Winter Blanket, Trail Rations (5), Waterskin, Masterwork Thieves Tools,
29 gp, some jink, tobacco pouch, pan pipes, Masterwork Short Sword, Masterwork Dagger

Weight Carried: 40 lbs

Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: Black
Skin: Black
Hair: Black, but shaved

Tall, gaunt, and dark, Noch lives up to his namesake. A shadowswyft, he normally communicates more with his hands then he does vocally. Noch carries his blades in scabbards hanging from his hip, and his crossbow strapped onto the side of his backpack behind him.

Noch is having a bit of a crisis of faith. He used to revel in chaos and disharmony until the
shadowswyft found himself and his few friends having to react to the devestation of the Faction War. Before the assault on the Doomguard Armory, Noch could have been considered a fanatic of the belief that change was always for the better, and that order lead to complacency and waste. Only when people were forced to change could they be at their best. The roots of this ideal began to be cut as Noch and his friends watched as the Doomguard Armory was shaken by a joint strike of its enemies. During the battle, Noch and three buddies attempted to slip inside and strip the bodies of the fallen. Two of Noch's friends were killed getting inside, while another was distintegrated by a sphere of annihilation on the way out. The emotional trauma caused the first crisis of faith.

The second crisis occurred shortly after as Sigil was attacked by creatures from the abyss. The Blood War spilled into Sigil, causing all able-bodied adventurers to attempt to repel the
invaders. During the fighting, Noch was knocked down by a black abishi. Only the quick intervention of a Harmonium officer saved the shadowswyft, although this man was also soon killed. Noch hid in a corner and nursed his wounds as he watched various acts of greatness and heroism performed by many of the believers of order. Something stirred in Noch's heart... a feeling that he hasn't been able to describe, but what others would call loss. As Noch watched heroes die and the Lower Ward burn around him, he thought of his friends, and regretted the events of the last few weeks. For the first time in his life he wished that nothing had changed.

Noch is still a member of the Xaositects, but he admits to himself that something has altered in himself. A small fraction of himself now has an appreciation for order. Others would consider Noch to seem more focused and sane. Noch himself feels that he is in the middle of a conflict that will end in a refound appreciation for chaos, a better understanding of order, or even insanity. For now he seeks new truths in Sigil, but is not adverse to taking the odd mercenary job in the hopes to discover a deeper understanding of the multiverse.

Noch has started an annoying, 'orderly' habit he cannot break. Before attempting to pick a lock or disable a trap, he know gives a silent gesture of worship to the god of thieves. He had rarely given Olidammara a passing thought before the Faction War. His finds his new compulsion as annoying as it is irresistable.
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Name: Tyrjon Ancynd
Class: Swordsage
Race: Tuladhara, Male
Alignment: True Neutral (formerly Neutral Good)
Faction: Fated (Though he still believes in their principles, he has distanced himself from the faction in the last few years.)
Deity: The Asgardian Pantheon (loosely), Odin (pays some homage to).
Languages: Common (Planar Trade), Celestial, Infernal
Level: 4
Hit Points: 35 (11 + 8 + 8 + 8)

Strength: 14
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 18 (20 w. Periapt of Wisdom)
Charisma: 10

32 point buy, +2 Wis, +2 Con
Level 4: +1 Wis

Init: +3 (+2 Dex, +1 QtA)

AC: 21 (+4 DB, +2 Dex, +5 Wis)
Touch: 21 (+4 DB, +2 Dex, +5 Wis)
Flat-footed: 14 (+4 DB)

DR: 2/- (Mithril Chain Shirt)

Saving Throws:
Fort: +4
Ref: +6
Will: +9

Racial Abilities:
+2 Con, +2 Wis.
Outsider: Extraplanar subtype, Immune to spells or effects that affect only humanoids (Charm/Dominate Person)
Darkvision: 60 ft
Magic Circle against Alignment: as spell, 1/Day. Caster level = character level
Resistance to Acid 5, Sonic 5 & Electricity 5
LA +1

Class Abilities:
1st Level:
- Discipline Focus: Weapon Focus with all Diamond Mind Weapons. (Rapier, Shortspear, Bastard Sword and Trident)

- Quick to Act: +1 on Init. Rolls

2nd Level:
- AC Bonus: Wis bonus to AC in light armor, unencumbered and no shield.

4th Level:
- Insightful Strike: Add Wis bonus to damage w. strikes from the Desert Wind Path.

1st Level:
- Extra Readied Maneuver - Ready one more maneuver from maneuvers known.

3rd Level:
- Combat Expertise: Trade Attack Bonus for AC (max. 5 pts).

Disciplines Available: Desert Wind, Diamond Mind, Setting Sun, Shadow Hand, Stone Dragon and Tiger Claw

Maneuvers Known: 9
1. Sudden Leap (Tiger Claw Boost): 1st level. Jump as a Swift Action.
2. Moment of Perfect Mind (Diamond Mind Counter): 1st level. Immediate Action. Use Concentration Check in place of Will Save.
3. Burning Blade (Desert Wind Boost): 1st level. Swift Action. Deal 1d6+1/Init. lvl fire damage for remainder of your turn.
4. Counter Charge (Setting Sun Counter): 1st level. Immediate Action. Make an opposed Str or Dex check (my choice), foes uses same stat I do. +4 on Str check if I’m larger, +4 on Dex check if I’m smaller. Succeed and I get to move 2 squares in any direction and avoid attack. Fail and foe gains an additional +2 to attack.
5. Sapphire Nightmare Blade (Diamond Mind Strike): 1st level. Standard Action. Make a Concentration Check, DC equal to target’s AC. If successful, target is flat-footed and you deal +1d6 damage. If it fails, take a -2 penalty to attack.
6. Stone Bones (Stone Dragon Strike): 1st level. Standard Action. If you hit your target you gain DR 5/adamantine for 1 round.
7. Emerald Razor (Diamond Mind Strike): 2nd level. Standard Action. Turn melee strike into touch attack.
8. Mountain Hammer (Stone Dragon Strike): 2nd level. Standard Action. +2d6 damage, attack ignores all hardness and DR.
9. Burning Brand (Desert Wind Boost): 2nd level. Swift Action. Normal damage (but now fire-based) and reach increases by 5 ft. for the round.

Maneuvers Readied: 6 (5 + 1 ERM feat)
Typically has Burning Brand, Mountain Hammer, Emerald Razor, Burning Blade, Stone Bones and Sudden Leap readied.

Stances Known: 2
- A stance is always “on”, and is changed with a swift action. Tyrjon typically has Child of Shadow active.
1. Step of the Wind (Setting Sun): Ignore all penalties to speed, movement and skill checks incurred by moving through difficult terrain. Gain a +2 to attack rolls and a +4 bonus to Str & Dex checks as part of a bull rush or trip vs opponents moving through difficult terrain.
2. Child of Shadow (Shadow Hand): If you move 10 feet during a round shadows curl around you and you gain concealment (20% miss chance) against all melee attacks and missile attacks until the start of your next turn.

Skill Points: 49 (1st lvl: 28, 2nd – 4th lvl: 21)
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (History, Local, Nature and Nobility and Royalty), Listen, Martial Lore, Move Silently, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim and Tumble.

Concentration: +10 (7 Ranks, +3 Con)
Control (Planescape): +10 (5 Ranks, +5 Wis)
Jump: +11 (7 Ranks, +2 Str, +2 Synergy)
Knowledge (the Planes): +6 (5 Ranks, +1 Int)
Survival: +9/+11 (4 Ranks, +5 Wis) (+2 Synergy on other planes)
Tumble: +11 (7 Ranks, +2 Dex, +2 Synergy)
Spot: +12 (7 Ranks, +5 Wis)
Listen: +12 (7 Ranks, +5 Wis)

Balance: +4 (0 Ranks, +2 Dex, +2 Synergy)
Heal: +5 (0 Ranks, +5 Wis)
Sense Motive: +5 (0 Ranks, +5 Wis)

Mithril Chain Shirt (1,100 gp) [10 lbs]
+2 AC, DR 2/-
Max. Dex: +6, No ACP

ACP: 0

Bastard Sword +1, wielded two-handed (2,335 gp)
- Attack +7 (+3 SS, +2 Str, +1 WF, +1 Magic)
- Damage: 1d10+4 (+3 Str, +1 Magic)
- Damage: 1d10+9 when executing Desert Wind strikes. (+5 Wis)
- Crit: 19-20 x2; Weight: 6 lbs.

Shortspears (4) (4 gp)
- Attack (melee): +6 (+3 SS, +2 Str, +1 WF)
- Damage (melee): 1d6+3 (+3 Str)
- Attack (thrown): +6 (+3 SS, +2 Dex, +1 WF)
- Damage (melee): 1d6+2 (+2 Str)
- Range: 20 ft.
- Crit: 20 x2; Weight: 12 lbs (3 lbs. each)

Misc. Magic:
Periapt of Wisdom +2 (4,000 gp)

Light Warhorse, Bit & Bridle, Riding Saddle & Saddlebags (166 gp)
- Traveler’s Outfit (1 gp) [5 lbs]
- Explorer’s Outfit (10 gp) [8 lbs]
- Noble’s Outfit (75 gp) [10 lbs]
- Rations, traveling 1 week. (3.5 gp) [7 lbs]
- Waterskin (1 gp) [4 lbs]
- Flint & Steel (1 gp)
- Tent (10 gp) [20 lbs]
- Bedroll (1 sp) [5 lbs]
- 5 Sacks
- 50 ft Silk Rope & Grapple (11 gp) [9 lbs]

Backpack (2 gp) [2 lbs]
- Chalk
- 10 Sheets of Parchment (2 gp)
- Ink (8 gp)
- Inkpen (1 sp)

Carrying Capacity:
Light Load: 0-58 lbs.
Medium Load: 59-116 lbs.
Heavy Load: 117-175 lbs.
Current Load: 27 lbs.

Skin: “Dusky.” A slightly metallic warm grey.
Hair: Shoulder-length iron-black hair, braided in a few areas
Eyes: Emerald Green, glows with a slightly opalescent light in the dark.
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 168 lbs.
Age: 25

Wealth: 1,270 gp, 3 sp

Description: Tyrjon typically wears his midnight-blue mithril chain shirt beneath a soft, silver-trimmed leather shortcoat. The bracers he wears are each adorned with an intricately woven and highly stylized Norse rune of silver and gold as is the buckle on his belt. He wears dark grey-blue breeches and soft, dark leather boots wrapped in the Norse style. While riding he’ll typically wear a ratty, broad-rimmed hat but is fairly protective of it and won’t go into combat with it. Though his grandfather was Rilmani, Tyrjon was raised by his human father on Ysgard after a falling out with his Half-Rilmani mother.

History: Secret... ;)

Dire Lemming

First Post
Name: Kyran
Race: Aasimar
Class: Bard 4
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: NG

Str: 10 +0		ECL: 5		XP: 6000
Dex: 16 +3		BAB: +3		HP: 9 of 18
Con 10 +0		Grapple: +3
Int: 14 +2		Speed: 30
Wis: 14 +2		Init: +3
Cha: 18 +4

	Total	Base	Armor	Shield	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc	Class
AC:	18	10	1	0	+3	0	0	0	4
Touch: 	17	Flat-footed: 15

	Total	Base	Mod	Misc
Fort:	1	+1
Ref:	7	+4	+3
Will:	6	+4	+2

Weapon				Attack	Damage	Critical	Range/Reach
Whip +1				+7	1d3+1	x2		0 / 10
Masterwork Light Repeating Xbow	+7	1d8	19-20 x2	80 / 0

Planer Trade
Dabus Rebuses

Bardic Music
Bardic Knowledge
Inspire Courage +1
Inspire Competence

Weapon Finesse
Combat Expertise

Skills				Total	Ranks	Mod	Misc
Appraise			2	0	2	
Balance				5	0	3	2
Bluff				11	7	4	
Climb				0	0	0	
Craft				2	0	1	
Diplomacy			15	7	4	4
Disguise			4	0	4	
Escape Artist			3	0	3	
Forgery				2	0	2	
Gather Information		9	5	4	
Heal				2	0	2	
Hide				3	0	3	
Intimidate			6	0	4	2
Jump				2	0	0	2
Knowledge (the planes)		7	5	2
Knowledge (Sigil)		4	2	2
Listen				4	0	2	2
Move Silently			3	0	3	
Perform (Sing)			11	7	4	
Ride				3	0	3	
Search				2	0	2	
Sense Motive			9	7	2	
Speak Language			-	2	-	
Spot				4	0	2	2
Survival			2	0	2	
Swim				0	0	0	
Tumble				10	7	3	
Use Rope			6	3.5	3	

0 – Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Lullaby, Mending, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
1 – Charm Person, Stay the Hand, Impassion
2 – Suggestion, Tongues

Inventory:				Cost:		Weight
Heward’s Handy Haversack		2000 gp		5 lb.
Whip +1					2301 gp		2 lb.
Masterwork Light Repeating Xbow		550 gp		6 lb.
1 Bolt Clip (5 bolts)			1 gp		1 lb.
Leather Armor				10 gp		15 lb.
Ring of Feather Falling			2200 gp		-

Total Weight: 29 lb.

In Haversack:
9 Bolt Clips (45 bolts)			9 gp		9 lb.
Redroll					1 sp		5 lb.
Scroll Case x2				2 gp		1 lb.
Ink					8 gp		-
Inkpen					1 sp		-
Paper x10				4 gp		-
Trail Rations x3			2 gp		4 lb.
Tent					10 gp		20 lb.
Silk Rope (50 feet)			10 gp		5 lb.
Small Steel Mirror			10 gp		.5 lb.
Waterskin				1 gp		4 lb.
Bullseye Lantern			12 gp		3 lb.
Oil (1 pint flask) x4			4 sp		4 lb.
Flint and Steel				1 gp		-
Explorer’s Outfit			10 gp		8 lb.


		Light		Medium		Heavy		Lift	Drag
Weight Limit:	33 lb. or less	34 – 66 lb.	67 – 100 lb.	200 lb.	500 lb.

Age: 27
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 152 lb.
Eyes: blue
Hair: blond
Skin: pale

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